

by Tim Park

蒂姆·帕克(Tim Park)

我是如何在大学毕业后没有实习的情况下获得第一份开发人员工作的 (How I got my first developer job with no internships straight out of college)

找工作很难。 (Getting a job out of school is hard.)

Especially when it seems like every other fresh graduate has been interning at Google or Facebook or Amazon (or all three) since sophomore year. Believe me, I know. When I started my job hunt at the beginning of this year, I sent out 93 job applications, 2 of which resulted in full time job offers. That’s about a 2% conversion rate from applications to full time offers.

尤其是自大二以来,似乎所有其他应届毕业生都曾在Google或Facebook或Amazon(或全部三个)实习。 相信我,我知道。 当我在今年年初开始求职时,我发出了93个工作申请,其中2个提供了全职工作机会。 从应用程序到全日制课程的转换率约为2%。

A little background…


I graduated from a mid-tier school with mid-tier grades and a grand total of zero internships under my belt. I got my A’s, my B’s, my C’s, and a couple D’s (apologies to my parents) — strictly in the middle of the pack.

我毕业于一所中等学校,中学成绩中等,总的实习岗位为零。 我得到了我的A,B,C和几对D(对父母表示歉意)—严格地放在中间。

The point is, I didn’t stand out. So why would anyone hire me in one of the most competitive job markets out there? There are literally thousands of more qualified candidates companies could choose from.

关键是, 我没有脱颖而出。 那么,为什么有人会在这个竞争最激烈的工作市场之一雇用我呢? 从字面上看,有成千上万的合格候选人可以从公司中进行选择。

Looking back, there are 5 key elements that contributed to my eventual employment. I’ve tried to distill what I learned into fairly generic attributes. They are applicable whether you’re a fresh CS grad like me or an elementary school teacher looking to switch careers.

回顾过去,有5个关键因素有助于我最终的工作。 我试图将我学到的东西提炼成相当通用的属性。 无论您是像我这样的应届CS毕业生,还是希望转行小学老师,它们都适用。

So, without further ado, here are 5 Key Components to Landing your First Tech Job (No Internship Edition).


元素1:持久性 (Element 1: Persistence)

As mentioned earlier, I got 2 job offers out of 93 applications. This is about a 2% conversion rate (or 46 rejections per offer). That is to say, unless you’re an engineering god, you will face a lot of rejection. It will get discouraging.

如前所述,我在93个申请中获得了2个工作机会。 这大约是2%的转化率(或每个报价拒绝46次)。 这就是说,除非您是一名工程神,否则您将面临很多拒绝 。 它将令人沮丧。

Just remember, that there are so many reasons that a company might reject a candidate. That is beyond your control. For example, reduced headcount, internal re-organisation.

请记住,公司可能有很多原因拒绝候选人。 那是您无法控制的。 例如,裁员,内部重组。

So don’t take it personally and keep on trucking. Who knows? Maybe the next application you send is the one that gets you an offer. Don’t make the mistake of giving up early and missing out on what might be your next job.

因此, 请勿亲自处理并继续搬运。 谁知道? 也许您发送的下一个应用程序就是为您提供报价的应用程序。 不要犯尽早放弃,错过下一份工作的错误。

元素2:勤奋 (Element 2: Diligence)

练习,练习,练习。 (Practice, practice, practice.)

Technical interviews are simple — you either meet the hiring bar, or you don’t. That means you have to be ready for the interviews that come your way. For me, that meant 2–4 hours of interview prep a day for the 3 months I was recruiting.

技术面试很简单,您要么会见招聘栏,要么就不会。 这意味着您必须为即将进行的面试做好准备 。 对我来说,这意味着我要招聘的3个月中每天要准备2-4个小时的面试。

You may not have that kind of time, but the point is, make sure that you are prepared to the best of your ability for the opportunities you’re given — because if your job application looks anything like mine, then those opportunities are going to be few and far between.


Interview prep is its own beast, so I won’t go in depth on what my study regimen was in this article, but here are a few resources that I found useful when studying:


算法和数据结构 (Algorithms and Data Structures)
练习面试题 (Practice Interview Questions)
基本程序设计 (Basic Program Design)

元素3:机智 (Element 3: Resourcefulness)

使用一切(和每个人)供您使用。 (Use everything (and everyone) at your disposal.)

Use your school’s career portal to apply to small companies that will take your cheap, inexperienced labor, and build up your skills in a low risk environment. You will not be paid much. It will not be glamorous. But it’s something to put on your résumé and it’s one step closer to the job you want to end up at.

使用您学校的职业门户网站,将其应用于需要廉价,缺乏经验的劳动力,并在低风险环境中增强技能的小型公司。 您将不会得到多少报酬。 它不会迷人。 但这是您的简历上要放的东西,离您最终想要完成的工作仅一步之遥。

Full disclosure, this is exactly how I got my first development job during my last year of school. That was literally the only job I had on my résumé alongside a list of side projects when it came time to apply to the bigger tech companies.

完全公开,这正是我在上学的最后一年中获得第一份发展工作的方式。 从字面上看,这是我在简历中唯一需要做的工作,同时还涉及到一些边际项目,这是时候向大型科技公司提出申请了。

Leverage your personal connections, if you have any. Ask your parents’ friends’ friends if they can forward your résumé to the right people in their companies. Ask that guy you met on the train. Ask that woman you met at that party. People love to help out, and it’s such a small ask that odds are no one is going to straight up reject your request to forward an email for you.

利用您的个人关系(如果有)。 询问父母的朋友的朋友是否可以将您的简历转发给公司中合适的人。 问问你在火车上遇到的那个人。 问问你在那个聚会上遇到的那个女人。 人们喜欢帮助您,这是一个很小的问题,没有人会直接拒绝您的请求,以便为您转发电子邮件。

Everyone owes their success to someone, so don’t feel bad about asking for help. In fact, the people you’re asking probably got to where they are because they asked enough questions to get there. And when the time comes that people are coming to you for help, remember all the people who helped you get to where you are and make sure to pay it forward!

每个人的成功都要归功于某人,所以不要为寻求帮助而感到难过。 实际上,您要问的人可能是去了那里, 因为他们提出了足够的问题才能到达那里。 当人们来找您的时候到了,请记住所有帮助过您的人,并确保将其支付给您!

元素4:软技能 (Element 4: Soft Skills)

I like to think it was my scrappy, go-getter attitude and my magnificent engineering chops that charmed my interviewers and awed them into extending me an offer. It was not. Thankfully, you only need to be a decent human being with basic communication skills.

我喜欢认为那是我蓬勃进取的态度和出色的工程技能使我的面试官着迷,并敬畏他们扩大我的报价。 它不是。 值得庆幸的是,您只需要成为一个具有基本沟通能力的正派人即可。

Are you receptive to criticism, or are you obstinately defensive? Are you able to articulate your thoughts clearly, or is your logic hard to follow? Are you a good teacher, or do you get impatient when someone lacks understanding? Ultimately, are you someone I would want to work with?

您是否愿意接受批评,还是顽固地防守? 您是否能够清楚地表达自己的想法,还是很难遵循自己的逻辑? 您是一名好老师,还是在某人缺乏理解时不耐烦? 最终, 您是我想与之共事的人吗?

According to Forbes, a lack of soft skills can kill your chances of being hired, with a whopping 75% of recruiting professionals cutting their interviews short because of insufficient soft skills. So brush up on your soft skills, because they might even be what saves an otherwise terrible interview.

据《福布斯》(Forbes)称,缺乏软技能会扼杀您被录用的机会,由于软技能不足, 高达75%的招聘专业人员将面试时间缩短了 。 因此,请复习您的软技能,因为它们甚至可以节省原本糟糕的面试。

Case in point: I got one of my offers after one of my worst interviews ever, because they “liked my positive energy”. They said that on the phone when I got my offer. So be positive. It’ll get you a job.

恰当的例子:在有史以来最糟糕的一次采访之后,我得到了一份要约,因为它们“喜欢我的积极能量”。 当我收到报价时,他们在电话上说。 所以要积极。 它将为您找到工作。

元素5:运气 (Element 5: Luck)

This one actually isn’t that helpful. Sorry!

这实际上没有帮助。 抱歉!

With no internships and a paltry list of hacked together pet projects on my résumé, what incentive was there for recruiters to reach out to me amidst the sea of ex-Google interns and Stanford grads? To be honest, not much.

在我的履历中没有实习机会,只有很少的被黑在一起的宠物项目清单,招聘人员在前Google实习生和斯坦福大学毕业生的海洋中接触我有什么诱因? 老实说,不多。

When my résumé hit the recruiters’ desks (or inboxes), it basically boiled down to whether they were feeling generous enough to give me a chance to interview.


There’s not much you can do here, so don’t take rejections personally. Make sure to “please keep an eye out for any future opportunities.”

您在这里可以做的事情不多,所以不要亲自接受拒绝。 确保“请留意将来的任何机会。”

要认识的重要一点是,某些招聘过程完全不受您的控制。 (The important thing to recognize is that some of the hiring process is entirely out of your control.)

Use that knowledge to motivate yourself to take full advantage of the things you do have control over.


Be persistent in your efforts to seek out every single potential opportunity. Be diligent in your preparations so that you are ready to crush the interviews that you do get. Be resourceful in maximizing the number of leads you have through your personal connections and career centers. And finally, hone your soft skills to the point where everyone you meet will want to work with you.

坚持不懈地努力寻找每一个潜在的机会。 认真做好准备,以便准备好粉碎自己得到的面试。 在通过个人关系和职业中心最大限度地增加潜在客户数量时要机智 。 最后,磨练您的软技能 ,使您遇到的每个人都希望与您一起工作。

您没有可以遵循的秘密公式来雇用您。 (There is no secret formula that you can follow that will get you hired.)

There’s no magic number of Leetcode questions to complete to get hired, no sequence of steps to follow to magically unlock a job offer. When you get rejected, don’t blame the interview process. Don’t blame the engineers who interviewed you. You and I don’t get that luxury. Because at the end of the day, we’re just poor ex-students trying to get hired, and no amount of blame shifting will change that, no matter how broken and/or useless you might think the hiring process is.

无需完成任何令人难以置信的Leetcode问题,也无需遵循任何步骤即可神奇地解锁工作机会。 当你被拒绝时, 不要责怪面试过程 。 不要责怪采访你的工程师。 你和我没那么奢侈。 因为归根结底,我们只是试图被录用的可怜的前学生,而无论您认为录用过程多么残破和/或毫无用处,都不会有太多的责任转移会改变这一点。

每次拒绝时,请问自己: (With every rejection, ask yourself:)
  • What areas did I do poorly in?


  • Why did I do poorly in those areas?


  • How can I improve those areas for next time?


Identify your weaknesses and work hard to remedy them, because in the end, that’s really all it boils down to: a little bit of luck and a whole lot of hard work.


如果您喜欢阅读的内容, 那么还有更多的来历(If you like what you read, there’s more where that came from!)

As a guy in the early stages of his tech career, I write about—you guessed it—the early stages of a tech career.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-got-my-first-developer-job-with-no-internships-straight-out-of-college-814d0eea1e4c/


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