

Some of the best designers are also some of the best storytellers. I don’t think this is a coincidence.

一些最好的设计师也是一些最好的讲故事的人。 我不认为这是巧合。

This is because good designers think about design in terms of stories — frame by frame narratives that illustrate a user’s journey through a product.


One of the things that taught me how to be a better story teller — and inadvertently a more empathetic designer — is photography. This is because photography helps frame your mind. It makes you think about interactions in terms of characters, settings, and outcomes, key components in product narratives.

摄影是教会我如何成为一个更好的故事讲述者,而无意间成为一个更具同理心的设计师的事情之一。 这是因为摄影可以帮助您构想。 它使您可以根据字符,设置和结果(产品说明中的关键组成部分)来考虑交互。

This past year, I challenged myself to experiment with photography. I learned that photography refines mechanical skills, like your ability to compose images and create balance. It also teaches you how to use imagery as a way of capturing and conveying stories and experiences.

在过去的一年中,我挑战自己尝试摄影。 我了解到摄影可以提高机械技巧,例如您构图和创造平衡的能力。 它还教您如何使用图像作为捕捉和传达故事和体验的方式。

Here are some photographs and stories that I’ve collected. Hopefully, they encourage you to look at other mediums outside of design to develop your unique style and perspective as a designer.

这是我收集的一些照片和故事。 希望他们鼓励您去研究设计之外的其他媒介,以发展自己作为设计师的独特风格和观点。

新城市,新工作,新生活 (New city, new job, new life)

This photo was taken in New York. I was wandering around Midtown and happened on a park squished between two office buildings. I loved the lighting so I decided to stop and take some photos.

这张照片是在纽约拍摄的。 我在中城四处游荡,碰巧在两座办公大楼之间挤成一片的公园里。 我喜欢照明,所以决定停下来拍照。

At the time, I wanted to focus on people as my subjects. This is because photographing people is hard. You have capture their emotions and character while reconciling that with your own artistic vision.

当时,我想专注于以为本。 这是因为拍摄人物很难。 您已经捕捉到了他们的情感和性格,同时又将它们与自己的艺术视野相协调。

I looked around for a candidate and noticed a person sitting on a bench in the park. I went up to her and asked her if it was okay to include her a photo. This part is always nerve wracking. Some people yes, a lot of people say no. In her case, she was completely fine with it.

我四处寻找候选人,发现有人坐在公园的长凳上。 我向她走去,问她是否可以包括她的照片。 这部分总是让人神经nerve。 有些人是,很多人说不。 就她而言,她对此完全满意。

And I’m glad I asked. I can’t remember her name but her back story always stuck with me.

我很高兴我问了。 我不记得她的名字了,但她的故事总是在我心中。

Up until a few weeks ago, her and her husband had been working full-time in London. But her husband had recently found a new job in New York. So they decided to move. This meant that they had to uproot their lives and move to a completely new city.

直到几周前,她和丈夫一直在伦敦全职工作。 但是她的丈夫最近在纽约找到了一份新工作。 因此,他们决定搬家。 这意味着他们不得不重新生活,搬到一个全新的城市。

As it turns out, the moment captured in the photo was right after her very first job interview. New city, new job, new life.

事实证明,照片中捕捉到的那一刻是在她第一次面试之后。 新城市,新工作,新生活。

在城市的屋顶上 (On a roof in a city)

This photo was taken at night at Top of The Rock. It’s an observation deck that offers a breathtaking view of New York. The story behind this photo has to do with the person I met in the process of getting this photo.

这张照片是晚上在“岩石之巅”上拍摄的。 这是一个观景台,可欣赏纽约的壮丽景色。 这张照片背后的故事与我在获得这张照片的过程中遇到的人有关。

It was around golden hour, the last hour of sunlight in a day. I was taking photos of the skyline when someone tapped my shoulder. It was a girl. She saw my camera, and she wanted me to take a photo of her with the city in the background.

那是黄金时间,一天中的最后一小时。 当有人轻拍我的肩膀时,我正在为天际线拍照。 那是一个女孩。 她看到了我的相机,想让我在背景中的城市拍下她的照片。

I asked her if the photo was for anything specific. Apparently, every year around Christmas, she would send out a Christmas card. The cover was always a picture of her holding a sign that said “Merry Christmas.”

我问她照片是否特定。 显然,每年圣诞节前后,她都会寄出一张圣诞贺卡。 封面永远是她举着标语“圣诞快乐”的照片。

What caught my attention was how much she loved to travel. Every year, the picture was in a different country. In order to keep traveling, she had decided to become a flight attendant for Lufthansa, the German airline.

引起我注意的是她非常喜欢旅行。 每年,图片都在不同的国家。 为了继续旅行,她决定成为德国航空公司汉莎航空的乘务员。

That was her very last night in New York. The next day, she was on a plane to Germany to start her training.

那是她在纽约的最后一晚。 第二天,她乘飞机去德国开始训练。

从铁器时代的堡垒到强盗 (From iron age forts to bandits)

When I was in New York, I stayed at the home of two long-time friends of my dad, a husband and wife.


Mark, the husband, is one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met. In his youth, hitchhiking was his passion. Early on, he spent his days hitchhiking across the U.S, as far south as New Orleans, and as far north as Alaska.

丈夫马克是我见过的最有趣的人之一。 在他的青年时代,搭便车是他的热情。 早些时候,他花了一天的时间在全美搭便车,最南端是新奥尔良,最北端是阿拉斯加。

Between 1978 and 1980, Mark hitchhiked around the world. His experiences shaped his personality, from discovering iron age forts in archeological forays in Scotland to being held up by bandits in the Iranian desert with an entire camp of refugees.

1978年至1980年之间,马克在世界各地搭便车。 他的经历塑造了他的个性,从在苏格兰的考古工作中发现铁器时代的堡垒,到在伊朗沙漠中的土匪与整个难民营所阻止。

This photo is a reminder of Mark and his stories.


地铁中的善意 (Kindness in the subway)

This picture was taken on my last day in the subway. I was on my way to the airport when I encountered a trumpet player in the subway.

这张照片是我在地铁的最后一天拍摄的。 当我在地铁里遇到一个小号手时,我正在去机场。

There was a homeless person laying down across from the trumpet player. After playing a set, the trumpet player took a break and bought out a saran- wrapped sandwich from his bag.

小号演奏家对面躺着一个无家可归的人。 玩完比赛后,小号手休息了一会,从包里买了一个萨兰包裹的三明治。

Instead of taking a bite into it the sandwich, the trumpet player split it in half. He offered one half to the man lying on the other side of the hall, and bit into the other half.

小号手没有咬一口三明治,而是将其切成两半。 他向大厅另一侧的那个人提供了一半,然后咬住了另一半。

This exchange felt so genuine. There were no strings attached. After donating a small amount to both gentlemen, I asked the trumpet player if I could take a photo of him.

这次交流是如此真实。 没有附加条件。 向两位先生捐款后,我问小号手是否可以给他拍照。

Now, every time I look at this photo, it reminds me of this story.


What stories do you have? What are some favorite photographs that remind you of them? Leave me a note here or tweet them to me on Twitter.

你有什么故事? 有哪些最喜欢的照片让您想起它们? 这里留给我笔记或鸣叫他们给我的Twitter。

You can find me on Medium where I publish every week. Or you can follow me on Twitter, where I post non-sensical ramblings about design, front-end development, and virtual reality.

您可以在我每周出版的Medium上找到我。 或者,您可以在Twitter上关注我,在该处我发布有关设计,前端开发和虚拟现实的无意义的杂谈。

P.S. If you enjoyed this article, it would mean a lot if you click the ? and share with friends.

PS:如果您喜欢这篇文章,那么如果单击“?”将有很多意义。 并与朋友分享。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/photos-and-stories-from-a-designer-5ee97750ae5/


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