

by Constantin


接下来应该学习哪种编程语言? (Which Programming Language Should You Learn Next?)

Whether you’re an expert developer or a complete beginner, it’s always a good idea to learn a new programming language.


Of course, there’s not really one single language that every professional or aspiring developer must absolutely learn. The next language you choose to learn will depend on your current skill level and your overall career aspirations.

当然,并不是每个专业人士或有抱负的开发人员都必须绝对学习一种语言。 您选择学习的下一门语言将取决于您当前的技能水平和整体职业志向。

Don’t worry: I’ll break down your options in this article to help you figure out which programming language to tackle next. I’ll recommend three languages (one for beginners, one for intermediate developers, and one for experts), along with several alternatives you might prefer, depending on your preferences.

不用担心:在本文中,我将分解您的选择,以帮助您确定接下来要解决的编程语言。 我会推荐三种语言(一种是针对初学者的,一种是针对中级开发人员的,而一种则是针对专家的),并根据您的喜好提供您可能更喜欢的几种替代方法。

But first, let’s look at current trends to see which languages are gaining/falling in popularity.


The chart below shows the most in-demand programming languages in 2018 compared to 2017.


Despite the fact that Java is more than 20 years old, it’s still the most popular programming language — though it has decreased in popularity since 2017. Java has been in high demand for a long time, likely because it can run on any hardware or OS. For example, all Android apps are based on Java and most Fortune 500 companies use it for back-end development.

尽管Java已有20多年的历史了,但它仍然是最受欢迎的编程语言-尽管自2017年以来它的普及程度有所下降。Java的需求量很长一段时间了,很可能是因为它可以在任何硬件或操作系统上运行。 例如,所有Android应用程序都基于Java,大多数财富500强公司都将其用于后端开发。

Python, widely used for web development, is quickly catching up to Java in overall popularity. The language is widely used in scientific computing, data mining, and machine learning — which is where the growth in demand is coming from.

广泛用于Web开发的Python在整体上正Swift赶上Java。 该语言被广泛用于科学计算,数据挖掘和机器学习中-这正是需求增长的来源。

JavaScript remains very popular, which is no surprise since it’s used by most developers and almost all websites with dynamic logic. Also, front-end frameworks like React and AngularJS are being employed for IoT and mobile device integrations, so we’re unlikely to see JavaScript drop off the charts any time soon.

JavaScript仍然非常流行,这并不奇怪,因为大多数开发人员以及几乎所有具有动态逻辑的网站都在使用它。 此外,IoT和移动设备集成采用了React和AngularJS之类的前端框架,因此我们不太可能看到JavaScript很快消失。

C++ and C#, used in video game development and system/application software (C# is used for Microsoft’s .NET platform), are down a bit in 2018 but still going strong. PHP is growing in popularity as a way to add web functions that HTML or CSS can’t handle, and also for its use with MySQL databases. And, finally, Perl remains a top language for its popularity among system and network admins as a “glue language” to connect different software components.

视频游戏开发和系统/应用软件中使用的C ++和C#(C#用于Microsoft的.NET平台)在2018年有所下降,但仍表现强劲。 PHP作为添加HTML或CSS无法处理的Web功能的一种方法,以及与MySQL数据库一起使用的方法,正在日益普及。 最后,Perl仍然是一种流行的语言,因为它在系统和网络管理员中很流行,成为连接不同软件组件的“胶水语言”。

Once thing to notice about the chart above is that the top languages are all foundational. These languages (as discussed further below) are important for beginners to learn. But experts might be more interested in learning an advanced language.

上图需要注意的是,顶级语言都是基础。 这些语言(如下文进一步讨论)对于初学者来说很重要。 但是专家可能对学习高级语言更感兴趣。

基础和高级编程语言 (Foundational vs. advanced programming languages)

The most in-demand languages are sometimes referred to as foundational programming languages. They’ve been used since the early days to build the foundation of modern computing and networking.

需求最大的语言有时被称为基础编程语言。 从早期开始就使用它们来建立现代计算和网络的基础。

However, there are also many, many niche languages with growing developer communities, such as Haskell (used for AI and machine learning), Scala (a replacement for Java), ML (a functional language), Scheme (used for AI and web-based programming), and hundreds more.


These advanced languages are not beginner-friendly. However, if you plan to become an expert in a particular field, like AI and machine learning, knowing a language like Haskell could be an invaluable skill.

这些高级语言不适合初学者。 但是,如果您打算成为AI和机器学习等特定领域的专家,那么了解Haskell这样的语言可能是一项宝贵的技能。

Once you learn one or more foundational languages, you should be able to learn just about any new or more advanced programming language. Remember that it’s almost never a bad idea to learn a new language, as it will help you learn to think about problems in different ways.

一旦学习了一种或多种基础语言,就应该能够学习任何新的或更高级的编程语言。 请记住,学习一种新语言几乎绝不是一个坏主意,因为它将帮助您学习以不同方式思考问题。

With this in mind, below are three languages that are must-learns for developers at various skill levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced), along with a few alternatives.


初学者的编码语言 (A coding language for beginners)

JavaScript is a good choice for your first programming language. As mentioned above, JavaScript is nearly ubiquitous. And you can use to develop all sorts of applications. Many websites you probably use every day rely on JavaScript, including Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Spotify.

JavaScript是您第一门编程语言的不错选择。 如上所述,JavaScript几乎无处不在。 您可以用来开发各种应用程序。 您可能每天使用的许多网站都依赖JavaScript ,包括Gmail,Facebook,Twitter,Instagram和Spotify。

JavaScript is used for the front-end development of web apps (using frameworks like AngularJS, Ember.js, and React) and back-end development (using the Node.js framework). Learning these frameworks takes more time than learning JavaScript alone, but will help boost your employability (and salary).

JavaScript用于Web应用程序的前端开发(使用AngularJS,Ember.js和React等框架)和后端开发(使用Node.js框架)。 学习这些框架比单独学习JavaScript花费更多的时间,但将有助于提高您的就业能力(和薪水)。

Perhaps best of all, JavaScript is actually built into your browser, so you don’t have to install anything to start programming in it. That makes it incredibly accessible. There’s a good chance you’ll find the basics easy to learn, but don’t worry because there are plenty of advanced concepts to keep you busy learning for a very long time.

也许最重要的是,JavaScript实际上是内置在浏览器中的,因此您无需安装任何程序即可开始在其中进行编程。 这使其难以置信。 您很有可能会发现简单易学的基础知识,但是请放心,因为有很多高级概念可以让您长时间学习。

If you’re a beginner and you want to become a professional developer, it’s a good idea to learn JavaScript. With that said, any of the foundational languages would also be a good choice. Ideally, you should learn more than one foundational language throughout your career.

如果您是初学者,并且想成为一名专业开发人员,那么学习JavaScript是个好主意。 话虽如此,任何基础语言也将是一个不错的选择。 理想情况下,您应该在整个职业生涯中学习多种基础语言。

初学者的替代品 (Alternatives for beginners)

Python is relatively easy and fun to learn, with very few strict syntax rules. In fact, it reads like English, so even a pure beginner can understand the code. Python was used to build Instagram, YouTube, and Spotify, so it could be your ticket to a job with a top company.

Python相对简单易学,几乎没有严格的语法规则。 实际上,它读起来就像英文,所以即使是初学者也可以理解代码。 Python用于构建Instagram,YouTube和Spotify,因此它可能是您获得顶级公司工作的入场券。

Like Python, Ruby is also easy for beginners to learn. You don’t have to memorize many commands or syntax rules to use it. Startups are increasingly using Ruby’s full-stack framework called Ruby on Rails — it’s been used to build websites like Airbnb, Groupon, and many more.

像Python一样, Ruby对初学者也很容易学习。 您不必记住许多命令或语法规则即可使用它。 新兴企业越来越多地使用Ruby的称为Ruby on Rails的全栈框架-它已被用于构建AirbnbGroupon等网站。

中级程序员的下一步 (The next step for intermediate programmers)

Once you have some programming experience under your belt, it’s a good idea to take the time to learn C (along with C# and perhaps C++).

一旦拥有一定的编程经验,花点时间学习C (以及C#和C ++)是一个好主意。

C is more difficult to learn than JavaScript, but it’s a valuable skill to have because most programming languages are actually implemented in C. This is because C is a “machine-level” language. So learning it will teach you how a computer works and will actually make learning new languages in the future easier.

C比JavaScript更难学习,但是C具有一项宝贵的技能,因为大多数编程语言实际上都是用C实现的。这是因为C是一种“机器级”语言。 因此,学习它可以教会您计算机的工作原理,并使将来学习新语言变得更加容易。

Learning to program in C is like understanding basic anatomy before becoming a doctor. If you want to become an expert developer, you need to understand how computers and software work together. Learning C is an enlightening experience that will have the beneficial side-effect of teaching you how to code more efficiently.

学习用C语言编程就像是成为一名医生之前了解基本的解剖知识。 如果要成为专家开发人员,则需要了解计算机和软件如何协同工作。 学习C是一种启发性的经验,它将带来有益的副作用,即教您如何更有效地进行编码。

C# is widely used for enterprise development on the .NET platform, but it’s also the primary language for Unity 3D, a popular gaming engine for indie and VR games. C++ is usually used for performance-intensive desktop applications (including gaming). It’s also been used to create many large systems by companies like Microsoft, Oracle, and Adobe.

C#在.NET平台上被广泛用于企业开发,但它还是Unity 3D的主要语言,Unity 3D是一种用于独立游戏和VR游戏的流行游戏引擎。 C ++通常用于性能密集型桌面应用程序(包括游戏)。 Microsoft,Oracle和Adobe等公司还使用它来创建许多大型系统。

中级编码器的替代 (Alternative for intermediate coders)

Java is another good choice because it can be written on any device and used across platforms, making it an incredibly versatile language (remember, it’s still the most in-demand language today).


It’s commonly used for creating apps, so if your goal is to develop mobile apps, definitely learn Java.


专家开发人员面临的新挑战 (A new challenge for expert developers)

If you’ve mastered the foundational programming languages like Javascript, C#, C++, Java, and Python, you’re ready for a new challenge. In my opinion, that challenge should be Rust.

如果您已经掌握了Javascript,C#,C ++,Java和Python等基础编程语言,那么您已经准备好应对新挑战。 我认为,这一挑战应该是Rust

According to a Stack Overflow survey, Rust was rated the most-liked programming language by developers in 2018 for the third year in a row. It’s a relatively new language, created in 2010 by Mozilla, and constantly improving.

根据Stack Overflow的一项调查 ,Rust连续第三年被开发人员评为2018年最受欢迎的编程语言。 这是一种相对较新的语言,由Mozilla于2010年创建,并且一直在不断改进。

Rust is a compiled language comparable to C in terms of both performance and what it’s used for. However, unlike C, Rust is memory-safe: dangling pointers, buffer overflows, or other kinds of memory errors won’t be found in code written in Rust. It’s impossible to make this kind of error in Rust because any errors are caught during compilation — before the code is ever allowed to run.

就性能和用途而言,Rust是一种可与C媲美的编译语言。 但是,与C不同,Rust具有内存安全性:在Rust编写的代码中找不到悬挂指针,缓冲区溢出或其他类型的内存错误。 在Rust中不可能发生这种错误,因为在编译之前(允许代码运行之前)会捕获任何错误。

This feature makes Rust tough to learn for beginners, but experienced programmers will appreciate the inherent performance improvements. It’s been growing steadily in popularity since it was created and there’s a good chance Rust will be in very high demand in the next few years. According to Stack Overflow, it was the second-highest paying coding skill in 2017 and is in the top 6 for 2018.

此功能使Rust对于初学者来说很难学习,但是有经验的程序员将欣赏其固有的性能改进。 自创建以来,它的受欢迎程度一直稳定增长,Rust在未来几年中的需求很大 。 根据Stack Overflow的说法,它是2017年收入第二高的编码技能,在2018年排名前六

专家的选择 (Alternative for experts)

If you’re already an experienced Java programmer, the next language for you to learn might be Scala (short for Scalable Language).

如果您已经是一位经验丰富的Java程序员,那么您可以学习的下一种语言可能是Scala (可扩展语言的缩写)。

Scala is one of many attempts to improve upon Java and can be used as a direct replacement for it — in fact, it’s compiled to run on the Java Virtual Machine. It’s a complex language to learn, but well worth it in the end: Scala was ranked in the top-paying tech in Stack Overflow’s 2017 and 2018 survey.

Scala是对Java进行改进的众多尝试之一,可以直接替代它-实际上,它已编译为可以在Java虚拟机上运行。 这是一门学习复杂的语言,但最终值得一试:Scala在Stack Overflow的2017年2018年调查中被评为收入最高的技术。

Like Rust, Scala has been growing steadily in popularity over the past 5 years. Major companies like LinkedIn and Twitter already use Scala in their codebases.

与Rust一样,Scala在过去5年中一直稳步增长。 像LinkedIn和Twitter这样的大公司已经在其代码库中使用了Scala

结论 (Conclusion)

Ultimately, the programming language you decide to learn next should come down to your current skill level and your career interests/aspirations.


Beginners should start with easy-to-learn languages like JavaScript, Python, or Ruby to get their feet wet and start building applications.


Programmers with more experience would be smart to master a foundational and versatile language like C or Java to gain a better understanding of how computers and software interact. This will also teach you how to code more efficiently.

具有丰富经验的程序员会很聪明地掌握诸如C或Java之类的基础通用语言,以更好地理解计算机和软件之间的交互方式。 这还将教您如何更有效地编码。

And finally, expert coders might want to learn languages like Rust or Scala that improve upon foundational languages (like C and Java). These two advanced languages are already very popular among experienced developers and likely to become even more important as time goes on and companies decide to build newer, more efficient applications.

最后,专业的编码人员可能想学习像Rust或Scala这样的语言,这些语言会改进基础语言(例如C和Java)。 这两种高级语言已经在经验丰富的开发人员中非常流行,并且随着时间的流逝以及公司决定构建更新,更高效的应用程序,它们可能变得更加重要。

是否正在寻找一种测试您的编程技能的新方法? (Looking for a new way to test your programming skills?)

Having an objective idea of where you stand is key to improve. For a free and fair evaluation of your programming skills, simply submit your code. Indorse’s peer-reviewed evaluations can help you improve your technical skills and take you to the next level!

客观地了解自己的立场是改善的关键。 要免费公正地评估您的编程技能,只需提交您的代码 。 Indorse经过同行评审的评估可以帮助您提高技术技能,并使您更上一层楼!

Python | C# | Java | PHP | JavaScript |Ruby

Python | C# | Java | PHP | JavaScript | Ruby

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/which-programming-language-should-you-learn-next-487d077baa32/


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