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为什么我们在考虑时间优化完全错误 (Why we are thinking about time optimisation completely wrong)

Technology has caused a radical change in the way we live our lives. Our eyes are opening to the damage apps like facebook and twitter do to us. We know that the infinite scroll was something we shouldn’t be engaging in.

技术已经彻底改变了我们的生活方式。 我们的目光正向Facebook和Twitter这样对我们造成损害的应用程序敞开。 我们知道无限滚动是我们不应该参与的事情。

I’ve enjoyed the headspace of turning my phone into a device that doesn’t have social media on it. I then went one step further and removed email for a ‘month’ challenge. Two weeks into the challenge I stopped even thinking about the challenge and my phone is just a device that doesn’t do email anymore. It’s totally great, I don’t have a burning to-do list of people talking to me in my pocket 24/7. I feel odd that I ever wanted that or felt proud about being such a productive person. Regardless this is not what this blog is about.

我很乐意将手机变成没有社交媒体的设备。 然后,我又走了一步,删除了电子邮件以应对“月”挑战。 挑战两周后,我什至没有想到挑战,而且我的手机只是一部不再发送电子邮件的设备。 太好了,我没有24/7口袋里有很多与我交谈的待办事项清单。 我很想成为这样一个有生产力的人,对此感到很奇怪或感到骄傲。 无论如何,这与本博客无关。

The brilliant rise of ‘Edutainment’ with fantastic podcasts and the ability to listen to Audiobooks is not something that we have really scrutinised. But it is worth investigating. I will explain why even using your phone for education should be limited. Your creativity and mental health will blossom and you will thank me for it. This blog will cover why limiting education time will make you a smarter and happier person.

我们还没有认真研究过带有出色播客的“娱乐”的辉煌崛起以及听有声读物的能力。 但是值得研究。 我将解释为什么甚至限制使用手机进行教育的原因。 您的创造力和心理健康将蓬勃发展,对此我将表示感谢。 该博客将介绍为什么限制教育时间会使您变得更聪明,更快乐。

一个极端的例子 (An Extreme Example)

There is a ratio of how much time you should spend studying and consuming new content in comparison to how effective you will be. In simple terms, this is astoundingly obvious.

与您将有多有效的时间相比,您应该花费多少时间来学习和使用新内容。 简单来说,这是显而易见的。

If you spent 0% of your time studying or learning anything you would be clueless. You would get nothing done.

如果您花费0%的时间学习或学习任何东西,那么您将一无所知。 您将一事无成。

Conversely, if you spent 100% of your time studying and learning. There would be no time at all for having idea’s or doing anything with them. You would be a highly intelligent but equally useless entity. A net drain on humanity. No one wants that. Least of all you.

相反,如果您花费100%的时间进行学习。 根本没有时间拥有想法或与他们做任何事情。 您将是一个非常聪明但同样无用的实体。 人类的净消耗。 没有人想要。 你们中最少的。

现代问题 (The Modern Problem)

However, in the modern-day, we are surrounded by increasingly mountainous volumes of information that we can never keep up with. We are also surrounded by tech that can supply this information to us in a low-cost manner. We can instantly plug ourselves into learning at every spare moment. You feel wise as you ignore Facebook and other social media distractions to put on a podcast when you walk to work, make your food or hit the gym. You can watch educational videos during your lunch break. This all contributes to making a minor dent in the overwhelming amount of information you aren’t keeping up with.

但是,在当今时代,我们被越来越多的山峰信息所包围,我们永远无法跟上。 我们还被可以以低成本方式向我们提供此信息的技术所包围。 我们可以在每个业余时间立即将自己投入学习。 当您走路上班,做饭或上健身房时,无视Facebook和其他社交媒体的干扰来播客,您会感到很明智。 您可以在午餐时间观看教育视频。 所有这些都有助于减少您无法掌握的大量信息。

But where is the time to process this information and make connections, have ideas or use it?


“娱乐”和插入的争论 (The Argument for 'Edutainment' and Plugging In)

If you are studying, building a business, or trying to stay at the top of your field you don’t want to miss opportunities. You want to use the massive amounts of dead time that you have to learn more.

如果您正在学习,开展业务或试图保持自己的领先地位,则不想错过任何机会。 您想利用大量的停滞时间来学习更多的知识。

There is so much time in a day to consume the huge variety of useful information available on audio and video. It can give you different opinions about your field or help you learn complex ideas about new things.You can also learn about humans by even listening to fiction. It shows you how to create a good story or a bad story, and you can even learn about love from 50 Shades of Grey when you are looking for it.

一天中有太多时间来消费音频和视频上可用的大量有用信息。 它可以给您关于您的领域的不同意见,或帮助您学习有关新事物的复杂想法。您甚至可以通过听小说来了解人类。 它向您展示了如何创造一个好故事或一个坏故事,当您寻找爱情时,您甚至可以从50种灰色阴影中了解爱情。

By not using all the extra time to learn you will unlikely be a change-maker in your field.


在按Play之前 (Before you Press Play)

There is a happy medium between optimising your life for learning new stuff and spending spare time with an unoccupied brain. It is hard to find exactly but crucially important.

在优化您的生活以学习新知识和空闲的大脑之间有一种快乐的媒介。 很难找到确切但至关重要的重要性。

Like the endless scroll of social media, we have an infinite scroll of edutainment available to us. I started a list of books to read this year from recommendations and 6 months in it is already 350 books long and I’m certain they are all pretty awesome. A ten-minute session looking in my podcast feed easily gives me 100 new podcasts to get through. I get bombarded with lists of amazing blogs that grow my mind and science journalists and (some) newspapers produce brilliant content. Then there’s also politics, the economy, and of course the news. Let’s not even talk about the great content available on the BBC, Youtube and Netflix.

就像无休止的社交媒体滚动一样,我们可以提供无限量的娱乐性滚动。 我从今年的推荐书中开始阅读书籍清单,其中六个月以来已经有350本书长了,我敢肯定它们都很棒。 在我的播客feed中进行的十分钟会话可以轻松地使我获得100个新的播客。 我被轰动一时的令人惊叹的博客列表所震撼,这些博客使我大开眼界, 科学记者和( 一些 )报纸产生了精彩的内容。 然后还有政治,经济,当然还有新闻。 我们甚至不要谈论BBC,Youtube和Netflix上的精彩内容。

We feel we need to keep up with it. As you start your walk to work and you aren’t listening or doing something, your brain is free to roam around. It feels inefficient to just do nothing, you can instantly solve that with your readily available edutainment and can constantly feel productive.

我们认为我们需要跟上它。 当您开始步行上班并且没有在听或做某事时,您的大脑就会自由地走动。 只做任何事情都感觉效率低下,您可以通过随时可用的寓教于乐立即解决该问题,并不断提高工作效率。

无所作为的价值 (The Unrecognised Value of Doing Nothing)

Doing ‘nothing’ doesn’t provide an instant reward of productivity. You never ‘know’ that you are going to have good ideas if you do nothing for the next 20 minutes of walking. Leaving your brain at peace is setting sail into the unknown with perhaps zero rewards, and it all seems very boring and pointless.

无所事事不会立即带来生产力回报。 如果您在接下来的20分钟步行中什么也不做,则您永远不会“知道”自己会有好主意。 让您的大脑处于和平状态将以零奖励的方式驶向未知世界,这一切似乎非常无聊和毫无意义。

We need to train our brains to not require instant gratification, this feeling of needing to do something is what kicks the brain into gear. It can trigger the brain to do awesome things all by itself if you let it. If you hear that trigger of the brain wanting to do something and just stick on someone else’s thoughts to listen to then you are turning off your brain instead of firing it up.

我们需要训练我们的大脑,使其不需即时满足,这种需要做某事的感觉使大脑适应。 如果您允许,它可以触发大脑自行完成各种令人敬畏的事情。 如果您听到大脑想要做某事的触发因素,而只是坚持听别人的想法听,那么您就是在关闭大脑,而不是激发大脑。

I will go as fire as stating that you are pissing on your own bonfire instead of adding fuel to it.


You need to learn to like that feeling of an unoccupied brain and embrace it instead of quickly finding a way to suppress it. You need to recognise the brains' inbuilt hunger to do cool stuff for what it is. Let your brain wrestle with the world's problems like the innovator your podcasts are telling you it be.

您需要学会喜欢闲置的大脑的感觉并拥抱它,而不是Swift找到抑制它的方法。 您需要认识到大脑内在的饥饿感,才可以为自己做些酷的事情。 让您的大脑为世界的问题而战,例如您的播客告诉您的创新者。

身体类比 (Body Analogies)

锻炼大脑 (Exercise for your brain)

If every time you started to feel slightly out of breath someone sat you down and did everything for you, you would not be fit. You would get no exercise at all. This would be grossly unhealthy for your body and produce a feedback loop of decreasing fitness, even getting out of your chair would begin to challenge you. You would end up never using your muscles that would waste away. You would stop being able to walk and become a bed-bound bag of uselessness.

如果每次您开始有点气喘吁吁的感觉时,都会有人坐下来为您做一切,那么您就不适应了。 您根本不会锻炼。 这将严重危害您的身体,并产生降低健身的反馈循环,甚至从椅子上坐下来也将开始挑战您。 您最终将永远不会使用会浪费掉的肌肉。 您将不再能够走路,而变成束手无策的床。

My question to ask yourself. As soon as your brain is about to do some work by itself, should you be sitting it down and making it rest?

我的问题要问自己。 一旦您的大脑即将自己做一些工作,您应该坐下来休息一下吗?

进纸过多 (Over-Feeding)

If you spent all day surrounded by sweets and biscuits you would be constantly reminded of the available food. You would become obese if every time you had a passing thought that perhaps you could eat one of those biscuits you then ate one.

如果您整天都被糖果和饼干所包围,那么您会不断想起可用的食物。 如果每次您经过时都想到可以先吃其中一个饼干,然后再吃一个,那么您就会变得肥胖。

The human is designed to be able to overeat whilst food is available. This prevents it from starving in periods of no food. Humans need to stop their innate behaviour to eat when food is available to be able to stay healthy.

人类被设计成能够在有食物的时候暴饮暴食。 这样可以防止它在没有食物的时候饿死。 当有食物可以保持健康时,人类需要停止先天的饮食行为。

We now live with a device in our pocket that is a constant reminder that we can be learning more things. Our brains are designed to feel a need to satisfy that hunger. Our brain is used to an environment of low information. It was engineered in a time when books didn’t exist and the odd occasion you found something new in your environment you investigated the crap out of it. If once a blue moon someone turned up with news about anything, you listened as if your life depended on it because sometimes it did.

现在,我们随身携带的设备始终提醒着我们可以学习更多的东西。 我们的大脑旨在满足需要,以解决这种饥饿感。 我们的大脑已经习惯了信息不足的环境。 它是在没有书籍的时代设计的,而在奇怪的情况下,您发现环境中有新事物时,您会对其进行调查。 如果曾经有个蓝月亮有人听到有关任何事情的消息,您会听来仿佛生活依赖它,因为有时它确实如此。

Thus your brain wants to learn about every new thing in its environment to stay up to date so it doesn’t get killed.


That is a powerful innate behaviour optimised to keep your genes going to the next generation. The reason you exist today is directly because your ancestors were better at obsessing about new things in their environment than their peers.

这是一种强大的先天行为,经过优化,可以使您的基因进入下一代。 您今天之所以存在,直接是因为您的祖先比同龄人更擅长于关注环境中的新事物。

However, the modern world is not going to kill you if you don’t know every new thing. Just like with food, if you let your brain operate on default behaviour it will make you incredibly unhealthy. You need to stop trying to learn everything.

但是,如果您不了解每件事,现代世界都不会杀死您。 就像食物一样,如果您让大脑按照默认行为操作,那将使您非常不健康。 您需要停止尝试学习所有内容。

什么甚至是“生产力” (What Even is 'Being Productive')

We need to learn that actually doing nothing is doing something. Your brain is making connections and its best ideas come when you do things like meditating, menial work or exercise without anything else going on. You need to learn to hear your inner voice and become good friends with it.

我们需要学习,什么都不做实际上是在做某事。 当您进行冥想,粗体工作或运动之类的事情而没有其他任何事情时,您的大脑正在建立联系,并且它的最佳创意就出现了。 您需要学会聆听内心的声音并与之成为好朋友。

专注与漫漫思维 (Focussed vs. Diffuse Thinking)

In the science of learning, you need to spend focussed time on new material to understand things. But the magic happens when you stop thinking about it and let the brain go into a 'diffuse' mode of thinking where it makes connections happen between different ideas. This is where billion-dollar ideas like AirBnB and Uber came from, uniting two different bodies of knowledge in the brain into a novel concept. This simply doesn't happen whilst you are in focussed mode.

在学习科学中,您需要将时间集中在新材料上,以理解事物。 但是,当您停止思考并让大脑进入一种“扩散”的思维方式时,魔术就发生了,这种思维方式使不同的想法之间发生了联系。 这就是数十亿美元的想法(如AirBnB和Uber)的来源,它将大脑中的两个不同的知识体系组合成一个新颖的概念。 在聚焦模式下,这根本不会发生。

学习与评级 (Learning vs. Rating)

You learn much more from a book or podcast if you try and recall it than if you were to just listen to it again. Yet madly most of us consume all this stuff just once and then never revisit it. We quickly forget all the specifics, we can vaguely remember how it made us feel if we remember it at all. So you are basically just creating a pile of ratings in your head by optimising all this time for consuming.

如果您想回想一下,从书本或播客中学到的东西要比再听一遍要多得多。 然而,我们大多数人疯狂地将所有这些东西消耗掉一次,然后再也没有重新使用它。 我们很快忘记了所有细节,如果我们完全记得的话,我们可以隐约地记住它给我们的感觉。 因此,您基本上可以通过优化所有这些时间来进行消费,从而在您的脑海中创建大量的评级。

If you spend some time after each podcast or book chapter to think about what you just learnt and test yourself on why it’s useful, you will genuinely gain twice as much from it. That takes 5 minutes but it doubles the effectiveness of the hour you just spent listening to it.

如果您在每个播客或书籍章节之后都花一些时间来思考刚刚学到的东西,并测试一下为什么有用,那么您从中获得的收益将是真正的两倍。 这需要5分钟,但它使您刚刚收听的一小时的效率提高了一倍。

生命加工 (Life Processing)

Then there is everything else in your life that you are learning about and dealing with that needs its own processing time. If you don't put time into thinking about what's going on and learning from it and how to improve, then surprisingly you don't learn from it or improve. Tools like journaling can radically increase your rate of improvement and benefit your levels of happiness and well-being.

然后,您生活中正在学习和处理的所有其他事情都需要自己的处理时间。 如果您不花时间去思考正在发生的事情并从中学习以及如何进行改进,那么令人惊讶的是您不会从中学习或改进。 日志记录之类的工具可以从根本上提高您的改善率,并提高您的幸福感和幸福感。

游戏时间 (Playtime)

Imagine you are at work and for some odd reason a toddler appears out of nowhere and wants to play with you. It wants to go for a walk and look at flowers and jump in puddles. (or in my own experience, look at puddles and jump in flowers). Then it asks annoying things that are hard to answer:"why is the sky is blue?Why are Spaghettis O’s unhealthy and Baked Beans healthy, they grow on the same tree?And then why does anyone even care about flowers in the first place if they aren’t for jumping in?"

想象您在工作,由于种种奇怪的原因,一个蹒跚学步的孩子突然出现在外面,想和您一起玩。 它想散步,看花,跳水坑。 (或者根据我自己的经验,看着水坑跳下鲜花) 。 然后,它问到一些令人难以回答的烦人的事情: “为什么天空是蓝色的? 为什么意大利面条O的不健康和烤豆子健康,它们长在同一棵树上? 然后,为什么有人首先关心花朵,如果他们不是为了跳进去吗?”

It wants to explore the world and it seems to want to explore your mind and put things together. This is tragically unhelpful for you and so you give it an iPad and hope that it occupies itself and won’t disturb you.

它想探索世界,似乎想探索自己的思想并将事物整合在一起。 这对您无济于事,所以您给它买一个iPad,希望它能自我占用并且不会打扰您。

This distraction technique in the hope of getting more work done is what you are doing to your own brain. When your own inner voice pops up and lets you know that you aren’t doing anything you realise you have some spare time. You feel like you could be ‘doing work’ by sticking on a podcast. Your brain will just do pointless stuff otherwise and you’ve got an endless list of things to get through.

希望完成更多工作的这种分散注意力的技巧是您对自己的大脑所做的事情。 当您自己的内心声音突然弹出并告诉您您什么都没做时,您就意识到自己有空闲时间。 您会觉得自己可以通过播客来“干活” 。 否则,您的大脑只会做毫无意义的事情,并且您会遇到无穷无尽的事情。

When you do this you are turning off your actual consciousness. And yes when you first listen to your consciousness it does pretty dumb stuff as it explores the contents of the environment and your mind. Sometimes it is a whiney bitch and sometimes it is obsessing about the wrong things. But if you let it play around and listen to it and take it seriously, it will reward you back. Let it explore the environment and let it explore the contents of your mind and just like the toddler it will learn profound things.

当您这样做时,您正在关闭您的实际意识。 是的,当您第一次聆听自己的意识时,它会探索环境和您的思想的内容,这确实很愚蠢。 有时是子娘,有时是痴迷于错误的事物。 但是,如果您让它玩转并聆听并认真对待它,它将为您带来回报。 让它探索环境,让它探索您的思想内容,就像蹒跚学步一样,它将学习深刻的东西。

改变你的想法 (Change What you Think)

When there is a spare moment and you start thinking for yourself for a second, you need to hear your inner voice and say:


"SHOOT. Hello me. Wow, it’s great to find some time together. What’s going on buddy. Let’s have a chat"


Instead of the current:


"SHOOT. I was hoping to get work done. Let’s give you something to do. So I can carry on working"

“ SHOOT。我希望能够完成工作。让我们给您做些事情。这样我就可以继续工作

Your inner voice is not a toddler that you have nothing in common with. This is not a massive drag on your day that you need to escape from but instead a blessing to make the most of.

你内心的声音不是蹒跚学步,没有什么共同之处。 这并不是您需要摆脱的一天的沉重负担,而是可以充分利用的祝福。

We need to stop feeling like we are constantly at work and we need to stop feeling like our inner voice is a bad thing to spend time with.


This is important, because your inner voice isn’t just your best friend. It is literally the actual real you. You need to get to know it, listen to it and take it seriously. It’s essential that you stop treating it like a pathetic things that needs distracting. Stop putting stuff in front of it in the hope it never bothers you.

这很重要,因为内心的声音不只是您最好的朋友。 从字面上看,它是真实的真实的你。 您需要了解它,听它并认真对待它。 至关重要的是,您必须停止将其视为需要分散注意力的可悲事物。 停止在它前面放东西,希望它不会打扰您。

Find out what you actually think and know. Explore ideas and actually take useful thoughts to the next level.

找出您实际的想法和了解。 探索想法并将实际有用的想法带入新的高度。

运动时间 (Exercise time)

The combination of exercise and not having other stuff going on in your brain is the perfect breeding ground for good ideas.


Exercise very mildly occupies the brain but leaves a lot of space for thinking. It also releases hormones that make you think more positively. This prevents any negative doubts from blocking potential good ideas before you have given time to think about it further. It provides a golden period where your brain can just explore random stuff that it knows and make connections.

运动非常温和地占据大脑,但留下了很多思考的空间。 它还会释放使您更加积极思考的激素。 这样可以防止在您有时间进一步思考之前,任何负面的疑问都会阻止潜在的好主意。 它提供了一个黄金时期,您的大脑只能探索它知道的随机事物并建立联系。

Optimising all your exercise time for learning keeps your brain in a focussed mode where it never has ideas. You have to unplug and let your brain think it’s own thoughts instead of permanently listening to those of others.

优化您的所有锻炼时间以进行学习,可以使您的大脑处于集中注意力的模式,而这种模式永远不会产生想法。 您必须拔出电源,让大脑认为这是自己的想法,而不是永久地倾听他人的想法。

最低要求 (The Minimum Requirements)

Depending on your current situation there are different guidelines. As I mentioned at the start you will fall behind if you never engage in learning useful stuff. The books I have read on my list of 350 this year have done incredible things to how I think. But I’ve also found that unplugging is where I put all that information together and do something useful with it.

根据您当前的情况,有不同的准则。 正如我在开始时提到的,如果您从不学习有用的东西,您将落在后面。 我今年读到的350本书中的书对我的想法做出了不可思议的成就。 但是我还发现,拔出插头是我将所有这些信息放在一起并对其进行有用的处理的地方。

I think you should have an obligatory 20 minutes a day where you are completely in touch with yourself. Meditation is brilliant, but if you want to do yoga or walking or cooking it really doesn’t matter. And this is just minimum to be a human.

我认为您应该每天有20分钟的时间与自己完全保持联系。 冥想很棒,但是如果您想做瑜伽,散步或做饭,那真的没关系。 而这仅仅是成为人类的最低要求。

思维与聆听比率 (The Thinking vs. Listen Ratio)

After the minimum requirements are filled I think shooting for a balanced ratio is the best strategy. The same as the saying of two ears and one mouth. I think two-thirds of your time listening to info is fine. But you should block out one third for actually thinking your own thoughts.

满足最低要求后,我认为以平衡的比例拍摄是最好的策略。 就像两只耳朵和一只嘴的说法一样。 我认为您有三分之二的时间在听信息。 但是您应该阻止三分之一的人实际思考自己的想法。

This depends on the person and the situation. Sometimes I feel like I do just want to do nothing and that my brain has too many ideas anyway. Sometimes having something to listen to is what gets me out the door to go for a run in the first place. But other-times you can feel overwhelmed by problems and you should use all your time available to think.

这取决于人和情况。 有时我觉得我只是不想做任何事情,而且我的大脑反正有太多想法。 有时候,有什么要听的就是让我起身去跑步。 但是有时您会感到不知所措,应该花所有的时间思考。

结论 (Conclusion)

Based on the best research on how to learn, giving your brain unfocussed time is key. This time is the ultimate source of creativity and brightest ideas.

基于有关学习的最佳研究 ,让您的大脑专注于时间是关键。 这一次是创造力和最聪明的想法的最终来源。

Stop distracting yourself with other peoples thoughts and give yourself time to listen to your own thoughts.


This is an ironic conclusion as I run the Growth Mindset Podcast which I'd like to think is Edutainment at it's finest. Hopefully this proves I'm not trying to sell you anything except a better life. This wasn't driven by some anti-Apple anti-Amazon complex and just a product of my studies in evolutionary psychology and general anthropology. (human watching). Putting one domain of knowledge together with another and having ideas.

这是一个具有讽刺意味的结论,因为我运行了Growth Mindset Podcast ,我想认为这是最好的Edutainment。 希望这证明了我除了要过上更好的生活外没有试图卖给你任何东西。 这不是由一些反苹果的反亚马逊综合体驱动的,而仅仅是我在进化心理学和普通人类学研究中的产物。 (观看) 。 将一个知识领域与另一个知识领域放在一起并拥有想法。

特效 (Effects)

I was in Tel Aviv last week and wanted to go for a run to the beach and have a swim. Not wanting to leave my phone on the beach I went for an hour run with just myself. An actual human with no device attached to it running around a city it's never been in. How did this become a rare thing so quickly? (ten years ago I drove around America with just a compass...)It was one of the most lovely mornings ever. I came back with more solutions to my problems and writing ideas than I thought possible. It seems crazy that I usually spend so much of this valuable time with myself having someone else’s thoughts permanently distracting my brain.

上周我在特拉维夫,想去海边跑步游泳。 不想把手机留在沙滩上,我一个人跑了一个小时。 一个没有连接任何设备的实际人类在从未到过的城市中奔跑。这怎么这么快就变得稀罕了? (十年前,我只是用指南针开车去了美国。) 那是有史以来最可爱的早晨之一。 我回来了,为我的问题提供了更多解决方案,并写出了我认为不可能的想法。 我通常会花这么多宝贵的时间陪伴自己的想法永久分散我的大脑,这似乎很疯狂。

I don’t know how far I ran, how many steps I did or where I even went. But that doesn't actually matter. I focussed on new metrics of success for a productive run, number of ideas and sweatiness. I smashed both records.

我不知道我跑了多远,走了几步,甚至走了几步。 但这实际上并不重要。 我专注于成功生产,想法和出汗的成功的新指标。 我打破了两个记录。

问自己 (Question Yourself)

I think we should all step back and define what our phone is actually for. As we realise the importance of our mental health and the problems our devices are causing us, this is more important than ever.  We need to let go of our FOMO to keep up with the world to spend more time with ourselves.

我认为我们应该退后一步,确定手机的实际用途。 当我们意识到心理健康的重要性以及设备给我们带来的问题时,这比以往任何时候都更加重要。 我们需要放开我们的FOMO,以跟上世界发展的步伐,以花更多时间陪伴自己。

Simply put. No one else is going to think for you and solve your problems. If you stop being able to think for yourself you are screwed.

简单的说。 没有其他人会为您思考并解决您的问题。 如果您不再能够自己思考,那么您就会陷入困境。

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喜欢这个吗? 您可能喜欢这些主题,这些主题更明智:

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This will form part of a five part "pentalogy" (learnt a new word). Be sure to not miss out on the rest of it!

这将构成“五部曲 (学习一个新词)的五个部分。 确保不要错过其余的内容!


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