

by Shubhi Asthana

通过Shubhi Asthana

如果要处理机器学习算法,则需要这些备忘单。 (You need these cheat sheets if you’re tackling Machine Learning Algorithms.)

When I started learning Machine Learning (ML) two years back, I had many questions around which algorithms to use, how to correlate it to datasets, etc. The answer depended on many factors like the size of data, expected output, and available computational resources. I was then introduced to the ML cheat sheets which acquainted me with the frequently used algorithms, packages, and functions.

两年前,当我开始学习机器学习(ML)时,我遇到了很多问题,涉及使用哪种算法,如何将其与数据集相关联等。答案取决于许多因素,例如数据大小,预期输出和可用的计算资源。 然后向我介绍了ML备忘单,使我熟悉了常用的算法,软件包和函数。

This post contains the top three cheat sheets that I would recommend to a beginner who is interested in identifying and applying ML algorithms to different problems. Given how rapidly this domain is evolving, the trending algorithms are progressing too. Therefore, it is important to understand the algorithms that help fit the areas of supervised and unsupervised learning, classification and regression, and so on.

这篇文章包含了我推荐给对识别和应用ML算法解决不同问题感兴趣的初学者的三大备忘单。 考虑到该领域的发展速度,趋势算法也在发展。 因此,重要的是要了解有助于拟合有监督和无监督学习,分类和回归等领域的算法。

SAS算法流程图 (SAS Algorithm Flowchart)

Source: https://blogs.sas.com/content/subconsciousmusings/2017/04/12/machine-learning-algorithm-use/

资料来源: https : //blogs.sas.com/content/subciousmusings/2017/04/12/machine-learning-algorithm-use/

The SAS blog itself is a great read. The link shows how to use the cheat sheet as well as considerations when choosing an algorithm. The cheat sheet shows an easy to use flowchart correlating data to the algorithms.

SAS博客本身就是一本好书。 该链接显示了如何使用备忘单以及选择算法时的注意事项。 备忘单显示了一个易于使用的流程图,该流程图将数据与算法相关联。

Python和Scikit备忘单 (Python and Scikit Cheat sheets)

Most developers work in Python or R language for implementing the ML algorithms. I work in Python, and so the following two cheat sheets have been very useful to me.

大多数开发人员使用Python或R语言来实现ML算法。 我使用Python工作,因此以下两个备忘单对我非常有用。

Source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.datacamp.com/blog_assets/PythonForDataScience.pdf

资料来源: https : //s3.amazonaws.com/assets.datacamp.com/blog_assets/PythonForDataScience.pdf

The Python cheat sheet was prepared by DataCamp, and can be used as a quick reference to guide through ML Python packages and data structures as well.

Python备忘单是由DataCamp准备的,并且可以用作快速参考,以指导ML Python包和数据结构。

Source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.datacamp.com/blog_assets/Scikit_Learn_Cheat_Sheet_Python.pdf

资料来源: https : //s3.amazonaws.com/assets.datacamp.com/blog_assets/Scikit_Learn_Cheat_Sheet_Python.pdf

Scikit-learn is an open-source Python library that implements a wide variety of ML, preprocessing of data, and cross validation as well as visualization of algorithms. This library belongs to the must know for every aspiring data scientist, so I highly recommend this cheat sheet.

Scikit-learn是一个开放源代码的Python库,它实现了各种ML,数据预处理,交叉验证以及算法可视化。 该库属于所有有抱负的数据科学家所必须知道的,因此,我强烈推荐该备忘单。

用户友好的机器学习地图 (User friendly Machine Learning Map)

Source: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/tutorial/machine_learning_map/

资料来源: http : //scikit-learn.org/stable/tutorial/machine_learning_map/

This cheat sheet is available on the scikit-learn tutorials and is one of the easiest flowcharts to understand and use. At the link above, you have the complete flow for solving a ML problem, and you can also click on any algorithm on the map to understand its implementation.

该备忘单可在scikit-learn教程上找到,并且是最容易理解和使用的流程图之一。 在上面的链接中,您具有解决ML问题的完整流程,也可以单击地图上的任何算法以了解其实现。

Share & Learn! Do add your favorite cheat sheet in the comments below.

分享与学习! 请在下面的评论中添加您最喜欢的备忘单。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/you-need-these-cheat-sheets-if-youre-tackling-machine-learning-algorithms-45da5743888e/






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