三年前,我参加了编码训练营。 今天,我成为了Google Developer Advocate。

这是我的旅程以及如何到达那里的故事 (This is the story of my journey and how I got there)

什么是Google Developers Expert? (What is a Google Developers Expert?)

Let me start with Google’s official definition, and then I will follow with my definition.


A Google Developers Expert (GDE) is a person recognized by Google as having exemplary expertise in one or more of their products. The Google Developers Experts program awards GDEs. Google established and administers the program.

Google开发人员专家 (GDE)是Google认可的一种或多种产品方面的杰出专家。 Google Developers Experts计划授予GDE。 Google建立并管理该程序。

For me, a Google Developer Expert is a person who is a leader in their area of specialization. This person also contributes to the tech community. Contribution can consist of any combination of speaking, writing, open source contribution, training courses or maintaining a repo.

对我而言,Google开发人员专家是其专业领域的领导者。 此人还为科技界做出了贡献。 贡献可以包括口语,写作,开源贡献,培训课程或维护回购的任何组合。

您如何成为Google开发人员专家? (How Do You Become a Google Developers Expert?)

To earn the GDE distinction, other people that are GDE have to agree that you are an expert. You cannot apply for the program. You have to be nominated by a current GDE.

为了获得GDE的荣誉,其他GDE人士必须同意您是专家。 您不能申请该程序。 您必须由当前的GDE提名。

Once you are nominated you have to complete an application form. This form shows your level of expertise and your level of contribution to the tech community. If your application passes then you go through many rounds of interviews. You will be interviewed to judge your contribution to the tech community. Other interviews will evaluate your technical knowledge. The technical knowledge is done by a Google employee who is an expert in your area of specialization. If you pass all these steps then Google will recognize you as a GDE.

提名后,您必须填写一份申请表。 该表格显示您的专业水平和对技术界的贡献水平。 如果您的申请通过了,那么您将经历许多轮的面试。 您将接受面试,以判断您对技术界的贡献。 其他面试将评估您的技术知识。 技术知识是由Google员工完成的,他是您专业领域的专家。 如果您通过所有这些步骤,则Google会将您识别为GDE。

我的背景速览 (A Quick History of My Background)

Many many years ago I was a Lotus Notes Developer. I did this for 10+ years. I specialized in Lotus Notes deployments on IBMs AS/400. As a result, IBM hired me to write a book on Lotus Notes development. If you read the book “Developing E-Business Applications Using Lotus Domino on the AS/400” then you have read my book.

许多年前,我是Lotus Notes开发人员。 我做了十多年了。 我专门研究IBM AS / 400上的Lotus Notes部署。 结果,IBM雇用我写一本关于Lotus Notes开发的书。 如果您读过“在AS / 400上使用Lotus Domino开发电子商务应用程序”这本书,那么您已经阅读了我的书。

If you have ever used Lotus Notes, I bet you are probably not using it today. It was because of this decline in usage that I stopped being a developer. I moved on to other areas.

如果您曾经使用过Lotus Notes,那么我敢打赌您今天可能不会使用它。 正是由于使用率的下降,我才停止成为开发人员。 我搬到其他地方。

During this time I started learning about internet marketing. I built up an internet marketing business that allowed me to retire at the age of 51. The last job I had before retiring was as a Project Manager in the training department at Aaron’s.

在这段时间里,我开始学习互联网营销。 我建立了一个互联网营销公司,使我在51岁时退休。退休之前我的最后一份工作是在亚伦培训部门担任项目经理。

A year and a half after I retired I purchased a book for $1 on JavaScript programming on the clearance rack at Barnes & Noble. This was November 2014. For the next month and a half, I worked through the book and completed all the exercises. It was at this point that I remembered how much of a passion I had for programming.

退休一年半后,我在Barnes&Noble的清仓处以1美元的价格购买了一本关于JavaScript编程的书。 那是2014年11月。在接下来的一个半月中,我研究了本书并完成了所有练习。 正是在这一点上,我想起了自己对编程的热情。

我成为GDE的旅程 (My Journey to Becoming a GDE)

In December 2014 I decided I wanted to get back into programming. Going back to university to get a four-year degree was completely out of the question. Luckily for me, coding boot camps were starting to emerge. I applied and was accepted into a coding boot camp in December 2014. My boot camp cohort would start in March 2015.

2014年12月,我决定想重新开始编程。 回到大学获得四年制学位完全是不可能的。 对我来说幸运的是,编码训练营开始出现。 我于2014年12月申请并被录入了编码训练营。我的训练营队列将于2015年3月开始。

If you are not familiar with a coding boot camp, it is a three-month training program that teaches you how to be a developer. The boot camp I attended was pretty intense in that training was 12 hours a day six days a week. I graduated in June 2015. Exactly 30 days after graduating I started a job as a developer at CNN.

如果您不熟悉编码训练营,那么它将是一个为期三个月的培训课程,教您如何成为开发人员。 我参加的新手训练营非常激烈,因为训练是每周6天每天12个小时。 我于2015年6月毕业。刚毕业30天后,我开始在CNN担任开发人员的工作。

To become a GDE, you have to have strong technical skills as well as contribute to the community. Let me share how I worked on greatly improving my technical skills.

要成为GDE,您必须具备强大的技术技能并为社区做出贡献。 让我分享一下我如何极大地提高自己的技术技能。

提高我的技术能力 (Improving my technical skills)

When you work for a company that gets over a million hits a day you can imagine that their applications have thousands and thousands of lines of code. Coming out of a boot camp, saying I was overwhelmed is an understatement. If I wanted to contribute at a level that I expected of myself, I needed to improve my JavaScript skills quickly. To strengthen my skills, I completed training at CodeSchool (now PluralSight), freeCodeCamp, Lynda, treehouse, and Udacity. The two that provided me with the most improvements in my skills were CodeSchool and freeCodeCamp.

当您为一家每天获得超过一百万次点击的公司工作时,您可以想象他们的应用程序包含成千上万行代码。 从新兵训练营出来,说我不知所措是一种轻描淡写。 如果我想以自己期望的水平做出贡献,则需要快速提高JavaScript技能。 为了增强我的技能,我完成了在CodeSchool(现在为PluralSight),freeCodeCamp,Lynda,treehouse和Udacity的培训。 CodeSchool和freeCodeCamp是为我提供技能方面最大进步的两个人。

I adopted the game plan that I used to build my successful internet marketing business to help me improve my skills. This meant spending an hour every morning before leaving for work. Then also spending an hour every evening after work. At a minimum, I was spending 10 hours a week on training. On weekends I would spend every minute possible for training.

我采用了用来建立成功的网络营销业务以帮助我提高技能的游戏计划。 这意味着每天早晨要花一个小时才能上班。 然后每天晚上下班后还要花一个小时。 至少,我每周要花10个小时训练。 在周末,我会尽可能地花时间进行培训。

freeCodeCamp (freeCodeCamp)

freeCodeCamp’s original curriculum had fewer certifications than it has today. The number of hours required to complete each certification was also longer than it is today. freeCodeCamp estimated that it would take 1,200 hours to complete all three of their certifications. I completed them all in six months.

freeCodeCamp的原始课程所拥有的认证少于今天的。 完成每个认证所需的小时数也比今天更长。 freeCodeCamp估计完成所有三个认证都需要1200个小时。 我在六个月内全部完成了。

After completing all three certifications, I was selected to work on a project for a non-profit. A fellow camper and I created a conference scheduling application for Crimes Committed Against Women. You can watch this video to see a demo of the app we created.

在完成所有三项认证之后,我被选中从事非营利性项目。 我和一个露营者创建了一个针对妇女犯罪的会议时间表应用程序。 您可以观看此视频以观看我们创建的应用程序的演示。

代码学校 (CodeSchool)

I also completed the entire JavaScript training track on CodeSchool. (NOTE: Recently PluralSight purchased CodeSchool, so the original training program is no longer available.)

我还完成了CodeSchool上的整个JavaScript培训课程。 (注意:PluralSight最近购买了CodeSchool,因此不再提供原始的培训计划。)

This training coupled with what I learned in the coding boot camp provided a great improvement to my skills. The CodeSchool JavaScript track covered JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Express.js, Angular.js, and Backbone. All this I learned in my boot camp. It was invaluable to complete the training to bolster what I had learned and to apply it.

这次培训加上我在编码新手训练营中学到的知识,极大地提高了我的技能。 CodeSchool JavaScript跟踪涵盖了JavaScript,jQuery,Node.js,Express.js,Angular.js和Backbone。 这是我在新手训练营中学到的所有知识。 完成培训以支持我所学到的知识并将其应用是非常宝贵的。

社区贡献 (Community Contributions)

It is one thing to be a solid developer. A GDE is also evaluated on how they contribute back to the community. As I mentioned earlier, contributions could consist of any combination of speaking, writing, open source contribution, training courses or maintaining a repo.

成为一名扎实的开发人员是一回事。 还对GDE进行了评估,以评估它们如何回馈社区。 正如我前面提到的,贡献可以包括口语,写作,开源贡献,培训课程或维护回购的任何组合。

My first speaking event occurred less than six months after graduating from a coding boot camp. I spoke to soon-to-be graduates from my coding bootcamp about what they could do to improve their chances of getting hired quickly. I talked for about 45 minutes about how to trick out your LinkedIn profile and how to improve your GitHub repos.

从编码训练营毕业不到六个月,我的第一个演讲活动就发生了。 我向编码训练营的即将毕业的毕业生讲了他们如何做才能提高被快速招聘的机会。 我谈论了大约45分钟,讨论如何欺骗您的LinkedIn个人资料以及如何改善GitHub存储库。

Most people worry that they are not “expert” enough to speak on anything. That is not true. I talked on something I had just gone through which was getting a job after graduating from a coding boot camp. The students who would be graduating in less than a month greatly appreciated that I shared my first-hand knowledge of the hiring process.

大多数人担心他们不够“专业”,无法发表任何讲话。 那是不对的。 我谈到了刚从编码训练营毕业后找到一份工作的经历。 将在不到一个月内毕业的学生非常感谢我分享了我对招聘过程的第一手知识。

After that initial speech, I went on to speak on local meetups. The first three meetups where I spoke, were the AngularJS, Women Who Code and NodeJS meetup groups. I spoke about using Postman to test your APIs, Using LinkedIn to get hired and NPM as a Build Tool.

在最初的演讲之后,我继续在当地聚会上演讲。 我发言的前三个聚会是AngularJS,Women Who Code和NodeJS聚会组。 我谈到过使用Postman测试您的API,使用LinkedIn进行招聘以及使用NPM作为构建工具。

I spoke at my first major tech conference later that year. I would speak at my second tech conference just a few months later. In the past 35 months, I have spoken 27 times. This is an average of almost once a month for three straight years. If you want to know where I spoke or what I spoke on you can visit my website here.

我在当年晚些时候的第一次大型技术会议上发表了讲话。 几个月后,我将在第二次技术会议上发言。 在过去的35个月中,我讲了27次。 这是连续三年平均每月几乎一次。 如果您想知道我在哪里说话或我在说话什么, 可以在这里访问我的网站

编码亚特兰大的女性 (Women Who Code Atlanta)

I joined Women Who Code Atlanta in January 2015. There were six people present at my first meetup. There was Erica Stanley who founded WWCAtl, myself and four other women. Two years later WWCAtl created the WeRise Conference for 400 attendees.

我于2015年1月加入亚特兰大妇女代码组织。我的第一次聚会有六个人在场。 埃里卡·斯坦利 ( Erica Stanley )创立了WWCAtl,我本人和另外四名女性。 两年后,WWCAtl为400名与会者创建了WeRise会议。

This conference was created by women for women in which 85% of the speakers and attendees were female. This year the number of attendees increased by more than 25%. I am proud to be able to give the keynote speech at the conference this year.

这次会议是由妇女创建的,妇女中有85%的演讲者和参与者是女性。 今年参加人数增加了25%以上。 我很荣幸能够在今年的会议上发表主题演讲。

I am a member of the leadership committee for WWCAtl last year, this year and will be again for 2019. I am a tech lead for the monthly “Code Jams.” My job is to help anyone that needs help in learning something or working on a current project. In addition, I have taught several three-hour workshops on NodeJS/ExpressJS/MongoDB and Advanced JavaScript.

我是去年,今年的WWCAtl领导委员会成员,并将于2019年再次任职。我是每月“ Code Jams”的技术负责人。 我的工作是帮助任何需要帮助的人学习一些知识或从事当前的项目。 此外,我还教授了三个小时的关于NodeJS / ExpressJS / MongoDB和Advanced JavaScript的研讨会。

I have also spoken multiple times at the monthly meetup and served on panel discussions. I spoke at the inaugural WeRISE Conference, and this year I did the keynote speech as well as taught a half-day workshop.

我在每月聚会上也多次发言,并参加小组讨论。 我在首届WeRISE会议上发表了讲话,今年我做了主旨演讲,并教授了一个半天的研讨会。

freeCodeCamp (freeCodeCamp)

I have already mentioned that I completed all three certifications in the original freeCodeCamp curriculum. (NOTE: they have revamped their curriculum, and today it consists of 6 certifications.) I also contributed to a non-profit project for freeCodeCamp. When I was working on the curriculum, I was very active in their forum. I would answer questions, provide encouragement and give code examples.

我已经提到我在原始的FreeCodeCamp课程中完成了所有三个认证。 (注意:他们已经修改了他们的课程,今天它包含6个认证。)我还为freeCodeCamp的一个非营利项目做出了贡献。 在制定课程时,我非常活跃在他们的论坛中。 我会回答问题,提供鼓励并给出代码示例。

freeCodeCamp also has a publication on medium.com. Users from all over the world submit articles. Volunteer editors edit these articles before they are published. For the past year, I have been an editor. I will edit anywhere from 7 to 30 articles a week.

freeCodeCamp 在medium.com上也有出版物 。 来自世界各地的用户都可以提交文章。 志愿者编辑人员在发布这些文章之前对其进行编辑。 在过去的一年中,我一直担任编辑。 我每周将编辑7至30篇文章。

Earlier this year I created a series of videos that demonstrated the “whiteboarding” process of a tech interview. I went through hours of actual interview questions I have been asked and showed how you could answer the question. I even showed how you could refactor your code, explain my thought process and address possible ways my code could be tested. This video series covered interview questions on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. freeCodeCamp picked up the videos, and you can watch them here.

今年早些时候,我制作了一系列视频,展示了技术面试的“白板”过程。 我经历了几个小时的实际面试问题,并向您展示了如何回答该问题。 我什至展示了如何重构代码,解释我的思考过程以及解决测试我代码的可能方式。 该视频系列涵盖了有关HTML,CSS,JavaScript和jQuery的采访问题。 freeCodeCamp拾取了视频, 您可以在此处观看

For the first time in the history of freeCodeCamp, Quincy Larson, the founder, recognized those campers who had contributed the most as “Top Contributors.” I am proud to be recognized as a “Top Contributor” in the inaugural year the award was given. I was able to attend the award ceremony in New York earlier this year.

在freeCodeCamp历史上,创始人Quincy Larson首次将贡献最大的那些露营者视为“杰出贡献者”。 我很荣幸被授予该奖项的首年“杰出贡献者”。 我能够参加今年早些时候在纽约举行的颁奖典礼。

写作 (Writing)

I started writing while I was in my coding boot camp. After graduating, I continued to write about things I was learning. I would write about what JavaScript books I recommend for learning programming. I did a three-part series on creating your first app in Angular and adding features to it.

我在编码训练营时就开始写作。 毕业后,我继续写我正在学习的东西。 我会写一些推荐学习编程的JavaScript书 。 我做了三部分的系列文章,介绍了如何在Angular中创建您的第一个应用程序并为其添加功能。

Today I write my articles on medium.com and then cross post them on my personal blog. As part of my application process for GDE, I had to provide a link to every article that I have ever written. I also had to provide statistics on the number of people that have read them.

今天,我在medium.com上文章 ,然后交叉发布到我的个人博客上 。 作为我对GDE的申请过程的一部分,我必须提供指向我所写过的每篇文章的链接。 我还必须提供有关已阅读的人数的统计信息。

At the time I submitted my application my articles had been viewed more than 260,000 times. I am proud that more than a quarter of a million people have read my articles. I average more than 1,000 people daily reading my articles on medium.

在我提交申请时,我的文章已被浏览超过260,000次。 令我感到骄傲的是,超过一百万人中有四分之一的人阅读了我的文章。 我平均每天有1000余人在中等阅读我的文章。

训练 (Training)

Another area where you are measured is whether or not you have created training courses for others. I have already mentioned the three-hour workshops and half-day workshops that I have done through Women Who Code Atlanta. In addition to this, I have three websites with training that I have created.

衡量您的另一个方面是您是否为其他人创建了培训课程。 我已经提到了我通过《亚特兰大妇女密码》举办的三个小时的讲习班和半天的讲习班。 除此之外,我还创建了三个经过培训的网站。

The first website is in5Days.tech. The URL is specific because you can sign up for a quick introduction to a wide range of topics. Just enter your email address, and for the next 5 days, I will send you an email teaching you about that topic.

第一个网站是in5Days.tech 。 该URL是特定的,因为您可以注册以快速介绍各种主题。 只要输入您的电子邮件地址,接下来的5天里,我会向您发送一封电子邮件,教您有关该主题的信息。

The next website I created to give a crash course introduction to Functional Programming in JavaScript. I was teaching an Advanced JavaScript course, and people wondered if their skills were strong enough to allow them to attend an advanced course. So I put together a short training course on functional programming.

我创建的下一个网站是速成课程,向您介绍JavaScript函数编程。 我当时在教高级JavaScript课程,人们想知道他们的技能是否足够强大,可以让他们参加高级课程。 因此,我整理了有关函数式编程短期培训课程

The last website will be my official website with all my training courses on it. You can sign up for a course and then watch a series of videos to learn more about the topic. (NOTE: if you visit the website and not all the training courses are available, then give me time. It takes hours to record, edit and publish video training courses which I am doing outside of my day job. So please keep coming back and checking out the progress.)

最后一个网站将是我的官方网站,上面有我所有的培训课程 。 您可以注册一门课程,然后观看一系列视频以了解有关该主题的更多信息。 (注意:如果您访问该网站,但并非所有培训课程都可用,请给我点时间。录制,编辑和发布我日常工作以外正在做的视频培训课程需要花费数小时。因此,请继续回来检查进度。)

教学与指导 (Teaching and Mentoring)

Another area that I have contributed is being a teacher at Tech Talent South in Atlanta. I have taught courses for them. I have been a mentor for Thinkful online coding bootcamp. I would mentor student three days a week as they worked their way through the curriculum. There have been many Women Who Code Atlanta members that have attended coding boot camps. I have mentored six of them while they were attending their coding boot camp.

我贡献的另一个领域是亚特兰大Tech Talent South的老师。 我为他们教过课程。 我一直是Thinkful在线编码训练营的指导者。 在他们完成课程的过程中,我会每周三天指导学生。 有许多亚特兰大妇女编码组织的成员参加了编码训练营。 当他们参加编码训练营时,我指导了其中的六个。

NodeJS指导计划 (NodeJS Mentorship Program)

The NodeJS organization is trying to get more people involved with contributing to NodeJS which is an open source project. They are about to announce a program where current contributors will be paired up with several people that are interested in contributing. They will be paired for six months. After they graduate, the expectation is they will become contributors to NodeJS.

NodeJS组织正在努力吸引更多的人参与为开源项目NodeJS做出贡献。 他们即将宣布一项计划,届时现有的贡献者将与几个有兴趣的贡献者配对。 他们将配对六个月。 他们毕业后,期望他们将成为NodeJS的贡献者。

To start this program, they ran an initial Beta Mentorship Program where they selected just four people out of more than 800 people that had applied. I was in the initial Beta program. I kept a diary of my experience in the program which you can read here. I also created a series of videos about what I learned and recorded all my meetings with my mentor which you can watch.

为了启动该计划,他们运行了一个初始的Beta指导计划,在该计划中,他们从800多名申请者中仅选择了4个人。 我当时处于最初的Beta程序中。 我在程序中记下了我日记 ,您可以在这里阅读。 我还制作了一系列有关我所学知识的视频 ,并记录了与导师一起参加的所有会议,您可以观看。

结论 (Conclusion)

Google recognizes people as GDEs in a wide range of technologies. Some of these areas are web, Angular, Android, Google Maps, Chrome, and Google Cloud. You are selected to the program in one of these areas. I was chosen for Web Technologies.

Google将人们视为广泛技术中的GDE。 其中一些区域是Web,Angular,Android,Google Maps,Chrome和Google Cloud。 您已被选择进入这些区域之一中的程序。 我被选为Web Technologies。

I wanted to share with you my journey and what I have done to get to this point. The combination of my technical skills, my speaking, my training and my contributions to WWCAtl, freeCodeCamp, Thinkful, and Tech Talent South is what propelled me to earn this distinction. Currently, Google only recognizes 59 people as GDE in the Web Technologies area. I am proud to be number sixty.

我想与您分享我的旅程以及为达到这一点所做的工作。 我的技术技能,演讲,培训和对WWCAtl,freeCodeCamp,Thinkful和Tech Talent South的贡献相结合,促使我赢得了这一殊荣。 目前,Google在Web技术领域仅将59个人识别为GDE。 我很自豪能成为60岁。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/three-years-ago-i-attended-a-coding-bootcamp-today-i-became-a-google-developer-advocate-b89fae03d476/

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