
by Sacha Greif

由Sacha Greif

马万的故事:从开发商到难民 (Marwan’s Story: From Developer To Refugee)

I had the chance to attend a coding bootcamp is Las Palmas de Gran Canaria last month.


If you’re not familiar with the concept, a bootcamp is an intensive session focused on learning new technologies — in this case GraphQL and Apollo in the context of Meteor apps. Oh, and did I mention this one was taking place on a beautiful island off the coast of Morocco?

如果您不熟悉此概念,那么训练营是一个密集的课程,专注于学习新技术-在本例中是在Meteor应用程序上下文中的GraphQLApollo 。 哦,我是否提到过这一事件发生在摩洛哥沿海一个美丽的岛屿上?

I was attending the bootcamp as a mentor of sorts, so I got there a few days in advance. One day, as new attendees were starting to arrive, I ran into a student I hadn’t met before. Since it was almost noon, I naturally invited him and his family (he was accompanied by his two children) to join me and my wife for lunch.

我当时是作为辅导员参加训练营的,所以我提前几天到达了那里。 有一天,随着新参与者的到来,我遇到了一个我以前从未见过的学生。 由于几乎是中午,我自然邀请他和他的家人(在他的两个孩子的陪同下)和我和我的妻子一起吃午饭。

Now I didn’t realize it at the time, but in that brief instant, I had already made a lot of assumptions about my new friend. Since he was attending a coding bootcamp, he was probably a fellow programmer with a fairly stable situation. And since he spoke Spanish and had two young children with him, I assumed he must be a local developer stuck on baby-sitting duty while attending the camp.

现在我当时还没有意识到,但是在那一瞬间,我已经对我的新朋友做了很多假设。 由于他参加了编码训练营,所以他可能是一位程序员,处境相当稳定。 而且,由于他会说西班牙语,并且有两个年幼的孩子,所以我认为他必须是当地的开发商,在参加训练营时必须承担保姆的职责。

But these assumptions were quickly shattered once Marwan started telling me his story.


马万的故事 (Marwan’s Story)

Marwan Ghabin was indeed a programmer. And in fact, a fairly successful one at that, having previously owned his own company in Libya. But I soon learned that the war had changed all that: because of the conflict, Marwan had lost not only his company, but also his home, and even close friends and family.

Marwan Ghabin确实是一名程序员。 实际上,那是一个相当成功的公司,之前曾在利比亚拥有自己的公司。 但是我很快得知战争改变了一切:由于冲突,马万不仅失去了他的公司,而且失去了他的家园,甚至失去了亲密的朋友和家人。

He was now living as a refugee in Spain with his two kids on a temporary visa, studying for his PhD while working odd jobs to pay the bills. But now, his visa was running out and he had nowhere left to go. Maciej, the bootcamp’s organizer, had invited him to attend for free while he figured out his next step.

现在,他正带着两个孩子持临时签证,在西班牙作为难民生活,并在从事零工工作以支付账单的同时攻读博士学位。 但是现在,他的签证即将用完,他无处可去。 训练营的组织者Maciej邀请他免费参加,而他想出下一步。

使其成为现实 (Making It Real)

We hear about the global refugee crisis all the time, but up to that point it had always seemed distant and abstract to me, something that I had a hard time relating to. After all, the stereotypical refugee had nothing, while I had a job, a bank account, a family…

我们一直都在听到关于全球难民危机的信息,但是到那时为止,对我而言,它一直是遥远而抽象的,这让我很难过。 毕竟,刻板印象的难民一无所有,而我却有工作,银行帐户,家庭……

Yet meeting Marwan made me realize that all these things I take for granted can be taken away overnight. And that maybe the ground we stand on isn’t always as solid as we think…

然而,与Marwan相识使我意识到,我认为理所当然的所有这些事情都可以在一夜之间被带走。 也许我们所站在的基础并不总是像我们想象的那样牢固……

您将如何提供帮助 (How You Can Help)

Now, I feel bad reducing Marwan to his refugee status. After all, he hasn’t let his misfortunes define him, so it feels unfair for me to put so much focus on this single aspect of his life.

现在,让马万沦为难民身份让我感到难过。 毕竟,他没有让自己的不幸来定义他,所以对我来说,把太多的精力放在他的生活的这一方面上对我来说是不公平的。

But the reason I’m writing about this today is that time is running out for Marwan and his kids. His visa is going to expire soon, and after that he’ll either have to go back to Libya and face torture or even death or end up stuck in limbo in a refugee camp like so many others. Or he can try his luck as an undocumented immigrant, denying his children a chance at a stable life and education.

但是我今天写这篇文章的原因是Marwan和他的孩子们的时间已经用完了。 他的签证即将过期,在那之后,他要么不得不回到利比亚面对酷刑,甚至死亡,要么像其他许多人一样陷入难民营的边缘。 或者,他可以尝试自己作为无证移民的运气,从而剥夺孩子们过上稳定生活和接受教育的机会。

The good news is that there may be a way out: if Marwan can find a one-year contract as a programmer in Spain or elsewhere in Europe, he might be able to stay.


And maybe you can do something about it. Maciej has set up a website where you can learn more about Marwan and find out how to help:

也许您可以为此做些事情。 Maciej 建立了一个网站 ,您可以在这里了解有关Marwan的更多信息并了解如何提供帮助:

helpmarwan.org (helpmarwan.org)

I know this might seem like a drop in the bucket compared to the millions of displaced families worldwide. But at least writing this post and spreading Marwan’s story is something concrete I can do for someone who really needs help. And maybe that’s a start.

我知道,与全球数百万流离失所家庭相比,这似乎简直是九牛一毛。 但是至少写这篇文章并传播Marwan的故事是我可以为确实需要帮助的人做的具体事情。 也许这是一个开始。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/marwans-story-from-developer-to-refugee-ddf73199253e/

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