启信宝受益所有人界面_希望您的项目成功吗? 然后确保其他人也可以从您的想法中受益。...


Most of us are aware of the benefits commercial openness has brought to the world.


25% of the websites use WordPress, 79% of servers run on Linux, and Arduino boards are helping thousands of people around the world start their electronic projects.

25%的网站使用WordPress, 79%的服务器在Linux上运行,而Arduino开发板正在帮助全球成千上万的人启动其电子项目。

But many open projects still license their work under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial license, or an open license that doesn’t allow for commercial re-use. Not to mention all the companies who patent their creations.

但是,许多开放项目仍然根据知识共享非商业许可或不允许商业重用的开放许可来许可其工作。 更不用说所有为其作品申请专利的公司了。

If this is your case, you might be preventing commercial re-use in hopes that no one else will profit from your creation. This way you might be able to profit further down the line.

如果是这种情况,您可能会阻止商业重用,希望其他人不会从您的创作中受益。 这样,您也许可以进一步获利。

You want to reserve the right to commercialize your work. You want to get others to ask for permission to license your creation first.

您想保留将您的作品商业化的权利。 您想让其他人首先请求许可以许可您的创作。

But this non-commercial license is putting off potential partners by being too restrictive and lowering the adoption of your project.


Because if others can’t freely copy your work, they won’t be able to make money with your idea. And if they can’t make money with it, they won’t be able to repay you. Logic right?

因为如果其他人不能随意复制您的作品,他们将无法通过您的想法赚钱。 如果他们不能用它赚钱,他们将无法偿还您的款项。 逻辑对吗?

From 2003 to 2014, the percentage of fully free / open licenses has gone from 20% to 56% of all Internet licenses.


So yes, the world is becoming more open and people are getting less and less wary of how their work is re-used.


This might be evidence enough to show people see commercial benefits in giving complete open access to re-use and re-sell their creations.


But let’s find out the exact reasons openness could be good for your business.


When you allow for commercial reuse of your creation — whether it’s software, hardware, education or any artistic endeavor — it is more likely that you’ll get others to build an ecosystem around your creation.


If people can’t sell what they create on top of your creation, they are less likely to use it altogether. This prevents others from enhancing your project and creating a larger ecosystem of innovations around it.

如果人们不能在自己的创作之上出售他们创造的作品,那么他们就不太可能完全使用它。 这样可以防止其他人增强您的项目并围绕它创建更大的创新生态系统。

You may not be the only one benefiting from your creation, but that’s actually good since you’ll also be benefiting from everyone else’s creations.


And if you get hit by a bus (god forbid), your work can still live on without you.


So let’s see some examples of the surprising benefits free licenses have over non-free licenses.


获得用户的报酬和就业 (Getting Repaid and Employed by Your Users)

An extreme example of this is MySQL. They developed an open source database solution that had over 15 million users of their product and 15 thousand paying customers. So 1 paying customer for every 1,000 users.

一个极端的例子是MySQL。 他们开发了一个开放源数据库解决方案,该解决方案的产品用户超过1500万,付费客户达到1.5万。 因此,每1000个用户有1个付费客户。

It might not seem like much, but it worked for them. They had enough cash to pay for their expenses.

看起来似乎不多,但是对他们有用。 他们有足够的现金来支付费用。

They had huge non-paying users like Craigslist or Facebook. Craigslist wanted to pay them, but they didn’t know how, so they sent them $10,000.

他们有大量的非付费用户,例如Craigslist或Facebook。 Craigslist想要付钱给他们, 但是他们不知道如何支付,所以他们给了他们10,000美元。

Facebook was another big non-paying user until the day they were growing so fast that they had too much to do. So ultimately they asked MySQL to maintain their databases and bought a support contract to keep Facebook going.

直到他们成长如此之快以至于他们有太多事情要做之前,Facebook还是另一个大的非付费用户。 因此,最终他们要求MySQL维护他们的数据库,并购买了一份支持合同以保持Facebook的发展。

Facebook later became one of their biggest customers. In software, most projects will use an open source project to save money. But big projects with more important things to do, will pay you to get it done.

Facebook后来成为他们最大的客户之一。 在软件中,大多数项目将使用开源项目以节省资金。 但是,还有很多重要的事情要做的大项目,将使您付诸东流。

The lesson here, is that allowing others to make commercial use of your creation will allow others to reach heights they wouldn’t have imagined possible without your help.


Once there are bigger companies that use your solution, you can look for those that make money with it. Offer them your help and they’ll probably be happy to pay to unburden themselves on you, the inventor and expert of the open source software or hardware that they are using.

一旦有更大的公司使用您的解决方案,您就可以寻找那些可以通过它赚钱的公司。 为他们提供帮助,他们可能很乐意为自己负担沉重,他们是他们正在使用的开源软件或硬件的发明者和专家。

超越您的能力进行分配 (Get distribution well beyond your means)

For Nina Paley, filmmaker and cartoonist, sharing her work through an open license has helped her get over the hell of making a self-produced animated movie to making money.

对于电影制片人和漫画家尼娜·佩利(Nina Paley)而言,通过公开许可分享她的作品帮助她摆脱了制作一部自制动画电影赚钱的艰辛。

At first, her movie “Sita Sings the Blues” was losing money at every turn because of copyrights. Its release was delayed by the prohibitive cost of licensing 80-year-old songs from little-known singer Annette Hanshaw.

起初,她的电影《 Sita Sings the Blues》由于版权而无处不在。 发行该唱片的原因是,鲜为人知的歌手安妮特·汉肖(Annette Hanshaw)许可发行80年之久的歌曲的费用过高。

“When my film was still illegal and hemorrhaging money to legal and licensing costs, I joked that if the film were free, I could sell T-shirts,” Paley said.


This was the kindle to look up how people made a living giving away free software.


“I realized that merchandise and voluntary support is actually where the money comes from,” Paley recalls.

“我意识到商品和自愿支持实际上是钱的来源,” Paley回忆说。

So she went on to share her film under a Creative Commons BY-SA license for anyone to download for free. It was picked up by Roger Ebert and other critics and went on to be viewed millions of times all over the world. So she made it available to purchase on DVD and also sold merchandise around her movie characters.

因此,她继续通过Creative Commons BY-SA许可分享她的电影,任何人都可以免费下载。 它被罗杰·埃伯特(Roger Ebert)和其他评论家所采用,并在全世界被数百万次观看。 因此,她可以通过DVD购买该产品,还可以在她的电影角色周围出售商品。

From that point on she claims that “I’ve never had more money coming at me than when I started using Creative Commons BY-SA. I have a higher profile. I don’t spend anything on promotion. My fans are doing it for me and buying merchandise. Sharing put me on the map.”

从那时起,她声称:“我比开始使用Creative Commons BY-SA时得到的钱还多。 我有较高的知名度。 我什么都没花在晋升​​上。 我的粉丝正在为我做这件事,并购买商品。 分享使我进入了地图。”

If your work is good, people will be naturally inclined to share it, even commercially.


Making it easy for others to redistribute your work will bring more people to your shop than you could have ever on your own.


To make sure people find it you should get it under the nose of influencer interested in the kind of work you do. This could be movie critics if you are into movies, or technology reviewers if you are into technology for example.

为确保人们找到它,您应该将它放在对您所做的工作感兴趣的有影响力人士的指导下。 例如,如果您喜欢电影,则可能是电影评论家;如果您喜欢技术,则可能是技术评论员。

疯狂的混音师大军,使您的发明更有价值 (An army of crazy remixers who make your invention more valuable)

When Massimo Banzi and David Cuartielles launched Arduino in 2005, they decided to publish their hardware designs under a Creative Commons BY-SA license. This meant anyone could copy their design and sell it without giving money back if they didn’t want to.

当Massimo Banzi和David Cuartielles于2005年推出Arduino时,他们决定根据Creative Commons BY-SA许可发布其硬件设计。 这意味着任何人都可以复制他们的设计并出售它,如果他们不愿意的话也可以不退款。

And this is exactly what made Arduino the most popular micro-controller for DIY hardware geeks.


This allowed people to build things with Arduino from scratch. They were not competing with Arduino, but creating further uses of their idea.

这使人们可以从头开始使用Arduino构建事物。 他们不是在与Arduino竞争,而是在进一步利用他们的想法。

Thanks to Arduino, people started building the first open source 3D printers (a.k.a RepRap and Makerbot), commercial drone companies, dirt cheap prosthetics, kits to learn programming but also synthesizers, guitar amplifiers, voice-over IP phone routers and many more things.


Allowing people to reuse their work, made it possible for users to stop reinventing the wheel and to create their commercial or hobbyist projects. And this is what has allowed Arduino to redefine the de-facto standard for micro-controllers, strengthening their sales too.

允许人们重复使用他们的工作,使用户可以停止重新发明轮子,并创建他们的商业或业余爱好者项目。 而这正是Arduino为微控制器重新定义事实上的标准的原因,从而也提高了它们的销量。

This has also been true for other open source powerhouses like Linux, WordPress and many other open source languages and hardware projects.


Linux has seen an ecosystem of commercial companies grow around it:


  • SpaceX uses a special design of Linux in each of its rocket engines. Through this, Linux has helped complete 32 space missions.

    SpaceX在其每个火箭引擎中均使用特殊的Linux设计。 通过这种方式,Linux已经帮助完成了32次太空任务。
  • GoPro uses it to run its cameras

  • 97% of the world’s supercomputers run on Linux — including clusters used by NASA

  • Red Hat makes over $5 billion in revenue by selling the services they’ve build on top of Linux

  • Cars use linux to power their software


  • The tiny $5 Raspberry Pi computer is also powered by Linux

    售价5美元的Raspberry Pi微型计算机也采用Linux供电
  • About 1,000 drone companies develop drone services that run on top of this operating system


So you could say that Linux also empowered others to create over $5 billion in market value in 2015 across different industries. This makes every company using it interested in the success of the open source project, and that’s why they support the foundation responsible of maintaining it with millions of dollars every year.

因此,您可以说Linux也使其他人在2015年创造了超过50亿美元的不同行业市值 。 这使得每个使用它的公司都对开源项目的成功感兴趣,这就是为什么他们支持基金会每年以数百万美元来维护它。

WordPress also has an ecosystem of commercial companies and freelancers that has spawned around them:


  • Plugin developers

  • Theme developers

  • Hosting providers

  • Agencies, freelancers and consultants specialized in building WordPress sites

  • E-commerce and publishing platforms of all kinds


Automattic, the company responsible for WordPress, makes over $50 million in revenue, and it has enabled WordPress users to create a $1 billion market.


Because Arduino’s circuit designs are licensed with CC BY-SA, so too are these derivative projects. The same goes for WordPress and Linux’s GPL license.

由于Arduino的电路设计已获得CC BY-SA许可,因此这些衍生项目也是如此。 WordPress和Linux的GPL许可证也是如此。

Everyone is free to do as they please with the designs and the code, but they have to release the work built on top of these platforms under the same license, creating a chain reaction of crowd creation.


Because all of these projects are open source and allow commercial reuse of their inventions, their teams don’t have to provide support. The community is more inclined to help and is of course more forgiving of a lower customer support.

因为所有这些项目都是开源的,并且允许其发明的商业重用,所以他们的团队不必提供支持。 社区更愿意提供帮助,当然也更愿意减少客户支持。

“By putting the Creative Commons stamp on circuit designs and board layouts, we were able to turn hardware design into a piece of culture that people can build upon,” Banzi says. “Whatever happens to us, the project will always survive.”

班兹说:“通过在电路设计和电路板布局上加上创用CC标记,我们能够将硬件设计转变为人们可以建立的一种文化。” “无论我们发生什么事,该项目将永远存在。”

在您无法企及的地方实现创新 (Enabling Innovation in Places you wouldn’t Otherwise Reach)

I said before that if people can’t sell what you created, they are less likely to use it altogether. But this might be something you actually want.

我之前说过,如果人们无法出售您创造的产品,那么他们将完全不会使用它。 但这可能是您真正想要的。

You might have created an algebra educational video under a Non-Commercial license because you don’t want “Big Bad Corporations” to rip it and take advantage of your freely available work.

您可能已根据非商业许可创建了代数教育视频,因为您不希望“ Big Bad Corporations”翻录它并利用您的免费作品。

But since the license applies the same to everyone, you are also preventing small Ethiopian education startups from using it. And you might want them to be able to use it.

但是,由于该许可证适用于每个人,因此您还可以防止小型埃塞俄比亚教育初创企业使用它。 您可能希望他们能够使用它。

What’s more important to you? Stopping big corporations from ripping off your work or helping more people innovate with it?

对您来说更重要的是什么? 是阻止大公司剥离您的工作还是帮助更多的人进行创新?

Clarifying your goals and values might help you find out.


If you want to get a chance to make a profitable open business there are three conditions you need to fulfill:


  • Make something remarkable

  • Create an open space for the community to learn how to use and remix your work

  • Think of ways you can make money with it, and deliver a quality product and service

    想一想用它赚钱 ,提供优质产品和服务的方法

And if you were worried others would take your invention without giving back, remember that gratitude can manifest in ways much more powerful than money alone.


Giving away your inventions will attract more opportunities, users and contributors than you could imagine by building a company the old school way.


If you liked this post, and would like to get more articles on how open source can help your business or project you can sign up here. You’ll also get my guide to find a profitable idea, and the techniques to find customers for your open project.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,并希望获得更多有关开源如何帮助您的业务或项目的文章,请在此处注册 。 您还将获得我的指南,以找到一个有利可图的主意,以及为您的开放项目寻找客户的技巧。

A special thanks to Quincy Larson from Free Code Camp, to Timothy Vollmer from Creative Commons, and to Marie-Anne Bernasconi from Estrelab for their reviews and insightful comments on the first version of this article :)

特别感谢Free Code Camp的 Quincy Larson, Creative Commons的 Timothy Vollmer以及Estrelab的 Marie-Anne Bernasconi, 感谢他们对本文第一版的评论和深刻见解:)

Also, I took Arduino and Nina Paley’s examples from this great research by Catherine Casserly and Joi Ito. If you want to see more examples of the business benefits of total openness, you should check the report out.

另外,我从Catherine Casserly和Joi Ito的这项出色研究中选取了Arduino和Nina Paley的例子。 如果您想查看更多关于完全开放的商业利益的示例,则应将报告检出

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/want-your-project-to-succeed-then-make-sure-other-people-can-also-profit-from-your-ideas-c0b620d38639/






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