

by Mike Williams

由Mike Williams

我如何在周末建立和启动聊天机器人 (How I Built And Launched A Chatbot Over The Weekend)

在数小时内将您的想法带入功能性bot,获得真实的用户反馈,并在周末结束前启动! ? (Take your idea to functional bot in hours, get real user feedback, and launch before the weekend is over! ?)

Chatbots are not new. But they are a technology that most of us have probably read about, possibly used, and yet do not truly understand simply due to the lack of both everyday and prolonged exposure.

聊天机器人不是新手。 但是它们是我们大多数人可能已经读过,可能使用过的技术,但是由于缺乏日常和长时间的暴露而无法真正理解。

For months leading up to last Friday, I had bookmarked chatbot-specific publications (such as Chatbots Magazine), liked Facebook posts about chatbots, and even upvoted some on Product Hunt.

在上周五之前的几个月中,我为聊天机器人特定的出版物(例如Chatbots Magazine )添加了书签,喜欢Facebook上有关聊天机器人的帖子,甚至还对Product Hunt进行了投票。

I wanted to change my understanding of chatbots and challenged myself to learn as much as I could over the weekend. I had determined it was time to really understand chatbots through mastering the fundamentals and building my own.

我想改变我对聊天机器人的理解,并挑战自己在周末尽可能多地学习。 我确定是时候通过精通基础知识和构建自己的基础来真正了解聊天机器人了。

我启动的大多数项目和公司一样,我首先定义以下内容: (Like Most Projects and Companies I’ve Launched, I Began by Defining the Following:)
  • Timeline: Sunday was my deadline since this was a weekend project.

  • Goals: Learn about the existing tools for chatbot developers that I could use to leverage technology and build on top of (I decided on Chatfuel). This would provide me with a fundamental understanding of chatbots.

    目标:了解用于聊天机器人开发人员的现有工具,我可以使用这些工具来利用技术并在此基础上(我决定使用Chatfuel )。 这将使我对聊天机器人有基本的了解。

  • Success Outcome: Build a functional chatbot that did one thing well, iterate on real user feedback, and launch.


Unlike past projects, I didn’t have the exact idea in mind prior to making the decision to begin.


I had a window open on my laptop displaying a limited artist print I was looking at (Alec Monopoly’s “Pablo Judicial”). I simply typed “art chatbot” in Google to see if there was already a chatbot to purchase artwork.

我的笔记本电脑上有一个打开的窗口,上面显示着我正在看的艺术家作品( Alec Monopoly的“ Pablo Judicial” )。 我只是在Google中键入“艺术聊天机器人”,以查看是否已经有一个聊天机器人来购买艺术品。

To my surprise, there was not. I knew that my passion for art was the perfect match for my weekend desire to master chatbots.

令我惊讶的是,没有。 我知道我对艺术的热情是我周末对聊天机器人的渴望的完美匹配。

I then removed the space in my search and had the name “Art Chatbot” in front of me. $9 and a few seconds later, and I also had the domain.

然后,我在搜索中删除了空格,并在我面前出现了名称“ Art Chatbot”。 9美元,几秒钟后,我也拥有了

Since it was still early Saturday morning and the above had taken place in the matter of about 30 minutes, I had an hour or so to create the logo (using Squarespace logo creator).

由于仍然是周六早上,而且上述过程大约在30分钟内完成,因此我花了一个小时左右的时间来创建徽标(使用Squarespace徽标创建器 )。

I then worked on lean branding for social assets (Snappa), and also created the Facebook page (which is required to build and test the bot since it is a Facebook Messenger Bot).

然后,我致力于社交资产的精简品牌建设( Snappa ),还创建了Facebook页面 (由于该机器人是Facebook Messenger Bot,因此需要构建和测试该机器人)。

Now that I had the logo, social cover, and also had the Facebook page live, I invited a few friends to like the page.


I got a few messages back asking what I was up to with the page and commenting on the name and logo. And so within minutes of my lean branding exercise, I already had some positive feedback!

我收到一些消息,询问我对页面的处理方式,并评论了名称和徽标。 因此,在精益品牌推广活动的几分钟内,我已经获得了一些积极的反馈!

I then told them what I was building and asked if they could test in the following hours over the course of my build.


This led to real user feedback as I was building so that I could create a more realistic conversational design and flow for my chatbot.


After getting setup on Chatfuel, I watched some YouTube tutorials and used some of the templates provided on Chatfuel to learn through modifying (thanks Persona!).

Chatfuel上进行设置后,我观看了一些YouTube教程,并使用了Chatfuel上提供的一些模板来通过修改来学习(感谢Persona !)。

I realized that the process is fairly straightforward, and it was all about the conversational flow and user journey.


然后,我完成了以下定义练习,以定义要构建的内容: (I Then Completed the Following Definition Exercise to Define What I Was Going to Build:)
  1. Map out the conversational flow and user journey. In this case, it was for a user to discover artists, view artwork, and purchase artwork.

    制定对话流程和用户旅程。 在这种情况下,用户可以发现艺术家,查看艺术品并购买艺术品。
  2. Define the structure of the bot. In Chatfuel, this is done by “blocks,” which I created for each main state, sub states, destinations, queries, and answers.

    定义机器人的结构。 在Chatfuel中,这是通过“块”完成的,我为每个主要状态,子状态,目的地,查询和答案创建了“块”。
  3. Identify and also limit the amount of content that I would display. Since I was building this in hours, it was more about the experience and validation, rather then how robust I thought it should be.

    确定并限制我要显示的内容量。 由于我是在数小时内完成构建的,因此它更多地是关于体验和验证,而不是我认为应该具有的健壮性。

Actually building the bot in Chatfuel began at the second step with the blocks. It was mid-afternoon Saturday now and I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with the ambitious complexities I initially set out to build.

实际上,在Chatfuel中构建机器人是从第二步开始的。 现在是星期六下午中午,我对最初打算建立的雄心勃勃的复杂性感到不知所措。

To overcome this, I removed some of the artists, the artwork to show, and then the artwork available so that I could focus on a better experience rather then trying to account for quantity.


Before Saturday was over, I had completed the initial version of Art Chatbot. I had friends testing the chatbot and providing real feedback, and all of the social pages and assets were prepped to launch before the end of the weekend.

在星期六结束之前,我已经完成了Art Chatbot的初始版本。 我有朋友测试了聊天机器人并提供了真实的反馈,并且所有社交页面和资产都准备在周末结束前启动。

With this initial version completed, I spent Sunday feeling a bit less time-constrained. I was able to focus more on prepping for a launch along with continual chatbot iteration.

最初的版本完成后,我在星期天度过了更少的时间限制。 我能够将更多的精力集中在为发布做准备以及持续的聊天机器人迭代上。

I also began implementing basic AI functionality into the bot. I messaged a few art technology companies to ask what data was valuable to them (knowing I could easily collect this). This way, I could be on their radar and possibly build a chatbot that had some monetary value through data down the road.

我也开始在机器人中实现基本的AI功能。 我曾向一些艺术技术公司发消息,询问哪些数据对他们有价值(知道我可以轻松地收集这些数据)。 这样,我可能会在他们的监视之下,并可能构建一个聊天机器人,该机器人通过沿途的数据具有一定的货币价值。

I ended the day on Sunday by making a quick landing page using Instapage and optimizing it for a Product Hunt launch that I would do Monday.

我在周日结束了这一天,使用Instapage制作了一个快速登录页面,并对其进行了优化,以进行周一进行的Product Hunt发布。

To pre-launch the chatbot, I also setup Botanalytics (to help monitor, track, and analyze messages), posted in Facebook Groups to generate initial users, and then drafted my Product Hunt intro that I would post.

为了预启动聊天机器人,我还设置了Botanalytics (以帮助监视,跟踪和分析消息),将其发布在Facebook组中以生成初始用户,然后起草我将发布的Product Hunt简介。

I also used a Google doc to create all the verbiage I would share on my social channels. Then I could simply copy the text, add the Product Hunt URL, and share across channels on Monday.

我还使用了Google文档来创建我将在社交渠道上分享的所有文字。 然后,我可以简单地复制文本,添加Product Hunt URL,并在星期一在各个渠道之间共享。

The result is that Art Chatbot hit 100 upvotes on Product Hunt and had also sent over 1,800 messages by the end of the day.

结果是,Art Chatbot在Product Hunt上赢得了100次投票,并且到一天结束时还发送了1,800多个消息。

I not only learned about chatbots, but I am more confident in my understanding of the technology through a real use case. I also refined my ability and the process I used to build and launch a product rapidly.

我不仅了解了聊天机器人,还通过一个真实的用例对我对该技术的理解更有信心。 我还完善了自己的能力以及用于快速构建和发布产品的流程。

Overall, I consider the weekend project a success — and more importantly, it was refreshing and fun!


I’ve also tried to “open source” everything about Art Chatbot’s build (I documented it on my social) and the chatbot roadmap. I will continue to keep everything publicly accessible (link below) going forward for anyone that is interested in being involved or contributing.

我还尝试过“开放源代码”有关Art Chatbot的构建(在我的社交网站上进行了记录 )和chatbot路线图的所有内容。 对于那些有兴趣参与或贡献自己的人,我将继续保持一切可公开访问(下面的链接)的方式。

Art Chatbot Open Sourced ? bit.ly/artchatbotopensource

艺术聊天机器人开源? b it.ly/artchatbotopensource

With an eagerness to learn and using the process above, it’s certainly possible for anyone to build their own chatbot in a weekend! ?

渴望学习和使用上面的过程,任何人肯定有可能在周末构建自己的聊天机器人! ?

Be sure to tweet at me with any questions you have, feedback, and also let me know when you launch your own chatbot and I’ll check it out/retweet! You can also check out my personal chatbot I made after this weekend project here.

请确保在您有任何问题,反馈时向我发推特,并在启动自己的聊天机器人时通知我,我将对其进行检出/转发! 您也可以在这里查看我在本周末项目结束后制作的个人聊天机器人。

Rather see a video format of this with more details? Watch this 12 minute video where I share more:

宁可查看具有更多详细信息的视频格式? 观看这12分钟的视频,我在其中分享了更多信息:

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-built-and-launched-a-chatbot-over-the-weekend-ad8efc522f33/






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