

Are you looking for online business ideas to make extra income on the side? The internet offers a lot of opportunities to start a business or find fulfilling careers. In this article, we will show some of the proven and easy to start online business ideas that actually make money.

您是否正在寻找在线业务创意来赚取额外收入? 互联网为创业或寻找充实的职业提供了很多机会。 在本文中,我们将展示一些经过验证且易于启动的在线商业创意,这些创意实际上可以赚钱。

Proven and easy to start business ideas
为什么要开始在线业务? (Why Start an Online Business?)

Technology is often blamed for killing traditional businesses and jobs. However, at the same time, these new technologies are creating tons of new jobs and business opportunities ready to be taken by anyone.

人们常常指责技术杀死了传统的企业和工作。 但是,与此同时,这些新技术正在创造成千上万的新工作和商机,任何人都可以利用。

Starting an online business is easier than ever. You can do it from the comfort of your home with just a computer and an internet connection. There is no need to invest huge amounts of money to get started.

开展在线业务比以往任何时候都容易。 您只需一台计算机和互联网连接,即可在家中舒适地进行操作。 无需投入大量资金即可上手。

Caution: If someone tells you that you can invest A LOT of money and take a shortcut / get rick quick, then it’s likely a scam. Stay away from it.

警告:如果有人告诉您您可以投资大量资金并采取捷径/Swift招募瑞克,那么这很可能是骗局。 远离它。

The ideas we’re sharing in this article are about building legitimate online businesses, and you’ll still have to work hard to succeed.


That being said, let’s take a look at some of the proven and easy to start online business ideas that actually make money.


1.建立博客并从中赚钱 (1. Start a Blog and Make Money From It)

Starting a blog

Blogs are one of the most successful ways to start an online business. Bloggers like Darren Rowse, John Lee Dumas and Pat Flynn are making six-figure incomes, and they are not alone. Our founder, Syed Balkhi, has built an eight-figure online business that started with a blog. There are also thousands of bloggers running very successful blogs as their full-time online business.

博客是开始在线业务的最成功方法之一。 达伦·罗瑟(Darren Rowse),约翰·李·杜马斯(John Lee Dumas)和帕特·弗林(Pat Flynn)等博客作者的收入为六位数,而且并不孤单。 我们的创始人Syed Balkhi从博客开始建立了八位数的在线业务。 还有成千上万的博客作者将非常成功的博客作为他们的全职在线业务。

It is very easy to start a blog, and there are tons of ways to make money from it. One of the most popular ways to monetize your blog is by displaying ads using Google AdSense.

创建博客非常容易,并且有很多方法可以从中赚钱。 利用博客获利的最流行方法之一是使用Google AdSense展示广告

While you can start a blog in less than 30 minutes, you will need to work on it to make it a success. You will have to offer useful, entertaining, and engaging content to your audience on a regular basis (see our step by step guide on how to start a blog).

虽然您可以在不到30分钟的时间内创建博客,但您需要对其进行努力才能使其成功。 您必须定期向受众群体提供有用,有趣且引人入胜的内容(请参阅有关如何创建博客的逐步指南 )。

Luckily, there are tons of blog post ideas that you can use to consistently create content. As your blog grows, you will be able to monetize it using other strategies as well.

幸运的是,您可以使用大量博客文章来一致地创建内容。 随着博客的增长,您也可以使用其他策略将其货币化。

You will also be able to and use it as a platform to launch other online businesses.


2.成为会员营销商 (2. Become an Affiliate Marketer)

Affiliate marketer

Affiliate marketers make sale commissions by recommending other people’s products or services.


Most affiliate marketers recommend these products and services by running their own blogs, websites, and email lists. They need to learn different online marketing strategies like SEO and content marketing to build an audience.

大多数联盟营销者通过运行自己的博客,网站和电子邮件列表来推荐这些产品和服务。 他们需要学习不同的在线营销策略,例如SEO和内容营销,以建立受众群体。

To get started, follow our ultimate affiliate marketing guide with step by step instructions for beginners.


3.创建和销售在线课程 (3. Create and Sell Online Courses)

Sell online courses

If you are particularly good at something, then why not teach others and make a career out of it? Selling online courses is another popular way to start an online business.

如果您特别擅长某事,那为什么不教别人并从中谋取事业呢? 出售在线课程是开始在线业务的另一种流行方式。

A lot of users prefer to quickly acquire skills and knowledge by joining online courses. Creating an online course has become a lot easier with the help of LMS software. These platforms allow you to create interactive courses with easy to manage tools for classes, students, course material, and more.

许多用户喜欢通过加入在线课程来快速掌握技能和知识。 借助LMS软件,创建在线课程变得更加容易。 这些平台使您可以使用易于管理的工具来创建交互式课程,这些工具适用于班级,学生,课程资料等。

The best part is that you don’t have to write a single line of code to build a course website.


To get started, see our guide on how to create an online course with WordPress.


4.建立一个电子商务商店 (4. Build an Ecommerce Store)

Start an eCommerce store

Selling things online had never been easier. Anyone can easily create an online store in minutes and start selling products.

在线销售东西从未如此简单。 任何人都可以在几分钟内轻松创建在线商店并开始销售产品。

These products can be physical goods (things that need shipping) or digital downloads like eBooks, music, software, and more.


Before getting started, you need to do your research. Here are some tips to help you brainstorm ideas:

在开始之前,您需要进行研究。 这里有一些技巧可以帮助您集思广益:

  • Find a niche with high demand and low competition

  • Think of ways you will make your eCommerce store standout by doing things that other eCommerce stores are not doing.

  • Think of the costs involved in getting products from the manufacturer to customers. Choose a pricing model, so that your products can compete and offer great value to your customers. Last, but not the least, your profit margins must be reasonable enough to ensure that your business can sustain and grow in the long run.

    想想从制造商到客户购买产品所涉及的成本。 选择一种定价模式,以便您的产品可以竞争并为您的客户提供巨大的价值。 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,您的利润率必须足够合理,以确保您的业务可以长期持续发展。

You also need to choose a platform for your eCommerce store. The easiest way to get started is by using Shopify or WooCommerce. They are both great platforms. We have created a comparison with their pros and cons (see Shopify vs WooCommerce to learn more).

您还需要为电子商务商店选择一个平台。 最简单的入门方法是使用ShopifyWooCommerce 。 它们都是很好的平台。 我们已经将它们的优缺点进行了比较(请参阅Shopify与WooCommerce了解更多信息)。

To get started, see our step by step guide on how to create an online store in less than 30 minutes.

首先,请参阅我们的逐步指南, 了解如何在不到30分钟的时间内创建在线商店

5.建立会员网站 (5. Build a Membership Website)

make a membership website

Membership websites make money by selling subscriptions with access to premium content and community features. Instead of relying on advertising revenue, you can allow your users to directly support your website with paid memberships.

会员网站通过出售可访问高级内容和社区功能的订阅来赚钱。 无需依靠广告收入,您可以允许您的用户使用付费会员资格直接支持您的网站。

There are many types of membership websites. For example, some membership websites give users access to exclusive members-only content. Others give users access to community features like a forum, Facebook group, or Slack group.

会员网站有很多类型。 例如,某些会员网站使用户可以访问仅会员专有内容。 其他的则使用户可以访问社区功能,例如论坛,Facebook组或Slack组。

You will need to find a suitable niche for your membership website. It needs to be valuable enough for users to pay for it.

您将需要为您的会员网站找到合适的细分市场。 它需要足够有价值,用户才能支付。

There are plenty of membership software that can help you easily build any kind of online community. You can choose different subscription models, manage users, receive online payments, and more.

有很多会员软件可以帮助您轻松地建立任何类型的在线社区。 您可以选择不同的订阅模式,管理用户,接收在线付款等等。

To learn more, see our ultimate guide to build a membership website with step by step instructions for beginners.


6.建立一个直接运送网站 (6. Make a Drop Shipping Website)

Drop shipping combines affiliate marketing and eCommerce. Basically, you create an online store to sell other people’s product for a commission. You will be running an online store without managing the inventory or shipping.

托运结合了会员营销电子商务 。 基本上,您创建了一个在线商店来出售其他人的产品以获取佣金。 您将在不管理库存或运输的情况下运行在线商店。

The biggest advantage of running a drop shipping business is the low barrier to entry, minimum investment, and little to no hassle. However, one disadvantage is that you will be working hard to sell other people’s products at a smaller profit margin.

经营直接货运业务的最大优势是准入门槛低,投资少且几乎没有麻烦。 但是,缺点之一是您将努力以较小的利润率销售其他人的产品。

Most drop shipping businesses eventually start selling their own products to diversify their business and increase their profits.


7.制作在线工作委员会 (7. Make an Online Job Board)

Job board

Another way to make money online is by building a job hunt website. A job board website helps connect job seekers with employers for a small fee.

在线赚钱的另一种方法是建立求职网站。 求职网站可以帮助求职者与雇主建立联系,但需支付少量费用。

There are plenty of online job search engines, which means you will need to find a particular niche to make your job board stand out. For example, you can create a job board specifically for web developers or pet sitters.

有很多在线求职引擎,这意味着您需要找到一个特定的细分市场才能使您的求职者脱颖而出。 例如,您可以创建专门用于Web开发人员或保姆的工作板。

You can charge a small fee for each job listing posted by employers, offer companies packages to post multiple listings or charge job seekers to upload their resumes.


There are plenty of job board plugins for WordPress allowing you to easily run your own job board business.


8.创建一个微型工作网站 (8. Create a Micro-Job Website)

A micro-job website allows you to make money by connecting employers to freelancers and contractors. This allows you to make money based on the overall price of the job listed. Popular micro-job posting websites like Fiverr, PeoplePerHour, UpWork, and others generate millions of dollars in revenue each year.

微型职位网站使您可以通过将雇主与自由职业者和承包商联系起来来赚钱。 这使您可以根据列出的工作的总价来赚钱。 流行的微型职位发布网站,如Fiverr,PeoplePerHour,UpWork等,每年产生数百万美元的收入。

Basically, you will be acting as a middle-man between the employers and freelancers. You will be paid by employers for each job, and after taking your commission, you will pay the rest to the freelancers upon completion of the job.

基本上,您将充当雇主和自由职业者之间的中间人。 雇主会为您提供每份工作的薪水,在收取佣金后,您将在工作完成后将其余款项支付给自由职业者。

To get started, see our beginner’s guide on how to start a micro-job website like Fiverr with WordPress.

要开始使用,请参阅我们的初学者指南,以了解如何使用WordPress 启动微电影网站Fiverr

9.成为SEO专家 (9. Become an SEO Speciliast)

SEO expert

SEO or Search Engine Optimization helps website owners get more visitors from search engines. It is a skill that requires continuous learning and keeping up with the latest trends. SEO specialists can run their own agencies, work as freelancers, or join a company as a full-time employee.

SEO或搜索引擎优化可帮助网站所有者从搜索引擎中吸引更多访问者。 这是一项需要不断学习并紧跟最新趋势的技能。 SEO专家可以经营自己的代理机构,以自由职业者的身份工作,或者以全职员工的身份加入公司。

You can become an SEO specialist by running your own successful websites or by getting certifications online. You can find clients on freelancing websites like UpWork and Freelancer.com.

您可以通过运行您自己的成功网站或在线获取证书来成为SEO专家。 您可以在UpWork和Freelancer.com等自由职业网站上找到客户。

SEO is a very competitive industry, and you will need to make the most out of the best SEO tools available on the market. You would also need to learn the basic WordPress SEO techniques, keyword research tools, and content-marketing tools.

SEO是一个竞争激烈的行业,您将需要充分利用市场上最好的SEO工具 。 您还需要学习基本的WordPress SEO技术关键字研究工具内容营销工具

10.制作食物或食谱博客 (10. Make a Food or Recipe Blog)

Make a food and recipe blog

Food and recipe blogs are a lucrative blogging niche and a great online business opportunity. Food and recipe blogs use a variety of techniques to generate revenue like using Google AdSense, affiliate marketing, selling recipe books, or run an online store.

食品和食谱博客是利润丰厚的博客细分市场,也是一个不错的在线商机。 食品和食谱博客使用多种技术来创收,例如使用Google AdSense,联属网络营销,销售食谱书或经营在线商店。

You will need to be passionate about food and cooking. It is a competitive niche, so you will need to think of the ways to make your food blog unique and interesting.

您将需要对食物和烹饪充满热情。 这是一个竞争性的利基市场,因此您将需要考虑使美食博客变得独特且有趣的方法。

To get started, see our step by step guide on creating a food blog and making money from your recipes.


11.成为WordPress开发人员 (11. Become a WordPress Developer)

WordPress is the world’s most popular website builder. It powers more than 30% of all websites on the internet. This means that there are millions of businesses around the world using the platform.

WordPress是世界上最受欢迎的网站构建器 。 它为互联网上所有网站的30%以上提供动力。 这意味着全球有数以百万计的企业使用该平台。

This massive usage means there is a huge demand for WordPress developers in the market. WordPress is an open source software, which means anyone can write code for it, create themes, and make WordPress plugins.

这种大量使用意味着市场上对WordPress开发人员的需求很大。 WordPress是一种开源软件,这意味着任何人都可以为其编写代码,创建主题以及制作WordPress插件

As a WordPress developer, you can join top WordPress companies, big name brands using WordPress, or run your own WordPress development agency.

作为WordPress开发人员,您可以加入WordPress顶级公司使用WordPress的知名品牌 ,或经营自己的WordPress开发机构。

You will need to learn PHP, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. There are many books, WordPress video tutorials, online courses, and WordPress tutorials that will help you get started.

您将需要学习PHP,JavaScript,CSS和HTML。 有很多书籍, WordPress视频教程 ,在线课程和WordPress教程可以帮助您入门。

12.建立一个在线市场 (12. Build an Online Marketplace)

Another proven and easy-to-start business idea is to make an online marketplace website. These websites make money by allowing users to create their own mini-stores and selling products.

另一个经过验证且易于上手的商业想法是建立一个在线市场网站。 这些网站通过允许用户创建自己的迷你商店并销售产品来获利。

To attract sellers, you can choose a high-demand niche with lower competition. Make your platform unique and attractive to both sellers and customers by offering better user experience and support.

为了吸引卖家,您可以选择竞争较低的高需求利基市场。 通过提供更好的用户体验和支持,使您的平台对卖方和客户都具有独特性和吸引力。

To get started, see our step by step tutorial on how to make an online marketplace website using WordPress.

首先,请参阅有关如何使用WordPress 创建在线市场网站的分步教程。

13.成为平面设计师 (13. Become a Graphic Designer)

Graphic designers make money by creating images, business logos, website designs, sales pages, and more. This is a massive industry with tons of business and career opportunities.

图形设计师通过创建图像,企业徽标,网站设计, 销售页面等来赚钱。 这是一个庞大的行业,拥有大量的商业和职业机会。

To become a graphic designer, you will need to learn how to use professional design tools like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. There are tons of vocational training schools, colleges, and universities offering courses to help you get started.

要成为一名平面设计师,您将需要学习如何使用Adobe Illustrator,Photoshop等专业设计工具。大量的职业培训学校,学院和大学都提供课程来帮助您入门。

To promote your graphic design career, you will need to make a portfolio to showcase your work and skills.


14.开始一个时尚博客 (14. Start a Fashion Blog)

Start a fashion blog

Do you have an interest in the latest fashion trends and news? Why not use it to make a fashion blog and make money from it.

您对最新的流行趋势和新闻感兴趣吗? 为什么不使用它来制作时尚博客并从中赚钱。

Fashion blogs attract tons of advertisers, top brands, and promoters. They not only allow you to make money, you can also become an influencer and get other perks / benefits like free apparels, invites to exclusive shows, and more.

时尚博客吸引了大量广告商,顶级品牌和促销员。 它们不仅使您能够赚钱,还可以成为有影响力的人,并获得其他好处/福利,例如免费服装,邀请参加独家表演等等。

To get started, see our complete step by step guide on how to start a fashion blog and make money from it.


15.成为内容营销商 (15. Become a Content Marketer)

Content marketers help businesses promote their products and services by generating useful and highly engaging content. All businesses need content to attract customers. There is an increasing demand for content marketers that is not expected to slow down anytime soon.

内容营销人员通过生成有用且高度参与的内容来帮助企业推广其产品和服务。 所有企业都需要内容来吸引客户。 对内容营销人员的需求不断增加,预计不会很快放缓。

Content marketers are good at writing content, but they are not just bloggers. They specialize in finding the content ideas that will bring more visitors and potential customers to a website.

内容营销人员擅长编写内容,但不仅仅是博客作者。 他们专门研究内容构想,这些构想将吸引更多的访问者和潜在客户访问网站。

To learn more, see this ultimate content marketing guide with step by step instructions for beginners to get started.


16.成为PPC专家 (16. Become a PPC Expert)

PPC is short for Pay-Per-Click advertising where advertisers pay for their ads when users click on them. However, not all business owners know how to effectively run these campaigns to get the maximum benefit.

PPC是按点击付费广告的缩写,即广告客户在用户点击广告时为广告付费。 但是,并非所有企业所有者都知道如何有效地运行这些广告系列以获得最大收益。

PPC Experts help businesses run pay-per-click advertising campaigns on platforms like Google AdWords. They help find the right keywords and attributes to maximize the ROI on ads.

PPC专家帮助企业在Google AdWords等平台上投放按点击付费的广告系列。 它们有助于找到合适的关键字和属性,以最大化广告的投资回报率。

You can learn PPC by running your own advertising campaigns and by reading the material available on the internet. There are online certification programs that you can take to showcase your skills.

您可以通过运行自己的广告活动并阅读Internet上可用的资料来学习PPC。 您可以采取在线认证计划来展示自己的技能。

To find PPC jobs, you can use popular freelancing websites where businesses are actively looking for PPC experts.


17.开始播客 (17. Start a Podcast)

Start a podcast

A podcast is an episodic series of audio files which users can subscribe to download and listen. Podcasts are a great way to make a successful online business with many opportunities for growth.

播客是一系列的音频文件,用户可以订阅这些音频文件以下载和收听。 播客是成功开展在线业务并带来许多增长机会的好方法。

Podcasts make money through advertisements, sponsorships, partnerships, and affiliate marketing. You will need to find a topic for your podcast that is interesting and engaging, so you can make your podcast unique.

播客通过广告,赞助,伙伴关系和会员营销来赚钱。 您将需要为您的播客找到一个有趣且引人入胜的主题,以便使自己的播客与众不同。

We have created a complete beginner’s guide on how to start a podcast with step by step instructions.


18.制作评论网站 (18. Make a Reviews Website)

Making a reviews website is another good online business opportunity. One of the most popular review sites, TripAdvisor, is considered to be worth more than $12 billion dollars.

建立评论网站是另一个很好的在线商机。 TripAdvisor是最受欢迎的评论网站之一,价值超过120亿美元。

However, it is a highly competitive industry which means you will need to find a particular niche with low competition. You can make money through affiliate marketing, displaying ads, or publishing paid reviews.

但是,这是一个竞争激烈的行业,这意味着您将需要找到竞争程度较低的特定细分市场。 您可以通过会员营销,展示广告或发布付费评论来赚钱。

To get started, see our beginner’s guide on how to make a niche reviews website.


19.买卖域名 (19. Buy and Sell Domain Names)

Domain names are required to make a website. However, once you register a domain name, you are authorized to use it for as long as you want. Many entrepreneurs register domain names hoping to sell them at a higher price, very similar to real estate.

域名是创建网站所必需的。 但是,一旦注册了域名 ,就可以随意使用它。 许多企业家注册了域名,希望以更高的价格出售它们,这与房地产非常相似。

This online business requires investment and a lot of patience because you will be holding onto those domain names while waiting for an offer. This is a highly competitive business, and you will need to read as much about it as you can before getting in.

此在线业务需要投资和很多耐心,因为您在等待报价时将保留这些域名。 这是一项竞争激烈的业务,在进入之前,您需要阅读尽可能多的信息。

20.买卖利基网站 (20. Buy and Sell Niche Websites)

Making websites and monetizing them has become a lot easier. This has enabled many entrepreneurs from around the world to create successful websites and sell them like you would sell any other business.

制作网站并从中获利变得更加容易。 这使来自世界各地的许多企业家能够创建成功的网站并像出售其他任何企业一样出售它们。

Websites like Flippa are a great source to buy and sell established websites. Make sure that you do your research before making any investment. You will find tons of resources on Flippa to help you learn the basics.

Flippa等网站是买卖已建立网站的绝佳来源。 在进行任何投资之前,请确保您进行研究。 您将在Flippa上找到大量资源,以帮助您学习基础知识。

There is a lot of opportunity to buy an underutilized website, optimize its revenue / growth, and then re-sell it for higher multiple.


21.制作拍卖网站 (21. Make an Auctions Website)

Make an auctions website

Creating an eBay like auctions website is another easy to start online business idea. Basically, you make a website that provides users a platform to buy and sell products via online auctions.

创建一个像拍卖网站一样的eBay是另一个容易上手的在线商业想法。 基本上,您建立了一个网站,为用户提供了一个通过在线拍卖买卖产品的平台。

You can add products for auctions by yourself or allow other vendors to run their own auctions. You can charge vendors a flat fee or a percentage for each auction item.

您可以自己添加要拍卖的产品,也可以允许其他供应商进行自己的拍卖。 您可以向供应商收取固定费用或每个拍卖项目的一定百分比。

To get started, see our step by step tutorial on how to build an auction site like eBay using WordPress.


22.成为YouTuber (22. Become a YouTuber)

If you like making videos, then becoming a YouTuber is an excellent business opportunity. YouTube is the world’s largest video hosting platform, second most popular search engine, and a massive global community of content creators.

如果您喜欢制作视频,那么成为YouTuber是一个绝佳的商机。 YouTube是世界上最大的视频托管平台,第二受欢迎的搜索引擎,以及庞大的全球内容创作者社区。

It allows anyone to upload their videos, create channels, and make money from advertisements, sponsorships, and deals. Some YouTubers make millions of dollars each year, and there are thousands of YouTubers earning a six-figure income.

它允许任何人上传他们的视频,创建频道并从广告,赞助和交易中获利。 有些YouTuber每年可赚取数百万美元,并且有成千上万的YouTuber收入达到六位数。

You can create videos on any topic. You can upload personal vlogs, educational channels like List25 or WPBeginner, video reviews, cooking channel, or almost anything you can think of.

您可以创建关于任何主题的视频。 您可以上传个人视频博客, List25WPBeginner等教育频道,视频评论,烹饪频道,或者几乎可以想到的任何内容。

23.成为Instagram明星 (23. Become an Instagram Star)

If you like taking photos and making videos, then you should consider Instagram to start a lucrative online business. Instagram users are making a significant amount of money through sponsorships, product placements, endorsements, and more.

如果您喜欢拍照和制作视频,则应该考虑使用Instagram来开始赚钱的在线业务。 Instagram用户通过赞助,产品展示,背书等等赚了很多钱。

You will need a camera, some basic photo editing skills, and creativity to get started. After that you need a consistent strategy to regularly post new content. You should master the art of using hashtags to promote your Instagram posts and share them on your website to reach audiences beyond Instagram.

您需要具备相机,一些基本的照片编辑技能和创造力才能上手。 之后,您需要一个一致的策略来定期发布新内容。 您应该掌握使用主题标签来宣传您的Instagram帖子并在网站上共享它们,以吸引Instagram以外的受众的技巧。

You will also need a website with a contact form page, so advertisers can reach out to buy placements.


24.成为视频编辑器 (24. Become a Video Editor)

Video editor

If you like making videos and editing them but don’t want to start a YouTube channel, then you can still use your skills to help other businesses. Due to the immense popularity of YouTube and Facebook videos, businesses around the world need professionals who can edit their videos.

如果您喜欢制作视频并进行编辑,但又不想创建YouTube频道,那么您仍然可以利用自己的技能来帮助其他企业。 由于YouTube和Facebook视频的巨大普及,全世界的企业都需要可以编辑视频的专业人员。

You can start by looking for gigs on freelancing websites. At first, you will be working with random clients, but shortly after you will have a few regular clients offering you enough work to cover your time. You can then grow your business to start an agency or hire other freelancers to help out.

您可以从在自由职业者网站上寻找演出开始。 首先,您将与随机的客户一起工作,但是不久之后,您将有一些普通的客户为您提供足够的工作来满足您的时间需求。 然后,您可以发展业务以建立代理机构,或雇用其他自由职业者来提供帮助。

Don’t know how to make or edit videos? Don’t worry there are plenty of online resources offering free and paid tutorials and courses. You can invest some time to learn the basic skills and start working right away.

不知道如何制作或编辑视频? 不用担心,有很多在线资源提供免费和付费的教程和课程。 您可以花一些时间来学习基本技能并立即开始工作。

25.成为叙述者 (25. Become a Narrator)

Narrators provide voice talent to video creators, filmmakers, and other digital content producers. A lot of YouTube channels are actively looking for people to narrate videos. Some basic voice training can help you easily start a profitable career.

讲述人为视频创作者,电影制片人和其他数字内容制作人提供语音才华。 许多YouTube频道都在积极寻找人们来解说视频。 一些基本的语音训练可以帮助您轻松地开始赚钱的职业。

You will need a good quality mic (We recommend Samson Mic or Rhode Podcaster) and audio recording software to record your voice-overs. You can then send the audio files to the client, so they can use it in their video.

您将需要高质量的麦克风(我们建议使用Samson MicRhode Podcaster )和音频录制软件来录制您的配音。 然后,您可以将音频文件发送到客户端,以便他们可以在视频中使用它。

You can find jobs on freelancing websites, and very quickly build a steady stream of clients.


26.提供技术支持 (26. Offer Technical Support)

Do you like helping out people on tech forums? If you do, then you can explore opportunities to get paid for that. A lot of online businesses are actively looking for technical support providers to help their customers.

您喜欢在技术论坛上为人们提供帮助吗? 如果您这样做,则可以探索获得相应报酬的机会。 许多在线企业都在积极寻找技术支持提供商来帮助他们的客户。

Basically, you will just need to familiarize yourself with the product and start answering questions. Many companies use live chat or a support ticketing system to answer customer questions. Often these jobs are remote, which means you can work from your own home.

基本上,您只需要熟悉产品并开始回答问题。 许多公司使用实时聊天或支持票务系统来回答客户问题。 这些工作通常是远程的,这意味着您可以在家中工作。

27.成为潜在客户生成专家 (27. Become a Lead Generation Expert)

Lead generation experts help businesses find potential new customers or leads. They do this by using professional tools like OptinMonster to capture leads or boost conversion rates.

潜在客户生成专家可帮助企业找到潜在的新客户或潜在客户。 他们通过使用OptinMonster等专业工具来捕获潜在客户或提高转化率来实现这一目标。

To learn more, see our beginner’s guide on how to to do lead generation in WordPress like a pro.


We hope this article helped you find the best and easy to start online business ideas that actually make money. You may also want to see our step-by-step guide on how to make a small business website.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到最佳和容易启动的在线业务创意,从而真正赚钱。 您可能还希望查看有关如何制作小型企业网站的分步指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/proven-and-easy-to-start-online-business-ideas-that-make-money/


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