
Do you want to export a navigation menu from one WordPress site and import it into another?


The default WordPress import / export feature allows you to transfer menus as part of the full site transfer, but it does not let you import / export menus by themselves.


In this article, we’ll show you how to easily import / export navigation menus in WordPress, so you can save time.


How to import and export navigation menus in WordPress
了解WordPress的导入/导出功能 (Understanding WordPress’s Import / Export Features)

On every WordPress site, you have built-in import and export features. You can find these under Tools » Import and Tools » Export in your WordPress dashboard.

在每个WordPress网站上 ,您都具有内置的导入和导出功能。 您可以在WordPress信息中心的“ 工具”»“导入”和“ 工具”»“导出”下找到这些内容。

The Import and Export options under the Tools menu in the WordPress dashboard

If you go to the Export page, you’ll see the WordPress default options. These let you choose between exporting all content, or exporting only your posts, pages, or media.

如果转到“导出”页面,将看到WordPress默认选项。 这些使您可以选择导出所有内容,还是仅导出帖子,页面或媒体。

The built-in Export options in WordPress

All content includes your navigation menus … plus posts, pages, comments, custom fields, terms, and custom post types.


But in many cases, you don’t want to import everything. For instance, you might just want to replicate your navigation menu and the pages included in it, but not your posts or any other pages.

但是在许多情况下,您不想导入所有内容。 例如,您可能只想复制导航菜单及其中包含的页面,而不是您的帖子或任何其他页面。

Luckily, there’s an easy plugin that extends this functionality, so you can only import and export navigation menus in WordPress.


That being said, let’s take a look at how to import and export navigation menus without exporting all the content.


在WordPress中导出和导入导航菜单 (Export and Import Navigation Menus in WordPress)

Before going further, make sure you’re happy with the menu you’ll be exporting. You can find your site’s menu under Appearance » Menus.

在继续之前,请确保对要导出的菜单感到满意。 您可以在外观»菜单下找到您网站的菜单。

Editing your navigation menu in the WordPress dashboard

If you need help to create or change your menu, take a look at our tutorial on how to add a navigation menu in WordPress.


Next, you need to install and activate the WPS Menu Exporter plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

接下来,您需要安装并激活WPS Menu Exporter插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, you need to visit Tools » Export page in your WordPress admin dashboard.

激活后,您需要访问WordPress管理控制台中的“ 工具”»“导出”页面。

You should now see an additional option to export navigation menu items. This will include your menu itself, plus all the pages that are linked from your menu.

现在,您应该看到一个导出导航菜单项的附加选项。 这将包括您的菜单本身,以及从菜单链接的所有页面。

If you have any posts in your menu, those will be included too, along with any comments on them.


The Export Navigation Menu Items option in the Export tool

Simply select the Navigation Menu Items radio button and then click the ‘Download Export File’ button.


This lets you download your navigation menu and its associated pages to your computer. These are stored in an .xml file with the name site.wordpress.yyyy-mm-dd, where “site” is the name of your website and “yyyy-mm-dd” is the date.

这使您可以将导航菜单及其相关页面下载到计算机上。 这些文件存储在名称为site.wordpress.yyyy-mm-dd的.xml文件中,其中“ site”是您的网站名称,“ yyyy-mm-dd”是日期。

The downloaded .xml file containing your navigation menu items and pages
将WordPress菜单导入到新站点 (Importing Your WordPress Menu to Your New Site)

You can import the .xml file you just downloaded by using WordPress’s standard Import feature. It’s a simple process. You just need to upload your navigation menu file to your new site.

您可以使用WordPress的标准导入功能导入刚刚下载的.xml文件。 这是一个简单的过程。 您只需要将导航菜单文件上载到新站点。

Important: Make sure you don’t have any existing pages with the same name as pages in the menu you’re importing, not even in the trash. Otherwise, the import tool may not be able to import those pages correctly.

重要提示:请确保没有与您要导入的菜单中的页面同名的现有页面,甚至没有垃圾桶。 否则,导入工具可能无法正确导入这些页面。

First, log in to your WordPress dashboard on the new site where you want to import your menu.


Next, go to Tools » Import. You’ll need to install the WordPress importer. Just click the ‘Install Now’ link beneath ‘WordPress’ at the bottom of the list.

接下来,转到工具»导入 。 您需要安装WordPress导入程序。 只需单击列表底部“ WordPress”下方的“立即安装”链接。

Installing the WordPress import tool

Once you’ve installed the WordPress importer, you should see a ‘Run Importer’ link in place of the ‘Install Now’ link.


Click the link to run the WordPress import tool

After you click on this link, you’ll see the Import WordPress screen. Here, you’ll need to click the ‘Choose file’ button so you can select the .xml file you downloaded earlier.

单击此链接后,您将看到“导入WordPress”屏幕。 在这里,您需要单击“选择文件”按钮,以便选择之前下载的.xml文件。

Once you’ve selected your file, go ahead and click the ‘Upload file and import’ button.


Upload your .xml file and click the button to import it to your new site

On the next screen, you’ll be asked to ‘Assign Authors’. The default option is to import the original author of the menu content.

在下一个屏幕上,系统将要求您“分配作者”。 默认选项是导入菜单内容的原始作者。

Choose which user to assign pages to when you import them

In many cases, it’ll make the most sense to set an existing user as the author of the imported content. You can do that by selecting the user’s name from the dropdown menu.

在许多情况下,将现有用户设置为导入内容的作者是最有意义的。 您可以通过从下拉菜单中选择用户名来实现。

Selecting an author from the dropdown list to assign the pages to

If you plan to re-use the content of the pages themselves, then you’ll also want to check the ‘Download and import file attachments’ box. This means that images will be included in the import.

如果您打算重复使用页面本身的内容,则还需要选中“下载并导入文件附件”框。 这意味着图像将包含在导入中。

Once you’re happy with your settings, click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.


Upon completion, you should see the following message:


The success message after importing the navigation menu
查看您导入的菜单和页面 (Viewing Your Imported Menu and Pages)

The import has put your menu and the associated pages in place. To take a look at the imported menu, just go to Appearance » Menus. Here, you can make sure that it’s been imported correctly.

导入已将菜单和关联的页面放置到位。 要查看导入的菜单,只需转到外观»菜单 。 在这里,您可以确保已正确导入它。

You can also click on the Pages tab in your WordPress dashboard to check out the new pages that have been imported along with the menu.


Viewing the list of pages on your website

That’s it, you’ve successfully imported your navigation menu and the associated pages. You can edit the menu and the pages however you like.

就是这样,您已经成功导入了导航菜单和相关页面。 您可以根据需要编辑菜单和页面。

We hope this article helped you learn how to import and export navigation menus in WordPress. You might also like to take a look at our tutorials on how to style WordPress navigation menus and how to create a dropdown menu in WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在WordPress中导入和导出导航菜单。 您可能还想看看我们有关如何设置WordPress导航菜单样式以及如何在WordPress中创建下拉菜单的教程。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-import-and-export-navigation-menus-in-wordpress/

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