

by Pratim Sengupta

通过Pratim Sengupta

公共计算,公共计算 (Computing in Public, Computing for Public)

帮助我们学习的“代码”应该是公共对象和经验,而不是私人语言。 (“Code” that helps us learn should be a public object and experience, not a private language.)

Welcome to DigiPlay @ WSE, a digital play space for interactive exhibits designed using open-source software and hardware. This space is truly open to anyone — not only students and faculty at University of Calgary’s Werklund School of Education, where it is housed. It demonstrates a commitment of one of the world’s foremost public universities to make open computing an integral part of public education at all levels.

欢迎使用DigiPlay @ WSE ,这是一个使用开放源代码软件和硬件设计的交互式展览的数字游戏空间。 这个空间真正向所有人开放-不仅是卡尔加里大学的Werklund教育学院所在的学生和教职人员。 它表明了世界上最重要的公立大学之一的承诺,即使开放计算成为各级公共教育的组成部分

The space consists of three 80" touch screens, powered by fairly inexpensive desktops. The screens currently display open-source simulations of phenomena that are mathematically considered to complex systems. A key characteristic of these systems is emergence- i.e., larger scale patterns, such as flocks of birds and schools of fish, emerge from rather simple and relatively unplanned interactions between lots of individual entities.

该空间由三个80英寸触摸屏组成,这些触摸屏由相当便宜的台式机提供动力。这些屏幕目前显示对复杂系统进行数学计算的现象的开源模拟。这些系统的关键特征是出现 -即更大比例的模式,例如鸟类和鱼类的学校成群, 出现大量来自各个实体之间的比较简单,比较意外的相互作用。

What makes this an open source digital play space?


The code that powers the powerful simulations (and in the near future, physical computing machines) at DigiPlay is open source and always accessible to any visitor — literally — with the touch of a finger. This is not “watered down” code — visitors directly interact with the same code that professionals use for designing these simulations.

在DigiPlay上支持强大的仿真(以及不久的将来,物理计算机)的代码是开源的,并且任何访问者始终可以通过手指触摸它们。 这不是“淹没”的代码-访客直接与专业人员用于设计这些模拟的同一代码进行交互。

With just a little bit of help (EVERY Friday, 3- 4 pm, we host public hack hours), irrespective of your programming background, you can change, modify and build your own simulations. Or even better, invent something completely new in this space, in public, with the public, for the public.

借助一点点帮助(每个星期五,下午3-4点,我们都会举办公共活动时间) ,无论您的编程背景如何,您都可以更改,修改和构建自己的仿真。 甚至更好的是,在公共场所,与公众一起为公众发明这个领域中全新的事物。

Actually, visitor inventions are fairly common when visitors spend a few minutes with the code. By making simple — but powerful — changes to the code, several visitors have already generated behaviors in the simulation that were surprising, even for the original creators of the code.

实际上,当访客花一些时间使用代码时,访客发明就相当普遍。 通过对代码进行简单但强大的更改,即使是原始的代码创建者,几个访问者也已经在模拟中产生了令人惊讶的行为。

You can see an example in the short video below.


Who visits DigiPlay @ WSE?

谁来访问DigiPlay @ WSE

Our first and youngest visitor was 1.5 years old, perched solid on his dad’s shoulders. They just happened to pass by at the moment we officially opened DigiPlay. They spoke in Spanish — the dad mainly — explaining how flocks were forming in the simulations to his little son, while both of them created new flocks.

我们的第一个也是最年轻的访客是1.5岁,坐在父亲的肩膀上稳固。 在我们正式开放DigiPlay的那一刻,他们碰巧就过去了。 他们用西班牙语(主要是父亲)讲西班牙语,向他的小儿子解释了动物群在模拟中的形成方式,而他们俩都创造了新的动物群。

Last month, during Canada’s largest conference for social sciences and humanities, deans and professors from all over Canada also created their flocks.


Every day, I also see some of the construction engineers who are building parts of the very same Education Tower where DigiPlay is hosted, taking their breaks and hacking the simulations.


Yesterday, a group of Werklund graduate students and their professor — many of whom had never programmed before — decided to “hold” their regular class at DigiPlay. And as is possible in spaces like this, with very little help from me or their professor, they dove deep into the simulations, hacked the code, and challenged each other (a “Flock Off”, one student said).

昨天,一群Werklund研究生和他们的教授(其中许多人以前从未编程过)决定决定在DigiPlay上 “常规”上课。 在这样的空间中,在我或他们的教授很少帮助下,他们深深地陷入了仿真之中,入侵了代码,并互相挑战(一名学生说“封锁”)。

Amid laughter and banter, the students engaged in some of the most intricate discourse about the mathematics of complex systems that I have heard in a while. But the conversation I heard was also about their lives, and their experiences as teachers and professionals: the flocking “boids” not only represented swarms of birds and fish, but also stood in as models of “peer pressure” and “influence networks”.

在欢声笑语中,学生们参与了一些我曾经听过的关于复杂系统数学的最复杂的讨论。 但是,我所听到的谈话也涉及他们的生活以及他们作为教师和专业人员的经历:蜂拥而至的“ boid”不仅代表着成群的鸟类和鱼类,而且还代表着“同伴压力”和“影响网络”。

This is the kind of learning that is only possible at spaces like this — learning with friends, and learning about the unknown, unscripted — through deliberations, collaboration and eventually, inventions.


So, why DigiPlay?


Here’s why.


We can (and often do) sign away, wittingly or unwittingly, many of our “rights” as individuals every time we use “closed source” or “proprietary” software. This ranges from the social media platforms, to the cell phones and the text editing software we use.

每次我们使用“封闭源代码”或“专有”软件时,我们都可以(经常这样做)以个人有意或无意地将许多“权利”作为个人签名。 范围从社交媒体平台到我们使用的手机和文本编辑软件。

The issue at stake here is our freedom as democratic citizens, as well as our rights as private individuals. In absence of these freedoms and rights, the “public” will be reduced to a ghost image of institutions and states.

这里面临的问题是我们作为民主公民的自由以及我们作为个人的权利。 在没有这些自由和权利的情况下,“公众”将沦为制度和国家的幽灵形象。

In Democracy & Education, John Dewey poignantly noted that one cannot engage in public life all by oneself. If public participation and public voice are controlled through proprietary code, we, the public, must be careful, and more importantly, actively resist these forces through public education that provides us ample and appropriate access to open computing.

约翰·杜威( John Dewey)在《 民主与教育》中庄严地指出,一个人不能独自一个人从事公共生活。 如果通过专有代码控制公众的参与和公众的声音,则我们公众必须谨慎,更重要的是,通过公众教育积极抵制这些力量,从而为我们提供充足且适当的开放计算渠道。

However, even a “free” and “open” public learning environment also has to be “designed”. Digiplay @ WSE is an example of such a public space that we have designed for the public. This communique is an invitation to everyone to join us and shape the space and the conversation at DigiPlay.

但是,即使“免费”和“开放”的公共学习环境也必须“设计”。 Digiplay @ WSE就是我们为公众设计的公共空间的一个示例。 该公报邀请所有人加入我们,并在DigiPlay上塑造空间和对话。

And no, this is not about giving all our visitors the impression that coding is easy. This is about giving them the bigger picture: “Code” that helps us learn should be a public object and experience, not a private language. And “coding” in Digiplay @ WSE is a public experience, designed for and open to everyone, not a private experience for the chosen few.

不,这并不是要给我们所有的访问者以编码容易的印象。 这是为了给他们提供更大的前景:帮助我们学习的“代码”应该是公共的对象和经验,而不是私人的语言。 Digiplay @ WSE中的“编码”是一种面向所有人开放的公共体验,而不是针对少数人的私人体验。



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