hacktoberfest_Hacktoberfest 2019:即使您是编码新手,如何获得免费衬衫


Every October, Digital Ocean ships out free Hacktoberfest shirts to thousands of people around the world.

每年10月,Digital Ocean都会向全球成千上万的人运送免费的Hacktoberfest衬衫。

I’ve gotten Hacktoberfest shirts the past three years, and I wear them with pride.


In this quick article, I’ll show you how you can get a Hacktoberfest shirt — even if you’re new to coding.


The bottom line is this: if you can open 4 pull requests by October 31 — and I’ll walk you through how to do this — you can get your own Hacktoberfest shirt shipped to your door for free.


步骤1:注册Hacktoberfest (Step 1: Register for Hacktoberfest)

You need a GitHub account. If you don’t have one yet, you can create one for free in just a few minutes.

您需要一个GitHub帐户。 如果您还没有,可以在短短几分钟内免费创建一个

Then go to the sign into the Hacktoberfest registration page and follow the instructions. It only takes a moment.

然后转到进入Hacktoberfest注册页面标志并按照说明进行操作 。 只需要一点时间。

步骤2:了解如何提出拉取请求 (Step 2: Learn how to make a pull request)

Pull requests are a way of contributing your code changes to an open source project. They use a tool called Git, which runs on a social coding platform called GitHub.

拉取请求是一种将代码更改贡献给开源项目的方法。 他们使用名为Git的工具,该工具在名为GitHub的社交编码平台上运行。

GitHub is the center of the open source universe, and is home to projects like Linux and React.js.


It can take months for developers to get good enough to contribute to some of these projects. But there are also projects that are easy to contribute to - right on GitHub.

开发人员可能需要几个月的时间才能变得足够出色,才能为其中一些项目做出贡献。 但是,还有一些易于贡献的项目-就在GitHub上。

You can contribute to some projects right in your browser on GitHub. You don’t need to install anything on your computer. You don’t even need to know a programming language. You just need to choose an article you want to help improve.

您可以直接在GitHub上的浏览器中为某些项目做出贡献。 您不需要在计算机上安装任何东西。 您甚至不需要了解编程语言。 您只需要选择要帮助改进的文章即可。

Here’s a short gif showing you an example of how you can edit a file on GitHub right in your browser, then open a pull request:


步骤3:向Hacktoberfest初学者的存储库发出拉取请求 (Step 3: Make a pull request to a Hacktoberfest beginner's repository)

freeCodeCamp was the most-contributed-to GitHub repo during Hacktoberfest 2017 and 2018. This year, our nonprofit has decided to step aside and make way for other organizations.


Several developers have created GitHub repos specifically to help newcomers make their first pull request.


Here's one such repository where you can get your first accepted pull request just by adding your name to its contributing.md file.

这是一个这样的存储库 ,您只需在其中添加您的名称即可获得您的第一个接受的拉取请求。

步骤4:确定-现在再提出3个拉取请求 (Step 4: OK — now make 3 more pull requests)

You can make 3 more pull requests to other open source project. Here’s a more detailed guide to contributing to open source, if you’re feeling adventurous.

您可以再向其他开源项目提出3个拉取请求。 如果您喜欢冒险,这里有更详细的指南为开源做贡献

You may be wondering - can I get more than just a Hacktoberfest shirt? Why yes, many other companies are offering free swag for opening pull requests to their projects. Here's a giant list of these companies, their swag, and how you can earn it.

您可能想知道-我不仅可以获得一件Hacktoberfest衬衫吗? 为什么会这样,许多其他公司都提供免费赃物,以向他们的项目开放拉取请求。 这是这些公司的庞大清单,它们的赃物以及您如何赚钱

I also tweeted out an invitation to open source project maintainers to see who's interested in helping guide Hacktoberfest contributors.


Below are some of the open source maintainers who answered the call, with links to their GitHub repositories:


第5步:检查您是否合格 (Step 5: Check and see whether you’ve qualified)

Once you’ve signed up for Hacktoberfest, you can check your progress on the Hacktoberfest website. This will tell you how many valid pull requests you've made and how many more you need to make.

注册Hacktoberfest之后,您可以在Hacktoberfest网站上查看进度。 这将告诉您已经发出了多少个有效的请求请求,还需要发出多少个请求。

步骤6:等待您的Hacktoberfest 2019衬衫到达邮件 (Step 6: Wait for your Hacktoberfest 2019 shirt to arrive in the mail)

In past years, shirts have arrived in November or December, depending on how far you live from San Francisco.


The Digital Ocean team should eventually contact you asking for your shirt size and shipping address. (Keep in mind they are shipping 10,000+ shirts so this process will take a while.) And yes, they will ship internationally for free.

Digital Ocean团队最终应与您联系,询问您的衬衫尺寸和送货地址。 (请记住,他们要运送10,000多个衬衫,因此这一过程将花费一些时间。)是的,他们将在全球范围内免费运送。

人们问有关Hacktoberfest的常见问题 (Frequently asked questions people ask about Hacktoberfest)

什么样的拉取要求才算是赢得Hacktoberfest衬衫? (What kinds of pull requests count toward earning the Hacktoberfest shirt?)

Any pull request made to a public repo on GitHub will count. The pull request must contain commits you personally made yourself — not automated commits from bots.

向GitHub上的公共仓库提出的任何拉取请求都将计数。 拉取请求必须包含您亲自做出的提交,而不是来自机器人的自动提交。

如果我的请求不被接受怎么办? (What if my pull requests aren’t accepted?)

Even if your pull requests aren’t accepted, they should still count toward your 4 pull requests necessary to earn the shirt. The only exception would be if the project maintainer chooses to mark your pull request as “invalid”. They may do this if they perceive your pull request to be low effort, or if it contains plagiarism.

即使您的请求请求未被接受,它们仍应计入您赚取衬衫所需的4个请求请求中。 唯一的例外是项目维护者选择将您的拉取请求标记为“无效”。 如果他们认为您的拉取请求很省力,或者包含抄袭,他们可能会这样做。

如果在10月31日午夜之前我至少没有发出四个拉动请求该怎么办? (What if I don’t make at least four pull requests by midnight October 31?)

As long as you registered for Hacktoberfest, you’ll still get some free stickers in the mail. So it’s still worth registering, even if you’re too busy to participate.

只要您注册了Hacktoberfest,您仍然会在邮件中获得一些免费贴纸。 因此,即使您太忙也无法参加,仍然值得注册。

我可以参加任何面对面的Hacktoberfest活动并获得有关我的请求的帮助吗? (Are there any in-person Hacktoberfest events I can attend and get help with my pull requests?)

There are hundreds of Hacktoberfests planned in cities all over the world. You can browse upcoming events here.

世界各地的城市计划举办数百场Hacktoberfest。 您可以在此处浏览即将发生的事件

与全球开源社区一起庆祝Hacktoberfest (Celebrate Hacktoberfest with the global open source community)

I hope you’ll contribute to the open source community, learn a few new things, and have fun in the process!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/hacktoberfest-2018-how-you-can-get-your-free-shirt-even-if-youre-new-to-coding-96080dd0b01b/


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