需要惊人的免费编码教程吗? 订阅这些YouTube频道。

by Beau Carnes


需要出色的免费编码教程吗? 订阅这些YouTube频道。 (Want excellent free coding tutorials? Subscribe to these YouTube channels.)

There are so many great FREE software tutorials and courses on YouTube!


I run the freeCodeCamp ad-free YouTube channel. We have full video courses and tutorials on many popular programming languages and frameworks (including JavaScript, Python, Java, Ruby, C, C++, Angular, and more).

我运行freeCodeCamp无广告的YouTube频道 。 我们有许多流行的编程语言和框架,完整的视频课程和教程(包括JavaScript的的PythonJava的RubyÇC ++ ,和更多 )。

I’ve also come across many other YouTube channels that provide amazing free programming tutorials. The free tutorials on these channels are as good or better than ones you would pay for.

我还遇到了许多其他YouTube频道,这些频道都提供了惊人的免费编程教程。 这些频道上的免费教程比您要付费的更好或更好。

In this article I list ten YouTube channels you should subscribe to if you want to improve your coding skills. These are in no particular order.

在本文中,我列出了十个YouTube频道,如果您想提高自己的编码技能,则应该订阅。 这些没有特别的顺序。

It can be very helpful to watch tutorials on the same topic from different creators. Learning from multiple perspectives can help you understand the concepts in a deeper way.

观看来自不同创作者的同一主题的教程可能会非常有帮助。 从多个角度学习可以帮助您更深入地理解概念。

There are many great channels that I did not have room for on this list. Let people know in the comment section about other channels they should check out for free programming tutorials.

有很多很棒的频道,我在此列表中没有空间。 在评论部分让人们知道有关其他频道的信息,他们应该查看免费的编程教程。

编码火车 (Coding Train)

The Coding TrainIn this YouTube channel I publish "creative coding" video tutorials every week. Subjects covered range from the basics…www.youtube.com

编码培训 在我这个YouTube频道中,我每周都会发布“创意编码”视频教程。 涵盖的主题涵盖基础知识…… www.youtube.com

It takes a lot of skill to record high quality tutorials live with no editing. But that is exactly what Daniel Shiffman of Coding Train does. His teaches complicated topics in a fun way that is easy to understand for beginners. Once you see the channel’s introduction video, you will know why you need to subscribe immediately.

无需编辑即可实时录制高质量的教程,需要大量技能。 但这正是Coding Train的Daniel Shiffman所做的。 他以有趣的方式教授复杂的主题,对于初学者来说很容易理解。 观看频道的介绍视频后,您将知道为什么需要立即订阅。

遍历媒体 (Traversy Media)

Traversy MediaTraversy Media features the best online web development and programming tutorials for all of the latest web…www.youtube.com

Traversy Media Traversy Media拥有适用于所有最新网络的最佳在线Web开发和编程教程。www.youtube.com

Brad Traversy’s passion for excellence really shows off in his videos. His no-fluff style is friendly and down-to-earth. He seems to understand exactly what self-taught programmers need to know. His channel features tutorials on a wide variety of web development frameworks and languages.

布拉德·特拉弗西(Brad Traversy)对卓越的热情在他的视频中得以体现。 他的蓬松风格友好而踏实。 他似乎完全了解自学成才的程序员需要知道的内容。 他的频道提供有关各种Web开发框架和语言的教程。

德里克·巴纳斯(Derek Banas) (Derek Banas)

Derek BanasI make tutorials based on your requests. I will cover any topic you can imagine. I upload new programming videos on…www.youtube.com

Derek Banas 我根据您的要求制作教程。 我将介绍您可以想象的任何主题。 我将新的编程视频上传到… www.youtube.com

Derek Banas is truly the jack-of-all trades programmer. He has professional-level tutorials on almost all popular (and some less popular) programming languages. He currently has more subscribers than anyone else on this list and it is completely deserved. His channel is a good first place to look if you want to learn a programming language.

Derek Banas是真正的万事通程序员。 他提供了几乎所有流行(和不那么流行)编程语言的专业级教程。 目前,他的订阅人数超过了该列表中的任何其他订阅者,这是完全应得的。 如果您想学习编程语言,那么他的频道是一个很好的起点。

LearnCode.academy (LearnCode.academy)

LearnCode.academy100% FREE Web Development tutorials, web site design tutorials and more. Including, but not limited to: HTML, CSS…www.youtube.com

LearnCode.academy 100%免费的Web开发教程,网站设计教程等。 包括但不限于:HTML,CSS… www.youtube.com

Will Stern from LeanCode.academy brings almost 20 years of web development experience to his tutorials. He has an amazing full course that covers everything you need to know to become a web developer.

LeanCode.academy的Will Stern将近20年的Web开发经验带到了他的教程中。 他的课程非常精彩,涵盖了成为Web开发人员所需的所有知识。

开发技巧/ FunFunFunction (Dev Tips / FunFunFunction)

DevTipsDevTips is a weekly show for YOU who want to be inspired ? and learn ? about programming. Hosted by David and MPJ …www.youtube.com

DevTips DevTips是为您想要激发灵感的每周表演。 和学习? 关于编程。 由David和MPJ托管... ww w.youtube.com

Dev Tips has been around for a while but was recently taken over by David and MPJ. MPJ also runs the Fun Fun Function channel. Both are very helpful channels but Dev Tips has more tutorials than FunFunFunction. DevTips is a great channel if you want tutorials about JavaScript frameworks.

Dev Tips已经存在了一段时间,但最近被David和MPJ接管。 MPJ还运行Fun Fun Function频道。 两者都是非常有用的渠道,但是“开发技巧”比FunFunFunction拥有更多的教程。 如果您需要有关JavaScript框架的教程,DevTips是一个不错的渠道。

LevelUpTuts (LevelUpTuts)

LevelUpTutsTLDR; 840+ free video tutorials created, recorded, edited, published and maintained by Scott Tolinski. The Story Level…www.youtube.com

LevelUpTuts TLDR; 斯科特·托林斯基(Scott Tolinski)创建,录制,编辑,发布和维护了840多个免费视频教程。 故事级别… www.youtube.com

LevelUpTuts has more tutorial videos that most other programming channels. This is a great channel to learn web development best practices. There is a focus on front-end frameworks. Scott Tolinski from LevelUpTuts also hosts one of the best web development podcast, Syntax.

与大多数其他编程频道相比,LevelUpTuts具有更多的教程视频。 这是学习Web开发最佳实践的好渠道。 重点关注前端框架。 LevelUpTuts的Scott Tolinski还主持了最好的Web开发播客之一Syntax

网络忍者 (The Net Ninja)

The Net NinjaBlack-belt your development skills. Tutorials on Node.js, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Vue.js, React and much more…www.youtube.com

Net Ninja束缚 您的开发技能。 有关Node.js,JavaScript,CSS,HTML,Vue.js,React等的教程…… www.youtube.com

When Shaun from The Net Ninja says he will help you black-belt your development skills, he isn’t kidding. These are high quality tutorials that cover full stack web development. And everyone loves a UK accent, right?

当《网络忍者》的肖恩说他会帮助您提高开发技能时,他不是在开玩笑。 这些是涵盖全栈Web开发的高质量教程。 每个人都喜欢英国的口音,对吗?

森德克斯 (sentdex)

sentdexPython Programming tutorials, going further than just the basics. Learn about machine learning, finance, data analysis…www.youtube.com

senddex Python编程教程,不仅仅涉及基础知识。 了解有关机器学习,财务,数据分析的信息…… www.youtube.com

This is the go-to channel for advanced Python tutorials. While he explains things in a way a beginner can understand, he covers more advanced topics not covered on other channels. He has some great machine learning tutorials and even shows how to program a self driving car to play GTA5.

这是高级Python教程的入门频道。 当他以初学者可以理解的方式解释事物时,他涵盖了其他渠道未涵盖的更高级的主题。 他有一些很棒的机器学习教程,甚至还展示了如何编程自动驾驶汽车来玩GTA5。

西拉杰·拉瓦尔(Siraj Raval) (Siraj Raval)

Siraj RavalI'm Siraj. I'm on a warpath to inspire and educate developers to build Artificial Intelligence. Games, music, chatbots…www.youtube.com

Siraj Raval 我是Siraj。 我正处于激励和教育开发人员构建人工智能的道路上。 游戏,音乐,聊天机器人… www.youtube.com

Siraj Raval’s channel is easily the most entertaining one on this list. I think it is safe say that Siraj is the only programming YouTuber that regularly features freestyle rapping on his videos. His channel is also one of the best places to learn about artificial intelligence and deep learning. Siraj is amazing at making high-level technical videos that are still fun and entertaining.

Siraj Raval的频道很容易成为此列表中最有趣的频道。 我认为可以肯定地说,Siraj是YouTuber上唯一经常在其视频上使用自由式说唱功能的编程人员。 他的频道还是学习人工智能和深度学习的最佳场所之一。 Siraj擅长制作仍然有趣且有趣的高级技术视频。

CS道场 (CS Dojo)

CS DojoHi everyone! My name is YK, and I make videos mostly about programming and computer science here. I also have a channel…www.youtube.com

CS Dojo 大家好! 我叫YK,我主要在这里制作有关编程和计算机科学的视频。 我也有一个频道… www.youtube.com

CS Dojo is one of the fastest growing software channels on YouTube. The reason is obvious: CS Dojo has consistently high-quality tutorials. The channel focusses on Python, Data Structures, and Algorithms.

CS Dojo是YouTube上增长最快的软件渠道之一。 原因很明显:CS Dojo始终提供高质量的教程。 该频道重点介绍Python,数据结构和算法。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/want-amazing-free-coding-tutorials-subscribe-to-these-youtube-channels-b91f154db543/





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