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翻译 永远不要忘记_永远不要说永远不在技术领域

永远不要忘记“The difference between an interactive game and an interactive work of art is not just in the subject matter. It is also in the program and interface, which are important parts of the expression...

2020-09-18 05:26:21 600

翻译 仅仅在微软就揭示了299 xbox series s

After countless leaks from the Redmond-based firm, Microsoft finally took off the wraps and unveiled the digital edition of its next-generation console. Via a tweet. While I’d have expected a press ev...

2020-09-18 05:15:48 675

翻译 我觉得马桶是一个失败的发明_我为我在游戏微交易中的发明工作感到抱歉

我觉得马桶是一个失败的发明Very few people can identify with a South Park episode on a real personal level. But I can. My family still occasionally joke that I’m the Canadian Devil for my part in developing microtr...

2020-09-18 05:06:39 813

翻译 没有it技能进ibm_没有人告诉您有关建立技术技能的知识

没有it技能进ibm 没有人告诉您有关建立技术技能的知识 (What Nobody Tells You About Building a Technical Skill Set) 对于所有技术爱好者,非技术人员和创业故事爱好者:这是免费编码课程之后的工作 (For all tech enthusiasts, non-techies, and startup story lovers: here’...

2020-09-16 17:06:57 384

翻译 对梦想有什么想法_梦想公司里有什么?

对梦想有什么想法 梦想公司里有什么? (What’s in a Dream Company?)In college, like many of my fellow college students, Google was my dream company. If I got an offer there, I just knew the job would be perfect. But if ...

2020-09-16 16:56:24 304

翻译 了解谈判和敏捷估计

谈判如何在谈判中 了解谈判和敏捷估计 (Understanding Negotiation and Agile Estimation)One of the most import activity of each scrum team is assigning the story point to each user story. A story point is an abstract mea...

2020-09-16 16:45:45 231

翻译 成为高级开发人员的捷径

开发捷径工具 成为高级开发人员的捷径 (Shortcuts to Becoming a Senior Developer) 您需要了解的技术和工具 (The technology & tools you need to know)Photo by Bruno Bueno on Pexels Bruno Bueno在Pexels上的照片 If you’ve ever wondered w...

2020-09-16 16:36:36 321

翻译 Knative v0.16.0更新

knative Knative v0.16.0更新 (Knative v0.16.0 update)I finally got around to updating my Knative Tutorial from Knative v0.14.0 to the latest Knative v0.16.0 release. Since I skipped v0.15.0, I'm not sur...

2020-09-16 16:27:21 335

翻译 如果DRY不起作用,请继续

dry原理翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/when-dry-doesnt-work-go-wet-6befda0444bfdry原理

2020-09-16 16:17:37 150

翻译 政府软件变革 云原生_“变革成本”软件系统

政府软件变革 云原生Peter H, via Peter H ,通过Pixabay (Pixabay ( Pixabay License)Pixabay许可 ) “变革成本”软件系统 (The “Cost to Change” Software Systems) 为什么我们还必须衡量系统是否易于更改! (Why we must also measure whether a system is ...

2020-09-16 16:07:04 183

翻译 避免成为新兵训练营毕业生的错误

新兵可以去学计算机吗 避免成为新兵训练营毕业生的错误 (Mistakes to Avoid as a Bootcamp Graduate) 盘点您在职业阶梯中的位置很重要 (It’s important to take stock of where you are in the career ladder)Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash 史蒂夫·约翰逊 (...

2020-09-16 15:56:29 288

翻译 负载测试中极限负载_为什么您的负载测试会隐藏问题并导致生产崩溃

负载测试中极限负载 为什么您的负载测试会隐藏问题并导致生产崩溃 (Why Your Load Test Will Hide Problems and Lead to Crashes in Production)What do you do to make sure your website, backend, or API will scale to higher levels of traff...

2020-09-16 15:45:32 525

翻译 小队pkc++_管理敏捷小队之间依赖性的11种策略

小队pkc++ 管理敏捷小队之间依赖性的11种策略 (11 Strategies for Managing Dependencies Between Agile Squads) 更好的敏捷 (Better Agile)Strategies to help manage dependencies between Agile squads (Image source: Author) 帮助管理敏捷...

2020-09-16 15:35:30 812

翻译 unity ecs 状态机_为什么在ECS中存储状态机是一个坏主意。

unity ecs 状态机 为什么在ECS中存储状态机是一个坏主意。 (Why Storing State Machines in ECS is a bad idea.)Edit: a previous version of this post contained a description of a naive sparse set implementation, whereas actual...

2020-09-16 15:24:51 937

翻译 艺术外包兼职网站app推荐_做兼职的艺术

艺术外包兼职网站app推荐 做兼职的艺术 (The Art of Doing Part-Time Work) “兼职将使你变得聪明,而全职将使你变得强大” (“A part-time job will make you smart, and a full-time job will make you strong”)Image provided by the author. 图片由作者提供。 ...

2020-09-16 15:14:50 529

翻译 阿里云主机 django_如何使用Django主机创建无限域

阿里云主机 django 如何使用Django主机创建无限域 (How to Create Infinite Domains Using Django Hosts)Subdomains are used for a variety of reasons including but not limited to eCommerce stores, location or language spec...

2020-09-16 15:04:29 240

翻译 ios开发者账号变更开发者_伟大开发者的六个标志

ios开发者账号变更开发者 重点 (Top highlight) 伟大开发者的六个标志 (The 6 Signs of a Great Developer) 是什么使优秀的开发人员与优秀的开发人员区分开? (What differentiates a great developer from a good one)Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash. Kalen...

2020-09-16 14:54:15 513

翻译 重构,代码复用 重复代码_什么时候应该重构代码?

重构,代码复用 重复代码翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/when-should-you-refactor-your-code-e98f3d33ff23重构,代码复用 重复代码

2020-09-16 14:43:54 353

翻译 golang 泛型_泛型是Go的泛型

golang 泛型 泛型是Go的泛型 (Generics are the Generics of Go) Go可能很快会包含其最受欢迎的功能 (Go might soon include its most requested feature)About three years ago, I was working on a pull request approval manager for G...

2020-09-16 14:33:09 1196

翻译 rails docker_在Mac上的Docker上加速Rails

rails docker 在Mac上的Docker上加速Rails (Speed up Rails on Docker on Mac) 单行更改速度提高2.5倍 (2.5x faster with a single line change)Todd CravensTodd Cravens Rails on Docker on Mac is slow. It’s so unbearably sl...

2020-09-16 14:23:53 179

翻译 Heroku与AWS Elastic Beanstalk

heroku Heroku与AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Heroku v.s. AWS Elastic Beanstalk)We deploy a web application to Heroku and to AWS Elastic Beanstalk in production configurations; contrasting their implementatio...

2020-09-16 14:12:59 230

翻译 Docker及其内部

docker 内部 jar Docker及其内部 (Docker and its internals)Before we start talking about docker, we need to understand the problem which is solved by Docker efficiently and economically. Before Docker gained...

2020-09-16 13:35:52 355

翻译 测试团队的价值_通过持久的团队释放价值

运营团队的价值 重点 (Top highlight) 通过持久的团队释放价值 (Unlocking value with durable teams)By Anna Shipman 安娜·希普曼(Anna Shipman) Over the past six months, my group at the Financial Times has moved from project-based...

2020-09-16 11:52:59 786

翻译 公司对软件开发人员基本要求_软件开发人员必须采用的9种基本素质

公司对软件开发人员基本要求 软件开发人员必须采用的9种基本素质 (9 Essential Qualities a Software Developer Must Adopt) 如何区分聪明的开发商和优秀的开发商 (How to differentiate a smart developer from a good developer)Photo by AltumCode on Unsplash...

2020-09-16 11:42:43 1226

翻译 如何减轻tomcat压力_6种简单的技巧可帮助您减轻工作压力

如何减轻tomcat压力翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/6-simple-techniques-to-help-you-be-less-stressed-at-work-d043d079b8a9如何减轻tomcat压力

2020-09-16 11:36:05 475

翻译 xamarin开发_移动开发堆栈:本机vs Xamarin vs Xamarin形式

xamarin开发 移动开发堆栈:本机vs Xamarin vs Xamarin形式 (Mobile Development Stack: Native vs Xamarin vs Xamarin Forms) 平台支援 (Platform Support)If you’re building a new smartphone or tablet app, the question you’v...

2020-09-16 11:32:50 224

翻译 采访拍摄镜头技巧_5个现场直播采访的有效技巧

采访拍摄镜头技巧 现场直播采访的5个有效技巧 (5 Effective Tips for Live-coding Interviews) 可以帮助您粉碎下一次直播编码面试的提示 (Tips that will help you crush your next live-coding interview)Photo by Clint Patterson on Unsplash Clint Pat...

2020-09-16 11:22:00 1228

翻译 kubernetes可视化_使用Kubernetes资源的快捷名称最大化您的Kubectl生产率

kubernetes可视化 使用Kubernetes资源的快捷名称最大化您的Kubectl生产率 (Maximize Your Kubectl Productivity With Shortcut Names for Kubernetes Resources)Photo by Ihor Dvoretskyi on Unsplash Ihor Dvoretskyi在Unsplash上的照片 Whe...

2020-09-16 11:12:51 128

翻译 shopify_反思构建自定义Shopify应用程序

shopifyIntroduction 介绍 Hello, and welcome to all things Shopify! My colleague and I have spent the last 3 months building and scaling a Shopify store for a client. Shopify has created an ecosystem th...

2020-09-16 11:03:40 787

翻译 首先的亚当和末后的亚当_亚当·史密斯(Adam Smith)是一名敏捷主义者吗?

首先的亚当和末后的亚当 亚当·史密斯(Adam Smith)是一名敏捷主义者吗? (Was Adam Smith an Agilist?)You mean the father of economics and capitalism? That’s him. Perhaps you answer the question with “nope, he was an economist”. Or ...

2020-09-16 10:53:27 873

翻译 放大电路的连接方式_放大到人的连接

朝着理想坚实迈进 任何人都可以按照我们的政策在“媒介”上发布,但我们不会对每个故事进行事实检查。 有关冠状病毒的更多信息,请参见cdc.gov 。 (Anyone can publish on Medium per our Policies, but we don’t fact-check every story. For more info about the coronavirus, se...

2020-09-16 10:43:58 724

翻译 如何在AWS ECS任务的环境中生成Postgres URL而不泄露您的秘密。

aws ecs 如何在AWS ECS任务的环境中生成Postgres URL而不泄露您的秘密。 (How to generate a Postgres URL in an AWS ECS task’s Environment without spilling your secrets.) 我们将使用的AWS技术堆栈: (The AWS tech stack we will be using:)...

2020-09-16 10:34:01 273

翻译 使用CI / CD管道部署您的应用程序

自动部署 管道 ci cd翻译自: https://medium.com/wind-of-change/creating-a-ci-cd-pipeline-6ff9aeb0848c自动部署 管道 ci cd

2020-09-16 10:26:23 177

翻译 作为软件工程师提出更好问题的4种方法

华为证书好还是软件工程师好翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/4-ways-to-ask-better-questions-as-a-software-engineer-a342ffc251a1华为证书好还是软件工程师好

2020-09-16 10:24:58 201

翻译 firebase 推送_使用Firebase的设备到设备推送通知

firebase 推送 使用Firebase的设备到设备推送通知 (Device to device push notification using Firebase)In this article, we will outline the different elements you need to be aware of to send a push notification from on...

2020-09-16 10:14:31 1667

翻译 如果您不在开发人员社区中,那么您会错过

quartz错过不执行 如果您不在开发人员社区中,那么您会错过 (If You’re Not in a Developer Community Then You’re Missing Out) 这就是社区可以为您提供的 (This is what communities can offer you)Image by John Schnobrich on Unsplash John Schnob...

2020-09-16 10:04:57 153

翻译 当它濒临死亡时,我学习了jQuery

当它濒临死亡时,我学习了jQuery (I Learned jQuery When It Is On The Verge of Death)I learned it because I had to, but I am glad I’ve crossed paths with it. 我学会了它是因为我必须这样做,但我很高兴自己走了一条路。 Jquery Interest Over Time...

2020-09-16 09:55:24 90

翻译 fcn从头开始_从头开始构建SaaS产品中学到的5课

fcn从头开始 从头开始构建SaaS产品中学到的5课 (5 lessons I learned from building a SaaS product from scratch) 开发人员的观点 (A developer’s perspective)Arian DarvishiArian Darvishi提供 A few months ago, I had an idea for a Saa...

2020-09-16 09:46:18 168

翻译 如果成为一名高级安卓开发_使您成为高级开发人员的唯一因素

如果成为一名高级安卓开发 使您成为高级开发人员的唯一因素 (The One and Only Factor That Will Make You a Senior Developer)You can’t “cram” your way into a senior developer position. 您无法“塞进”高级开发人员职位。 A while back I saw a course o...

2020-09-16 09:35:39 86

翻译 aws lambda使用_使用AWS Lambda处理大型S3文件

aws lambda使用 使用AWS Lambda处理大型S3文件 (Processing Large S3 Files With AWS Lambda)Despite having a runtime limit of 15 minutes, AWS Lambda can still be used to process large files. Files formats such as C...

2020-09-16 09:26:27 1541



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