vnc 教师学生_成为老师的学生

vnc 教师学生

by Steven Ward

史蒂文·沃德(Steven Ward)

成为老师的学生 (The Student Who Became the Teacher)

A few months ago I sat down to my first-ever pair programming session. I had been stuck on Free Code Camp’s counting cards JavaScript challenge for several days, and now I was about to have a seasoned programmer take a look.

几个月前,我参加了有史以来的第一次结对编程会议。 我被困在Free Code Camp的计数卡JavaScript挑战中已经好几天了,现在我将要让一个经验丰富的程序员来看看。

It was the middle of the night, and my three-year-old daughter was asleep in the same room, but I dared not move to the other room and risk waking up my six-month-old daughter and wife. I was nervous about this fact, but excited to have the chance to have an expert look at my code for the first time.

这是半夜,我的三个岁的女儿是在同一个房间睡着了,但我不敢移动到另一个房间和风险醒来我六个月 -old的女儿和妻子。 我对这个事实感到紧张,但是很高兴有机会第一次让专家对我的代码进行研究。

我如何认识我的“老师”。 (How I met my “Teacher.”)

When I first met Yoochan, he was my student.

当我第一次遇到Yoochan时, 我的学生

Yoochan knew even then what he wanted to do with his life. My first memory of him was of him scribbling in a notebook between classes, drawing what seemed to be a wireframe concept of a website. I asked what he was working on, and he sheepishly said it was a Wordpress theme, not expecting me to know what he was talking about. But I did.

Yoochan即使在那时也知道他想做什么。 我对他的第一个记忆是,他在两堂课之间的笔记本上乱涂乱画,描绘出似乎是网站的线框概念。 我问他在做什么,他sheep讽地说这是一个Wordpress主题,没想到我知道他在说什么。 但是我做到了。

Yoochan was serious about his studies, and poured himself into his General Education courses, while continuing to teach himself to code on the side. Other students in his cohort spent more time partying than studying, but Yoochan was busy selling custom Wordpress themes and devouring new programming languages. He wanted to create the next Facebook, and knew full well the amount of hard work and study that his dreams would require.

Yoochan认真对待自己的学业,在继续自学编程的同时,倾心于自己的通识教育课程。 与他同龄的其他学生在聚会上花费的时间多于学习,但Yoochan忙于出售定制的Wordpress主题并吞噬新的编程语言。 他想创建下一个Facebook,并且完全了解他的梦想所需要的艰苦工作和学习。

After his transfer to the US and my move to another job in another town, we kept in touch occasionally via Facebook. His posts about the tech world approached obsession, but the occasional complaints about finals and selfies on Spring Break were in the mix as well. We chatted a couple of times about life, and his successful transfer to a better school a year later, which also happened to get him closer to Silicon Valley, where his heart was leading him.

在他移居美国并搬到另一个城镇的另一份工作后,我们偶尔通过Facebook保持联系。 他关于科技界的帖子变得痴迷不已,但偶尔也有关于Spring Break的决赛和自拍照的抱怨。 我们聊了几次关于生活的事情,一年后他成功地转移到一所更好的学校,这也使他更加靠近硅谷,在那里他的心带领着他。

协作教学 (Teaching as Collaboration)

Our goal was simple enough:


Yoochan patiently explained how to setup ScreenHero, as I typed my responses to him instead of speaking, for fear of waking up my daughter. I showed him the objective of the lesson and the code I had already written.

Yoochan耐心地解释了如何设置ScreenHero,因为我没有告诉我对他的回答,而是担心会叫醒我的女儿。 我向他展示了课程的目的和我已经编写的代码。

We moved over to CodePen to test out a few variations. All along the way he was teaching me about the higher-level concepts at work in JavaScript, as well as a few CodePen shortcuts to make getting around easier.

我们移至CodePen来测试一些变体。 从始至终,他一直在教我有关JavaScript工作中更高层次的概念的知识,以及一些CodePen快捷方式,以使工作更轻松。

We walked through my code line by line together. Rather than pointing out every error, he would just tell me what the purpose of a given command was, and ask if I thought there might be a better way. His natural skill as a teacher impressed me. But then something interesting happened.

我们一起逐行浏览了我的代码。 他没有指出每个错误,而是告诉我给定命令的目的是什么,并问我是否认为可能有更好的方法。 他作为老师的天赋使我印象深刻。 但是随后发生了一些有趣的事情。

After we had examined every line of code, cleaned it up and gotten it into shape, we clicked “run.”


It didn’t work.


We went back through it, found a couple more things to tweak, and ran it again.


It still didn’t work.


Then, it hit me: he didn’t know the answer.


剧情扭曲 (The Plot Twist)

OK, so, there’s one big thing that I failed to mention: while I was chatting from a house full of new life, this twenty-something was in a hospital room unable to sleep due to the cocktail of drugs swirling through his system. He was dying from cancer. But he didn’t want to talk about that. He wanted to talk about Silicon Valley acquisitions, exciting new startups, and, of course, code.

好吧,所以,有一件大事我没提:我正在一个充满新生活的房子里聊天时,这二十多岁的人正躺在医院的病房里,因为药物的混合物在他的系统中旋转。 他死于癌症。 但是他不想谈论这个。 他想谈谈硅谷的收购,令人兴奋的新创业公司,当然还有代码。

Sometime during his first semester at his new school, he had started experiencing stomach problems. It got bad enough that he went to student health services. They sent him home with some antacids. The problems got worse. He went back again, and still failed to get answers. Finally, he came back to Korea, where his stomach cancer was diagnosed almost immediately.

在新学校的第一学期的某个时候,他开始出现胃部疾病。 情况糟透了,他去了学生保健服务。 他们把一些抗酸剂送给他回家。 问题变得更加严重。 他再次返回,但仍未得到答案。 最后,他回到了韩国,几乎立即诊断出胃癌。

He dropped out of school and stayed in Korea to receive treatment, although you wouldn’t know it by his social media posts. I chatted with him a few times about some cool new app he’d found or one of his ideas. The conversation rarely, if ever, turned to cancer or his condition. At one point he was all better, had internships lined up in Seoul, and was ready to take the world by storm.

他辍学了,留在韩国接受治疗,尽管他的社交媒体帖子并不知道。 我和他聊了几次关于他发现的很酷的新应用程序或他的想法之一。 谈话很少(如果有的话)变成癌症或他的病情。 有一次他变得更好,在首尔安排了实习机会,并准备好席卷全球。

And then he wasn’t. Almost as soon as he’d started the internship, he had to quit and check back into the hospital.

然后他不是。 在他开始实习后,他几乎不得不辞职并返回医院。

Looking at his Facebook feed, it was always hard to tell how he was really doing, because so much of it was his blog posts about learning new programming languages, or some new idea he had for an app, or a website, or an E-commerce site.

看看他的Facebook提要,总是很难说出自己的实际情况 ,因为其中大部分是他关于学习新编程语言的博客帖子,或者他对应用程序,网站或E的新想法。商务站点。

I managed to visit him in the hospital last winter, where he filled me in on much of the backstory behind the very occasional vaguebooking that he did. It was a heartbreaking story, but Yoochan had nothing but optimism in his voice. He talked about what a blessing this whole experience was and how it would fuel his career.

去年冬天,我设法在医院里拜访了他,在那里,他为我提供了很多偶尔的模糊书籍背后的背景知识。 这是一个令人心碎的故事,但Yoochan的声音中只有乐观。 他谈到了整个经历是多么幸运,以及它将如何助长他的职业生涯。

Now he had a burning passion inside of him to help cancer patients, especially young ones like himself. He wasn’t quite sure what form that would take yet, but he was sure it would happen. Naturally, it would be an app. Or maybe a forum site. Or just a blog to start out.

现在,他内心充满热情地帮助癌症患者,尤其是像他这样的年轻人。 他不太确定会采用哪种形式,但是他确定它将发生。 自然地,它将是一个应用程序。 也许是论坛站点。 或者只是一个博客开始。

I met his mom, and, as a parent myself, was in awe of her. She stood by his side, listening to him tell his story in a foreign tongue, which he had now nearly mastered — yet another reason to be proud of her over-achieving son.

我遇到了他的妈妈,作为父母我自己也很敬畏她。 她站在他的身边,听他用他现在几乎掌握的外语讲他的故事,这也是她为自己的儿子表现出色而感到骄傲的另一个原因。

They finally came to the right hospital, he said. They finally found the right treatment. He smiled at his mom and patted her hand as she choked back tears.

他说,他们终于来了正确的医院。 他们终于找到了正确的治疗方法。 当她ked住眼泪时,他对妈妈微笑着拍了拍她的手。

课程 (The Lesson)

I know exactly what it feels like to stand in front of people as the supposed “expert” on a topic only to be thrown a curveball question I didn’t expect and don’t know how to answer. It doesn’t mean I’m a bad teacher. Sometimes the question was just phrased in an awkward way that led me to misunderstand it. Or maybe I was just off my game, and the answer slipped my mind.

我确切地知道作为一个主题的所谓“专家”出现在人们面前的感觉只是抛出一个我没想到而且不知道如何回答的曲线球问题。 这并不意味着我是一个坏老师。 有时,这个问题的措辞笨拙,导致我误解了。 或者,也许我刚离开游戏,答案就落在了我的脑海。

I recognized this instantly when it happened to Yoochan. I remember thinking, “Okay, this is awkward, how can I gracefully let him know it’s totally cool, and that I’ve learned a lot from him anyway?”

当Yoochan发生时,我立刻意识到了这一点。 我记得当时在想:“好吧,这很尴尬,我怎么能优雅地让他知道这很酷,无论如何我从他那里学到了很多东西?”

It turned out that I didn’t have to because Yoochan already knew something that had taken me several years of teaching to figure out: teaching is not just moving digital facts from one brain to another.


Real teaching is the analog act of taking someone by the hand and exploring a topic together. What makes a good teacher isn’t an encyclopedic knowledge of a topic. It’s the wisdom to use just enough of your knowledge to make the journey together interesting.

真正的教学是牵手某人并共同探讨一个主题的类比行为。 成为一名好老师的不是对某个主题的百科全书知识。 充分利用您的知识来使整个旅程变得有趣是明智的。

In the end, there is not that much difference between the student and the teacher. Both will gain something valuable from their time together.

最后,学生和老师之间并没有太大区别。 双方将争取从他们在一起的时间值钱的东西。

Yoochan did not get embarrassed. He fessed up. I bounced some ideas off of him. We tried a couple of them, and they didn’t work either. Yoochan suggested stepping away for a bit and coming back to look at it the next day. That’s exactly what I did, and I managed to figure it out almost right away. I wasn’t proud of my solution, but it worked.

Yoochan并没有感到尴尬。 他心满意足。 我从他身上反弹了一些主意。 我们尝试了其中的一些,但它们也没有起作用。 Yoochan建议走开一点,第二天再来看一看。 那正是我所做的,而且我几乎马上就弄清楚了。 我不为自己的解决方案感到骄傲,但是它奏效了。

我的老师,我的英雄 (My Teacher, my Hero)

I received confirmation a few hours ago that Yoochan died. It was not unexpected. His Facebook posts in recent weeks had gotten fewer and farther between. He announced that he was ceasing all of his development activities. Then, a few days later, an apology to his friends because his condition was a lot more serious than he had been saying.

几个小时前,我收到了Yoochan死亡的确认。 这并不意外。 最近几周他在Facebook上发布的帖子越来越少。 他宣布将停止所有开发活动。 几天后,向他的朋友道歉,因为他的病情比他以前说的要严重得多。

He went to a new hospital “deep in the mountains,” where he would not have regular internet access. I wondered if it was hospice. His last couple of updates abandoned his normal practice of giving English translations in addition to the Korean. His last one was short and to the point. “This week. See you up there.”

他去了“深山”一家新医院,那里没有固定的互联网连接。 我想知道这是否是临终关怀。 他最近的几次更新放弃了他除了韩语外还提供英语翻译的常规做法。 他的最后一个简短而直截了当。 “本星期。 到那儿见。”

Some might see it as cruel to use the term “lifelong learner” to describe Yoochan, but I see him as the term’s apex. How many college students do you know that, after receiving a diagnosis such as his, would have continued right on studying psychology, algebra, or chemistry?

有人可能会用“终身学习者”一词来形容Yoochan是残酷的,但我认为他是该术语的顶点。 您知道多少名大学生在接受了诸如此类的诊断后,会继续正确地学习心理学,代数或化学?

I’m not suggesting that dedicating every spare moment of your life to learning is an end unto itself. I’m saying that finding subjects you love and can jump into head first will give you more quality time on this planet, irrespective of how much total time you have left. Yes, studies are coming out suggesting that continuing to learn new things is the key to delaying dementia and Alzheimer’s, but dementia 50 years from now was not of concern to Yoochan.

我并不是在建议将人生中的每一刻都用于学习本身就是目的。 我的意思是,无论您还剩下多少时间,找到自己喜欢的并且可以先入为主的科目都会给您在这个星球上更多的美好时光。 是的,正在进行的研究表明,继续学习新事物是延迟痴呆症和阿尔茨海默氏症的关键,但Yoochan并不担心50年后的痴呆症。

Personally, I think that in the last six months or so he knew full well what his future held, and his talk of being cured was his way of taking care of the rest of us. In the meantime, he could get a bit of enjoyment out of those painful, sleepless nights by reading up on the latest Elon Musk project or coding an iPhone app that popped into his head. Although he seemed conflicted about how to use his social media presence in this phase of his life (for example, he occasionally deactivated his Facebook profile without notice), his GitHub account was, and remains, in a sense, immortal.

我个人认为,在过去的六个月左右的时间里,他对自己的未来非常了解,他所说的被治愈是他照顾我们其余人的方式。 同时,通过阅读最新的埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)项目或编写一个突然出现的iPhone应用程序,他可以从那些痛苦无眠的夜晚中获得一些乐趣。 尽管他在人生的这个阶段似乎对如何使用社交媒体存在一些抵触(例如,他偶尔会在不经通知的情况下停用其Facebook个人资料), 但从某种意义上来说, 他的GitHub帐户仍然是不朽的。

Being able to do this thing that he loved in moments of loneliness and pain made life worth living.


最后一个字 (The Last Word)

I’m sorry, Yoochan, for making this final part all about me, but I’m the guy writing this memorial, and I have something to get off my chest.

对不起,Yoochan,为使这最后一部分的所有关于我的 ,但我就是那个写这篇纪念,我有话要下车,我的胸口。

I’m sorry for not checking in with you more frequently.


I’m sorry that this world of adulthood — which you spent far too little time in — did not have a cure for you.


I’m sorry I couldn’t get one of your tech heroes to visit you in the hospital. If only you had loved baseball as much as you loved code...

很抱歉,我无法让您的技术英雄到医院探望您。 如果您喜欢棒球和喜欢编码一样多...

I’m sorry I did not bring my daughter to meet you at the hospital. I wanted her to meet you and remember you, then ask me about you and your story later in life, when she might be able to understand fully. I worried that it might be somehow bothersome, or depressing for you. I’m pretty sure I was wrong about that.

对不起,我没有带女儿去医院见你。 我希望她会见您并记住您,然后在她以后可能会完全理解时问我关于您和您生活的故事。 我担心这可能会让您感到困扰或沮丧。 我敢肯定我错了。

I’m sorry about a lot of things, but I will never forget you.


I know that you held deep religious beliefs about what happens after death. I do not share the strength of your convictions, but the one thing I do know for certain is that your life has informed the way I teach my students, and how I will raise my daughters.

我知道您对死后发生的事情抱有深厚的宗教信仰。 我不同意您的信念,但我确实知道的一件事是,您的生活影响了我教学生的方式以及我将如何抚养女儿的方式。

Therefore, I can close this memorial not with sad regrets but a happy promise: I will do my best to instill these lessons from your life in all the young lives that I come into contact with by living according to your example. Then they will — by exemplifying those values themselves — pass them on to their own co-workers, students, and children.

因此,我不能带着遗憾的遗憾而要关闭这座纪念馆,而是一个幸福的诺言:我将根据您的榜样,尽我所能,将您从这些人生中吸取的教训灌输给我接触的所有年轻生命。 然后,他们将通过自己举例说明这些价值观,将其传递给自己的同事,学生和孩子们。

Future generations may not know your name or your story, but they will benefit from your time on this planet. In that tiny, but tangible way, you will live on.

后代可能不知道您的名字或故事,但他们将从您在这个星球上的时间中受益。 以这种微小但切实的方式,您将继续生存。

I think you would like that.



vnc 教师学生





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