

Do you want to create a local WordPress site on your computer using XAMPP?


Installing WordPress on your computer helps you try out WordPress, test themes and plugins, and learn WordPress development.


In this article, we will show you how to easily create a local WordPress site Using XAMPP.


Creating local WordPress install using XAMPP
为什么要创建本地WordPress网站? (Why Create a Local WordPress Site?)

Creating local WordPress sites is a common practice among developers and site owners. It allows you to test WordPress without creating an actual website on the internet.

创建本地WordPress网站是开发人员和网站所有者之间的常见做法。 它可以让您测试WordPress,而无需在互联网上创建实际的网站。

Local websites are only visible to you on your computer. You can try different WordPress themes and plugins, test their features, and learn the WordPress basics.

本地网站仅在您的计算机上可见。 您可以尝试不同的WordPress主题和插件,测试其功能,并学习WordPress基础知识。

If you already have a WordPress website, then you can create a local copy of your website on your computer to try out new plugin updates before implementing them on your live website.

如果您已经拥有WordPress网站 ,则可以在计算机上创建您网站本地副本,以在新插件更新在实时网站上实施之前尝试新的插件更新。

Important: Local website will only be visible to you on your computer. If you want to make a live website, then you’ll need a domain name and WordPress hosting.

重要提示:只有您在计算机上才能看到本地网站。 如果您想制作一个实时网站,则需要一个域名WordPress托管

Follow the step by step instructions in our how to start a WordPress blog guide when you are ready to create a live website.


Having said that, let’s check out how to install WordPress locally on Windows, Mac, or Linux using XAMPP.


什么是XAMPP? (What is XAMPP?)

XAMPP is a software package that includes all things you need to set up a local server environment on your computer.


In order to create a local WordPress site, you need to set up a web server software (Apache), PHP, and MySQL on your computer.


PHP is a programming language and MySQL is a database management software. Both of them are required to run WordPress.

PHP是一种编程语言,而MySQL是一种数据库管理软件。 两者都需要运行WordPress。

Installing each of them separately is quite difficult for beginners. This is where XAMPP comes in.

对于初学者来说,分别安装它们非常困难。 这就是XAMPP出现的地方。

XAMPP makes it easy for you to build WordPress websites locally. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux based computers.

XAMPP使您可以轻松地在本地构建WordPress网站。 它适用于基于Windows,Mac和Linux的计算机。

Let’s get started by installing XAMPP and setting it up to run your local WordPress site.


在计算机上安装XAMPP (Installing XAMPP on Your Computer)

First, you need to visit the XAMPP website and click on the download button for your operating system.


Download XAMPP to your computer

Depending on your operating system, your installation wizard and the application interface may differ from the screenshots here. For the sake of this article, we’ll show you the Windows version of the software.

根据您的操作系统,安装向导和应用程序界面可能与此处的屏幕截图有所不同。 为了本文的方便,我们将向您展示该软件的Windows版本。

After downloading XAMPP, you will need to click and run the installer.


XAMPP set up wizard

XAMPP will ask where to install the software and which packages you’d like to install. The default settings will work for most users. Keep clicking on the ‘Next’ button to finish the setup wizard.

XAMPP将询问在何处安装该软件以及您想要安装哪些软件包。 默认设置适用于大多数用户。 继续单击“下一步”按钮以完成设置向导。

After finishing the wizard, check the ‘start the control panel now’ option and then click on the finish button.


Finish set up and launch XAMPP control panel

This will launch the XAMPP control panel app.


Using the XAMPP app, you can run Apache web server as your local server and MySQL as your database server. Go ahead and click on the start button next to both Apache and MySQL.

使用XAMPP应用程序,您可以将Apache Web服务器作为本地服务器运行,而将MySQL作为数据库服务器运行。 继续并单击Apache和MySQL旁边的开始按钮。

Start Apache and MySQL to launch your local server

XAMPP will now start Apache and MySQL. You may see a Windows firewall notification, it is important that you click on the ‘Allow Access’ button for both applications to run on your computer.

XAMPP现在将启动Apache和MySQL。 您可能会看到Windows防火墙通知,请务必单击“允许访问”按钮,以使这两个应用程序都可以在计算机上运行。

Allow firewall access to Apache and MySQL

Once both applications are started their names will be highlighted in Green.


Now you are ready to create a local website and install WordPress using XAMPP.


使用XAMPP创建本地WordPress网站 (Creating a Local WordPress Site with XAMPP)

First, you will need to download WordPress. Visit the WordPress.org website and click on the ‘Download WordPress’ button.

首先,您将需要下载WordPress。 访问WordPress.org网站,然后单击“下载WordPress”按钮。

Download WordPress

After downloading WordPress, you need to extract the zip file, and you will see a wordpress folder. You need to copy this folder.

下载WordPress之后,您需要解压缩zip文件,然后会看到一个wordpress文件夹。 您需要复制此文件夹。

WordPress folder

Next, head over to your XAMPP installation folder.


On Windows it would be C:/Program Files/XAMPP/htdocs or C:/Xampp/htdocs folder.

在Windows上,它将是C:/Program Files/XAMPP/htdocsC:/Xampp/htdocs文件夹。

On Mac, it will be /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs folder.


Paste the wordpress folder you copied earlier inside htdocs.


We recommend renaming the wordpress folder to websites or anything else. This will help you easily identify your local site.

我们建议将wordpress文件夹重命名为网站或其他任何名称。 这将帮助您轻松识别本地站点。

Rename WordPress folder

Next, you need to open your favorite web browser and enter the following URL in your browser’s address bar.



https:// localhost / website1 /

If you renamed the WordPress folder something else, then replace website1 with your own folder name.


This will load the WordPress installation wizard and you’ll be asked to select a language. After selecting a language, click on the ‘Continue’ button.

这将加载WordPress安装向导,并要求您选择一种语言。 选择一种语言后,单击“继续”按钮。

Select language

On the next screen, you will see a notice that WordPress needs a database name, database username, password, and host information.


WordPress installation requirements

Let’s create a database for your WordPress site.


You’ll need to open a new browser tab and visit https://localhost/phpmyadmin/.

您需要打开一个新的浏览器选项卡并访问https:// localhost / phpmyadmin /。

This will launch the phpMyAdmin app that comes pre-installed with XAMPP. It allows you to easily manage your databases using a simpler interface.

这将启动XAMPP预先安装的phpMyAdmin应用程序。 它使您可以使用更简单的界面轻松管理数据库

You would need to click on Databases, and provide a name for your new database. After that, click on the ‘Create’ button to continue.

您需要单击数据库,并为新数据库提供一个名称。 之后,点击“创建”按钮继续。

Creating a database for your local WordPress site

Now that you have created a database, you can use it for your WordPress site.


Switch back to /localhost/website1/ browser tab and click on the ‘Let’s Go’ button.

切换回/ localhost / website1 /浏览器选项卡,然后单击“ Let's Go”按钮。

On the next screen, you will be asked to provide your WordPress database information.


Enter the database name you created earlier. Your username is ‘root’ and you should leave the password field blank. For the database host field, you need to use localhost.

输入您先前创建的数据库名称。 您的用户名是“ root”,您应该将密码字段留空。 对于数据库主机字段,您需要使用localhost。

Enter your WordPress database information

Once you are done, click on the ‘Submit’ button to continue.


If you are on Windows or Linux, WordPress will now store these settings in your WordPress configuration file called wp-config.php file.

如果您使用的是Windows或Linux,WordPress现在会将这些设置存储在名为wp-config.php的 WordPress配置文件中。

However, if you are on Mac, then it will show you the contents of the file and will ask you to create it.


You will need to create this file in your website’s root folder.


After creating the file, paste the text you copied earlier inside it. Next, you need to save the file and return back to WordPress installer to continue.

创建文件后,将先前复制的文本粘贴到文件中。 接下来,您需要保存文件并返回WordPress安装程序以继续。

In the next step, WordPress will ask you to provide information about your website. First, enter the title you want to use for this site.

下一步,WordPress将要求您提供有关您的网站的信息。 首先,输入要用于此站点的标题。

After that, you need to enter a username, password, and email address for your admin account.


Enter your local site information

Once you have filled all the information, click on the ‘Install WordPress’ button to continue.


WordPress will now run the installation and prompt you to log in once it’s done.


You can login to your website by going to /localhost/website1/wp-admin page and use the username / password that you entered during installation to login.


WordPress login page
创建本地WordPress网站后要尝试的事情 (Things to Try After Creating a Local WordPress Site)

Now that you have created your local WordPress site using XAMPP, you can work on it like you would do on a live WordPress site.


Head over to Appearance menu in WordPress admin sidebar, to customize your site’s appearance or install a new theme.


Here are some great free themes that you can try.

这里有一些很棒的免费主题 ,您可以尝试。

The next thing you would want to try is WordPress plugins.


Plugins are like apps for your WordPress site and allow you to add cool features like contact form, social media buttons, eCommerce store, etc.


Need help installing plugins? See our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

需要安装插件的帮助吗? 请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

奖励:将本地WordPress网站移至L​​ive Server (Bonus: Moving Local WordPress Site to Live Server)

After working on your local WordPress site you may want to move it to a live server to make your first WordPress blog or website.


To do that you’ll need a domain name and web hosting account. Normally, a domain name costs $14.99 and website hosting start from $7.99 per month.

为此,您需要一个域名和虚拟主机帐户。 通常,域名的价格为14.99美元,网站托管的价格为每月7.99美元。

That’s too much if you are just starting out.


Luckily, Bluehost is offering WPBeginner users a free domain name with generous discount on hosting. Basically, you can get started for $2.75 per month.

幸运的是, Bluehost为WPBeginner用户提供了一个免费域名,可以免费享受托管费用。 基本上,您每月只需支付2.75美元即可开始使用。

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←


For more hosting recommendations, take a look at our complete WordPress hosting guide.


Once you have signed up for hosting, you can follow our step by step guide on how to move WordPress from local server to live site.


We hope this article helped you learn how to create a local WordPress site using XAMPP. You may also want to look at alternate ways to create local WordPress sites on Windows using Wampserver, and on Mac using MAMP.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何使用XAMPP创建本地WordPress网站。 您可能还想看看在Windows上使用Wampserver以及在Mac上使用MAMP创建本地WordPress网站的替代方法。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-create-a-local-wordpress-site-using-xampp/






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