

by Sam Williams


如何成为开发人员并尽快获得第一份工作 (How to become a developer and get your first job as quickly as possible)

Have you ever thought about becoming a software developer or looking for a change of career? This article will give you a solid plan to get you started in software development and get you your first job!

您是否曾经考虑过成为软件开发人员或正在寻求职业转变? 本文将为您提供一个坚实的计划,以帮助您开始软件开发并获得第一份工作!

但是,为什么要成为开发人员? (But why be a developer?)

If you’re considering becoming a developer and but aren’t sure whether it’s a good idea, here’s a few things to think about:


  1. There is a huge demand for developers — at the time of writing, Indeed had 37,739 job adverts for ‘developer’ in the UK and 145,640 in the US. Those numbers are only going to increase as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates a 17% rise between 2014 and 2024.

    对开发人员的需求巨大-在撰写本文时,Indeed在英国有37,739个招聘广告为“开发人员”,而在美国则为145,640个。 这些数字只会增加,因为美国劳工统计局估计,2014年至2024年之间将增长17%。
  2. The work can be very varied and interesting — as a developer you can work on a huge range of projects from e-commerce websites to computer games, from mobile apps to artificial intelligence. Almost all of the skills are transferable between each of these areas, and this means you aren’t locked into a single job.

    这项工作可能非常多样且很有趣-作为开发人员,您可以从事从电子商务网站到计算机游戏,从移动应用程序到人工智能的大量项目。 几乎所有技能都可以在上述各个领域之间转移,这意味着您不必局限于一项工作。
  3. The work can be flexible — As most of your work is reading and writing code, all you need is a computer. This means it can be done from anywhere, at any time. There are an increasing number of remote developers who work from home or while traveling the world.

    工作可以很灵活-由于您的大部分工作是读写代码,因此您所需要的只是一台计算机。 这意味着它可以随时随地完成。 越来越多的远程开发人员在家中或环游世界时工作。

如何成为开发者 (How to become a Developer)

Being a developer requires many skills, and there are two major factors in developing a skill: effective practice and support from senior developers. You need to maximise both of these to help you become the best developer you can be. There are three good ways to make sure that you’re on a fast track to starting your developer career:

成为开发人员需要许多技能,而开发技能有两个主要因素:有效的实践和高级开发人员的支持。 您需要将这两者都最大化,以帮助您成为最好的开发人员。 有以下三种方法可以确保您快速进入开发人员职业生涯:

编码训练营 (Coding Bootcamps)

These are great, because they are designed to take you from little or no coding experience to job-ready in 3 months. This means lots of effective practice and tons of help from the developers running the bootcamp.

这些功能很棒,因为它们旨在使您在3个月内几乎没有编码经验,甚至没有工作经验。 这意味着需要大量的有效实践,并需要运行训练营的开发人员提供大量帮助。

The issues that you might have with bootcamps are that they are usually 3 months of full time study and they can cost from £3,000 ($4,000) to £15,000 ($20,000). That’s a lot of money to spend, especially since you’re not earning for those 3 months.

您可能会在训练营中遇到的问题是,它们通常需要进行3个月的全日制学习,费用从3,000英镑(4,000美元)到15,000英镑(20,000美元)不等。 这笔钱可花很多,尤其是因为这三个月您没有赚钱。

找一位导师 (Get a Mentor)

This is the perfect situation: you start coding and have a developer act as your mentor and tutor. They could be a friend, family member, or just a developer that wants to help you out. You won’t get as much help as with a bootcamp, but having someone to turn to when you hit a roadblock is really useful. Also having someone checking in on you and making sure that you’re putting in the time can help keep you on track.

这是完美的情况:您开始编写代码,并让开发人员充当您的导师和导师。 他们可以是朋友,家庭成员,也可以是想要帮助您的开发人员。 您不会获得像训练营那样多的帮助,但是遇到障碍时找人帮助确实很有用。 另外,请他人签入您并确保您准时参加会议可以帮助您保持进度。

This sounds great, but getting a mentor can be hard. Not everyone knows someone who works as a developer, and it’s a lot of extra work for the mentor. If you know a developer, they may say no to being your mentor and you need to respect that.

这听起来不错,但要找到导师可能很难。 并非每个人都认识某个从事开发人员工作的人,这对导师来说是很多额外的工作。 如果您认识开发人员,他们可能会拒绝接受您的指导,因此您需要尊重。

获得开发人员职位 (Get a Job as a Developer)

This may seem like a cheat, as you need to be able to code before you can get a job. But I’ll explain later how to get to this point without a mentor or bootcamp. When you do get your first job, you’ll suddenly have a huge advantage — you’ll be getting paid to practice coding while working with senior developers. What more could you want?

这可能看起来像是骗子,因为您需要能够编码才能找到工作。 但是稍后我将解释如何在没有导师或训练营的情况下达到这一点。 当您找到第一份工作时,您将突然拥有巨大的优势-您将获得与高级开发人员一起练习编码的报酬。 你还能想要什么?

Working as a developer will also expose you to the side of development that you’ll not see while you study: the business side. This is a massive part of development, as there’s no point making a product that no-one wants, and dealing with customers is a skill that takes time to learn.

作为开发人员工作还将使您接触到学习时不会看到的开发方面:业务方面。 这是开发的重要组成部分,因为没有人能制造出没人想要的产品是没有意义的,与客户打交道是一项需要时间学习的技能。

开始计划 (Starting a Plan)

As not everyone can afford to go to a bootcamp or knows someone who’ll mentor them, I’ll give you a plan for how to get your first developer job. This is almost exactly how I went from an engineer to a developer in just 4 months.

由于不是每个人都负担得起去训练营的费用,或者不是认识会指导他们的人,所以我为您提供了一份计划,以谋求您的第一个开发人员工作。 这几乎就是我在短短4个月内从工程师转到开发人员的过程

找工作 (Finding Your Job)

To create a great plan, you need to have a target that you are going to hit. Our target is to get a developer job as quickly as possible. The sooner you get your first job, the sooner you get the boost of practicing coding every day, having the support of senior developers, and the bonus of getting paid.

要制定一个好的计划,您需要有一个要实现的目标。 我们的目标是尽快获得开发人员职位。 越早获得第一份工作,就越早得到每天练习编码,在高级开发人员的支持下以及获得报酬的好处。

There are a lot of ways to get into development, from data science to AI to game development, but the sector that is the easiest to get into is web development. If you’ve got your heart set on something else, remember that starting in web development doesn’t mean you’re locked into it. You’ll learn a huge amount that you’ll be able to use to transfer across into your preferred field.

从数据科学到AI到游戏开发,有很多进入开发的方法,但是最容易进入的领域是Web开发。 如果您有其他想法,请记住,开始进行Web开发并不意味着您会陷入其中。 您将学到很多知识,可以用来转移到自己喜欢的领域。

When I searched for Junior Web Developer the first job listing I saw was for a Junior Front End Web Developer. The requirement are:

当我搜索Junior Web Developer时 ,我看到的第一个工作清单是Junior Junior Web Developer 。 要求是:

We can look through a few similar job adverts and find the requirements that appear often. These will likely be:

我们可以浏览一些类似的招聘广告,并找到经常出现的要求。 这些可能是:

  • Front end knowledge: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  • Ability to create responsive websites

  • A portfolio demonstrating your experience and skills

  • Understanding of version control


Other bonus skills might be:

其他奖金 技能可能是:

  • Javascript libraries: jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap

  • Debugging knowledge


制定计划 (Creating the Plan)

Now that we know what we need to learn to meet the requirements, we can create a plan for how to learn what we need to meet them. You should try to follow this plan step by step, as it’s going to be easier to learn the later sections if you know the earlier ones.

既然我们知道需要学习什么才能满足要求,那么我们可以创建一个计划来学习如何满足要求。 您应该尝试逐步执行此计划,因为如果您知道较早的部分,将会更容易学习后面的部分。


These are the building blocks of most websites today. You need to develop a strong understanding of these if you want a chance at getting a job. Luckily, there are hundreds of free and paid resources out there which can help you learn and master these skills.

这些是当今大多数网站的基础。 如果您想找工作,就需要对这些有深刻的理解。 幸运的是,这里有数百种免费和付费资源,可以帮助您学习和掌握这些技能。

freeCodeCamp is a website that teaches you everything to do with website development, and it’s incredible. It takes you step by step through mini lessons and it’s where I learned HTML, CSS, and JavaScript!

freeCodeCamp是一个网站,它教您与网站开发有关的一切,这真是令人难以置信。 它带您逐步学习迷你课程,这是我学习HTML,CSS和JavaScript的地方!

We’ll be starting with the Responsive Web Design Certification and the Basic HTML and HTML5 and Basic CSS sections. These sections introduce you to HTML and CSS, and by the end you’ll be creating forms and styling HTML with cascading variables.

我们将从响应式Web设计认证基本HTML,HTML5基本CSS开始 部分。 这些部分向您介绍HTML和CSS,最后,您将使用级联变量创建表单和样式化HTML。

To improve our CSS, we’ll complete the Applied Visual Design section up to Create a More Complex Shape Using CSS and HTML, and then do all of Responsive Web Design and CSS Flexbox. We’re skipping some of the challenges and sections for now, as our aim is to learn what we need immediately. Those other sections are great, but not needed for now.

为了改善CSS,我们将完成应用视觉设计 部分开始使用CSS和HTML创建更复杂的形状 ,然后执行所有响应式Web设计 CSS Flexbox 我们现在跳过一些挑战和部分内容,因为我们的目的是立即了解我们的需求。 这些其他部分很棒,但目前不需要。

Now that we’ve learned to use HTML and CSS to build and style a web page, we’re going to get some effective practice by completing the Responsive Web Design Projects. These projects will use everything that you’ve learned so far to build five websites.

既然我们已经学会了使用HTML和CSS来构建网页并设置其样式,那么我们将通过完成 响应式Web设计项目 这些项目将使用您到目前为止所学到的一切来构建五个网站。

版本控制 (Version Control)

Version control is a system where you save files so you can look back over time and see what you changed at what point. It’ll probably be used at every software company you ever work at, and knowing the basics is really important.

版本控制是一个系统,您可以在其中保存文件,以便您可以随时间回顾过去并查看在什么时候进行了更改。 它可能会在您工作过的每家软件公司中使用,并且了解基础知识确实很重要。

To learn how to install Git, create a GitHub account and work with Git. There is a great tutorial post An Intro to Git and GitHub. You could learn this before the HTML and CSS design projects and start using version control for these projects.

要了解如何安装Git,请创建一个GitHub帐户并使用Gi​​t。 有一篇很棒的教程文章Git和GitHub简介 您可以在HTML和CSS设计项目之前学习此知识,并开始对这些项目使用版本控制。

Now that you know how to use version control, try to do all of your projects in a local editor (like VS Code) and upload them to CodePen when you’re finished. Working in a local editor is how you’ll be doing it at a job, so it helps build your experience.

现在,您知道如何使用版本控制,尝试在本地编辑器(例如VS Code )中完成所有项目,并在完成后将它们上载到CodePen。 在本地编辑器中工作是您在工作中的工作方式,因此可以帮助您积累经验。

There are a lot of ways to use Git/version control, but you want to be able to create a GitHub repository, link that to a local folder, commit work that you’ve done, and push that up to GitHub. Once you can do this, you’ll be able to work effectively as part of a development team.

有很多使用Git /版本控制的方法,但是您希望能够创建GitHub存储库,将其链接到本地​​文件夹,提交已完成的工作,并将其推送到GitHub。 一旦做到这一点,您就可以作为开发团队的一部分有效地工作。

JavaScript (JavaScript)

JavaScript is the language that powers 94.8% of websites on the internet. Thats a lot of sites! JavaScript allows you to change a static website into a fully interactive one.

JavaScript是为互联网上94.8%的网站提供支持的语言。 那就是很多网站! JavaScript使您可以将静态网站更改为完全互动的网站。

To learn JavaScript we can do the Javascript Algorithms And Data Structures Certification on freeCodeCamp. Because JavaScript is such a big part of modern websites, we’re going to complete the whole of this certification. This may seem like a lot of work, but when you work as a web developer, you’ll probably spend most of your time writing JavaScript. So its important to be good at it.

要学习JavaScript,我们可以在freeCodeCamp上进行Javascript算法和数据结构认证 由于JavaScript是现代网站的重要组成部分,因此我们将完成整个认证。 这似乎是很多工作,但是当您作为Web开发人员工作时,可能会花费大部分时间来编写JavaScript。 因此,擅长于此很重要。

建立你的投资组合 (Building Your Portfolio)

To show off what you can do, you need to have a portfolio to show to possible employers. Luckily you will already have 10 projects — 5 HTML and CSS and 5 JavaScript. Make sure that you’ve got these all in version control and uploaded to GitHub so that other people (future employers) can have a look and see how well you work.

要炫耀您可以做什么,您需要有一个投资组合来向可能的雇主展示。 幸运的是,您已经有10个项目-5个HTML和CSS和5个JavaScript。 确保所有这些内容都已在版本控制中并上传到GitHub,以便其他人(未来的雇主)可以查看并查看您的工作状况。

You can now go back to the portfolio site that you built and update it with all of your new projects. You can then use your new JavaScript skills to add interaction to the page. This could be a popup description when a user hovers over one of your projects, a slideshow of images, or even a mini-game.

现在,您可以返回到您构建的投资组合站点,并使用所有新项目对其进行更新。 然后,您可以使用新JavaScript技能向页面添加交互。 当用户将鼠标悬停在您的项目之一,图像的幻灯片甚至是迷你游戏上时,这可能是一个弹出描述。

If you’ve done everything in the plan so far, then you should meet the requirements of a lot of the junior web developer jobs. Now it’s time to apply to some jobs.

如果到目前为止,您已经完成了计划中的所有工作,那么您应该满足许多初级Web开发人员工作的要求。 现在是时候申请一些工作了。

To apply to most jobs, you need a CV or résumé. So we can make a web developer CV. This should highlight your strengths without bringing added attention to how long you’ve been coding or the fact that you haven’t got any commercial experience.

要申请大多数职位,您需要简历或简历。 因此,我们可以制作一个Web开发人员简历。 这应该突出您的优势,而不会引起您对编码时间或没有任何商业经验这一事实的关注。

Here’s the CV that I used to get my second job.


Which jobs to apply for is also important. This may seem wrong, but you should apply to jobs where you can meet 80% (or more) of the requirements. You can always point out that as a self taught developer, you will likely pick up the other requirements faster than most other people.

申请哪些职位也很重要。 这似乎是错误的,但是您应该将其应用于可以满足80%(或更多)要求的工作。 您总是可以指出,作为一个自学成才的开发人员,您可能会比大多数其他人更快地接受其他要求。

Of course this doesn’t mean you should apply to every job where you meet the requirements. Only apply to jobs that you think are interesting and that you would take if you got the offer.

当然,这并不意味着你就应该适用于每一个 您符合要求的工作。 仅适用于您认为有趣的职位,并且在获得聘用后将接受的职位。

使用招聘人员 (Using Recruiters)

Recruiters can be a powerful tool for getting your first job. They know what the company wants, often have jobs that aren’t on job boards, and they want you to get the job… that’s how they get paid.

招聘人员可以成为获得第一份工作的强大工具。 他们知道公司想要什么,经常有一些工作不在招聘委员会上,并且他们希望您找到工作……这就是他们的报酬。

To make sure that your CV gets into the hands of as many recruiters as possible, we need to apply to jobs on a range of sites. Start with the large sites like Indeed and Total Jobs, but try to find the smaller job sites, too.

为了确保您的简历能被尽可能多的招聘人员掌握,我们需要在一系列站点上申请职位。 首先从像Indeed和Total Jobs这样的大型站点开始,但也尝试找到较小的工作站点。

A lot of developers talk about how awful recruiters are, but we need to make sure to utilise them. Whenever you speak to a recruiter, make sure to be respectful and polite. If they ask you about jobs that are way above or below your desired job, thank them and decline but remind them of the type of job you are looking for.

许多开发人员都在谈论招聘人员的糟糕程度,但是我们需要确保充分利用它们。 每当您与招聘人员交谈时,请务必保持尊重和礼貌。 如果他们向您询问有关您期望工作以上或以下的工作,请多谢并拒绝,但要提醒他们您正在寻找的工作类型。

My first two jobs came from recruiters asking about a job that wasn’t suited to me, but they had another job that was perfect. Don’t give them such a hard time.

我的前两份工作来自招聘人员,询问的工作不适合我,但他们还有另一份完美的工作。 不要给他们那么难。

持续改进 (Continued Improvement)

You probably won’t get an interview and job offer in the first week of applying for jobs. You might not get an interview in the first month, but this gives you time to improve.

在申请工作的第一周,您可能不会获得面试和工作机会。 您可能不会在第一个月接受面试,但这给了您改善的时间。

Now that we’ve met the basic requirements, we can start adding more nice to haves into our tool kit. Now is the time to add a new tool to your tool chest. Adding more skills to your belt will make employers more likely to want you and increase your chances of getting an interview. Here are some skills to learn:

既然我们已经满足了基本要求,我们就可以开始在工具包中添加更多有趣的东西了。 现在是时候向工具箱中添加新工具了。 增加更多技能将使雇主更有可能想要您,并增加您获得面试的机会。 这里有一些要学习的技能:

学习图书馆 (Learn a library)

There are JavaScript libraries out there which can make your life much easier. One of the most popular libraries is jQuery, which helps you with DOM manipulation, object and array functions, and much more.

那里有JavaScript库,可以使您的生活更加轻松。 jQuery是最受欢迎的库之一,它可以帮助您进行DOM操作,对象和数组函数等。

I would recommend learning to use jQuery, because it’s a great introduction to using libraries in JavaScript. There are loads of courses and tutorials for learning jQuery, but I still love the freeCodeCamp lesson.

我建议学习使用jQuery,因为这是在JavaScript中使用库的很好的介绍。 有很多学习jQuery的课程和教程,但是我仍然喜欢freeCodeCamp课程。

完成HTML和CSS课 (Completing the HTML and CSS Lessons)

Go back to the HTML and CSS lessons from freeCodeCamp and complete the rest of the lessons in Applied Visual Design, Applied Accessibility, and CSS Grid.

返回freeCodeCampHTML和CSS课,并完成应用视觉设计应用辅助功能, CSS网格

推进CSS(可选) (Advance Your CSS (optional))

If you like the design and style side of front end development, then there’s a cool Daily CSS course that gets you to make images with just CSS and HTML. These images could be a great thing to talk about at an interview.

如果您喜欢前端开发的设计和样式方面,那么这里有一个很棒的Daily CSS课程 ,可让您仅用CSS和HTML制作图像。 这些图像可能是在采访中谈论的一件好事。

了解JavaScript的工作原理 (Learn how JavaScript Works)

Being able to use JavaScript is great, but understanding how it works can help you become a much better developer. It allows you to write the best possible code, as you’ll know why and how that code fixes the problem.

能够使用JavaScript很棒,但是了解它的工作原理可以帮助您成为更好的开发人员。 它使您可以编写最佳的代码,因为您将知道为什么以及如何解决该问题。

To get this deeper understanding of JavaScript, I highly recommend the You Don’t Know JS book series. The first two books are great for understanding the fundamentals of JavaScript. Understanding this gives you a great foundation on which you can become an even better developer. They can be accessed for FREE online or bought in hard copy.

为了更深入地了解JavaScript,我强烈建议您阅读《不懂JS 》系列丛书。 前两本书对于理解JavaScript的基础非常有用。 了解这一点将为您成为更好的开发人员奠定良好的基础。 可以免费在线访问它们,也可以购买印刷版

建设项目 (Build Projects)

Another way to improve your skills is to build projects. These can be anything, but your aim is to get practice using the tools that you are less experienced with. Not great with arrays? Create a shopping list app. A bit iffy on styling? Try to make an exact copy of a real website.

提高技能的另一种方法是构建项目。 这些可以是任何东西,但是您的目标是使用经验不足的工具进行练习。 数组不好吗? 创建一个购物清单应用。 对样式有些昧? 尝试制作真实网站的精确副本。

These projects should be improving your skills, so if its too easy or too difficult, stop and start a project that is at a better level.


Sometimes when you build a project, you might need to learn a completely new skill. Learning as you go can be a great way for some people to learn.

有时,在构建项目时,您可能需要学习一种全新的技能。 随行学习可能是某些人学习的好方法。

面试 (Interviews)

After having applied to a bunch of jobs and continuing to improve your skills, you will hopefully be asked to an interview. This is your time to shine. There are loads of articles about how to approach the interview process, so I won’t go into too much detail here. But I will highlight what this article says:

在申请了一系列工作并继续提高技能之后,希望您会被要求接受面试。 这是您发光的时间。 关于如何进行面试过程的文章很多,因此在这里我不会做过多的详细介绍。 但是,我将重点介绍这篇文章

  • Know your CV

  • Know about the company

  • Practice your skills

  • Be early, polite, and confident

  • Ask Questions

  • Follow up after the interview


If you follow all of this advice, then you’ll have a good chance of getting an offer. Amazing! If you don’t get an offer, then make sure to ask for feedback and use that to be better in your next interview.

如果您遵循所有这些建议,那么您将很有机会获得报价。 惊人! 如果您没有收到要约,请确保征求反馈,并在下次面试中更好地利用它。

摘要 (Summary)

If you want to become a developer, you should be aiming to get a junior web developer job ASAP so that you get the experience and support from senior developers. To get this kind of job you need to:

如果您想成为一名开发人员,则应该以尽快找到一名初级Web开发人员工作为目标,以便获得高级开发人员的经验和支持。 要获得这种工作,您需要:

  • learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript

  • build a portfolio of small projects.


Once you’ve done this, you can start applying to jobs.


Then prepare well for your interviews and continue to build new skills while you wait for that offer.


Thanks for following my guide to becoming a developer and getting your first job. If you enjoyed it, then give it a clap and follow me for more developer tips and tricks!

感谢您遵循我的指南成为开发人员并获得第一份工作。 如果您喜欢它,请鼓掌并关注我,以获取更多开发人员提示和技巧!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/become-a-developer-and-get-your-first-job-fast-7b8ac26d84c6/






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