Google Developers Experts

Google Developers Experts

                                                                                                                                                                   국민대학교 주가 20163660

Google Developers Experts

Who are Google Developers Experts?

Google Developers Experts (GDEs) are experts in one or more Google developer technologies. The GDE program recognizes the exemplary work done by these rock stars for the Google Developers worldwide by inviting them to be part of the growing GDE community. GDEs are gurus, mentors and friends; they are developers just like you. Visit the member directory to find an expert in the products you care about. Google Developers Experts speak in local and global events, have a strong online presence and an excellent technical background in their field. These independent developers bring their real-world experience and knowledge working with Google technologies to developer communities worldwide.

What kind of activities do GDEs do?

GDEs write code and launch apps; they open source as much as possible of the code they write to benefit other developers. They have written and continue to write blog posts, articles, documentation, books, etc. about development on the Google platform. They also translate existing documentation into other languages to benefit local developers. GDEs have high reps on forums like Stack Overflow and are top contributors on product mailing lists. They speak at developer conferences, organize and lead GDGs, and conduct hackathons.GDEs can be nominated for the program for doing one or more types of activities for a product. Once they are accepted as a GDE, they are expected to continue contributing in any of the ways listed above.

GDE Application Process

The current Google Developers Experts award process requires that the candidate to:

  1. Submit written evidence of existing work demonstrating their engagement with the developer community for the supported Google product.
  2. Eligibility check by the Regional Lead and product point of contact from Google regarding the fit.
  3. Pass an interview with another GDE specialising in the supported product.
  4. Pass an interview with a Google employee with expertise in the supported product.
  5. Sign a non disclosure agreement with Google not to reveal any confidential information about future product information etc.


The Google Developer Experts program initially started in Japan as the Google Developer API Expert program. In July 2012 Google renamed it to Google Developers Expert program and made it available to developers around the world. In 2014 the official Google Developers Expert site started referring to the program as Google Developer Experts.

 Google Developers Expert: recognizing and rewarding top developers



The status of Google Developers Expert is awarded yearly to experts who contribute to the communities around Android, Cloud, HTML5, Chrome, and Google Maps. Members of the program develop close connections to the respective Google product team, gain early access to developer releases, and are invited to an annual summit at Google headquarters. In addition, members are authorized to use a domain-specific badge which links to their member directory listing for use in promoting their services.




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