
Building quality content can be a really rewarding task. But for those just starting out or those who don't yet have a large audience, that content can easily get buried amongst the other million tweets on Twitter. How can we expand our reach and help our content impact more people?

建立高质量的内容可能是一项非常有意义的任务。 但是对于刚起步的人或尚未吸引大量观众的人来说,这些内容很容易被Twitter上其他百万条推文所掩盖。 我们如何扩大影响范围并帮助我们的内容影响更多人?

为大众创造我们的内容 (Creating our content for the masses)

Every content creator has been there – you just wrote an article that you're super excited about and think it's going to be a massive hit. But you quickly find that overnight success never came when you wake up hoping to find thousands of likes on the tweet only to find none.

每个内容创建者都曾到过那里-您刚刚写了一篇您非常兴奋的文章,并认为这将是一次巨大的成功。 但是您很快发现,当您醒来希望在推特上发现成千上万个赞而却一无所获时,一夜之间就不会成功。

But that might not have anything to do with your article. It could absolutely be groundbreaking, but unfortunately there's not many people around to see it.

但这可能与您的文章无关。 它绝对是开创性的,但是不幸的是,周围没有多少人看到它。

Social networks don't tend to prioritize their feeds based on how good your article is, but how much interaction and engagement that post received. While that kind of makes sense, that doesn't play well for people just starting out.

社交网络不倾向于根据您的文章的好坏来优先选择它们的提要,而是根据帖子获得的互动和参与程度来确定。 虽然这样做很有意义,但对于刚开始的人们来说效果不佳。

So how do we expand that reach? While the obvious route is to buy your way to the top with ads, I'm going to focus on more natural ways we can build our audience.

那么我们如何扩大覆盖范围? 虽然显而易见的途径是通过广告购买自己的产品,但我将重点关注更自然的方法来建立我们的受众群体。

建立观众群是什么意思? (What do I mean by building an audience?)

Your favorite web developers or social media influencers didn't start with 100,000 followers – most of them worked really hard to get where they are.  That process is what building an audience is all about.

您最喜欢的Web开发人员或社交媒体影响者并不是从100,000个关注者开始的-他们中的大多数人都非常努力地找到自己的位置。 这个过程就是建立观众群的全部。

By creating content, you're working to find others who enjoy your take or get inspired by it. Ideally, those same people will follow you on their favorite platform with the hope that your next piece will inspire them just the same.

通过创建内容,您正在寻找喜欢您的产品或从中获得灵感的其他人。 理想情况下,这些相同的人将在他们喜欢的平台上关注您,希望您的下一篇文章能激发他们同样的灵感。

Your audience is those people who followed you or are actively engaging with the content you create. The ones who are supporting you by giving a thumbs up to your new video. The ones who subscribe to your newsletter because they're eager to see the awesome work you did that week.

您的听众是那些关注您或积极参与您创建的内容的人。 支持您的新视频的人。 订阅您的新闻通讯的人是因为他们渴望看到您那周所做的出色工作。

By working hard on your content, being consistent, and finding your voice, you'll naturally build that audience. But to build that audience, people first need to see it. So how can we get it in front of people?

通过努力处理内容,保持一致并找到自己的声音 ,您自然会建立该受众群体。 但是要建立该受众群体,人们首先需要看到它。 那么我们如何在人们面前展现它呢?

利用更大的平台和出版物 (Leveraging larger platforms and publications)

While your new blog might not have anyone subscribed to your RSS feed, there are platforms out there with large audiences that are actively looking for more authors.

尽管您的新博客可能没有人订阅您的RSS feed,但是那里有很多吸引大量作者的平台。

By leveraging these audiences, you're helping to get your foot in the door. While you might need to give up a little bit of ownership of the article by writing it somewhere that's not your own blog, you're providing a means for more people to read your content and find out who you are.

通过吸引这些受众,您将帮助您站稳脚跟。 虽然您可能需要通过在非您自己的博客的某个地方撰写文章来放弃该文章的所有权,但您还是在提供一种让更多人阅读您的内容并了解您的身份的方法。

This process can take many forms, but I'm going to focus on a few things:


  • Syndicating with other platforms

  • Contributing to other publications

  • Sharing on content curation platforms


与其他平台联合 (Syndicating with other platforms)

Syndicating your content can be one of the more effective means of getting access to a larger network while holding on to a lot of the benefits of hosting your own content.


Not all platforms are the same, but most of the ones I'm going to go over allow you to provide a canonical link to your own website. What this does is allow you to publish your work on different platforms all while the "SEO juice" ultimately flows back to your own blog.

并非所有平台都是相同的,但是我要介绍的大多数平台都允许您提供到自己网站的规范链接 。 这样可以使您在“ SEO果汁”最终流回您自己的博客的同时,在所有平台上发布您的作品。

While it's important from an SEO perspective, it's also generally a good way to keep your content hosted on your own website where you know you'll maintain it for the foreseeable future. If one of those platforms ends up closing down, you still have all of your content safe at home.

尽管从SEO角度来看很重要,但通常也是将您的内容托管在自己的网站上的好方法,您可以在该网站上知道在可预见的将来对其进行维护。 如果其中一个平台最终关闭,那么您仍然可以在家里安全地保护所有内容。

So what are some platforms that we can syndicate with and how can you set it up?


开发到 (Dev.to)

Dev.to is the choice platform for developers who want to share their knowledge and open up conversation to the larger tech community. They provide an incredibly welcoming and safe space where developers experienced and new can publish their work.

Dev.to是想要共享知识并与更大的技术社区进行对话的开发人员的首选平台。 它们提供了令人难以置信的欢迎和安全的空间,使经验丰富的开发人员和新手可以在此发布他们的作品。

The great part about it is that everyone seems to get a bit of a fair chance at getting their work out to the world. While they have similar features to other networks where you can follow your favorite authors, newer authors still show up in the content feed giving you a chance to be seen.

最好的一点是,每个人似乎都有一定的机会将自己的工作推向世界。 尽管它们具有与其他网络类似的功能,在这些网络中您可以关注自己喜欢的作者,但是新的作者仍会出现在内容提要中,从而有机会被大家看到。

To syndicate on dev.to, you'll want to set up the canonical link in the post configuration. When editing the content, you'll want to look for the settings icon, where you'll then be provided with an input where you can add the original URL for your post.

要在dev.to上联合,您需要在发布配置中设置规范链接。 编辑内容时,您需要查找设置图标,然后在其中提供输入内容,可以在其中添加帖子的原始URL。


Medium has suffered a lot of criticism lately due to its aggressive tactics and monetization strategies, but it's still an effective platform for newcomers who don't have an audience to get in front of.

近期, Medium由于其进取的策略和货币化策略而遭受了很多批评,但是对于那些没有受众前来的新手来说, Medium仍然是一个有效的平台。

Medium's large network of users and content curation makes it a great platform for expanding your reach. But it doesn't stop at posting there.

Medium的庞大用户网络和内容策划使其成为扩展影响力的绝佳平台。 但这并不仅限于在那里张贴。

To be effective with your Medium posts, you want to look to get published with an existing Medium publication. Better Programming is one of the larger developer publications that are always looking for new authors to contribute.

为了使您的中型帖子更有效,您希望与现有的中型出版物一起发布。 更好的编程是大型的开发人员出版物之一,它们一直在寻找新的作者做出贡献。

Submitting to a Medium publication will help you take advantage of not only Medium's network, but that publication's network that gives you a better chance of getting selected by Medium's curation team and landing in someone's newsletter inbox.


Adding a canonical link to your Medium posts is a bit trickier though. To do this, you must "import" your story rather than copy and pasting it in. The good news, is Medium also tries to import all of the content, ideally making it a bit easier to add (remember to review all of the formatting!).

不过,将规范链接添加到“中型”帖子会有些棘手。 为此,您必须“导入”您的故事,而不是复制并粘贴它。好消息是,Medium还尝试导入所有内容,理想情况下使添加变得容易一些(记住要检查所有格式) !)。

On your Stories page, you can find the Import button.


Once it's imported, you won't really be able to see much, but once you preview the page, you can view the source and find the canonical link added.


贡献于其他出版物 (Contributing to other publications)

While you might have to give up ownership of your content, writing for other publications or writing as a "guest post" is a great way to get started and gain some ground where you might not have had any before.


Depending on the publisher, you might not ever get the opportunity to post it on your own website, but you're trading that for the privilege to get your work out to potentially millions of people instead of the 10 unique visitors from the month of May.


This can even open up the door to more opportunities. This helps give your name recognition and authority that can help in your job search or simply another chance to write for the same publisher or a different bigger one.

这甚至可以打开更多机会的大门。 这可以帮助您识别和授权您的姓名,这可以帮助您进行求职,或者只是另一种机会为同一发布者或另一更大的发布者写作。

The good news – is there's an endless supply of big name publishers that you can submit your work to. Here are a few you can get started with:

好消息–您可以提交大量的知名出版商。 这里有一些您可以开始使用的:

Each of these publications have different processes of getting published. So be patient and keep working hard at your content.

这些出版物中的每一个都有不同的出版过程。 因此,请耐心等待并继续努力处理您的内容。

Note: know of another publisher that offers writing opportunities? Let me know and I'll add them above!

注意:知道其他提供写作机会的出版商吗? 让我知道 ,我将在上面添加它们!

在内容策划平台上共享 (Sharing on content curation platforms)

It would be great if we all had a massive Twitter following where we could post about our new blog, but that's typically not the case. So while you should absolutely set up a social media profile and get your content out there, I'll focus on other platforms here.

如果我们所有人都可以在其后发布有关新博客的推特,那将是很棒的,但是事实并非如此。 因此,尽管您应该绝对设置社交媒体资料并在那里获取内容,但在这里我将重点介绍其他平台。

Reddit (Reddit)

Though there are certainly rules about self-promotion depending on the subreddit, Reddit's a massive community of real people who are curious and eager to learn about something new.


Learn about the different tech or webdev subreddits that are out there. Start getting involved with other people's posts. Develop a relationship with the people there and show why your content has value.

了解那里存在的其他技术或webdev子目录。 开始参与其他人的帖子。 与当地人建立关系,并说明您的内容为何有价值。

黑客新闻 (Hacker News)

Hacker News is tough. It's hard to get noticed and on the front page. And even when you get on the front page, there's a good chance you'll get a lot of criticism you never expected to get.

黑客新闻很难。 很难在首页上引起注意。 甚至当您登上首页时,也很有可能会收到很多您从未料到的批评。

But if you can have thick skin and learn to take the heat should you get noticed, Hacker News can be an incredible way to broadcast to the world. People have turned into overnight successes by ending up on the front page of Hacker News whether they're the ones who posted it there or not.

但是,如果您可以拥有厚厚的皮肤并在发觉到注意的情况下学会发热量,那么Hacker News可能是一种难以置信的向全世界传播的方式。 无论是否在此发布,人们都可以通过进入Hacker News的首页而获得一夜之间的成功

更多平台 (More platforms)

While those are two of the big ones, there are a ton more. Here are a few more to get you started:

虽然这是两个大公司,但还有很多。 以下是一些入门指南:

其他值得注意的地方 (Other notable places)

基于聊天的社区 (Chat-based Communities)

There are a ton of communities using platforms like Slack or Discord that are incredibly supportive in helping each other grow. While you shouldn't simply spam your content, try to start a conversation around it. Talk about why the topic is important to you or how your tutorial can help others in their code journey.

有大量社区使用SlackDiscord等平台,它们在互相帮助方面互为支持 。 虽然您不应该只是简单地向内容发送垃圾邮件,但请尝试围绕它进行对话。 讨论为什么该主题对您很重要,或者您的教程如何帮助他人进行代码之旅。

时事通讯 (Newsletters)

This is something a lot of people regret not starting earlier – myself included. It's not too much effort to start a newsletter with a platform that has a free tier and keep it in your back pocket until you see some growth. No one's going to judge you for waiting a few months to put out content, but once you begin to grow your audience, they'll be excited to see all of your new work.

这是很多人后悔没有更早开始的事情-包括我自己。 在具有免费套餐的平台上开始时事通讯并留在您的腰包中直到您看到增长之前,这不是太多的工作。 没有人会判断您是否需要等待几个月才能发布内容,但是一旦您开始吸引更多观众,他们会很高兴看到您的所有新作品。

别人的通讯 (Other people's newsletters)

You don't have to have your own newsletter to get into someone's inbox, there are already a ton of newsletter curators doing a lot of hard work to find great content around the web, but if they don't see it, how can they include it?


Most newsletter publications love to receive submissions. This helps their publication grow and include content from people who might not have a good opportunity on their own.

大多数时事通讯出版物都喜欢接收投稿。 这有助于他们的出版物增长,并包括可能自己没有机会的人们的内容。

While you can Google around and find a newsletter that makes sense for you, here are a few that I follow along with that I know would love to see your work:


建立您的“品牌” (Building your "brand")

"Brand" is a funny word and can come sometimes come with negative connotations. But really as an author, your goal should be to build a presence that you carry with you consistently through all of your different outlets of work.

“品牌”是一个有趣的词,有时可能带有负面含义。 但实际上,作为一名作者,您的目标应该是通过所有不同的工作渠道来建立与您一致的形象。

For instance, when possible, try to always use the same username when creating author profiles. You can find me mostly anywhere at @colbyfayock – it makes it easy for people to find me on a new network.

例如,在可能的情况下,尝试在创建作者个人资料时始终使用相同的用户名。 您可以在@colbyfayock的几乎任何地方找到我-这使人们很容易在新的网络上找到我。

Also try to use the same picture. While it's definitely fun to customize your different profiles depending on who's there, the benefit of using the same picture is people will come to recognize you by that picture. They'll instantly be able to remember they saw your blog post when they see your tweet come through their feed.

也请尝试使用同一张图片。 虽然根据在场的人来定制不同的个人资料绝对很有趣,但是使用同一张图片的好处是,人们会通过该图片来识别您。 他们会立即记住他们在Feed中看到您的推文时看到了您的博客文章。

有耐心,你的时间会来 (Be patient, your time will come)

You're not going to find an overnight success without spending a lot of money, so be patient. Content development is hard, it takes time to both build an audience and figure out your voice.

如果不花很多钱,就不会在一夜之间取得成功,所以要耐心。 内容开发很困难,需要花费时间来建立受众并弄清楚您的声音。

But chances are, if this is your first article you've ever written, maybe that first publisher you sent it to wasn't interested in it.


THAT'S OKAY! Don't give up! Send it to another publisher and try the original one for your next article. When I first started out, it took a few articles before I got accepted as an author to freeCodeCamp's Medium publication.

没关系! 不要放弃! 将其发送给另一家出版商,然后尝试将其用于下一篇文章。 当我刚开始时,花了几篇文章,之后我才被freeCodeCamp的Medium出版物的作者接受。

The more you write, the more you'll learn about what's effective. It's not a sprint – be patient and just keep up the hard work.

您写的越多, 您就会了解有效的内容 。 这不是冲刺,请耐心等待,并继续努力。

克服共享工作的恐惧 (Overcoming the fear of sharing your work)

Most of these things aren't easy to do. The idea that you might have to face critical feedback of your work is absolutely scary!

这些事情大多数都不容易做到。 您可能必须面对工作的重要反馈的想法绝对令人恐惧!

But overcoming this fear is an important step of the process. I personally struggled with this when I began writing, but the more you put yourself our there, the less scary it becomes and you'll quickly notice there aren't as many bad people out there looking to say bad things about your work.

但是克服这种恐惧是这一过程的重要一步。 当我开始写作时,我个人为此付出了很多努力,但是您投入的时间越多,恐惧就越少,您很快就会注意到,没有多少坏人想对您的工作说些坏话。

Instead, you're opening yourself up to an opportunity to learn and grow. Though not everyone's the same, the tech community can be overwhelmingly welcoming and supportive. The more you share and put yourself out there, the more receptive people will be to wanting to hear what you have to say.

相反,您是在向自己开放学习和成长的机会。 尽管不是每个人都一样,但是技术社区可以得到压倒性的欢迎和支持。 您分享和投入自己的时间越多,人们就会更愿意接受您所说的话。

您如何分享您的工作? (How do you share your work?)

Let me know on Twitter!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-grow-your-audience-and-share-your-content-with-the-world/





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