

by Semi Koen

通过Semi Koen

为什么谦虚是优秀开发者最重要的特征 (Why humility is the most important trait of a great developer)

让您远离自我开发软件! (Leave your ego out of software development!)

一流的气质:明星开发者的出现 (A First-Class Temperament: The emergence of a star developer)

In my recent roles I have been responsible for a team of very talented senior developers and I have come to realise that the hardest problems I have faced are not of a technical nature but rather dealing with interpersonal relationships. I have therefore concluded that intelligence and technical competencies are necessary for success but are not sufficient to make us great developers.

在最近的工作中,我负责一个非常有才华的高级开发人员团队,并且我逐渐意识到,我所面临的最棘手的问题不是技术性的,而是处理人际关系的。 因此,我得出结论,智力和技术能力是成功所必需的,但不足以使我们成为优秀的开发人员。

Here I will talk about the one value I rank at the top, which rockets a great developer to the best asset a company has. It is the one value that managers fight wholeheartedly for, to have in their team: Humility!

在这里,我将讨论我排在首位的一个价值,它将一个伟大的开发商推向公司拥有的最佳资产 。 在团队中拥有管理者全心全意为之奋斗的价值观: 谦虚

⚠️ To clarify: In this post I take for granted that the developer is gifted technically. I am not debating whether technical or interpersonal skills are more important. However, if I had to make a choice, as a lead, I would always choose the latter!!

To️要澄清一下:在这篇文章中,我认为开发人员在技术上有天赋的。 我没有在争论技术或人际交往能力是否更重要。 但是,如果我不得不做出选择,作为领导,我总是会选择后者!

“Second class intellect; first class temperament”

“二等智力; 一流的气质”

So let’s explore the art and science of humility at work…


谦卑不是在减少自己的想法,而是在减少自己的想法 (Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less)

During my career as a developer, the more I learnt about building good quality software, the more humble I became. The hardest thing was to accept that I don’t know everything there is to know and acknowledge the fact that, even if I was an expert in some particular area, knowing all the corner cases and gotchas, there was still much to learn. And that’s ok!

在作为开发人员的职业生涯中,我对构建高质量软件的了解越多,变得越谦虚。 最难的事情是接受我不了解所有事情,要知道并承认这样一个事实,即使我是某个特定领域的专家,知道所有的极端情况和陷阱,仍然有很多东西需要学习。 没关系!

Humility is not suppressing our opinions, keep a low profile or let others walk over us. Simply put, it is to:

谦卑不会压制我们的意见,保持低调或让其他人走过去。 简而言之,它是为了:

  • realize that we are not the centre of the universe: the team is, and then the company;

    意识到我们不是宇宙的中心 :团队是,然后是公司;

  • remember that our manager does not want to deal with a ‘diva’ on a daily basis — doing business is their priority;

    请记住,我们的经理不想每天处理“ diva ”问题-做生意是他们的首要任务;

  • recognise that no one is irreplaceable — this is the foundation of all business that keeps the industry competitive and focused;

    认识到没有人是无可替代的 ,这是保持行业竞争力和专注度的所有业务的基础;

  • appreciate that those big egos won’t get us anywhere in a software team — whether it is in a small software house, or big corporate bank or Silicon Valley!


Ego is the belief in our self-importance and the thinking that the world begins and ends with us. It is our childish inner voice that chooses to win all the time and sometimes at the expense of others.

自我是对我们自我重要性的信念,是对世界以我们为始和终的想法。 我们幼稚的内心选择总是赢得胜利,有时却以牺牲他人为代价。

  • It makes us feel threatened when we are questioned. We feel exposed and vulnerable and as such we become defensive and in the worst cases spiteful and arrogant.

    当我们受到质疑时,这使我们感到受到威胁。 我们感到自己暴露无助,很脆弱,因此我们变得防御起来 ,在最坏的情况下我们怀有恶意和自大。

  • It is what prevents us from asking for help, collaborating and learning something new.


  • It stops us from recovering from our failed projects and learning from our mistakes.


  • It makes us dismiss someone else’s solution because it is not ours.


  • It makes us brag about our previous important achievements, as we think that this is all our teammates need to know to respect us.


…and so many more toxic behaviours that not only affect the project and the team but also impact us! But we are too short-sighted to recognise!

……还有更多有害行为,不仅影响项目和团队,还影响我们! 但是我们太短视了,无法认识!

成为优秀的开发人员 (Being a superb developer)

Over the years I have observed that those who are true masters of their craft are aware of their own limits. They are less inclined to assume that they automatically know it all. They are a blessing to work with! Their peers love them and their managers do too. You can do pair programming with a humble person. You can do code reviews with a humble person. You can instruct a humble person!

多年来,我观察到,那些真正精湛技艺的人意识到自己的局限性。 他们不太愿意假设他们自动知道了一切。 与他们合作真是太幸运了 ! 他们的同龄人爱他们,他们的经理也是如此。 您可以与谦虚的人进行结 编程 。 您可以与谦虚的人进行代码审查 。 您可以指导一个谦虚的人!

Here are some examples of their behaviour:


  • They are open-minded and actively ask questions, listen and adjust their points of view accordingly.

    他们思想开放 ,积极提出问题,倾听并相应地调整观点。

  • They respect other people’s opinions and their level of competence — their attitude is to teach not to offend.


  • They do a code review and they provide impartial feedback, they care both about their colleagues’ feelings but also about the quality of the code.


  • They appreciate that bad code can be the result of aggressive deadlines or inattention to technical debt and not necessarily of terrible developers and as such, they don’t judge!


外卖 (The Take-Away)

For better or worse, there is an increasing demand for developers at this point in time (and most certainly for the foreseeable future). We do have niche knowledge and are able to solve problems — skills that may seem unfathomable to anyone not in IT. There is also a magnification of the perception that code is the only output of our work that has any value and soft skills do not matter.

不管是好是坏,目前对开发人员的需求不断增长(并且在可预见的将来,这无疑是最重要的)。 我们确实拥有适当的知识,并且能够解决问题,这些技能对于IT领域以外的任何人来说似乎都是深不可测的。 人们还认为, 代码是我们工作中唯一具有任何价值的输出,而软技能无关紧要。

This should not be a justification nor an excuse for arrogance and rampant egotism!


In physics there is something called entropy: We either go up or down! There is no stagnation. It’s easy to be successful for a week, or a month or even a few years. At some point we will get trapped by our ego, people will see through us and we will fail quickly. I believe true success is sustainable by demonstrating humility every single day!

在物理学中,有一种叫做熵的东西: 我们要么上升要么下降 ! 没有停滞。 一个星期,一个月甚至几年的成功都是很容易的。 在某些时候,我们将被我们的自我困住, 人们将看到我们 ,我们将很快失败。 我相信,每天都要表现出谦卑,才能取得真正的成功!

Thanks for reading!


P.S. Have you come across “The Humble Programmer” essay by Edsger W. Dijkstra? It’s a classic!

PS:您是否遇到过Edsger W. Dijkstra撰写的“ 谦虚程序员 ”文章? 这是经典!

The competent programmer is fully aware of the strictly limited size of his skull; therefore he approaches the programming task in full humility, and among other things he avoids clever tricks like the plague”

称职的程序员充分意识到头骨的严格限制 ; 因此,他全力以赴地从事编程工作,除其他外,他避免了诸如瘟疫之类的聪明技巧。

I regularly write about Leadership, Technology and Data. If you would like to read my future posts please Follow me on Medium!

我定期撰写有关领导力,技术和数据的文章。 如果您想阅读我以后的文章,请在Medium上关注我



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