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翻译 基于人工智能的语言模型在日常生活中的作用

为什么通用语言模型如此重要? (Why are general-use language models so important?)In May 2020, a team of researchers at OpenAI released a landmark AI model called GPT-3. The latter is a language model trained on 57...

2020-09-30 04:29:26 1034

翻译 capstone项目clerkbot虚拟助手聊天机器人

This article was written as part of a capstone project for Data Science & Machine Learning Immersive course at Xccelerate. We discussed our chatbot in detail including the framework, architecture,...

2020-09-23 13:53:34 1005

翻译 ai 音乐创作 算法_我尝试使用AI复制我的创作过程,这很奇怪

ai 音乐创作 算法The speculative-fiction writer Philip K. Dick used amphetamines and other stimulants to transform himself into a 24/7 writing machine. Powered by chemicals, he churned out 28 novels and more...

2020-09-23 13:42:55 796

翻译 gpt 引导驱动器_gpt 3将取代编码器

gpt 引导驱动器Nowadays, everybody is talking about GPT-3, San Francisco based OpenAI’s new language model. GPT stands for “generative pre-training transformer” and GPT-3 is the third iteration of this mode...

2020-09-23 13:33:23 501

翻译 互联网的出现标志着人类_互联网业务的未来是人类

互联网的出现标志着人类My musical taste is eclectic. The only way I can articulate my musical taste it to say that I like a little bit of everything, and a lot of very few things. My music recommendations are a h...

2020-09-23 13:23:21 1107

翻译 kinetc体感互动内容_内容和商务通过内容智能个性化您与客户的互动

kinetc体感互动内容As a global community, we find ourselves navigating uncharted waters, where we have had to adapt and find new ways to interact with each other exclusively through digital channels. It woul...

2020-09-23 13:14:15 605

翻译 凡人修仙传jar_凡人的贝壳无法逃脱灵魂般的阴影

凡人修仙传jarMortal Shell is the latest attempt to try to take the Soulsborne crown. Hitting many of the same notes as Dark Souls, it’s actually what Mortal Shell does differently that makes it worthy of f...

2020-09-18 11:26:28 382

翻译 自动驾驶和人工智能_教一个自动驾驶人工智能看分析和案例研究

自动驾驶和人工智能Highly automated and autonomous driving places enormous pressure on the safety and reliability of its technology. Flawed reference data can mess up the entire training process of an autonomou...

2020-09-16 18:12:54 1118

翻译 android 揭示动画_可解释的人工智能揭示了正在学习的机器

android 揭示动画 解释或灭亡! (Explain or perish!)Every day, each person generates an enormous quantity and diversity of data, which, allied to an increase of the available computational power and to the democ...

2020-09-16 18:03:29 777

翻译 gartner 炒作曲线_Gartner 2020年新兴技术炒作周期对AI领导者有何影响

gartner 炒作曲线It has been already a year since I published a similar article on the same Gartner’s report for 2019 that you can find here. Which AI related technologies have been excluded from the repor...

2020-09-16 17:53:58 1163

翻译 人工智能ai内容阅读_用人工智能打击非法内容

人工智能ai内容阅读“As the amount of user-generated content that platform users upload, continues to accelerate, it’s become impossible to identify & remove harmful content using traditional human-led mode...

2020-09-16 17:43:54 1914

翻译 黑客马拉松 招募_五个夏天的高中生如何在一个夏天从黑客马拉松比赛中赢得9个5k...

黑客马拉松 招募Authored by Ayaan Haque, Adithya Peruvemba, Viraaj Reddi, Sajiv Shah, and Ishaan Bhandari. 由Ayaan Haque, Adithya Peruvemba , Viraaj Reddi , Sajiv Shah 和 Ishaan Bhandari 撰写 。 背景 (Background)...

2020-09-08 21:37:53 415

翻译 红墨水 蓝墨水混合_神经墨水假人指南

红墨水 蓝墨水混合 脑机界面可以帮助与AI建立共生关系吗? (Can the Brain-Machine Interface help achieve a symbiotic relationship with AI?)There is a lot of excitement for the Neuralink Demo announced by Elon Musk for today. Whi...

2020-09-08 21:28:22 697

翻译 总结过去展望未来_未来的发生速度将比过去快得多

总结过去展望未来In 1965, a young engineer named Gordon Moore predicted that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double every two years. 1965年,一位名叫戈登·摩尔 ( Gordon Moore)的年轻工程师预测集成电路中晶体管的数量每...

2020-09-08 21:19:13 217

翻译 ai决策_人工智能时代的决策

ai决策Possible consequences of decisions algorithms make on our behalf 决策算法可能代表我们做出的可能后果 Imagine you are driving in Yellowstone National Park and suddenly a deer jumps on the road in front of your car....

2020-09-08 20:59:15 2138

翻译 set name utd8_ml utd 8机器学习数据的最新生命

set name utd8#8 of the Machine Learning Up-To-Date newsletter from Life With Data 《生命与数据》中机器学习最新时事通讯的#8 Here’s Machine Learning Up-To-Date (ML UTD) 8 from the LifeWithData blog! We help you separate ...

2020-09-08 20:49:40 1271

翻译 ai人工智能方向_AI走错了方向

ai人工智能方向 意见 (Opinion)Four days ago, Hannah Kerner wrote 四天前, 汉娜·克纳(Hannah Kerner)写道 “Too many AI researchers think real-world problems are not relevant. The community’s hyperfocus on novel methods i...

2020-09-08 20:39:33 405

翻译 机器学习以前所未有的方式革新金融和商业

“AI is the new electricity” — Andrew Ng, Stanford professor and my idol “人工智能是新的电” –斯坦福大学教授吴安德和我的偶像 Machine Learning and Data Science have been buzz words for a long time. While its inherent advantage...

2020-09-08 20:28:47 438

翻译 井字游戏设计一个算法_井字游戏

井字游戏设计一个算法 介绍 (Introduction)Tic-tac-toe ,consisting of Xs and Os is a paper-and-pencil game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placi...

2020-09-06 13:42:49 920

翻译 面试官说让人事与我谈谈_让我们来谈谈机器人宝贝

面试官说让人事与我谈谈and how humans lost. 以及人类如何迷失。 None of this is real. It’s 21st century disinformation warfare fought on the battlefield of your timeline. 这些都不是真实的。 在您时间轴的战场上进行了21世纪的虚假信息战。 Over past month...

2020-09-06 13:24:27 199

翻译 机器学习 开始_我开始学习机器学习

机器学习 开始 前言 (Preface)Below is an essay I had written for a university requirement. I admit, it’s pretty rough. I attempt to condense two essays into the word count of one, and I don’t go into as much ...

2020-09-06 13:13:59 725

翻译 行为经济学_为什么所有数据科学家都应该了解行为经济学

行为经济学In 1975 Herbert A. Simon was awarded the Turing Award by the Association for Computing Machinery. This award, given to “an individual selected for contributions of a technical nature made to the ...

2020-09-06 13:04:35 687

翻译 深度学习 准备_为企业准备好深度学习

深度学习 准备 计算的历史是一个不断增加抽象的故事 (The history of computing is a tale of increasing abstraction)No matter which technology you look at, the same pattern somehow repeats itself: a breakthrough happens in a re...

2020-09-06 12:54:46 167

翻译 面向广义的rl代理商

演示地址I am of the strong opinion that Reinforcement Learning (RL) is the future of game-playing AI agents. However, to transition to a world where we can use RL in real-life games, there are many sub-pr...

2020-09-06 12:45:06 158

翻译 ai人工智能_药物发现中的人工智能

ai人工智能‘What Drug should I make next?’ and ‘How can I make it? “我接下来应该制造什么药物?” 和“我该怎么做? Historically, drugs were discovered either by chance (Serendipity) or through traditional remedies. In the more ...

2020-09-06 12:35:41 1335

翻译 nlp 与计算机视觉_ai ml nlp深度学习计算机视觉入门指南

nlp 与计算机视觉 什么是人工智能? (What is Artificial Intelligence?)Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer science that focuses on giving machines or computers the ability to think as intelligently...

2020-09-03 08:20:21 603

翻译 自动化的内容生成语言模型如何帮助您赢得seo竞赛

自然语言处理 (Natural Language Processing)Imagine you are starting a new business. You have an amazing product that could potentially disrupt a 100-million-dollar industry, but virtually nobody knows abou...

2020-09-03 07:50:51 331

翻译 人工智能中的计算机视觉

While a three-year-old child has a lot to learn about the world, one thing that he is already an expert in is making sense of what he sees. Our society is more technologically advanced than ever. We’v...

2020-09-03 07:40:43 1217

翻译 Neuronink是医学奇迹的噩梦

Poor Gertrude, the unwilling brain surgery recipient did not want to come out of her pen. Neuralink founder and real-life Tony Stark giggled nervously as the handlers tried to coax the small brown pig...

2020-09-03 07:30:47 206

翻译 神码ai人工智能写作机器人_机器学习人工智能确认了50个新行星

神码ai人工智能写作机器人by Ryan Whitwam 瑞安·惠特瓦姆(Ryan Whitwam) Spotting exoplanets isn’t as simple as pointing a telescope at the sky and picking out the planet-shaped things. The worlds orbiting distant stars a...

2020-09-03 07:20:20 279

翻译 机器人编程用什么编程语言_50可以将您的手机变成可编程机器人

机器人编程用什么编程语言Intel Labs just revealed its OpenBot project, which aims to provide low-cost real-time advanced robotics to inspire mass community adoption in the area. The low cost is achieved by a combi...

2020-09-03 07:09:39 271

翻译 蓝带 拱桥 区别_蓝带

蓝带 拱桥 区别This series will cover Cordatus AI platform in detail. Please feel free to ask any question in the comments. 本系列将详细介绍Cordatus AI平台。 请随时在评论中提出任何问题。 目录 (Table of Contents)What is Cordatus AI?...

2020-09-03 07:00:22 1487

翻译 自动驾驶汽车的优点

“If you recognize that self-driving cars are going to prevent car accidents, AI will be responsible for reducing one of the leading causes of death in the world.” “如果您意识到自动驾驶汽车将预防车祸,那么人工智能将负责减少世界上主要的死...

2020-09-03 06:41:25 3450

翻译 AI如何帮助最终使聚变React堆成为现实

Google,TAE Technologies和验光师算法 (Google, TAE Technologies and the Optometrist Algorithm)In Marvel’s comic universe following the end of World War II Howard Stark tries to tap into the energy of the my...

2020-09-03 06:21:08 258

翻译 边缘云与中心云_云与边缘的工业制造困境

边缘云与中心云Typically, Deep Learning — the subspecies of AI application that have gained the spotlight in the past few years thanks to their success in deploying real-world working AI at scale — is offered...

2020-09-03 06:11:00 986

翻译 nao机器人说话代码_我说话的机器人在哪里

nao机器人说话代码“Be aware of how the balance of control is shifting” “注意控制的平衡是如何变化的” NB: This article was first published in 2012 and was copied here in 2020. 注意:本文于2012年首次发表,并于2020年在此处复制。 For as long as h...

2020-09-03 05:51:00 1687

翻译 cv竞赛和kaggle_关于抽象和推理挑战kaggle竞赛的评论

cv竞赛和kaggle 这项比赛由FrançoisChollet主持。 (This competition was hosted by François Chollet.)This report has been prepared by Somayeh Gholami and Mehran Kazeminia. 该报告由 Somayeh Gholami 和 Mehran Kazeminia编写 ...

2020-09-03 05:40:32 427

翻译 rockchip研讨会_通过网络研讨会记录的数据提高医疗保健的负担能力

rockchip研讨会A Darling Ventures expert panel co-hosted with The Hive 与The Hive共同主办的Darling Ventures 专家小组 On August 13, we partnered with The Hive to host the first of our three-part series examining th...

2020-08-18 16:47:16 294

翻译 人工智能 人工智能一种_人工超级智能的最疯狂后果

人工智能 人工智能一种 人工超智能的最疯狂后果是什么? (What Could Be the Craziest Consequences of Artificial Superintelligence?)We all, well most of us in any case, remember how Skynet became aware and tried to take over the ...

2020-08-18 16:37:48 587

翻译 对人的思考和对审判的爱

This summer, I learned that there is no such thing as a good set of communities. 今年夏天,我了解到没有像这样的社区。 There are, however, many ways to find good communities. 但是,有很多方法可以找到好的社区。 That’s what my math rese...

2020-08-18 16:26:57 165



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