

by Mohammed Bilal

由穆罕默德·比拉勒(Mohammed Bilal)

如何设计形成习惯的购物体验 (How to design a habit-forming shopping experience)

Designing for e-commerce is an unforgiving task. Consumers — especially those in India — are inherently price-conscious. From mobile phone accessories to televisions, the cheapest listing wins.

电子商务设计是一项艰巨的任务。 消费者,尤其是印度的消费者,本质上讲价格意识 。 从手机配件到电视,最便宜的产品胜出。

Whether it’s Flipkart, Amazon, or Snapdeal, price is the main thing that matters. This leaves very little room to piggyback on loyalty.

无论是Flipkart,Amazon还是Snapdeal,价格都是最重要的。 这留给忠诚度的空间很小。

This left Flipkart with an excruciatingly interesting problem to solve: how do you create loyal customers? How do you build a shopping experience that would help curb bargain-chasing, convenience-focused behavior?

这给Flipkart带来了一个非常有趣的问题要解决:您如何建立忠实的客户? 您如何建立购物体验,以帮助抑制讨价还价,注重便利的行为?

To keep the business going, e-commerce platforms depend on periodic events ranging from seasonal/festive sales, clearance sales, thematic sales etc., where the sellers arrive at an agreement to offer certain discounts on their listings.


To put my organization in context, in 2015 Flipkart sold goods worth $300 million during ‘Big Billion Days’, a five day sale event very primary to Flipkart’s business. During the first hour of the sale, Flipkart sold about 500,000 products — with almost 140 orders per second, across 3200 cities and towns across India.

为了让我的组织更加了解情况,2015年Flipkart在“ Big Billion Days”期间销售了价值3亿美元的商品,这是Flipkart的业务非常重要的五天销售活动。 在销售的第一个小时,Flipkart在印度的3200个城镇销售了大约500,000种产品-每秒近140个订单。

But the life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows — even for the e-commerce giants. Flipkart sees a rise in number of uninstalls right after these sale events end — a retention rate of ~30% on average, year-after-year since 2014. Users don’t often use the Flipkart mobile app once the sale is over, also hinting at the storage constraints Indian mobile users face. They choose to keep apps like Facebook, Whatsapp, and YouTube that they’re more habituated to, but not Flipkart.

但是生活并不全是阳光和彩虹,即使对于电子商务巨头而言。 自2014年以来,Flipkart看到这些销售活动结束后,卸载次数便有所增加- 保留率平均每年约为30%。销售结束后,用户不再经常使用Flipkart移动应用程序,而且暗示了印度移动用户面临的存储限制。 他们选择保留自己更习惯的应用程序,例如Facebook,Whatsapp和YouTube,但不保留Flipkart。

Which led us to dig a little deeper into how various category of apps pan out in terms of customer loyalty:


This gave us both (me and Rahul who worked on this project at Flipkart) enough context to ask ourselves: What does it take to build habit forming products?

这给了我们(在Flipkart从事此项目的Rahul和我)一个足够的背景来问自己: 建立习惯形成产品需要什么?

我们的方法 (Our approach)

Habits are actions performed with little or no conscious thought. Research suggests ~40% of what we do everyday is out of habit. The video gaming industry has been using the concept of hook to keep the user invested & engaged in their products.

习惯是很少或根本没有意识地进行的动作。 研究表明,我们每天约有40%的工作是出于习惯。 视频游戏行业一直在使用hook的概念来保​​持用户对产品的投入和投入。

The hook starts with a trigger in user’s environment. We are familiar with external triggers when we see notifications of varying degrees on our products. But what’s more critical to form lasting habits is internal triggers.

挂钩从用户环境中的触发器开始。 当我们看到产品上不同程度的通知时,我们就熟悉外部触发器 。 但是形成持久习惯最关键的是内部触发因素。

Most frequent internal triggers are emotional, and more often than not they are negative. So users try to change this negative mood by browsing Instagram or watching funny videos online.

最常见的内部触发因素是情绪化的,而且往往不是消极的。 因此,用户尝试通过浏览Instagram或在线观看有趣的视频来改变这种负面情绪。

We make many involuntary activities through the day to escape the negative emotional state, and this is where we thought we could experiment by showing relevant deals for the user on Flipkart.


The user would give in — anticipating a reward — and thus engages/invests into the product/app.

用户会做出让步(期望得到回报) ,从而参与/ 投资产品/应用。

Every morning, when we wake up, most of us feel at least one strong emotion: a fear of missing out. If you find yourself checking email, Facebook, or Twitter the first thing in the morning, then this may be what’s going on inside your mind.

每天早晨,当我们醒来时,我们大多数人至少会感到一种强烈的情绪: 害怕错过 。 如果您发现自己第一时间检查电子邮件,Facebook或Twitter,那么这可能就是您的内心想法。

The word FOMO (Fear of missing out) was in fact added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. Although the terminology has only recently been added to our lexicon, experiencing FOMO is nothing new.


We saw an opportunity in this to create internal triggers, and initiate the hook, in addition to our external triggers.


我们的解决方案 (Our Solution)

We tried to list out various archetypes of external triggers that might draw the Indian consumers’ attention in the context of shopping. To create a medium for external triggers, we had to think of a UI pattern that could enable this.

我们试图列出各种外部触发因素的原型,这可能会引起印度消费者在购物环境中的注意。 要创建用于外部触发器的媒介,我们必须考虑可以实现此目的的UI模式。

We observed that the traditional notifications approach might not work very well due to many of it’s inherent issues, which include an increasing notification blindness among consumers.


1.每日文摘: Infinite VS Finite Feed (1. Daily Digest: Infinite VS Finite Feed)

We thought of building a daily digest of a finite number of products, and refresh the digest once every day. This meant we had to move away from our infinite feed of endless products, which often leaves the user in decision-paralysis.

我们曾考虑过每天建立有限数量产品的摘要,并每天刷新一次摘要。 这意味着我们必须摆脱无穷无尽的无休止产品的馈送,这常常使用户陷入决策瘫痪。

This meant our recommendation engines had to be re-built from the ground up. Flipkart is a marketplace that has over 30 million products in more than 80 categories. This sheer variety means we need to map these products to users’ interests. This led us to the next challenge: relevance.

这意味着我们的推荐引擎必须从头开始重新构建。 Flipkart是一个市场,拥有80多个类别的3000万种产品。 种类繁多意味着我们需要将这些产品映射到用户的利益。 这导致我们面临下一个挑战:相关性。

2.相关性 (2. Relevance)

It was evident that personalizing this finite feed with relevant products would be a lifeline for our app’s engagement. Traditional recommendation systems work by crystallizing usage history and finding patterns in it.

显然,使用相关产品个性化此有限供稿将是我们参与应用的生命线。 传统的推荐系统通过明确使用历史和查找模式来工作

But for us, this would only partly solve the problem. So we interviewed a few users to understand when do they shop online, and how. We learned that our users shop in the event of two major themes:

但是对我们来说,这只能部分解决问题。 因此,我们采访了一些用户,以了解他们何时在线购物以及如何购物。 我们了解到,我们的用户在遇到两个主要主题时会购物:

  1. Intent: when there’s a strong need, where the user performs a narrow search. This is where we have to make our search a lot more clinical in capturing the intent and serving the need.

    目的:当有强烈需求时,用户进行狭窄搜索。 这是我们在寻找意图和满足需求时必须使搜索更具临床意义的地方。

  2. Interest: On the other end of the spectrum, there’s “window shopping” for products that the user likes. And not just products — there are themes in our lives that make us (sometimes even inspire us) to shop. Maybe you’re fitness-conscious, or you’re a travel enthusiast, or you like the brand Nautica, or you recently became a parent, or your friend’s wedding is coming up. This is where we had to gather user’s interest thoroughly.

    兴趣:另一方面,用户喜欢的产品有“窗口购物”功能。 不仅是产品-我们生活中的某些主题使我们(有时甚至启发我们)购物。 也许您对健身很感兴趣,或者您是旅行狂,或者您喜欢品牌Nautica,或者您最近成为父母,或者您的朋友的婚礼即将举行。 这是我们必须全面收集用户兴趣的地方。

3.物联网 (3. Network of Things)

When we reduce many millions of products into a digestible feed of a handful products, we need to think through how we could make products from various categories accessible to the user. At Flipkart, our competitive advantage is our vast and deep inventory of products.

当我们将数百万种产品还原为少量产品的可消化饲料时,我们需要仔细考虑如何使用户可以访问各种类别的产品。 在Flipkart,我们的竞争优势是我们丰富而深入的产品库存。

When we profiled users, we saw that shopping happens in themes (again, intent and interest). We decided we could assign a set of meta-tags to each product, and each tag would be a node in a cloud of thematically related product sets.

当我们分析用户时,我们发现购物发生在主题(再次,意图和兴趣)上。 我们决定可以为每个产品分配一组元标签,每个标签将是主题相关产品集云中的一个节点。

Instead of grouping and dividing by categories, we turned the tables. We grouped the products in various themes and stories.

我们没有按类别进行分组和划分,而是翻转了表格。 我们按照各种主题和故事对产品进行了分组。

This network can be a combination organic and inorganic nodes. This means to pushing interesting event-based content to the user. And it grows differently for each user. Below is one of such network we designed for Travel.

该网络可以是有机和无机节点的组合。 这意味着将有趣的基于事件的内容推送给用户。 对于每个用户,它的增长都不同。 以下是我们为Travel设计的此类网络之一。

设计 (Design)

After some whiteboarding and sketching various components, I worked on creating interactive prototypes on Pixate while putting the mocks together on Sketch.


Here’s a short video that showcases the design solution:


介绍 (Presentation)
  • There are a lot of ways to present the UX of an app, but I personally feel that a short video centered around a user story is the most convenient yet comprehensive form of explaining.


  • Write a script that’s an amalgamation of the set of user stories. Spend decent amount of time refining it. Run it by the other stakeholders to make sure that the backbone of the video is well in place.

    编写一个脚本 ,将用户故事集合并在一起。 花大量时间精炼它。 由其他利益相关者运行它,以确保视频的主干位置正确。

  • Once the script is ready, start putting the interactive prototypes together, into the right sequence. It’s recommended to record the same on a device to reflect the life-like experience.

    脚本准备好后,就可以按照正确的顺序将交互式原型放在一起。 建议将其记录在设备上以反映逼真的体验。

  • Next is the voice-over. I like the tone of the voice to be a bit more candid compared to the traditional advertising voice-overs. Y hire a ou can hire a voice-over artist from Fiverr

    接下来是画外音 。 与传统的广告画外音相比,我更喜欢声音的语调。 您可以租用Fiverr的配音艺术家

草图 (Sketches)

用户界面 (UI)

样机 (Prototypes)



所有这些导致... (All this led to...)

We shared this thought process among various teams at Flipkart to get feedback, and slowly, we saw many buying into the idea of productizing e-commerce. We soon officiated these efforts by creating a team of 4 designers to exclusively work on such moonshot projects at Flipkart.

我们在Flipkart的各个团队之间共享了这种思考过程,以获取反馈,然后,慢慢地,我们看到了许多购买电子商务产品的想法。 我们很快成立了由4名设计师组成的团队,专门从事Flipkart这类月球项目的工作, 以此来主持这些工作。

Thanks for reading.


Bilal is a product designer based out of Bangalore, India. He deeply values process-driven approach to design solutions. He has been practicing design as a full-stack executionist and prototyping is one of his strengths. Bilal’s engineering academia in Computer Science helps him design pragmatically and have effective collaborations with the developers.

Bilal是来自印度班加罗尔的产品设计师。 他非常重视流程驱动的设计解决方案方法。 他一直是全职执行专家,从事设计实践,原型设计是他的长处之一。 Bilal的计算机科学工程学院帮助他务实地进行了设计,并与开发人员进行了有效的合作。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-design-a-habit-forming-shopping-experience-af7748402e90/


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