devops 让开发只专注_专注和深入的工作-成为10倍开发人员的秘密武器

devops 让开发只专注

Or how to become one of those highly-paid “10x Rockstar Ninja” developers companies love to hire.

或者如何成为那些喜欢雇用的高薪“ 10倍Rockstar Ninja”开发商之一。

It doesn’t matter if you’re working on a side hustle or if you’re a junior developer wanting to get noticed and promoted. It doesn’t matter if you’re a lead developer looking for a change of pace, from a corporate gig to a start-up or the other way around. It doesn’t matter if you’re jobless out of college.

无论您是忙碌的工作还是想要受到关注和晋升的初级开发人员,都没关系。 无论您是要寻求改变步伐的领先开发者,从公司演出到初创公司或其他方式,都没关系。 如果你大学毕业就没关系。

As long as you’re a programmer, no skill is more important to your success than focused, deep work.


From Cal Newport’s book Deep Work:

摘自Cal Newport的著作Deep Work

“The Deep Work Hypothesis: The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare and at the exact same time it is becoming increasingly valuable in our economy. … the few who cultivate this skill, and then make it the core of their working life, will thrive.”

“深层工作假说:进行深层工作的能力变得越来越稀少,同时,它在我们的经济中正变得越来越有价值。 ……培养这种技能,然后使其成为工作生活核心的少数人会蓬勃发展。”

Deep Work p.14

深入学习 p.14

I’m going to use some points from Deep Work to tie together my thoughts on becoming a successful, in-demand developer. I highly recommend reading it if you’re in the technology field in any capacity.

我将利用Deep Work的一些观点来整合我关于成为一名成功的需求开发人员的想法。 如果您以任何能力从事技术领域,我强烈建议您阅读。

从代码恐惧到首席开发人员。 (From Fear of Code to Lead Developer.)

I’m a self-taught programmer. But I didn’t start programming until my late 20s. I’ve always considered myself an artistic person and figured I’d end up in a creative field.

我是一个自学成才的程序员。 但是直到20多岁才开始编程。 我一直认为自己是一个艺术人物,并认为自己会进入一个创意领域。

And I did. After college I started a company that did graphics and web design for small, local businesses. I was a pro at Photoshop and knew enough HTML and CSS to be dangerous.

而我做到了。 大学毕业后,我创办了一家为本地小型企业提供图形和网页设计的公司。 我是Photoshop的专业人士,知道足够HTML和CSS危险。

But anything more complicated, requiring even a line of PHP, I had to outsource.


I was petrified of code for a very long time and left it to the folks with Computer Science degrees.


“One wrong keystroke and the client’s business could go up in flames…” I thought. I wasn’t too far off honestly (in the days before version control, there was no turning back with FTP).

我想:“一次错误的按键操作和客户的业务可能会火起来……” 老实说,我并不太遥远(在版本控制之前的日子里,FTP并没有退缩)。

Now I’m a lead developer for a Fortune 50 company working on a product that entertains millions of people every month.


How’d I get here in a few short years? ?

几年后我怎么到这里? ?

My “secret” is getting good at focus and deep work. There’s nothing special about me. I took the time to train myself how to focus on one specific thing, without distraction, for an extended period of time.

我的“秘密”正在善于专注和深入工作。 我没什么特别的。 我花时间训练自己如何长时间专注于某件事。

代码就是艺术。 (Code is Art.)

Programming is very much a creative pursuit.


It may seem technical and dry to a regular person, but you are a creator. You’re creating something out of nothing. That “nothing” can be an idea in your head for an app or a feature request from a product manager.

对于普通人来说,这似乎是技术性的和干燥的,但是您一个创造者。 您正在从无到有地创建一些东西。 “无”可能是您想到的应用程序想法或产品经理的功能请求。

That thing doesn’t exist yet, but you’re going to bring it to life. Not with paint or words, but with code (OK, some words, as long as they’re not reserved words).

那东西还不存在,但是您将把它变成现实。 不是用油漆或文字,而是用代码(好的, 有些文字,只要它们不是保留字)。

If you have any desire to produce at a high level, then you have to practice.


The quantity and quality of your output increases when you get better at being able to stay focused for longer, intentional periods.


Art, music, and writing all require long periods of uninterrupted time where the myelin thickens on those synapses between your brain cells. Programming is no different.

艺术,音乐和写作都需要长时间不间断的时间, 髓磷脂在脑细胞之间的突触中变厚。 编程没有什么不同。

You get better with practice and time. And you can get a lot better, in less time, when you make your practice more effective.

通过练习和时间,您会变得更好。 当您使自己的练习更有效时,您可以在更少的时间内获得更好的结果。

是的,您可以成为10倍的开发人员(但是5倍,2倍和1倍也很棒) (Yes, You Can Be a 10x Developer (But 5x, 2x and 1x Are Great Too))

Let me preface this by saying that I hate buzzwords like “rockstar” “ninja” and “10x developer.” Every developer does, but companies and recruiters love to use them.

首先,我要说我讨厌流行语,例如“ rockstar”,“ ninja”和“ 10x developer”。 每个开发人员都这样做,但是公司和招聘人员都喜欢使用它们。

Despite the cheesiness, there is a lot of truth behind the “10x Developer” idea.

尽管很俗气,但“ 10x开发人员”构想背后有很多真相。

It doesn’t mean that one person can replace ten. It means that some developers get more done, with better quality, and in less time. They do it consistently over the long run without working any harder than anyone else.

这并不意味着一个人可以取代十人。 这意味着一些开发人员可以在更少的时间内完成更多工作,获得更高的质量。 从长远来看,他们始终如一地做到这一点,而没有比其他任何人更加努力。

This ability is not a natural gift. You aren’t born with it and it’s not something you can “turn on.” It’s a skill that you can, and must, practice and train.

这种能力不是天赋的。 您不是天生的,它不是您可以“打开”的东西。 这是您可以而且必须练习和训练的技能。

I’ve been on the hiring side dozens of times and I will tell you any company would love to have an entire team of 10x developers. But that’s not reality.

我已经在招聘方面工作了数十次,我会告诉您任何一家公司都希望拥有一支由10倍开发人员组成的团队。 但这不是现实。

There are more open developer jobs than there are qualified developers to fill them. Businesses are having trouble filling positions with any qualified developers, let alone (some multiplier)x developers.

开发人员职位空缺多于合格的开发人员。 企业在填补任何合格开发人员的位置时遇到了麻烦,更不用说(某些乘数)x开发人员了。

“Senior executives believe that the lack of quality developer talent is one of the biggest potential threats to their growth.” - The Developer Coefficient

“高级管理人员认为,缺乏优质的开发人才是对其成长的最大潜在威胁之一。” - 开发人员系数

It’s hard to find good talent.


Most companies will knock down the door for a 10x developer but they’re happy hiring 5x, 2x, and even 1x developers.


A 1x developer (yes, I made this up) is a developer who can do the job they’re hired to do. Nothing more, nothing less. Seriously. Any company will be delighted with that. Plenty has been written about the astronomical cost of a bad hire.

1x开发人员(是的,我做了这个)是可以完成他们被聘用的工作的开发人员。 仅此而已。 说真的 任何公司都会对此感到高兴。 关于一次不好的雇佣天文成本已有很多文献记载。

将编程技能与专注和深入工作相乘所需的2个步骤 (The 2 Steps You Need to Multiply Your Programming Skills with Focus and Deep Work)

It’s time to step up your career. There’s so much opportunity for you to get hired and thrive in a career you love.

现在是时候提高您的职业了。 您拥有大量的机会,可以在自己喜欢的职业中获得录用和发展。

If you’re the entrepreneurial type, the same lessons apply. More so because your livelihood depends on being effective with your time.

如果您是企业家类型,则适用相同的课程。 更重要的是,因为您的生计取决于能否有效利用自己的时间。

This is how you go from junior to senior developer. This is how you go from 0.5x developer to 5x developer. This is how you get your side project off the ground when you only have a 10 hours a week to work on it.

这就是您从初级到高级开发人员的方式。 这就是您从0.5x开发人员升级到5x开发人员的方式。 这样,当您每周只有10个小时的工作时间时,便可以启动辅助项目。

Hell, this is how you survive.


“To remain valuable in our economy, therefore, you must master the art of quickly learning complicated things. This task requires deep work. If you don’t cultivate this ability, you’re likely to fall behind as technology advances.”
“因此,要在我们的经济中保持有价值,就必须掌握快速学习复杂事物的技巧。 此任务需要深入的工作。 如果您不培养这种能力,那么随着技术的进步,您很可能会落后。”

Deep Work p.13

深度学习第 13页

学会专注是艰巨的。 (Learning to Focus is HARD.)

The first thing to realize is that learning to focus isn’t easy. You’re not going to be able to start producing novels of quality code from the start. Especially if you’ve never dealt with the reality of how easily distracted you are.

首先要意识到的是,学习专注并不容易。 您将无法从一开始就开始创作高质量代码的小说。 特别是如果您从未处理过容易分心的现实。

Learning to focus requires practice. Anything that requires practice means its difficult. If it wasn’t, you’d be good at it by default.

学习专注需要实践。 任何需要实践的东西都意味着困难。 如果不是,默认情况下您会擅长。

You’re going to struggle and that’s OK. We’ll start small.

你要努力奋斗,没关系。 我们将从小处着手。

不要将繁忙与生产力混为一谈。 (Don’t Confuse Busyness with Productivity.)

Deep work is not locking yourself in a dark room and forcing yourself to aimlessly navigate code for 14 hours at a time. Just because you’re doing something doesn’t mean it’s worth doing.

深入的工作不会将自己锁定在黑暗的房间中,并且不会强迫自己一次漫无目的地浏览代码14个小时。 仅仅因为您正在做某事并不意味着就值得这样做。

You need to figure out what’s important and what’s not. That’s beyond the scope of this post. If you’re going to spend the time learning how to focus, then do it on something that has a high return for the effort involved.

您需要找出重要的和不重要的。 这超出了本文的范围。 如果您要花时间学习如何专注于某件事,那么就要做一些对所付出的努力有高回报的事情。

It’s like the sun and a magnifying glass.


Distracted work is your energy going in every direction like the sun. You can stand outside in the sun and you’re not going to get hurt.

分心的工作是您的精力像太阳一样在各个方向上传播。 您可以站在外面的阳光下,不会受伤。

Learn to concentrate that scattered energy with a magnifying glass and your ability to destroy goes from 0 to 10. We want to preserve that limited power for important things (the sun goes down eventually).


第1步-消除干扰 (Step 1 — Removing Distraction)

Multitasking is a lie. You’re fooling yourself if you think you can write quality code while checking Slack messages or reading news in another window.

多任务处理是一个谎言。 如果您认为自己可以在检查Slack消息或在另一个窗口中阅读新闻时编写高质量的代码,就在自欺欺人。

We live in a world of distraction. The technology we work on is a double-edged sword. There’s nothing like that sweet, sweet dopamine hit from a new notification.

我们生活在一个分散注意力的世界中。 我们正在研究的技术是一把双刃剑。 没有什么比新通知中那种甜美的多巴胺更受欢迎了。

“Cool, someone liked that I saw Hamilton.” But that’s poison to your ability to focus.

“很酷,有人喜欢我看到汉密尔顿。” 但这对您专注的能力有害。

Removing distraction is the foundation of focused, deep work.


  • Put your phone on silent or turn it off if you’re not in a position that has to be on-call. I use the Forest app to prevent me from going on my phone. Face down, somewhere out of arm’s reach is good too.

    将手机置于静音状态,如果您不在待命位置,则将其关闭。 我使用森林应用程序阻止我继续使用手机。 面朝下,伸手可及的地方也不错。

  • Close Slack. This is a huge one for me because I have this OCD where I need to clear my queue of unread messages. Most of these messages are noise so its better for me to close Slack when working.

    关闭松弛。 这对我来说是一个巨大的挑战,因为我有此OCD,需要在其中清除未读消息队列。 这些消息大多数都是噪音,因此最好在工作时关闭Slack。

  • Close any other apps that are going to distract you with notifications, like Outlook.

    关闭其他将使您分心的通知的应用程序 ,例如Outlook。

  • This is the hardest one of all — close any browser windows not relevant to your task. Now block all your favorite websites. I love the HeyFocus app ($20) but there are a bunch of free extensions out there.

    这是最困难的一项- 关闭与您的任务无关的所有浏览器窗口 。 现在屏蔽所有您喜欢的网站 。 我喜欢HeyFocus应用程序 (20美元),但是那里有很多免费扩展程序。

  • Headphones on — This keeps people from bothering you (hopefully), but also listening to the same album over and over is a great focusing tool. It might be a priming thing (signaling to your brain that its time to work) or a flow thing (the music puts you in a good mood). Either way, a lot of developers swear by this technique.

    戴上耳机 -可以防止人们(希望)打扰您但一遍又一遍地聆听同一张专辑是一个很好的对焦工具。 可能是很吸引人的事情(向您的大脑发送信号,通知其工作时间)或顺畅的事情(音乐使您心情愉快)。 无论哪种方式,很多开发人员都对这种技术发誓。

第2步-番茄技巧(秘密武器) (Step 2 — Pomodoro Technique (The Secret Weapon))

Before you have a panic attack thinking that you can’t go 8 hours without any distractions, don’t worry. We’ll be using the Pomodoro Technique to break up our day.

在发生恐慌发作之前,以为您不能分心8个小时,不要担心。 我们将使用番茄美食技术来打破我们的一天。

There are a lot of productivity techniques out there, but my favorite has been the Pomodoro. I’m going to paraphrase it below to get you started.

那里有很多生产力技术,但我最喜欢的是Pomodoro。 我将在下面解释它,以帮助您入门。

If you want the official rundown, check out The Pomodoro Technique book, which gets more detailed and rule-oriented.

如果您想正式入围,请查阅《 The Pomodoro Technique》一书,该书更加详细且面向规则。

为25分钟的街区工作(番茄) (Work for a 25 Minute Block (a Pomodoro))

You’ll work for 25 minutes, undistracted, on one thing. That chunk of work is a one “Pomodoro.”

您将一心一意地工作25分钟。 那部分工作就是一部“波莫多罗”。

Use a Timer. I’ve used an old school hourglass before. If you want to be a true Pomodoro aficionado, then use a tomato timer.

使用计时器。 我以前用过一个老式的沙漏 。 如果您想成为一名真正的番茄爱好者,请使用番茄计时器

然后休息5分钟 (Then Take a 5 Minute Break)

It is imperative that you walk away when its break time. Grab some water. Browse Hacker News. Go to the bathroom. Whatever it is, work is over. Disconnect from work completely.

当您的休息时间到来时,您必须走开。 拿点水。 浏览黑客新闻。 去洗手间。 不管是什么,工作都结束了。 完全断开工作。

仅一项番茄任务 (One Task Only in a Pomodoro)

This can be fixing a bug, planning out a new feature, or starting a video series to learn a new framework.


If the task is too big (like “make an app”) then you have to break it down into smaller chunks that take roughly 25 minutes.


Some tasks need several Pomodoros to complete. It might take three Pomodoros to code a feature and two more to write the tests.

有些任务需要几个Pomodoros来完成。 编写功能可能需要三个Pomodoros,编写测试可能还需要两个。

Or you might need to batch similar, small tasks into a Pomodoro (ex — reply on 5 JIRA tickets).


The point is that the task, or tasks, have to be one “type” of work.


As an aside, the main reason we procrastinate is because we get overwhelmed by huge, insurmountable tasks. If your goal is to “Write a Book” you’ll never do it. When you break it out into smaller chunks like “Write an outline” or “Write 300 words” then the path becomes clearer. Starting is easier, and doable.

顺便说一句,我们拖延的主要原因是因为我们被庞大而无法克服的任务所淹没。 如果您的目标是“写书”,那么您永远也不会做。 当您将其拆分成较小的块时,例如“写大纲”或“写300个单词”,则路径变得更清晰。 启动更容易,而且可行。

While this post has been about becoming a better developer, not procrastination, the truth is that many times they are the same thing.


工作不分心 (Work Without Distraction)

See Step 1. If you get distracted, the Pomodoro doesn’t count and you have to start over.


最多工作25分钟 (Work Your Way Up to 25 Minutes)

25 minutes might be hard for you if you’ve never done this before. Start with 10 minutes and work your way up from there. Next one would be 15, then 20, then 25.

如果您以前从未这样做过,那么25分钟可能对您来说很难。 从10分钟开始,然后从那里开始。 下一个将是15,然后是20,然后是25。

You can work your way up to 55-minute blocks when you really get good at this.


每天处理多达多个番茄 (Work Your Way Up to Multiple Pomodoros Per Day)

The first time you try distraction-free work, 25 minutes in a day might be all you can handle. That’s fine. Keep working your way up by adding a little each day.

第一次尝试无干扰的工作,一天可能只有25分钟。 没关系。 每天增加一点,继续努力。

这如何使我成为更好的开发人员? (How Does This Make Me a Better Developer?)

Let’s be real. You’re not helping your career by jumping from your code editor to a chatroom to an email to a real-life conversation.

让我们成为现实。 从您的代码编辑器转到聊天室,再到一封电子邮件以进行现实对话,对您的职业生涯无济于事。

You might look and feel busy, and you might even ship some code once in a while.


But the fact is that a few hours of undistracted, deep work produces more quantity and quality than a full day of scattered, distracted work.


Start with one Pomodoro. Eventually you’ll be able to chain a few Pomodoros together.

首先吃一个番茄。 最终,您将能够将一些番茄果实链接在一起。

Then you’ll chain a few days of Pomodoros together.


Then weeks and months.


You’ll find its easier to get into a flow state, and it will happen more often.


This is gold. This is when you have those “eureka” moments and breakthroughs.

这是黄金 。 这是您拥有“尤里卡”时刻和突破的时候。

This is when the hard thing that’s been kicking your ass becomes easy.


This is when your coding skills level up exponentially.


The demand for good, qualified programmers is higher than ever. The surest path to success is getting into the ritual of deep, focused work.

对优秀,合格的程序员的需求比以往任何时候都高。 成功的最可靠途径是进入深入,专注的工作习惯。

Try it out and let me know what you think. If you have other productivity techniques, post them below!

尝试一下,让我知道您的想法。 如果您还有其他生产力技术,请在下面发布!

你走之前 - (Before You Go —)

I appreciate all of the love that this article is getting. There’s no better way to support me than to give me a follow on Medium (Bar Franek). It lets me know that I should write more!

我感谢本文所获得的所有爱。 没有比在Medium( Bar Franek )上给予我关注更好的方法来支持我。 它让我知道我应该写更多!

I wrote a follow-up article here called Going Deeper on Deep Work about what you should apply these techniques to



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