

by Alex Ewerlöf


初级,高级和专家之类的标题在软件业务中实际上意味着什么 (What titles like Junior, Senior, and Expert actually mean in the software business)

I have been in the software business for 2 decades. I have worked with a lot of programmers from different countries in various business sectors from telecom and insurance to online banking and health care. 20 years ago when I was a beginner, the words “expert” and “senior” or “leader” meant more or less the same thing to me. As I grew into my career and worked with people with different skills, I came to assign a specific meaning with each of those terms that describes different dimensions of people’s skills.

我从事软件业务已有20年了。 我曾与来​​自不同国家/地区的许多程序员合作,涉及电信,保险,在线银行和医疗保健等各个行业。 20年前,当我还是一个初学者时,“专家”和“高级”或“领导者”这个词对我来说几乎是同一件事。 当我进入职业生涯并与具有不同技能的人一起工作时,我开始给每个术语赋予特定的含义,这些术语描述了人们技能的不同方面。

初级,高级,专家 (Junior, Senior, Expert)

There are many ways to set those titles. One that I particularly find interesting is about their problem solving skills:

有许多设置这些标题的方法。 我特别感兴趣的一项是他们的问题解决能力:

The best way I have come up with to define these titles is by looking at the challenges they face.


Instead of focusing on the requirements for a role, we can get a better definition by looking at the challenges of each level.


A junior’s main challenge is to learn the technology. You’re new to the company, and they use Node, React, Python… you have to learn their tech stack as the first step to becommimg productive. This doesn’t necessarily have to take that long. If you have previous experience with something similar or computers in general you learn faster. You may also have to unlearn some things in order to fully absorb the new things.

大三学生的主要挑战是学习技术。 您是公司的新手,他们使用Node,React,Python ...您必须学习他们的技术堆栈才能成为富有成效的第一步。 不必花那么长时间。 如果您以前有过类似设备或计算机的经验,则学习速度会更快。 您可能还需要学习一些知识,才能充分吸收新知识。

A senior’s main challenge is to learn the domain. You know .NET and you’re hired at a company which writes .NET code. You can read their code but you have no idea about the problem it solves. Your challenge is to learn the domain knowledge to understand the context of the code and why it is structured in a certain way to solve a certain set of problems.

老年人的主要挑战是学习领域。 您知道.NET,并且您是在编写.NET代码的公司中受聘的。 您可以阅读他们的代码,但对它解决的问题一无所知。 您面临的挑战是学习领域知识以理解代码的上下文以及为什么以某种方式构造代码来解决某些问题。

An expert’s main challenge is to help seniors and juniors engineer a solution that solves the domain specific problems. The experts unleash the true power of the team by spreading their knowledge in the domain and tech stack. They are the ones with a cohesive understanding of the business as a whole.

专家面临的主要挑战是帮助老年人和初学者设计解决特定领域问题的解决方案。 专家通过在领域和技术堆栈中传播其知识,释放团队的真正力量。 他们是对整个业务有深刻理解的人。

When someone just joins the team, they are by default at the junior level no matter how many years of experience they have. But if they know the tech stack, they can be considered senior.

当有人刚加入团队时,无论他们有多少年的经验,他们默认都是初级人员。 但是,如果他们了解技术栈,就可以算是高级人才。

It is important to note that these titles are not permanent. People are different: they learn different things at different speeds and each one has a unique knowledge.

重要的是要注意,这些标题不是永久的 。 人是不同的:他们以不同的速度学习不同的事物,每个人都有独特的知识。

An experienced developer may learn the technology in a couple of days and become senior. A quick test of seniority is to ask them about the things they don’t like about the tech stack. When someone knows a technology well, they have a good idea about the limitations and strengths of the tech.

经验丰富的开发人员可能会在几天内学习该技术并成为高级技术人员。 快速评估资历的方法是询问他们关于技术堆栈的不满意之处。 当某人很好地了解某项技术时,他们会对该技术的局限性和优势有所了解。

Also, age has nothing to do with seniority. It is just a pun in job descriptions that excites the older juniors.

另外,年龄与资历无关 。 这只是职位描述中的一个双关语,激发了大三学生。

When someone is head hunted from a rival company, there’s a good chance that they already know the domain, therefore they can be considered an expert.


The border between seniors and experts is not that obvious. Experts can fluently use the technical jargon of the domain, but what separates them from the seniors is their holistic understanding of how software is used to solve the business problems.

老年人和专家之间的界限不是很明显。 专家可以熟练地使用该领域的技术术语,但是使他们与年长者不同的是他们对如何使用软件解决业务问题的全面了解。

When you ask a general question from an expert you usually don’t get a simple “yes”/“no” answer but rather a “yes and no” or “it depends”. That is because the experts can see the problems in depth with cons and pros and the inevitable trade-offs. They usually need more info to distill the simple questions to more specific ones for the problem in hand and then give a “yes”/“no”.

当您向专家提出一般性问题时,通常不会得到简单的“是” /“否”答案,而是“是和否”或“取决于情况”。 这是因为专家们可以深入了解利弊,以及不可避免的权衡取舍。 他们通常需要更多信息以将简单问题提炼为针对手中问题的更具体问题,然后给出“是” /“否”。


The leader’s main challenge is to make sure everyone is moving in the right direction across the team:


  • The experts share their domain and technical knowledge with the seniors and juniors

  • The seniors learn the domain knowledge and share their technical knowledge with the juniors

  • The juniors stay curious and motivated to learn more


The reality is more complex than that, but for the sake of this brief article it suffices to say that the leader sets the tempo of the team, and the best leaders lead from behind as a Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School puts it:


Leaders can encourage breakthrough ideas not by cultivating followers who can execute but building communities that can innovate. — Linda A. Hill
领导者可以通过培养可以执行的追随者,而不是通过培养可以执行的追随者来鼓励突破性的想法,而要建立可以创新的社区。 —琳达·希尔

有经验的 (Experienced)

Most job ads call for an experienced candidate. Unfortunately this blocks most juniors in a catch 22:

大多数招聘广告都要求有经验的候选人。 不幸的是这可以阻止大多数的晚辈在追赶22

But hiring an experienced developer is not always the formula for success. You want to ensure that the team has a good mix of different levels. Having juniors in the team makes the seniors and experts explain concepts and become even better at their job.

但是,雇用经验丰富的开发人员并不总是成功的秘诀。 您要确保团队具有不同级别的良好组合。 团队中有大三学生,使年长者和专家可以解释概念并在工作中变得更加出色。

Those who know, do. Those who understand, teach. — Aristotle
那些知道的人。 那些了解,教导的人。 —亚里斯多德

You should be careful when hiring experienced people (senior & expert level according to our definition) as they tend to be more opinionated about how things should be done. Depending on the team demography, they may end up unbalancing the team and killing other people’s motivation.

聘请经验丰富的人员(根据我们的定义为高级和专家级别)时,您应格外小心,因为他们往往对应该如何做有更多的看法。 根据团队人口统计学的不同,他们最终可能会失去团队的平衡并杀死其他人的动力。

You may want to leave a bit of gap between what the job requirements ask for and a person’s skills. This gap keeps them coming to work because it gives them a sense of growth and progress. Otherwise they may actually get bored and leave sooner than you would like.

您可能希望在工作要求和人的技能之间留一些差距。 这种差距使他们继续工作,因为它使他们有成长和进步的感觉。 否则,他们实际上可能会感到无聊,并且离开的时间会比您想要的早。

You don’t hire for skills, you hire for attitude. You can always teach skills — Simon Sinek
您不为技能而雇用,而是为态度而雇用。 您随时可以教技能— Simon Sinek

专业的 (Professional)

Sometimes the word “professional” is confused with “senior”, “expert”, “experienced” or “lead”. As opposed to a hobbyist, a professional is someone who does an activity for money.

有时,“专业”一词与“高级”,“专家”,“有经验”或“领导”相混淆。 与业余爱好者相反 ,专业人员是指从事金钱活动的人。

Someone cooking a meal at home for the family is not a professional chef. Someone cooking at a restaurant is.

在家为家人做饭的人不是专业厨师。 有人在餐厅做饭。

When we talk about a “professional”, we often mean someone who:


  • is service minded and does their best to offer a good service in exchange for money.

  • leaves their personal life out of the work and strives for the best possible service (although it varies between work cultures and generations).

  • creates the trust that is necessary to acquire and retain customers.


A “junior” can expose professional behavior while someone at the “lead” position may demonstrate behaviors that are not professional.


专家vs.通才 (Specialist vs. Generalist)

The specialist has a deep knowledge about a particular tech stack or domain but doesn’t necessarily understand the big picture.


For example a generalist UX engineer, may have a wide range of skills but not necessarily as deep as a specialist front-end developer:


Trivia: If you squeeze your eyes you can see the T-shape of the skill diagram.


On the other hand, a specialist front-end developer may have very deep knowledge of implementing a website but not necessarily other relevant disciplines:


Dan Abramov is an icon in the front end programming scene. He is the most famous member of the React team at Facebook. Once he said:

Dan Abramov是前端编程场景中的一个图标。 他是Facebook React团队中最著名的成员。 他曾经说过:

And lately he went on to humbly articulate things he doesn’t know:


Things I Don't Know as of 2018December 28, 2018 * ☕️ 6 min read People often assume that I know far more than I actually do. That's not a bad problem…overreacted.io

截至2018年我不知道的事情2018年 12月28日*☕️6分钟阅读人们通常认为我比实际知道的要多得多。 那不是一个坏问题…… overreacted.io

This is a good example that in order to be a good problem solver you don’t have to know everything. Focusing on the problem in hand is the key.

这是一个很好的例子,为了成为一个好的问题解决者,您不必了解所有事情。 关注手头的问题是关键。

So there you have it: an explanation of Junior, Senior, Expert, Lead, Professional, Specialist and Generalist titles in the software business.


Liked what you read? Kindly follow me to be notified when I write something new. I’m also on Twitter and Linkedin.

⚡️ 喜欢你读的书? 关注我,以便在我写新东西时得到通知。 我也在TwitterLinkedin上

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-does-junior-senior-expert-lead-experienced-professional-and-specialist-software-c36563e946e2/


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