
I don’t have a Computer Science degree so I had to create my own.


When I graduated from a coding bootcamp five years ago, I was completely unprepared for technical interviews. My coding bootcamp not only spent a brief (less than a few days!) time on algorithms and the coding interview, but I was out sick during that time.

五年前,当我从一个编码训练营毕业时,我完全没有做好技术面试的准备。 我的编码训练营不仅在算法和编码面试上花了很短的时间(不到几天!),但在那段时间我感到不舒服。

Other candidates applying for the same jobs as I was had four years in school working on their computer science degree. I had three months at a bootcamp where I learned some basic concepts, Rails, and taught myself Angular.js.

其他申请与我相同工作的候选人在学校学习了四年计算机科学学位。 我在一个训练营里度过了三个月的时间,在那里我学习了一些基本概念,Rails,并自学了Angular.js。

Over the past few years, I’ve had to fill the gaps in my knowledge with resources that I could find online and for free. I’ve worked as a Senior Engineer for companies such as Eventbrite and I’ve even written an O’Reilly book. I’m proof that you don’t need a CS degree to succeed as an engineer.

在过去的几年中,我不得不用可以在网上免费获得的资源来填补我的知识空白。 我曾在Eventbrite等公司担任高级工程师,甚至还写过一本O'Reilly的书。 我证明您不需要CS学位即可成功担任工程师。

Here’s how I did it.


计算机科学概论 (Introduction To Computer Science)

Before you try to dive in with complicated CS classes, I recommend that you start with a course on the basics. This will help give you a solid overview and will also help you to feel a little less intimidated. If you spend some time getting a solid overview, the rest of your free CS degree classes will be so much easier.

在尝试学习复杂的CS课程之前,建议您先学习基础知识课程。 这将为您提供扎实的概观,也将使您减少恐惧感。 如果您花一些时间来获得可靠的概述,那么其余的免费CS学位课程将变得非常容易。

My favorite course was CS50: Introduction to Computer Science by Harvard.


This is probably one of my favorite classes of all time. I’ve always loved the idea of Harvard so it was sort of a no brainer for me to take a free computer science class there. I even briefly considered completing one of the Harvard certifications for programming but it was pricey so I stuck with the free CS50 course.

这可能是我有史以来最喜欢的课程之一。 我一直很喜欢哈佛的想法,所以在那儿免费上一门计算机科学课对我来说丝毫不费吹灰之力。 我什至曾短暂地考虑过要完成哈佛的编程认证之一,但是这很昂贵,所以我坚持使用免费的CS50课程。

I didn’t end up getting the certificate with Harvard CS50. I thought it would be just as powerful to list the course on my resume. My general rule when it comes to paying for an online certificate is that unless it’s an AWS certificate from Amazon, it’s probably not worth it.

我最终没有获得哈佛CS50的证书。 我认为在我的简历中列出该课程将同样强大。 关于支付在线证书的费用,我的一般规则是,除非它是Amazon的AWS证书,否则可能不值得。

If you feel intimidated starting with a Harvard course (which I did as well!), you can find an easier course online to make you feel more comfortable before you jump into complicated topics.


Computer Science 101 is an introduction to computer science from the very beginning. You’ll learn how the internet works, a little about computer security, what a gigabyte is, some coding knowledge and more.

计算机科学101从一开始就是对计算机科学的介绍。 您将学习Internet的工作原理,有关计算机安全性的知识,1 GB的字节数,一些编码知识等等。

演算法 (Algorithms)

Get started with Algorithms next. The University of San Diego offers a free course, Data Structures and Algorithms Specialization, that has a tremendous amount of content available.

接下来开始使用算法。 圣地亚哥大学提供免费课程“ 数据结构和算法专业化” ,其中包含大量可用内容。

It’s overwhelming if you look at this entire course and think you need to finish it right away and understand everything. Try focusing on one section at a time and reviewing the concepts regularly.

如果您看完了整个课程,认为需要立即完成并理解所有内容,那将是不胜枚举的。 尝试一次只关注一个部分,并定期检查概念。

And if taking a university course on data structures and algorithms makes you a little queasy, you can start small.


Udacity has a free course, Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms. I love taking free courses on Udacity and this one has a ton of great information. You’ll cover arrays, linked lists, stacks, binary search, maps, heaps, and more. This course can give you a great overview which will help you succeed in the more complicated course from the University of San Diego.

Udacity提供免费课程, 介绍数据结构和算法 。 我喜欢上Udacity的免费课程,并且其中有很多有用的信息。 您将介绍数组,链接列表,堆栈,二进制搜索,映射,堆等。 本课程可以为您提供一个很好的概述,这将帮助您在圣地亚哥大学的更复杂的课程中获得成功。

If you’re feeling brave after you finish an introductory course, MIT offers a course on Advanced Data Structures.

如果您在完成入门课程后感到很勇敢,那么MIT会提供有关Advanced Data Structures的课程。

操作系统 (Operating Systems)

Udacity has some pretty cool free content. They offer a class called Introduction to Operating Systems that is from Georgia Tech. This course will walk you through threads, concurrency, distributed systems and more.

Udacity有一些非常酷的免费内容。 他们提供了来自佐治亚理工学院的名为“操作系统介绍”的课程。 本课程将引导您完成线程,并发,分布式系统等内容。

I also found out that the book, Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces, is available online and free. Books like this really helped me feel more confident in talking about concurrency and persistence.

我还发现,《 操作系统:三个简单的书》一书可以在线免费获得。 这样的书确实使我对谈论并发性和持久性更有信心。

资料库 (Databases)

Databases completely baffled me when I first started out. I tried to avoid working with them as much as possible early on. I asked a senior engineer for help all the time and thought because I didn’t have a CS degree, I shouldn’t be working with a database.

刚开始时,数据库完全让我感到困惑。 我试图避免尽早与他们合作。 我一直在寻求高级工程师的帮助,并认为因为我没有CS学位,所以我不应该使用数据库。

Wow, I was so wrong.


I finally got the courage to work with some backend code, and I loved finding how I could write efficient requests to get data from the backend and writing queries.


Stanford offers a free online course on Databases. And if that’s too intimidating to start with, Udacity offers a free course on databases that will be a lot easier to handle.

斯坦福大学提供有关数据库的免费在线课程。 而且,如果一开始这太令人生畏,Udacity提供了有关数据库的免费课程,这将使处理起来容易得多。

数学 (Mathematics )

When I was contemplating a CS degree in college, everyone told me that I needed to be really good at math. I never got the CS degree, and five years later I haven’t needed to use much math yet.

当我打算在大学攻读计算机科学学位时,每个人都告诉我,我必须真正擅长数学。 我从未获得过CS学位,五年后,我不需要使用太多数学。

But mathematics can teach you logic which, in turn, can help you become a better programmer.


Thankfully, MIT offers a Mathematics for Computer Science course for free. Taking a course like Mathematics for Computer Science can also help open you up to more possibilities in tech, like creating your own degree in Machine Learning.

值得庆幸的是,麻省理工学院免费提供了计算机科学数学课程。 参加计算机科学数学之类的课程还可以帮助您打开更多的技术可能性,例如创建自己的机器学习学位

I found out about MIT’s Mathematics for Computer Science course from TeachYourselfCS, which is an awesome website with a ton of resources for learning about computer science.  


TeachYourselfCS also suggested a course on Linear Algebra which is available on YouTube. I love free content so I was super happy to find this book on Linear Algebra available online free as well.

TeachYourselfCS还建议了有关线性代数的课程,该课程可在YouTube上找到。 我喜欢免费的内容,因此,我也非常高兴能够在线免费找到有关线性代数的这本书

So as you can see, you don’t need a CS degree to be an engineer. Some of the smartest engineers I've ever worked with didn't have a CS degree. Sometimes they didn't have any degree at all.

如您所见,您不需要CS学历即可成为工程师。 我曾经与一些最聪明的工程师没有CS学位。 有时他们根本没有学位。

Don't worry if you don't have a degree. You just need to be able to do the job.

如果您没有学位,请不要担心。 您只需要能够完成这项工作即可。

I'm writing a book on how you can become a Standout Developer, ace the interview and get a job. Find out more here.

我正在写一本关于如何成为杰出开发人员,获得面试机会并获得工作的书。 在这里找到更多。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-hack-your-own-cs-degree-for-free/

Computers and computer networks are one of the most incredible inventions of the 20th century, having an ever-expanding role in our daily lives by enabling complex human activities in areas such as entertainment, education, and commerce. One of the most challenging problems in computer science for the 21st century is to improve the design of distributed systems where computing devices have to work together as a team to achieve common goals. In this book, I have tried to gently introduce the general reader to some of the most fundamental issues and classical results of computer science underlying the design of algorithms for distributed systems, so that the reader can get a feel of the nature of this exciting and fascinating field called distributed computing. The book will appeal to the educated layperson and requires no computer-related background. I strongly suspect that also most computer-knowledgeable readers will be able to learn something new. Gadi Taubenfeld is a professor and past dean of the School of Computer Science at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel. He is an established authority in the area of concurrent and distributed computing and has published widely in leading journals and conferences. He authored the book Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming, published by Pearson Education. His primary research interests are in concurrent and distributed computing. Gadi was the head of the computer science division at Israel's Open University; member of technical staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories; consultant to AT&T Labs–Research; and a research scientist and lecturer at Yale University. Gadi served as the program committee chair of PODC 2013 and DISC 2008 and holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology.




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