小狗钱钱_✅每次构建待办事项列表应用程序时,都会有一只小狗? 死了?


by Hrishi Mittal

由Hrishi Mittal

✅每次构建待办事项列表应用程序时,都会有一只小狗死了? (✅ Every time you build a to-do list app, a puppy ? dies ?)

You know when you’re trying to learn something new, but get reeeeeeallly bored of building the default example app?


That’s the №1 motivation KILLER.


I don’t want my students to get demotivated and give up.


So I made this gigantic list of 28 fun app ideas you can build while learning to use React with Ruby on Rails.

因此,我列出了28个有趣的应用程序创意的巨大清单,您可以在学习将React与Ruby on Rails一起使用时可以构建这些创意。

This list will assume that you’re already comfortable with Ruby on Rails (or some other web development framework). So the backend bit may be a bit complex for beginners, but the front end React bit should be relatively simple.

该列表将假定您已经对Ruby on Rails(或其他Web开发框架)感到满意。 因此,对于初学者来说,后端位可能有点复杂,但是前端React位应该相对简单。

项目1:用于约会的日历应用(例如Google日历) (Project #1: A Calendar app for making appointments (like Google calendar))

This can start off as a simple app which you can gradually improve by adding more features and UX improvements.


It will help you practice using nested components (like a day component, nested inside a week component, or a nested inside a month component).


I use this as an example app in my Free Complete React on Rails course. So check it out if you want to try this out.

我在Free Complete React on Rails课程中将其作为示例应用程序。 因此,如果您想尝试一下,请检查一下。

You can see the full step-by-step code here:


learnetto/calreactcalreact - React and Rails 5 calendar appointment appgithub.com

Learnetto / calreact calreact-React and Rails 5日历约会应用 github.com

项目#2:一个Github Explorer应用程序,用于查找有趣的代码存储库 (Project #2: A Github explorer app for finding interesting code repositories)

You can build the search part purely on the client side, but you can make it more fun by storing the searches in a database using Rails and show the most popular searches.


You will practice using an external API and handling the JSON response. You could experiment with pre-rendering the component on the server.

您将练习使用外部API并处理JSON响应。 您可以尝试在服务器上预渲染组件。

See this browser plugin by Algolia to get your idea juices flowing:


algolia/github-awesome-autocompletegithub-awesome-autocomplete - :octocat: Add instant search capabilities to GitHub's search bargithub.com

algolia / github-awesome-autocomplete github-awesome-autocomplete-:octocat:向GitHub的搜索栏 github.com 添加即时搜索功能

项目3:做笔记的应用 (Project #3: A note-taking app)

You could see the power of React handling a lot of state changes, say, by enabling auto-save. Check out Simplenote for a good example of a simple but powerful notes app.

您可以通过启用自动保存来看到React处理大量状态更改的功能。 查看Simplenote ,了解一个简单但功能强大的Notes应用程序的好示例。

If that’s too hard as a first app, you could first try out using an external text editor component to learn how it works, and then implement your own:


facebook/draft-jsdraft-js - A React framework for building text editors.github.com

facebook / draft-js draft-js-用于构建文本编辑器的React框架。 github.com

项目4:将Slack聊天小部件添加到您的网站 (Project #4: Add a Slack chat widget to your site)

Use the react-slack-chat component to add a chat widget to your existing Rails site. The component does most of the heavy lifting but you can have fun by making your own bot in Rails and customizing the widget in React.

使用react-slack-chat组件将聊天小部件添加到现有的Rails站点。 该组件完成了大部分繁重的工作,但您可以通过在Rails中创建自己的机器人并在React中自定义小部件来获得乐趣。

The code for the component is on Github:


5punk/react-slack-chatreact-slack-chat - A Beautiful Gooey / Material Design Slack Chat Web Integrating Widget.github.com

5punk / react-slack-chat react-slack- chat- 一个漂亮的 粘糊糊/ 材质设计Slack Chat Web集成小部件。 github.com

项目5:模因发生器 (Project #5: Meme generator)

Rails can handle storing and serving an image library and existing memes. Use React for rendering and handling the form for making the meme.

Rails可以处理图像库和现有模因的存储和服务。 使用React来渲染和处理用于制作模因的表单。

You could generate the meme on the server using ImageMagick or in the browser using canvas. See this repo by Hung Tran:

您可以使用ImageMagick在服务器上生成模因,也可以使用画布在浏览器中生成模因。 参见Hung Tran的 回购

tranhungt/meme-makermeme-maker - Make your favorite memes and send them to your friend!github.com

tranhungt / meme-maker 模因制作者-制作您喜欢的模因并将其发送给您的朋友! github.com

项目6:实时免费图片搜索应用 (Project #6: Realtime Free Image search app)

Use the Unsplash API for the high quality free photos:

使用Unsplash API获取高质量的免费照片:

unsplash/unsplash_rbunsplash_rb - Ruby wrapper for the Unsplash API.github.com

unsplash / unsplash_rb unsplash_rb-Unsplash API的Ruby包装器。 github.com

Add cool animations using the React Animation Add-Ons.

使用React Animation附加组件添加酷炫的动画。

Allow users to bookmark their favorite images. You could even experiment with making the backend just a Rails API app and make a separate React app for the front end.

允许用户为自己喜欢的图像添加书签。 您甚至可以尝试将后端制作为Rails API应用,并为前端制作一个单独的React应用。

项目7:读书俱乐部 (Project #7: Book club)

A simple app where you and your friends can share your favorite books and discuss them (like Goodreads). The backend could be a simple Rails CRUD app, but you could make the front end a single page React app and play with React router and Redux.

一个简单的应用程序,您和您的朋友可以在其中共享您喜欢的书并进行讨论(例如Goodreads )。 后端可以是一个简单的Rails CRUD应用程序,但您可以将前端设为一个页面的React应用程序,并与React Router和Redux一起玩。

项目8:具有多个帐户的Twitter Web客户端(例如Tweetdeck) (Project #8: Twitter web client for multiple accounts (like Tweetdeck))

A Twitter web client app in which you can connect more than one Twitter account (using OAuth) and then add multiple columns to the UI — for things like the feed, notifications, search, direct messages.

一个Twitter Web客户端应用程序,您可以在其中连接多个Twitter帐户(使用OAuth),然后在UI中添加多个列-用于提要,通知,搜索,直接消息。

Use the Twitter gem by Erik Michaels-Ober:

使用Erik Michaels-Ober的Twitter宝石:

sferik/twittertwitter - A Ruby interface to the Twitter API.github.com

sferik / twitter twitter-Twitter API的Ruby接口。 github.com

This will give you the unparalleled joy of dealing with the ridiculous API rate limits from the most developer-friendly company in the world.


You could add Tweetdeck-style automatic fetching of new tweets and notifications using polling or Action Cable.


Lots of nested components and you can try out some simple animations in React.


It might be best to start off with building just reading capabilities. Once you have that, you can add the ability to post, like and retweet.

最好从构建只读功能开始。 拥有该功能后,您可以添加发布,赞和转发功能。

项目#9:OpenStreetMap自定义UI (Project #9: OpenStreetMap Custom UI)

Did you know the OpenStreetMap website is a Rails app?


You can get the repo here, set it up on your own machine and then tinker with adding React to the front end!

您可以在此处获取存储库 ,在您自己的计算机上进行设置 ,然后修改将React添加到前端!

openstreetmap/openstreetmap-websiteopenstreetmap-website - Mirror of the Rails application powering http://www.openstreetmap.org (hosted at git://git…github.com

openstreetmap / openstreetmap-website openstreetmap-website-支持http://www.openstreetmap.org的Rails应用程序的镜像(托管在git:// git… github.com)

项目10:团队午餐轮盘赌 (Project #10: Team lunch roulette)

A website for helping you decide where to go for lunch with your team. The Rails backend just needs to be a simple CRUD app which lets team members enter place suggestions. You could use the Foursquare API for search and auto complete.

一个可以帮助您决定与团队共进午餐的网站。 Rails后端只需是一个简单的CRUD应用程序,即可让团队成员输入位置建议。 您可以使用Foursquare API进行搜索和自动完成。

And use React for some ridiculous animations!


If you’re not into lunch, do coffee or cocktails or something else more exciting.


项目#11:超级拖延症 (Project #11: Super Procrastinator)

A single website you can go to avoid work — read Reddit, Hacker News, Product Hunt, Medium, Slashdot and more in one place.

您可以使用一个网站来避免工作-在一个地方阅读Reddit,Hacker News, Product Hunt ,Medium,Slashdot等。

Use the Rails backend for saving user accounts and preferences, and talking to the different APIs. You could also fetch data from the APIs directly from the client side.

使用Rails后端保存用户帐户和首选项,并与不同的API对话。 您也可以直接从客户端从API获取数据。

Want to build these apps with me? Come, check out my Free Complete React on Rails Course, where I will teach you how to be a pro at using React with Rails, while building some fun stuff.

想要和我一起构建这些应用程序吗? 快来看看我的免费完整React on Rails课程 ,我将在这里教您如何成为React和Rails的专家 ,同时构建一些有趣的东西。

项目#12:带操作电缆的聊天室 (Project #12: Chatroom with Action Cable)

In addition to learning React, this would make a great little project to try out Action Cable, a cool new Rails 5 feature which adds WebSocket support to Rails. See these examples to get started:

除了学习React,这将是一个很棒的小项目,可以试用Action Cable (一种很酷的Rails 5新功能),该功能为Rails添加了WebSocket支持。 请参阅以下示例以开始使用:

rails/actioncable-examplesactioncable-examples - Action Cable Examplesgithub.com

rails / actioncable-examples actioncable-examples-Action Cable示例 github.com

项目#13:特小( 中等克隆) (Project #13: Extra Small (A Medium clone))

Check out this series of blog posts by Andrea Mazzini, in which he describes in detail how he built a Medium clone with a Rails API app, React and Flux.

查看Andrea Mazzini撰写的 系列博客文章 ,其中详细描述了他如何使用Rails API应用程序React和Flux构建Medium克隆。

FancyPixel/small-railssmall-rails - Small, a tiny clone of Medium. Rails APIgithub.comFancyPixel/small-frontendsmall-frontend - Small, a tiny clone of Medium. React + Flux frontendgithub.com

FancyPixel /小轨道 小轨道-小,是Medium的微小克隆。 Rails API github.com FancyPixel / small-frontend small-frontend-很小,是Medium的微小克隆。 React + Flux前端 github.com

You can build it without using Flux, but it might be worth a try if you’re up for the challenge.


项目14:面部标记器 (Project #14: Face tagger)

An app where you can upload photos and tag people (like on Facebook). Use the OpenCV Ruby gem for automatic face detection:

一个可以在其中上传照片和标记人物的应用程序(例如在Facebook上)。 使用OpenCV Ruby gem进行自动面部检测:

ruby-opencv/ruby-opencvruby-opencv - Versioned fork of the OpenCV gem for Rubygithub.com

ruby-opencv / ruby​​-opencv ruby-opencv-Ruby github.com 的OpenCV gem的版本化分支

项目#15:类固醇的ActiveAdmin (Project #15: ActiveAdmin on steroids)

You’ve probably used ActiveAdmin for managing your app records. But the UI is not exactly inspiring. You can change that by taking one view at a time and turning it into a nicely styled React component.

您可能已经使用ActiveAdmin来管理您的应用程序记录。 但是,UI并非完全鼓舞人心。 您可以通过一次查看一个视图并将其变成样式精美的React组件来更改它。

Look into the ActiveAdmin code here:


activeadmin/activeadminactiveadmin - The administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.github.com

activeadmin / activeadmin activeadmin-Ruby on Rails应用程序的管理框架。 github.com

项目16:电子商务商店 (Project #16: An Ecommerce Store)

Jam, beer, England flags, curry, all served by React on Rails. If you don’t want to build up the store features in Rails, just use Spree and focus on practicing React components for the front end.

果酱,啤酒,英格兰国旗,咖喱,都由React on Rails提供。 如果您不想在Rails中构建商店功能,只需使用Spree并专注于为前端练习React组件。

spree/spreespree - Spree is a complete open source e-commerce solution for Ruby on Rails.github.com

spree / spree spree-Spree是Ruby on Rails的完整的开源电子商务解决方案。 github.com

你猜怎么了? 我将在一系列教程中构建这个在线商店的想法。 第一个将在这里发布在freeCodeCamp博客上! 确保您在Medium上关注我,并在Learnetto上注册以将其放入收件箱。 (Guess what? I’m building this online store idea in a series of tutorials. The first one will be published right here on the freeCodeCamp blog! Make sure you follow me on Medium and sign up on Learnetto to get it in your inbox.)

项目#17:只是没有黑猩猩 (Project #17: Just Mail No Chimp)

An email newsletter app with a good UI that doesn’t make you want to tear your hair out. And no cute monkey nonsense ?

具有良好UI的电子邮件通讯应用程序,不会让您想扯皮。 而且没有可爱的猴子胡话吗?

You can still use the Mailchimp API or use Sendgrid. If you’ve used Mailchimp, you know there are a ton of features you can try building — viewing/filtering/managing subscribers, designing forms, creating campaigns, and more.

您仍然可以使用Mailchimp API或使用Sendgrid 如果您使用过Mailchimp,则知道可以尝试构建大量功能-查看/过滤/管理订户,设计表单,创建广告系列等等。

Just pick one feature and try to build it. Most features will involve some kind of form, so it should be good practice for dividing your UI into React components that will handle state and some stateless functional components.

只需选择一项功能并尝试构建它即可。 大多数功能将涉及某种形式,因此将UI划分为可处理状态的React组件和一些无状态功能组件应是一个好习惯。

项目18:Gmail on Rails (Project #18: Gmail on Rails)

Gmail has a pretty complex UI but you could start off by just building the UI for listing and reading emails. Or maybe search could be more fun?

Gmail具有非常复杂的用户界面,但您可以首先构建用于列出和阅读电子邮件的用户界面。 也许搜索可能会更有趣?

Use the google-api-client gem and check out this awesome React tutorial and code repo by Mark Brown ☕ to get started:

使用google-api-client gem并查看Mark Brown☕撰写的这份出色的 React教程和代码仓库,以开始使用:

markbrown4/gmail-reactgmail-react - A React.js tutorial - Gmailgithub.com

markbrown4 / gmail-react gmail-react-React.js教程 -Gmail github.com

项目#19:DJ Spotify (Project #19: DJ Spotify)

A DJ’ing app built on top of Spotify. Get recommendations, create and mix playlists and even allow others to add songs to your playlists.

一个基于Spotify构建的DJ应用程序。 获取建议,创建和混合播放列表,甚至允许其他人将歌曲添加到您的播放列表。

Use a Ruby wrapper gem for the Spotify API:

Ruby包装器宝石用于Spotify API:

guilhermesad/rspotifyrspotify - A ruby wrapper for the Spotify Web APIgithub.com

guilhermesad / rspotify rspotify-Spotify Web API的Ruby包装 github.com

I’ve built a tiny little app with it before and it’s quite easy to use. Spotify only allows the music itself to be played with their own apps, so you have to keep the app running alongside.

我以前用它构建了一个小小的应用程序 ,它很容易使用。 Spotify仅允许音乐本身与自己的应用程序一起播放,因此您必须使应用程序始终运行。

项目#20:Heroku仪表板 (Project #20: Heroku dashboard)

As a Rails developer, you’re probably very familiar with Heroku. It’s an awesome service for quickly deploying and hosting Rails apps — perfect when you’re making lots of little things for learning

作为Rails开发人员,您可能对Heroku非常熟悉。 这是一项很棒的服务,可快速部署和托管Rails应用程序-当您要学习很多小东西时,这是完美的选择

Build a simple dashboard which lists your apps and lets you quickly view key information about each of them. You can add editing capabilities as a second step.

构建一个简单的仪表板,其中列出了您的应用程序,并允许您快速查看有关每个应用程序的关键信息。 您可以添加编辑功能,这是第二步。

Use this gem to access the Heroku API:

使用以下gem访问Heroku API:

heroku/platform-apiplatform-api - Ruby HTTP client for the Heroku APIgithub.com

heroku / platform-api platform-api-Heroku API github.com的Ruby HTTP客户端

项目#21:AWS S3客户端 (Project #21: AWS S3 client)

Build a nice modern UI for managing your AWS S3 account. Use the Ruby gem and start off by building a simple file browser component. Then add a form component to upload files.

构建一个漂亮的现代UI来管理您的AWS S3帐户。 使用Ruby gem并从构建一个简单的文件浏览器组件开始。 然后添加一个表单组件以上传文件。

aws/aws-sdk-rubyaws-sdk-ruby - The official AWS SDK for Ruby.github.com

aws / aws-sdk-ruby aws-sdk-ruby-Ruby的官方AWS开发工具包。 github.com

项目#22:条带分析仪表板 (Project #22: Stripe analytics dashboard)

A dashboard for showing some statistics and charts based on Stripe data. The API is very well documented and this is a great chance to try using D3 with React (look at this and this).

一个仪表板,用于显示基于Stripe数据的一些统计信息和图表。 该API有充分的文档记录 ,这是一个将D3与React结合使用的绝佳机会(请参阅thisthis )。

项目#23:Google Analytics(分析)信息中心 (Project #23: Google analytics dashboard)

The default Google analytics web dashboard is cluttered and confusing. You could build a simpler one which just shows the most important information.

默认的Google Analytics(分析)网络信息中心混乱而混乱。 您可以构建一个更简单的信息,仅显示最重要的信息。

Another chance to use D3 or you could try another library.


You can access the GA API with this gem.

您可以使用此gem访问GA API。

项目#24:习惯跟踪器 (Project #24: Habit Tracker)

Build an app for tracking your daily and weekly habits — morning routines, gym sessions, running, cooking, meditation, guitar practice, tea ceremonies?


For inspiration, check out the Loop Habit Tracker or Coach.


Make it mobile-friendly so that you can use it on the go. Once you’re comfortable with React, you could even build a mobile app using React Native.

使它适合移动设备使用,以便您可以随时随地使用它。 一旦对React感到满意,您甚至可以使用React Native来构建移动应用程序。

项目25:健身仪表板 (Project #25: Fitness dashboard)

Build a dashboard for all your personal fitness data, that pulls in data from different apps and presents some useful statistics in a nice UI.


Depending on what you, your family and friends use, you could easily pull in data from a number of APIs — Fitbit, Google Fit, Moves, Runkeeper, Strava, Withings and lots more!

取决于你,你的家人和朋友使用,你可以很容易地在数据拉从许多API - Fitbit谷歌飞度动向RunkeeperStravaWithings以及更多!

You could even allow the user to manually enter data for simple things like weight tracking and exercise routines.


You could start off by just showing reports and then enhance it with new features like adding notes and sharing.


I’ve built a simple dashboard for Fitbit data. See the code here:

我为Fitbit数据构建了一个简单的仪表板。 在这里查看代码:

learnetto/reactfitreactfit - A fitness dashboard app built using Rails 5.1 and React.jsgithub.com

Learnetto / Reactfit reactfit-使用Rails 5.1和React.js github.com 构建的健身仪表板应用程序

项目26:“猜我的素描”(游戏) (Project #26: Guess My Sketch (game))

Make a drawing app in which you can draw with a mouse, and a friend has to guess what you drew. You can use canvas for drawing. See react-sketchpad by Michal Svrček for some ideas on how to start:

制作一个绘图应用程序,您可以用鼠标在其中绘图,并且朋友必须猜测您绘制的内容。 您可以使用画布进行绘制。 有关如何开始的一些想法,请参见MichalSvrček的 react-sketchpad

svrcekmichal/react-sketchpadreact-sketchpad - Sketch pad created with canvasgithub.com

svrcekmichal / react-sketchpad react-sketchpad-使用画布 github.com 创建的草图板

Use Rails to upload and save the drawing and show it to someone on another computer.


As an advanced exercise in fun, add machine learning and make the computer guess ?


项目#27:你写得像 (Project #27: You Write Like)

Make a text classifier app which matches your writing style to a famous author — just like I Write Like (made by Dmitry Chestnykh).

制作一个文本分类器应用程序,使您的写作风格与著名的作者相匹配-就像我的写作风格(由Dmitry Chestnykh制造 )一样。

Use classifier-reborn for classifying the text and React for handling the form. This app is mostly backend-heavy, so experiment with some UI animations. See this repo for some cool ideas:

使用classifier-reborn来对文本进行分类,并使用React来处理表单。 这个应用程式大部分都是后端应用程式,因此请尝试一些UI动画 有关一些很酷的想法,请参见此仓库

FormidableLabs/react-animationsreact-animations - A collection of animations for inline style librariesgithub.com

FormidableLabs / react-animations react-animations-内联样式库的动画集合 github.com

项目#28:创意板 (Project #28: Idea Board)

Build an Idea board app using a Rails 5.1 API app and a separate React app built using Create React App. The Idea board is a simple board which displays ideas in the form of square tiles. You can add ideas, edit existing ideas and delete ideas.

使用Rails 5.1 API应用程序构建一个Idea board应用程序,并使用Create React App构建一个单独的React应用程序。 创意板是一个简单的板,以方砖的形式显示创意。 您可以添加想法,编辑现有想法和删除想法。

I’ve already built this one! Check out these two video tutorials which will show you how to build this step-by-step:

我已经建造了这个! 观看以下两个视频教程,它们将向您展示如何逐步构建此视频:

Part 1:


Rails 5 API and React.js tutorial - How to make an Idea board app | LearnettoRails 5 API and React.js tutorial - How to make an Idea board app | Learnettolearnetto.com

Rails 5 API和React.js教程-如何制作Idea Board应用| Learnetto Rails 5 API和React.js教程-如何制作Idea Board应用| Learnettolearnetto.com

Part 2:


How to animate a component using React Transition Group | LearnettoHow to animate a component using React Transition Group | Learnettolearnetto.com

如何使用React Transition Group为组件设置动画 Learnetto 如何使用React Transition Group为组件设置动画 Learnettolearnetto.com

These tutorials cover many practical concepts including stateless functional components, class-based components, use of axios for making API calls, immutability-helper and more.


Now that’s a whole lot of interesting ideas for you to kickstart your React on Rails journey!

现在,您有很多有趣的想法可以启动React on Rails之旅!

Want to build these apps with me? Come, check out free tutorials on React, Rails and more on Learnetto.com.

想要和我一起构建这些应用程序吗? 快来, 在Reactet,Rails上免费学习教程,并在Learnetto.com上查看更多内容

Got any other ideas? Share them in a response below.

还有其他想法吗? 在下面的回复中分享它们。

Please ? recommend/clap ? and share this article!

拜托 经济/拍手? 并分享这篇文章!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/every-time-you-build-a-to-do-list-app-a-puppy-dies-505b54637a5d/


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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


