

by Hayley D’Auria

通过海莉·德奥里亚(Hayley D'Auria)

如何为您真正喜欢的设计工作打分 (How To Score A Design Job You’ll Actually Love)

我希望有人告诉我关于面试的8件事 (8 Things I Wish Someone Told Me About Interviewing)

Having been a full-time designer for some time now (plus some time doing freelancing and contract work), working in LA and SF, and having conversations with many fellow designers, I now fully grasp what it takes to land a design job. I am now in my second full-time gig. Neither of my experiences with finding a job was perfect. Now I know some of the mistakes I made are more common that I thought.

现在已经是专职设计师一段时间(加上一些时间从事自由职业和合同工作),在洛杉矶和旧金山工作,并且与许多其他设计师进行了交谈,我现在完全掌握了从事设计工作的需要。 我现在是第二次全职演出。 我找工作的经历都不是完美的。 现在我知道我犯的一些错误比我想的更常见。

It’s funny how when life isn’t going your way, you feel you must be the only one struggling with it. But if you step outside of your bubble, you’ll realize that your situation is a lot more common than you think.

有趣的是,当生活没有按照自己的方式发展时,您会感到自己必须是唯一一个奋斗的人。 但是,如果您走出泡沫,您将意识到自己的处境比您想象的要普遍得多。

Design work is competitive, and CONSTANTLY changing. Nobody really talks about how hard it is to get a job, because, frankly, it can be embarrassing to talk about being unemployed or rejected. I have learned from my mistakes. I think you can too. So, let me set up this story for you.

设计工作具有竞争力,并且不断变化。 没人真正谈论获得工作有多困难,因为坦率地说,谈论失业或被拒绝可能会令人尴尬。 我从错误中学到了东西。 我想你也可以。 所以,让我为您设置这个故事。

You’re almost done with school. You’re starry-eyed, excited, and probably not prepared for the reality of landing your first design job. You chose graphic design (or something related) as your major because you’re creative and it’s fun! It’s way more fun than crunching numbers like your friends who majored in finance or biology. So, its time to start the job search.

你几乎已经完成学业了。 您满眼星光,激动,并且可能没有为着手完成第一项设计工作做好准备。 您选择图形设计(或相关的东西)作为主修专业是因为您很有创造力,而且很有趣! 这比整理像金融或生物学专业的朋友之类的数字那样有趣。 因此,该开始寻找工作了。

And then you experience a rude awakening.


If you are anything like me, you are excited to finish school and motivated to get hired for your first job. At school, they taught you about the fun and exciting things you can do with design. Now you’re ready to put your new-found skills to the test!

如果您像我一样,您会很高兴完成学业,并有动力被录用为第一份工作。 在学校里,他们教会了您有关设计可以做的有趣和令人兴奋的事情。 现在,您可以测试自己的新技能了!

Then that excitement and motivation slowly wanes as you go through your job search. Countless applications are filed, interviews are had, and then the waiting game starts. Now you are waiting for your hard work to pay off. I went through this, and many other designers have too. There’s always a few that get lucky with an internship that turns into a full-time job or score a job through connection. But for this article, we will forget about those lucky people.

然后,当您进行求职时,这种兴奋和动力就慢慢消失了。 提交了无数申请,进行了采访,然后开始等待的游戏。 现在,您正在等待辛苦的工作获得回报。 我经历了这一点,其他许多设计师也经历过。 总有一些人会因实习而幸运,因为实习可以转变为全职工作或通过人际关系得分。 但是对于本文,我们将忘记那些幸运的人。

Or maybe you were one of those lucky people. But the job didn’t pan out, and now you’re back at square one, six months later. You don’t have enough experience, so you’re in the same boat as the new grads looking for work.

也许您就是那些幸运的人之一。 但是工作并没有完成,现在,六个月后,您回到了第一广场。 您没有足够的经验,所以您和新毕业生在同一条船上寻找工作。

Receiving a rejection for a job — or worse, not hearing back from the company after an interview — can be soul crushing. When I was at my wit’s end, after I had filled out over 200 applications, I wish someone gave me the advice that I am giving you: brighten your spirits and bring your expectations back down to earth. Here goes:

接受工作的拒绝-或更糟的是,在面试后没有收到公司的回音-可能会令人心碎。 当我不知所措时,我已经填写了200多份申请书,我希望有人能给我我所提供的建议:振奋精神,将您的期望带回现实。 开始:

1.信心。 是。 键。 (1. Confidence. is. key.)

The interviewing process is very intimidating. I don’t care if you are the most confident person around, but sitting across the table from someone who has more experience than you, and having to show them your work, and trying to convince them that you are worth hiring is intimidating. But the truth is that an interview is like playing the lottery. You can’t win if you don’t play the game. You have to walk in there with the confidence that you deserve the position. And that they are lucky to have you.

面试过程非常令人生畏。 我不在乎您是否是周围最有自信的人,但是坐在桌旁的人比您更有经验,不得不向他们展示您的工作,并试图说服他们您值得雇用,这令人生畏 。 但事实是,面试就像玩彩票。 不玩游戏就不会赢。 您必须充满信心地步入那里。 而且他们很幸运有您。

I remember my Dad giving me this advice when I was doing my job search. I brushed it off because I felt there was no way someone with zero experience could exude such confidence. But after a couple of interviews with no results, I started to say, “Screw it, I’ll pretend.” And it worked. You know what they say: “Fake it till you make it.”

我记得我爸爸在找工作时给我这个建议。 我不屑一顾,因为我觉得没有经验的人不可能散发出这种信心。 但是经过几次没有结果的采访后,我开始说:“拧干,我会假装。” 而且有效。 您知道他们在说什么:“伪造直到成功。”

Because if you don’t believe in yourself, chances are the person interviewing you won’t either.


2.聚在一起 (2. Get your ish together)

Nobody is going to hire a designer with a half-baked portfolio or one who has a resume that is made in Word. Employers are hiring you to make good-looking, professional designs. So put your best foot forward.

没有人会聘用一个半熟的投资组合或拥有用Word制作的简历的设计师。 雇主正在雇用您进行美观,专业的设计。 因此,请尽您最大的努力。

Resumes, cover letters, portfolios, leave-behinds, and your online presence are important. When all your cohorts are applying for jobs, and graduation is fast approaching, I know it can seem like you don’t have time. But take the time to get all your material together before you even start applying for jobs. Let your portfolio do some of the work for you. It is the best way to show off your style and creativity to potential employers.

简历,求职信,投资组合,遗忘和您的在线状态很重要。 当您所有的团队都在申请工作,并且毕业临近时,我知道您似乎没有时间。 但是,在开始求职之前,花点时间收集所有材料。 让您的投资组合为您完成一些工作。 这是向潜在雇主展示您的风格和创造力的最佳方法。

Think about sorting through 200 applications. Give the person who is reviewing the resumes something to get excited about so that they will bring you in for an interview. Whether it’s a cleverly worded cover letter, an out-of-the-box resume, a well-designed portfolio, or a robust online presence — find a way to stand out. The more work you do a head of time, the less work you have to do in the face-to-face interview.

考虑对200个应用程序进行排序。 给正在审查简历的人一些令他兴奋的事情,以便他们带你去面试。 无论是措辞巧妙的求职信,开箱即用的简历,精心设计的投资组合还是强大的在线业务,都可以找到一种脱颖而出的方法。 您花费的时间越多,面对面采访中要做的工作就越少。

And don’t forget about your online visibility. There are SO many resources for making free websites now, so take advantage of them. In addition to a flawless website, make yourself a Behance portfolio. Use LinkedIn or get on Dribbble and become a part of the online design community. (You’re already on Medium, so you’re headed in the right direction.) You will be surprised at the connections you make, and how you will impress your interviewers!

并且不要忘记您的在线可见性。 现在有太多资源可以免费创建网站,因此请充分利用它们。 除了完美无瑕的网站之外,还可以使自己成为Behance产品组合。 使用LinkedIn或进入Dribbble,并成为在线设计社区的一部分。 (您已经处于“中等”状态,因此您将朝着正确的方向前进。) 您会惊讶于您建立的联系以及如何打动面试官!

3.不要草率 (3. Don’t be hasty)

An additional six weeks or even a couple of more months spent looking for work is worth it, especially if you find the right job. Don’t feel rushed to take a job just because it is being offered to you. And don’t be afraid to turn one down if it doesn’t feel right. Working your old job as a server, or staying unemployed for a bit longer is not going to make a difference in the long run.

花额外的六个星期甚至几个月的时间找工作是值得的,特别是如果您找到合适的工作。 不要仅仅因为被提供给您而就急着要工作。 而且,如果感觉不对,也不要害怕拒绝它。 从长远来看,将您的旧工作作为服务器工作或失业更长的时间不会有任何改变。

What you don’t want to do is to take a job with a super long commute, bad benefits, or a product that you hate, just because you got the job offer. You never know, you might receive another job offer two weeks later that has a work environment better suited for you. This brings me to my next point.

您不希望做的事情是通勤,长期福利,您讨厌的产品或您讨厌的产品,仅仅是因为您获得了工作机会。 您永远不会知道,两周后您可能会收到另一份工作机会,该工作机会具有更适合您的工作环境。 这把我带到了下一点。

4.做自己的拥护者 (4. Be your own advocate)

Take the time to think about what is important to you at your workplace. Be practical. This might be hard if you’re just coming out of school. But even if you have no work experience you can still think about what you want at your new job. Make a list and rank three to five things that are most important to you. This list might change over the course of your career.

花时间思考在您的工作场所中什么对您来说很重要。 务实。 如果您刚从学校毕业,这可能很难。 但是,即使您没有工作经验,您仍然可以考虑自己的工作 想要你的新工作。 列出一份清单,对您最重要的三至五项进行排名。 此列表可能会随着您的职业生涯而变化。

You’ll see what you like and don’t like when you have worked at different companies. Learn what is important to you. Here are some examples, good healthcare, stock options, commute time, type of workstation, and vacation time, to name a few.

在不同的公司工作时,您会看到自己喜欢的和不喜欢的。 了解什么对您很重要。 以下是一些示例,例如良好的医疗保健,股票期权,通勤时间,工作站类型和休假时间等。

Even before you start going to your interviews, make sure you know what you are willing to compromise on. Then you will know what to ask for. If something is a deal breaker for you, then you won’t be swayed by the other things they offer. Cue #5.

甚至在开始面试之前,请确保您知道自己愿意妥协的内容。 然后,您将知道要问什么。 如果某件事情对您有利,那么您就不会被他们提供的其他东西所吸引。 提示#5。

Make sure you have a firm grasp of what you are willing to compromise on. What are your deal breakers?

确保牢牢把握您愿意妥协的内容。 你的交易破坏者是什么?

5.提防过多的津贴(某种) (5. Beware of too many perks (sort of))

Many start-ups offer flexible hours, free lunch, open floor plans and more, but it’s easy to lose sight of what is really important to you (that list from #4). I’m not saying you should turn down a job offer because it has too many awesome perks. Just make sure they cover the basics, too.

许多初创企业会提供弹性工作时间,免费午餐,开放式平面图等等,但很容易忽略对您真正重要的内容(第4位)。 我并不是说您应该拒绝一份工作,因为它有太多很棒的福利。 只要确保它们也涵盖了基础知识即可。

It is important to remember that you feel valued as an employee. Make sure your work is fulfilling and that you are getting what you need from your job. That’s what makes being at work for 50% of your waking hours worthwhile. The yoga at lunch, free snacks, and ping pong are only icing on the cake. And if the cake tastes bad, then there’s no point in putting icing on it anyway.

重要的是要记住,您觉得自己是一名员工很有价值。 确保您的工作令人满意,并从工作中获得所需的东西。 这就是让您在醒着的50%的工作时间内值得工作的原因。 午餐时间的瑜伽,免费小吃和乒乓球只是锦上添花。 而且,如果蛋糕的味道不好,那么就没必要在上面加糖霜了。

6.重视产品 (6. Place some importance on the product)

Emphasis on some. This one is short and sweet. Product isn’t everything, but it can impact your experience. If you find work in an agency setting, this won’t really matter because the work will constantly change. But if you choose to work in-house, choose a company that produces something that you believe in. This can make your work experience richer and more fulfilling.

强调一些 这是又短又甜的。 产品不是万能的,但它会影响您的体验。 如果您找到工作 代理机构设置,这并不重要,因为工作会不断变化 但是,如果您选择在内部工作,则选择一家可以产生您所相信的东西的公司。这可以使您的工作经验更加丰富和充实。

Likewise, if the company sells or creates something you dislike, it can definitely sour your experience. For example, my interests include makeup, hair, and weddings. Could I be happy at ESPN if the environment was good and my list of requirements was met? Sure! But would I be happier at a beauty company that also fulfills my list? Probably.

同样,如果公司出售或创造您不喜欢的东西,则肯定会破坏您的体验。 例如,我的兴趣包括化妆,发型和婚礼。 如果环境良好并且满足我的要求列表,我在ESPN会感到高兴吗? 当然! 但是,我在一家也能满足我的要求的美容公司中感到更快乐吗? 大概。

Choosing a company with a product you believe in can make your work experience richer.


7.不要害怕谈判 (7. Don’t be afraid to negotiate)

When you just want a job, I know it feels like you should take it, even if they pay you less than you want. But it’s worthwhile to try to negotiate.

当您只想要一份工作时,我知道您应该接受这份工作,即使他们的薪水低于您的期望。 但是尝试进行谈判是值得的。

When I was going through the interview process, I thought companies gave multiple offers at one time to multiple people. Then they hired the person who responded first. Naivety at its finest. I thought, “If they are offering me the job, I better take it before they change their minds.” And now I realize that is not the case. The amount of work that goes into finding and selecting a good candidate for the job is more than you might think.

当我经历面试过程时,我以为公司一次向多个人提供了多个报价。 然后,他们雇用了第一位做出回应的人。 最幼稚的天真。 我以为,“如果他们为我提供工作,我最好在他们改变主意之前接受它。” 现在我意识到事实并非如此。 寻找和选择合适的工作所需的工作量比您想象的要多。

Managers, directors, and recruiters have to look at many applications. Then they have to narrow them down so that they can bring the candidates in for an interview. Then they have to agree on which candidate they want to hire. So, if you come back asking for more compensation (as long as it’s reasonable), they are probably more than willing to appease you. Or at the very least meet you halfway. This is preferable to going through the entire process again with their second-choice candidate.

经理,董事和招聘人员必须查看许多申请。 然后,他们必须缩小范围,以便可以吸引候选人参加面试。 然后,他们必须就他们想雇用的候选人达成一致。 因此,如果您回来要求更多补偿(只要合理),那么他们可能更愿意安抚您。 或至少中途见到你。 这比与他们的第二选择候选人再次经历整个过程更可取。

Keep in mind that money isn’t the only thing you can ask for. If they can’t offer you more money, then ask them to pay for classes or conferences, your transportation (if you take a train or bus to work), more vacation time, flexible hours, or something else that is important to you.

请记住,钱不是您唯一可以要求的东西。 如果他们不能为您提供更多的钱,请要求他们支付课程或会议,您的交通费用(如果您乘坐火车或公共汽车去上班),更多的休假时间,灵活的时间或其他对您来说很重要的费用。

8.记住工作就是工作 (8. Remember that work is just work)

I can not stress enough how important it is to adopt this mindset. Many young professionals are so wrapped up or overwhelmed by their work that it even stresses them when they are outside of work. They are bringing home with them their frustrations from work. It’s usually rooted in their passion for the work, which is a great quality, but to their own demise. I’m not recommending you slack off at work, but you will encounter things that irk you. It is inevitable.

我不能足够强调采用这种思维方式有多么重要。 许多年轻的专业人​​员对他们的工作感到无所适从或不知所措,以至于他们在工作以外时甚至会感到压力。 他们将工作中的挫败感带回家。 通常,这取决于他们对作品的热情,这是很高的品质,但也取决于他们自己的消亡。 我不建议您放松工作,但是会遇到让您讨厌的事情。 这是不可避免的。

Whether the project you just spent two months perfecting got killed, or you’re receiving negative feedback, or your coworkers are driving you nuts, remember that there is more to life than work. Take a deep breath and walk away. Think about your plans for the evening or the weekend (or think about making plans if you don’t already have plans), and go back to work with a clear head.

无论您刚刚花了两个月时间完善的项目被杀死了,还是收到了负面反馈,或者您的同事让您发疯,请记住 生活比工作更重要。 深吸一口气,走开。 考虑一下晚上或周末的计划(或者,如果您还没有计划,请考虑制定计划),然后头脑清醒地回去工作。

This advice also goes for those looking for work. When you are feeling stressed because you’ve submitted 200 applications and have had only six interviews, remember that work is just work. You won’t be unemployed forever. You WILL get a job. It might not be tomorrow, but once you get a job, none of that will matter, and it will feel worthwhile. Also, remember that every working designer has been in your shoes, and they all made it to where they are today because of it.

此建议也适用于正在寻找工作的人。 当您因为提交了200份申请而只接受了六次面试而感到压力时,请记住, 工作就是成功。 您不会永远失业。 您将找到工作。 可能不是明天,但是一旦找到工作,这些都不重要,那将是值得的。 另外,请记住,每位上班的设计师都曾为您着迷,因此他们都将其带到了今天。

请记住,生活比工作重要得多。 (Remember that there is so much more to life than work.)

Thanks for reading my article. I hope it helped those who are doing their job search. :) If you like this, see more on my website, or connect with me on social.

感谢您阅读我的文章。 我希望它对正在寻找工作的人有所帮助。 :)如果您愿意,可以在我的网站上查看更多信息 ,或者在social上与我联系。

P.S. Thanks to Sean D'Auria for proofing my article and helping me make my thoughts more concise. ❤

PS感谢Sean D'Auria为我的文章打样,并帮助我使思想更简洁。 ❤

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-score-a-design-job-youll-actually-love-e30a8c3a5905/






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