
大表姐导读: 妈妈辛苦三年攒下300美元给他买了台电脑,当拿到电脑的时候,他泪流满面。战乱、饥饿和贫穷,如果有一样东西可以阻止你的梦想,那样东西就是你自己。

Lual Mayen: From refugee to game developer

Lual Mayen:从难民到游戏开发者


For 22 of his 24 years of life, Lual Mayen lived in a refugee camp in northern Uganda. His parents fled from South Sudan and its decades-long civil war. And that is why Mayen’s journey to becoming a game developer is so rare and amazing.

Lual Mayen在其24年的生命中有22年生活在乌干达北部的一个难民营中。他的父母从苏丹南部长达数十年的内战里逃亡出来。这就是为什么Mayen能成为游戏开发者让人觉得吃惊和感动的地方。

I heard Mayen tell his story at Rami Ismail’s #1ReasonToBe panel at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. As he told that story, there wasn’t a dry eye in the audience. So I met with Mayen on Friday and captured his story on video. He tells it so well, and I encourage you to watch the whole video.

最初听到Mayen的故事是在旧金山游戏者开发大会上,Mayen把他的经历告诉了#1ReasonToBe 的小组成员。当听到他的讲述时,在场的没有一个人不抹眼泪。

Mayen was born during wartime. His parents were fleeing South Sudan, which managed to gain its independence as a country in 2011. They were attacked on the road, and the parents had to separate. Mayen was born on the way to the camp. He grew up there, with no electricity. He was one of more than 2.5 million displaced by the civil war, which began in 1983.

Mayen出生于战争时期。他的父母从非洲东北部的南苏丹逃出来,这是一个2011年才独立出来的新兴国家。他们在逃亡的路上遭受各种攻击,父母为了躲避杀戮不得不分开。 Mayen就出生在去难民营地的路上。他在难民营里长大,那里没有电食物短缺。1983年开始苏丹内战爆发,Mayen是内战造成的250多万难民中的一个。

640?wx_fmt=pngAbove: Lual Mayen, maker of Salaam and Wahda.
以上:Lual Mayen,游戏的制作人“Salaam” and “Wahda”

A few years back, Mayen saw a laptop computer at a registration station for the refugee camp. He told his mother he wanted one. She saved money for three years to get the $300 to buy it for him. When she gave it to him in 2013, he burst into tears.


He took it to an internet cafe and used it. And he discovered Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and the joy of playing. He didn’t know how video games were made.


“I thought they fell from heaven,” he said.


It was a three-hour walk to get to the internet cafe, but he made the journey regularly just to charge his computer and play games.


But as a child born in a violent war, Mayen thought about how to create a game that could inspire peace. He taught himself to make games and formed his own company, Junub Games.

但作为一个在暴力战争中出生的孩子,Mayen一直在想,如何能创造一款可以激发人类对和平产生憧憬的游戏。他自己开始学着制作,并组建了自己的游戏公司Junub Games。

“Living in a refugee camp is not easy,” Mayen said in his talk at the GDC 2019 panel. “I asked what is the best way to restore a sustainable peace in my country? My main focus was to contribute something to my country.”

“生活在难民营并不容易,”Mayen在GDC 2019(2019游戏开发者大会)小组演讲中说道。 “我问自己,在我的国家,恢复可持续和平的最佳途径是什么?我的主要目标是为我的国家的和平事业贡献点什么。“

“I realized the power of gaming,” he said. “I realized games can be helpful for peace and conflict resolution. I started making a video game in my country so video games can divert their minds from destructive activities.”

“我意识到了游戏的力量,”他说。 “我意识到游戏可以有助于和平和解决冲突。我开始在我的国家制作视频游戏,这样可以把人们的思想从破坏性的活动中转移出来。“

640?wx_fmt=pngAbove: Salaam, an Arabic word for peace, is a mobile game about that topic.

created a game called Salaam (an Arabic word that means peace), about protecting communities from being destroyed. It was a 10-megabit mobile game, but he could only distribute it via Bluetooth networking. It spread in a viral way. A conference organizer at A Maze discovered it, tracked him down, and asked him to speak at a conference on games in South Africa.

Mayen创建了一款名为Salaam的游戏(阿拉伯语,“和平”),这款游戏的主题,是保护难民营社区不被破坏,保护越多的难民不被杀戮,玩家得分就越多。这是一款10兆的手机游戏,因为互联网条件有限,只能通过蓝牙网络进行分发。一经上线,这款游戏便得到了病毒式传播。 A Maze(一个国际独立游戏作品媒体平台)的一位会议组织者注意到了这款游戏,找到了Mayen,并请他在南非的一场游戏会议上发言。

There, Mayen met Ismail, cofounder of Vlambeer and a successful game developer. As an ambassador for indie game developers, Ismail encouraged Mayen to pursue his passion of making games. Mayen also made a board game, Wahda, that encourages peaceful conflict resolution. He did so because it does not require a computer to play, and so refugees may have a chance to play it.

正是在那次游戏大会上,Mayen又遇到了Vlambeer(一家荷兰独立游戏开发工作室)的联合创始人Ismail,该人也是一位成功的游戏开发者。作为独立游戏开发者的大使,Ismail鼓励Mayen去追求游戏制作的热情。 Mayen还制作了一款桌面游戏Wahda,主题也是倡导人们通过和平方式解决冲突。因为电脑资源稀缺,桌面游戏Wahda可以让难民们有更多机会接触到和平游戏。

Ismail pays for the panelists to come to GDC in San Francisco, but despite an invitation, Mayen wasn’t able to come in 2017 because of President Donald Trump’s immigration restrictions. His visa wasn’t approved in time. But Mayen made it this year, and he gave a hell of an inspiring talk. The talk brought tears to Ismail’s eyes and to mine as well.


Last year, Mayen appeared at The Game Awards, where he was named a Global Gaming Citizen in conjunction with an award sponsored by Facebook. (27 million people watched that show). Mayen is working with Facebook to publish Salaam as an Instant Game.

去年的时候,Mayen出现在The Game Awards,在那里他被评为“全球游戏公民”,同时还被授予了Facebook赞助的奖项。 (有2700万人观看了现场节目播出)。 目前Mayen正与Facebook合作,计划将Salaam作为即时游戏发布。

(注释:The Game Awards“游戏大奖”是由加拿大籍著名游戏媒体人杰夫·吉斯利主办并主持的电子游戏奖项,表彰过去一年里发售的优秀游戏,每年的“年度最佳游戏”奖项被视为游戏业界中最为重要的荣誉之一。)

Mayen now lives in Washington, D.C., and he is also working with a small team on a virtual reality game. Oculus is working with him on that title. I would like to get him to speak at our GamesBeat Summit 2019, and hope a sponsor will pick up his travel costs.

Mayen现居华盛顿特区,与一个小团队合作开发虚拟现实游戏。 Oculus(美国知名VR设备研发公司,后被Facebook收购)正在与他合作。我想让他在2019年的GamesBeat Summit上发言,并希望能有个赞助商能赞助他的旅行费用。

“Maybe one day, my dream will come true, making the biggest video game studio that makes games for peace,” Mayen said.


MARCH 23, 2019 




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