wpf开源ui引用步骤_如何通过5个大胆的步骤将您的开源想法变成像Red Hat这样的独角兽...


Sounds pretty hard, right?


Creating a traditional business is a great struggle. Finding clients, polishing your product, making payroll, finding the right employees, automating processes…Since there are so many moving parts, you’re always wondering — Where do I focus now? Am I doing the right things? What should I be doing next?

开创传统业务是一场艰巨的斗争。 寻找客户,抛光产品,发放薪水,寻找合适的员工,使流程自动化……由于活动部件太多,您总是想知道-我现在应该集中精力在哪里? 我在做正确的事情吗? 接下来我该怎么办?

And if you are trying to build a social or an open-source business or a cooperative, there are even more moving parts.


建立业务 (Building a business)

A traditional entrepreneur has to make money to get and maintain employees. But a social, 0pen or cooperative entrepreneur has added constraints. They must also create a social impact on their community, or deliver a positive ecological impact on the environment.

传统企业家必须赚钱才能获得和维持员工。 但是社交,0pen或合作企业家增加了限制。 他们还必须对其社区产生社会影响,或对环境产生积极的生态影响。

Most advice revolves around how you can make money with open source. You can sell support, build an open core and sell the extension, or sell a subscription to a cloud-hosted version. But once you know how you’re going to make money, nobody tells you where you should focus your efforts at each stage of your venture.

大多数建议都围绕着如何利用开源来赚钱。 您可以出售支持,构建开放核心并出售扩展,或出售对云托管版本的订阅。 但是,一旦您知道自己将如何赚钱,就没有人告诉您在企业的每个阶段应将精力集中在哪里。

Should I be working on my community of contributors? Should I be looking for clients? Should I hire someone to help develop the product?

我应该在我的贡献者社区中工作吗? 我应该寻找客户吗? 我应该雇人帮助开发产品吗?

I’ve been working with traditional and collaborative business owners for the last 4 years. I’ve kept asking myself if there’s a way to know I’m heading towards the right path.

在过去的四年中,我一直在与传统的和协作的企业主合作。 我一直在问自己,是否有办法知道我正在朝着正确的道路前进。

There are challenges to running a business — especially an innovative and pioneering collaborative business. You feel like your situation is different than that of all other businesses around you. This often leads you into a trap. You think that the solution lies in developing something complex. But this leads to the death of projects through loss of time and money.

开展业务存在挑战,尤其是创新和开拓性的协作业务。 您感觉自己的处境与周围所有其他公司的处境不同。 这通常会导致您陷入陷阱。 您认为解决方案在于开发一些复杂的东西。 但这会导致时间和金钱的浪费,从而导致项目的失败。

你不是一个人 (You’re Not Alone)

The reality is that your situation is not different. Every business, yours included, depends on a very few business models. And every open community also depends on a few community models.

现实情况是您的情况没有不同。 包括您在内的每项业务都取决于很少的业务模型。 每个开放社区也都依赖于一些社区模型。

Entrepreneurs must accept that their business is not so unique. It unshackles the handcuffs of misery and doubt and brings the joy of liberation. They will see a simpler road ahead. If they start applying the right strategies, they’ll reach the next level without dealing with the hardships others face.

企业家必须接受他们的业务不是那么独特。 它解开了痛苦和怀疑的手铐,带来了解放的喜悦。 他们将看到一条更简单的道路。 如果他们开始采用正确的策略,他们将在不应对其他人所面临的困难的情况下达到新的高度。

For example, say you’re just starting up and you’ve found a way to sell your product to your customers. You are starting to make payroll, but you’re still not profitable. There is no sense in hiring a customer service manager, a CFO, or in creating operation systems to make your company more efficient. At this stage you need to improve your product and get more clients.

例如,假设您刚刚起步,并且找到了一种将产品销售给客户的方法。 您已经开始赚钱了,但是您仍然没有盈利。 雇用客户服务经理,首席财务官或创建操作系统来提高公司效率是没有意义的。 在此阶段,您需要改进产品并获得更多客户。

When you’re in the startup stage of a business (and at any stage later on), there are some core areas to focus on. This focus allows you to graduate to the next level and prevents you from sliding back into previous stages.

当您处于企业的启动阶段(以及以后的任何阶段)时,有一些核心领域需要关注。 此重点使您可以升级到下一个级别,并防止您退回到上一个阶段。

So let’s see what these stages are and what you should be focusing on at each stage.


阶段1:验证阶段 (Stage 1: The Validation Stage)

At this stage you have no business yet, just an idea. And you’re most likely filled with self-doubt, worry, and the fear of failing. Maybe you’re still at your job and have to develop your idea after work hours. Or you’ve just quit and you feel a sword of Damocles hanging over your head.

在这个阶段,您还没有任何业务,只是一个想法。 而且您很可能充满自我怀疑,担忧和对失败的恐惧。 也许您仍在工作,下班后必须发展自己的想法。 或者您只是退出了,您会感觉到达摩克利斯的剑垂在您的头上。

For most of us, the biggest hurdle is the fear of rejection when asking for money for something you created. If you need inspiration, go watch this video about someone who was rejected for 100 days. Then come back here.

对于我们大多数人来说,最大的障碍是在为自己创造的东西索要金钱时害怕被拒绝。 如果您需要灵感,请观看此视频,了解被拒绝100天的人。 然后回到这里。

战胜疑虑并前进 (Conquering your doubts and moving forward)

Once you’ve gotten over the doubt and rejection, find a product or idea that people really need and want. When you think you have it, go validate your idea with the target group you want to serve. Go talk to people in person or by phone to find out how you can best make them happy.

一旦您解决了疑问和拒绝,就找到人们真正需要和想要的产品或想法。 当您认为有想法时,请与您要服务的目标群体一起验证您的想法。 亲自或通过电话与人交谈,以了解如何最好地使他们开心。

Next, create the proper documentation, install instructions, and make demos of how to use it. Get a proper license that will allow people to reuse and co-develop the project with you.

接下来,创建适当的文档,安装说明,并演示如何使用它。 获得适当的许可证,该许可证将允许人们重复使用并与您共同开发项目。

Once you get someone to download or buy your open-source software or hardware, ask them some questions. Why did they download it? Why did they buy it? What problem are they trying to solve? This will give you incredible insights that will help you further develop your idea.

当您让某人下载或购买开源软件或硬件时,请向他们提出一些问题。 他们为什么下载它? 他们为什么买它? 他们想解决什么问题? 这将为您提供不可思议的见解,有助于您进一步发展自己的想法。

Until you have a product compelling enough that people will download or buy, you have no community and no business.


And the product alone will not sell itself. Once you have that, you’ll also have to find a marketing and sales system that attracts clients to your product or service.

并且仅产品本身不会销售。 一旦有了这些,您还必须找到一个可以吸引客户使用您的产品或服务的营销和销售系统。

At this stage you’ll need to put a validation system in place to understand the real needs, frustrations, and priorities of the market. Otherwise, when you launch your product, you’ll have a very slim chance of success. You’ll also waste a lot of time, money and energy.

在此阶段,您需要建立一个验证系统 ,以了解市场的实际需求,挫折和优先事项。 否则,当您发布产品时,成功的机会就很小。 您还将浪费大量时间,金钱和精力。

So, make sure that:


  • You have validated that your product or service works well

  • People have confirmed they’re interested in using and buying it

  • You have one or more distribution channel that works

  • You have people interested in contributing and developing on top of your idea


Then you can confidently say that you are in business.


验证阶段应重点注意的是: (What you should focus on in the Validation stage:)

阶段2:启动阶段 (Stage 2: The Startup Stage)

At this stage you are starting to get sales coming in. You’ve found a community of users, contributors and customers, and you feel the excitement of being in business.


Getting out of the Validation Stage sets you apart from many people who never manage to do so.


Now, you still have a very long and steep mountain to climb ahead of you. Your company is probably still not profitable. Your sales are inconsistent, and you’re doing most tasks yourself because you can’t pay anyone to help. You waste a lot of time doing things, and your doubts starts creeping in. Am I done for? How will I ever get ahead of the infinite To-Do list I have ahead?

现在,您仍然有一段漫长而陡峭的山脉可以攀登。 您的公司可能仍然没有盈利。 您的销售前后不一致,并且您自己要完成大多数任务,因为您无法付钱给任何人帮助。 您在做事情上浪费了很多时间,并且您的疑虑开始蔓延。我为此做好了吗? 我将如何超越自己的无限待办事项清单?

It feels quite lonely. And it is one of the hardest places to be.

感觉很寂寞。 这是最难的地方之一。

But most entrepreneurs at this stage are completely ignorant about how hard it will be. Otherwise you’d give up. But this ignorance is a blessing. It will keep you optimistic, and most of all persistent, which is the only way to get out of this stage.

但是,现阶段的大多数企业家都完全不知道这将有多困难。 否则你会放弃。 但是这种无知是一种祝福。 这将使您保持乐观,并且最重要的是保持持久性,这是摆脱此阶段的唯一方法。

退出启动阶段 (Getting out of the Startup stage)

To get out of the Startup stage, you should focus on solidifying your Open Source Community and your sales, marketing and product. If you focus on anything else you’ll be wasting energy and it will take you longer to get to the next stage.

要退出Startup阶段,您应该专注于巩固您的开源社区以及您的销售,市场营销和产品。 如果您专注于其他任何事情,您将浪费精力,这将花费您更长的时间才能进入下一个阶段。

If you’re not marketing savvy, learn and put systems in place to get your product or service in front of others. You want to get them sharing, talking, and most importantly, buying.

如果您不懂行销,请学习并使用适当的系统,以使您的产品或服务在他人面前脱颖而出。 您想让他们共享,交谈,最重要的是购买。

Here are some examples you can use.


Hashids, created by Ivan Akimov, is a phenomenal open source project that could have marketed itself. But Ivan knew better. A product, however good it may be, is never good enough to market itself. So he created a thoughtful plan to promote his idea.

由伊万·阿基莫夫(Ivan Akimov)创建的Hashids是一个了不起的开源项目,它可能已经上市了。 但是伊万知道的更多。 无论产品多么好,它都永远不足以推销自己。 因此,他制定了一个深思熟虑的计划来推广他的想法。

He emailed some famous technology newsletters. He submitted the project to forums where it might interest people. He answered relevant questions on popular forums and wrote blog posts. And this got him 1 million downloads over 5 years. Pretty good…

他通过电子邮件发送了一些著名的技术通讯。 他将该项目提交给了可能引起人们关注的论坛。 他在热门论坛上回答了相关问题,并撰写了博客文章。 这样,他在5年内获得了100万次下载。 非常好…

So at this stage, focus on inviting and attracting people who would love your project. Check your to-do-list. If most tasks are not geared towards marketing your idea, you should redirect your attention. And if you don’t know how, learn. Otherwise, it’s going to take you forever to leave this stage. You might be tempted to give up.

因此,在此阶段,专注于邀请和吸引那些会喜欢您的项目的人。 检查您的待办事项清单。 如果大多数任务都不适合您的想法营销,则应将注意力转移到其他方面。 如果您不知道怎么做,请学习 。 否则,您将永远离开这个阶段。 您可能会想放弃。

For example: You need $5000 a month and your product sells at $500? Then you need to create a system that consistently brings 10 buyers every month (10 x $500 = $5000). You won’t be out of this startup stage until you can reach your minimum number of sales.

例如:您每月需要5000美元,而您的产品售价为500美元? 然后,您需要创建一个系统,该系统每个月持续吸引10位买家(10 x $ 500 = $ 5000)。 在达到最小销售数量之前,您不会离开这个启动阶段。

在启动阶段应重点注意的是: (What you should focus on at the Startup stage:)
  • Keep developing your product.

  • Solidify your marketing and sales system.

  • Keep nurturing your community of co-developers.


第三阶段:优化阶段 (Stage 3: Optimization Stage)

You’re past the startup level. You’ve have managed to have enough revenue and profit to be more relaxed. You get enough prospects and clients to support the kind of life you are looking for. Now you can focus on the project you’ve been longing to bring to life for so long.

您已经超过了启动级别。 您已经获得了足够的收入和利润,可以更加放松。 您有足够的潜在客户和客户来支持您正在寻找的生活。 现在,您可以专注于您渴望实现这么长时间的项目。

But you are constantly laboring. Most of your time is spent thinking about your business and your community. And this leads you to feel stressed and overwhelmed.

但是你一直在努力。 您大部分时间都花在思考您的业务和社区上。 这会使您感到压力和不知所措。

Most entrepreneurs reach this level through their persistence and hard work. But most of the time, it is also their glass ceiling.

大多数企业家通过坚持不懈和努力工作达到了这一水平。 但是大多数时候,这也是他们的玻璃天花板。

Not because what they created isn’t appealing enough to their customers and community. But because they have focused on developing their product, marketing and sales skills. They don’t know how to put operational systems in place.

并不是因为他们创造的产品对他们的客户和社区没有足够的吸引力。 但是,因为他们专注于开发产品,营销和销售技能。 他们不知道如何部署操作系统。

And that can make you overwhelmed. You see that you are working very hard, but can’t see how you can extract yourself from your business. You can’t see how you can trust or delegate to others. If you take yourself out of the equation, the business wouldn’t be profitable. This might be leading you to the edge of burnout.*

那会让你不知所措。 您看到自己工作很努力,但是看不到如何从业务中脱身。 您看不到如何信任或委托他人。 如果您将自己排除在外,该业务将不会盈利。 这可能会导致您精疲力尽。*

*There might be a service business at this stage that brings a phenomenal style of life. Still, setting some operational systems in place can bring in really powerful wins.

*在此阶段可能有一家服务业带来了惊人的生活方式。 尽管如此,建立一些操作系统仍然可以带来巨大的成功。

使系统正常运行 (Getting your systems operational)

So at this point you need to be spending more time on the operations of your business. Focus on administration, financial systems, internal communications systems, quality control, fulfillment, customer service, administration, billing, software and logistics.

因此,此时您需要在业务运营上花费更多的时间。 专注于管理,财务系统,内部通信系统,质量控制,履行,客户服务,管理,计费,软件和物流。

These are all the areas that slow you down and can suck the life out of you.


You are the king or the queen of bootstrapping and think you can do it yourself. But now that you have enough revenue, consider hiring some people. A project manager, consultant or operations manager can help you put these things in place. They’ll develop technology that will smooth the process out. This will become the support structure of the business.

您是引导的王者或女王,并认为您可以自己做。 但是,既然您有足够的收入,请考虑雇用一些人。 项目经理,顾问或运营经理可以帮助您将这些东西放在适当的位置。 他们将开发可简化流程的技术。 这将成为企业的支持结构。

在优化阶段您应该关注什么: (What should you focus on at the Optimization stage:)
  • Build a support system to help you deal more efficiently with the operations side of things.

  • Keep nurturing your Community of co-developers and creating systems to simplify their interactions. Focus on forums, improved documentation, easing the installation of your open source code or design, and so on.

    继续培育您的共同开发者社区,并创建系统来简化他们之间的交互。 专注于论坛,改进的文档,简化开源代码或设计的安装等。

阶段4:扩展阶段 (Stage 4: Scale Up Stage)

Once you get past the Optimization Stage, you’re free from most daily activities that were keeping you on the hamster wheel of entrepreneurship. You have a LOT of free time.

一旦超过了优化阶段,您就可以摆脱大多数日常活动,而这些日常活动使您走上了创业之地。 您有很多空闲时间。

At this stage, profits decrease because you’ve likely invested a lot in systematizing your operations. But sales and revenues are likely to increase. Your team has a lot more bandwidth to work on developing new distribution channels and finding new markets for your products and services.

在此阶段,利润下降是因为您可能已经在系统化运营方面进行了大量投资。 但是销售和收入可能会增加。 您的团队拥有更多的带宽来开发新的分销渠道并为您的产品和服务寻找新的市场。

Sometimes, the founder stops trusting everyone to do their jobs. They begin micro-managing all the systems and processes that the team has put together. This is likely to frustrate everybody, and will drive your team or open source community out of the company or project.

有时,创始人不再信任每个人都能干自己的工作。 他们开始对团队已整合的所有系统和流程进行微观管理。 这可能会使每个人感到沮丧,并将使您的团队或开源社区脱离公司或项目。

避免陷阱并投资于人 (Avoiding pitfalls and investing in people)

Make sure you attract more talented people to your business or project and invest in their leadership skills. Invest also in the culture of the company to drive the business forward. Give up the operations to a COO and instead focus on the strategic vision of the project. And start a new project.

确保您吸引更多的人才加入您的业务或项目,并投资于他们的领导技能。 还投资公司的文化以推动业务发展。 放弃首席运营官的运营,而专注于项目的战略远景。 并开始一个新项目。

Most entrepreneurs are more comfortable starting rather than running things. So take a look at what suits you, decide if you are better at “starting” or “running” a business, and stick with it.

大多数企业家比起创业来更愿意创业。 因此,请看一下最适合您的情况,确定您是否更擅长“开始”或“经营”业务,并坚持下去。

For example, Red Hat reached this stage by developing their company on top of Linux. They used their Linux foundational playbook to develop different spin offs. There is the Red Hat of containers, the Red Hat of OpenStack, the Red Hat of middleware, virtualization, storage and a whole lot more.

例如,Red Hat通过在Linux之上发展他们的公司来达到这个阶段。 他们使用他们的Linux基础剧本开发了各种衍生产品 。 有容器的Red Hat,OpenStack的Red Hat,中间件的Red Hat,虚拟化,存储等等。

在扩展阶段,您应该关注什么: (What should you focus on at the Scale Up stage:)
  • Develop new distribution channels and find new markets for your products and services.

  • Invest your time and resources to attract qualified talent.

  • Develop the leadership skills of your team and community of open source co-developers to build a great team and culture.


阶段5:领导力提升阶段 (Stage 5: Leader up Stage)

So you have finally made it. Your company is profitable, automated, and has great people working to move it forward. At this point your company has reached the peak of the entrepreneurial mountain.

所以您终于做到了。 您的公司是盈利的,自动化的,并且有很多人为使公司向前发展而努力。 在这一点上,您的公司已经达到了企业家之巅。

Everyone wants to partner with you, and you’ve got a great deal of negotiating power. This makes it easier to get favorable terms and deals done, and publicity and press is easy to get. You’re at the point in the cycle where “the rich get richer.”

每个人都想与您成为伙伴,您拥有大量的谈判能力。 这样可以更轻松地达成有利的条款和交易,并且易于获得宣传和媒体报道。 您正处于“富人变得更富裕”的周期中。

享受成功,避免失败 (Enjoying the success and avoiding the flop)

If you were a traditional company, you’d be on your way to becoming Google, Facebook, or Airbnb big. If you were an Open Source project this would mean you’d be on your way to becoming Linux, Sparkfun or Wordpress big. And if you were a cooperative you’d be in the same league as Mondragon, John Lewis Partnership, or Organic Valley.

如果您是一家传统公司,那么您将成为Google,Facebook或Airbnb的大公司。 如果您是一个开源项目,这意味着您将逐渐成为Linux,Sparkfun或Wordpress的大手笔。 如果您是合作社,您将与Mondragon,John Lewis Partnership或Organic Valley处于同一联盟。

When you manage to reach this stage, it means that you have coped with tremendous challenges. You’ve overcome market slides, new disruptive innovations, and other kinds of sharks that wanted to take your business down.

当您设法达到这一阶段时,就意味着您已经应对了巨大的挑战。 您已经克服了市场下滑,新的颠覆性创新以及其他各种想要降低业务规模的难题。

And even if you’ve managed to get over these pitfalls, you are now risking a very new set of challenges: leadership failure and other human vices like greed, power, and vanity. This has happened to a few traditional and open-source companies. They collapsed in face of faster innovators or under the weight of their own vices. For example:

即使您设法克服了这些陷阱,您现在也面临着一系列全新的挑战:领导力失败和贪婪,权力和虚荣心等其他人为恶习。 少数传统和开源公司就遇到了这种情况。 面对更快的创新者或他们自己的弊端,他们崩溃了。 例如:

  • Kodak became obsolete because its leadership failed to see that the digital camera boom would take over and bankrupt their company.


  • Enron’s and Worldcom’s fraudulent accounting made them the largest bankruptcies in the world at the time.


  • Apple failed from 1986 to 1996 without Steve Jobs because leadership allowed their products to become too complex and cluttered. Once Steve Jobs came back and simplified the products to only 4 computers, everything started taking off again.

    从1986年到1996年, 苹果在没有史蒂夫·乔布斯的情况下失败了,因为领导力使他们的产品变得过于复杂和混乱。 史蒂夫·乔布斯回来后,将产品简化为仅4台计算机,一切又开始腾飞。

  • Taxis are becoming obsolete because of more convenient on-demand apps like Uber.

    由于像Uber这样更方便的按需应用程序, 出租车变得过时了。

  • Uber’s power and vanity is starting to create scandals of sexual harassment, technology theft or illegal practices to avoid local law. This is likely driving quality leaders from the company and eroding the perception of the company among its drivers, employees, and users.

    优步的力量和虚荣心开始制造性骚扰,技术盗窃非法行为的丑闻, 以逃避当地法律 。 这可能会驱使公司的质量负责人,并侵蚀公司对司机,员工和用户的看法。

  • Makerbot has seen its latest innovations fail when it decided to close all its open-source designs. This made its whole open source community feel betrayed and abandoned. It ultimately lead Maketbot to lose their market share to more hacker friendly products and forced them to fire 120 employees.

    Makerbot决定关闭所有开源设计时,发现其最新创新失败。 这使整个开源社区感到被出卖和抛弃。 最终导致Maketbot 失去了对更多黑客友好产品的市场份额,并迫使他们解雇了120名员工

To counter the risk of slow decay, traditional companies can launch new innovative products, buy complementary companies, or buy competitors.


Steve Jobs made a responsible leadership move by launching the iPhone. It effectively killed and replaced the market for the iPod (Apple’s most profitable product at the time). The iPhone eventually became their new flagship product.

史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)通过发布iPhone做出了负责任的领导行动。 它有效地扼杀并取代了iPod(当时苹果最赚钱的产品)的市场。 iPhone最终成为他们的新旗舰产品。

When Google bought Applied Semantics it allowed them to build the biggest and most profitable ad network in the world on top of the biggest search engine in the world. Then they bought Android to create the most used mobile OS to compete with the iPhone.

当Google收购Applied Semantics时,它使他们能够在全球最大的搜索引擎之上构建世界最大,最赚钱的广告网络 。 然后,他们购买了Android,以创建最常用的移动操作系统来与iPhone竞争。

Facebook bought Whatsapp to avoid having another big messaging competitor. They bought Oculus Rift to pave their way for the upcoming wave of Virtual Reality.

Facebook收购Whatsapp是为了避免拥有另一个大型的信息竞争对手。 他们购买了Oculus Rift,为即将到来的虚拟现实浪潮铺平了道路。

Red Hat also acquires other companies to bring in new offerings for their clients.

红帽还收购了其他公司 ,以为其客户带来新产品。

Acquiring promising startups or launching new products become the moves that keep vulnerable but cash-positive companies afloat.


开源项目的一些好处 (Some benefits of Open Source projects)

In the Open Source and cooperative worlds there is a less competitive landscape. One company doesn’t acquire the other. Instead, two complementary companies can become part of the same cooperative or foundation. Then they can develop new win-win partnerships to reinforce all their networks. This way they can build economies of scale while strengthening their distribution power. They also enlarge their pool of clients and enrich their suite of products and services.

在开放源代码和合作世界中,竞争格局较弱。 一家公司不收购另一家。 相反,两个互补的公司可以成为同一合作社或基金会的一部分。 然后,他们可以发展新的双赢伙伴关系,以加强其所有网络。 这样,他们可以在扩大分销能力的同时建立规模经济。 他们还扩大了客户群,丰富了产品和服务套件。

For example, Sparkfun allows other Open Source projects to manufacture and sell their designs. In exchange, they get royalties on every product sold. The smaller and more innovative open source companies get access to high quality manufacturing, as well as the large audience and distribution channels Sparkfun has built over the years.

例如, Sparkfun允许其他开放源代码项目制造和销售其设计。 作为交换,他们从所售出的每种产品中获得特许权使用费。 规模较小且更具创新性的开源公司可以使用高质量的制造产品,以及Sparkfun多年来建立的庞大的受众和分销渠道。

Sparkfun gets to offer more valuable products that it couldn’t offer otherwise. But it also gets to avoid competing with all of these smaller companies by partnering with them, which is another great advantage.

Sparkfun可以提供其他产品无法提供的更有价值的产品。 但这还可以避免与所有这些较小的公司通过与它们合作来竞争,这是另一个巨大的优势。

What should you focus on at the Leader Up Stage:


  • Keep all the business’ key areas optimized (product, sales, marketing, distribution channels, operation systems, technology, finances, team and leadership…).

  • Acquire or partner with complementary or competing companies to keep developing new distribution channels, new products and services and attracting qualified talent and leadership.

  • Innovate by developing new products.

    创新 通过开发新产品。

  • Invest in developing the leaders of your company to keep moving the business forward.

    投资发展公司的领导者 以保持业务向前发展。

简而言之 (In Short)

Let’s summarize the 5 stages your business will go through:


  • At the Validation Stage, you have to validate your product or service idea. Find your first clients and open source contributors.

    验证阶段,您必须验证您的产品或服务想法。 找到您的第一个客户和开源贡献者。

  • At the Startup Stage, you have to improve your product and solidify your marketing, sales, and open source community.


  • At the Optimization Stage, you have to create systems to deal with your administrative, logistical, and financial operations.

    优化阶段 ,您必须创建系统来处理您的管理,后勤和财务操作。

  • At the Scale Up Stage, you have to focus on bringing in talented people and building a great company culture.

    在扩展阶段 ,您必须专注于引进人才和建立良好的公司文化。

  • At the Leader Up Stage, you have to work on innovating, building new partnerships, and acquiring other companies.

    Leader Up阶段 ,您必须进行创新,建立新的合作伙伴关系并收购其他公司。

Use this tool to liberate yourself. Figure out if you are walking on the right path or you are stuck somewhere. Don’t look for perfection. Instead, use this framework to find out where to focus your energy while growing a business.

使用此工具解放自己。 弄清楚您是在正确的道路上行走还是被困在某个地方。 不要追求完美。 取而代之的是,使用此框架来找出在发展业务时将精力集中在哪里。

The path is the same whether you want to remain a small business or spread your innovations all over the world. It’s the same for every single business.

无论您想保留一家小型企业还是将创新推广到世界各地,路径都是一样的。 每个企业都一样。



Todd Herman’s Five Stages of Growth


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-turn-your-open-source-idea-into-a-unicorn-like-red-hat-in-5-steps-800232f391a1/


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