forkjoin rxjs_如何通过吃披萨来理解RxJS运算符:zip,forkJoin和Combine

forkjoin rxjs

什么是RxJS? (What is RxJS?)

Reactive programming is an asynchronous programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change - Wikipedia

响应式编程是一种与数据流和变更传播有关的异步编程范式 -Wikipedia

RxJS is a library for reactive programming using observables that makes it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code - RxJS docs


The essential concepts in RxJS are


  • An Observable is a stream of data


  • Observers can register up to 3 callbacks:


  1. next is called 1:M time to push new values to the observer


  2. error is called at most 1 time when an error occurred


  3. complete is called at most 1 time on completion


  • Subscription "kicks off" the observable stream

    订阅 “开始”可观察的流

Without subscribing the stream won't start emitting values. This is what we call a cold observable.

没有订阅 流将不会开始发出值。 这就是我们所谓的 观测。

It's similar to subscribing to a newspaper or magazine... you won't start getting them until you subscribe. Then, it creates a 1 to 1 relationship between the producer (observable) and the consumer (observer).

它的 类似于订阅报纸或杂志...直到订阅后,您才能开始获取它们。 然后,它在生产者(可观察)和消费者(观察者)之间创建一对一的关系。

什么是RxJS运算符? (What are RxJS operators?)

Operators are pure functions that enable a functional programming style of dealing with collections with operations. There are two kinds of operators:

运算符是纯函数,可以使用函数式编程样式来处理带有集合的集合。 运算符有两种:

  • Creation operators

  • Pipeable operators: transformation, filtering, rate limiting, flattening


Subjects are a special type of Observable that allows values to be multicast to many Observers. While plain Observables are unicast (each subscribed Observer owns an independent execution of the Observable), Subjects are multicast. This is what we call a hot observable.

主题是Observable的一种特殊类型,它允许将值多播到许多Observer。 普通的Observable是单播的 (每个订阅的Observer拥有Observable的独立执行),而Subject是多播的。 这就是我们所谓的热点 观察。

In this article, I will focus on the zip, combineLatest and forkJoin operators. These are RxJS combination operators, which means that they enable us to join information from multiple observables. Order, time, and structure of emitted values are the primary differences among them.

在本文中,我将重点介绍zipcombineLatestforkJoin运算符。 这些是RxJS组合运算符,这意味着它们使我们能够连接来自多个可观察对象的信息。 发射值的顺序,时间和结构是它们之间的主要区别。

Let's look at each one individually.


压缩() (zip())

  • zip doesn’t start to emit until each inner observable emits at least one value

    在每个内部可观察到的物体发出至少一个值之前, zip才开始发出

  • zip emits as long as emitted values can be collected from all inner observables

    只要可以从所有内部观察对象中收集发射的值, zip就会发射

  • zip emits values as an array


Let’s imagine that you are with Mario and Luigi, two of your best friends, at the best Italian restaurant in Rome. Each one of you orders a drink, a pizza, and a dessert. You specify to the waiter to bring the drinks first, then the pizzas, and finally the desserts.

让我们想象一下,您与两个最好的朋友Mario和Luigi在罗马最好的意大利餐厅在一起。 你们每个人都点饮料,比萨饼和甜点。 您可以指定服务员先带饮料,然后带披萨,最后带甜点。

This situation can be represented with 3 different observables, representing the 3 different orders. In this specific situation, the waiter can use the zip operator to bring (emit) the different order items by category.

这种情况可以用3个不同的观测值表示,分别表示3个不同的阶数。 在这种特定情况下,服务员可以使用zip运算符按类别携带(发出)不同的订单商品。



If you go back to the same Italian restaurant with your girlfriend, but she doesn’t want to eat, this is what will happen:


If the waiter$ uses the zip operator, you will only get your drink!




Because, when the waiter$ emits the drinks, the girlfriend$ observable is complete and no more value can be collected from it. Hopefully, the waiter$ can use another operator for us so we don't break up with our girlfriend 😏

因为,当waiter$发出饮料时,可观察到的girlfriend$已完成,无法从中收集更多的价值。 希望waiter$可以为我们使用其他接线员,这样我们就不会与女友分手😏

CombineLatest() (combineLatest())

  • combineLatest doesn’t start to emit until each inner observable emits at least one value

    在每个内部可观察到的combineLatest发出至少一个值之前, combineLatest才开始发出

  • When any inner observable emits a value, emit the last emitted value from each


At the exact same restaurant, the smart waiter$ now decide to use combineLatest operator.




With combineLatest, the order of the provided inner observables does matter.

使用combineLatest ,提供的内部可观察对象的顺序确实很重要。

If you$ is provided first to waiter$, it will emit only one value ["Tiramisu", "Sprite"].

如果首先向waiter$提供you$ ,它将仅发出一个值["Tiramisu", "Sprite"]

This is happening because combineLatest doesn’t start to emit until each inner observable emits at least one value. girlfriend$ starts emitting when the first inner observable emits its last value. Then, combineLatest emits the last values collected from both inner observables.

之所以发生这种情况,是因为直到每个内部可观察对象发出至少一个值之前, combineLatest才开始发出。 当第一个内部可观察对象发出其最后一个值时, girlfriend$开始发出。 然后, combineLatest发出从两个内部可观察值收集的最后一个值。

forkJoin() (forkJoin())

  • forkJoin emits the last emitted value from each inner observables after they all complete


  • forkJoin will never emit if one of the observables doesn’t complete

    如果其中一个可观察对象没有完成, forkJoin将永远不会发出

When you go to the restaurant and order for a pizza, you don’t want to know all the steps about how the pizza is prepared. If the cheese is added before the tomatoes or the opposite. You just want to get your pizza! This is where forkJoin comes into play.

当您去餐厅订购披萨时,您不想知道披萨的准备工作的所有步骤。 如果在番茄或相反面之前添加奶酪。 您只想拿披萨! 这是forkJoin发挥作用的地方。



  • If one of the inner observables throws an error, all values are lost

  • forkJoin doesn’t complete


  • If you are only concerned when all inner observables complete successfully, you can catch the error from the outside


  • Then, forkJoin completes

    然后, forkJoin完成

  • If you don’t care that inner observables complete successfully or not, you must catch errors from every single inner observable

  • Then, forkJoin completes

    然后, forkJoin完成

Personally, when I go to a restaurant with friends, I don’t care if one of them receives a burnt pizza. I just want mine 😆 so I will ask the waiter$ to catch the errors from inner observables individually.

就个人而言,当我和朋友一起去餐馆时,我不在乎其中一个是否收到了烧比萨饼。 我只想要我的😆,所以我将要求waiter$分别从内部可观察对象中捕获错误。

结语 (Wrap up)

We covered a lot in this article! Good examples are important to better understand RxJS operators and how to choose them wisely.

我们在本文中介绍了很多内容! 好的例子对于更好地理解RxJS运算符以及如何明智地选择它们很重要。

For combination operators like zip, combineLatest, and forkJoin the order of inner observables that you provide is also critical, as it can drives you to unexpected behaviours.


There is much more to cover within RxJS and I will do it in further articles.


I hope you enjoyed this article! 😍

希望您喜欢这篇文章! 😍

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forkjoin rxjs





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