

Looking for a free web hosting service to start your website? We get emails from readers on a regular basis asking if there’s a way to get free website hosting. And the answer is YES. We all love free things in life, but it’s important to remember not all free things are created equal. In this article, we will compare the best free (and almost free) website hosting services with their pros and cons.

寻找免费的虚拟主机服务来启动您的网站吗? 我们会定期收到读者的电子邮件,询问是否有办法获得免费的网站托管。 答案是肯定的。 我们都热爱生活中的自由事物,但重要的是要记住,并非所有自由事物都是平等创造的。 在本文中,我们将比较最好的免费(几乎免费)网站托管服务及其优缺点。

Best free website hosting compared
免费网站托管服务的“真相” (The “Truth” About Free Website Hosting Service)

Building a website has become the most important way to get your message out in the world. However, when you are first starting, you may not want to spend money on making a website.

建立网站已成为在世界范围内传达信息的最重要方法。 但是,刚开始时,您可能不想花钱建立一个网站。

Most people simply want something quick, easy, and free.


There are tons of free website hosting companies in the market. But as a smart consumer, you should know that there is no such thing as free lunch.

市场上有大量的免费网站托管公司。 但是作为精明的消费者,您应该知道没有免费的午餐之类的东西。

There is always a catch.


Running a website hosting service costs a lot of money.


The companies offering free website hosting need to make money somehow, or they will go out of business.


They do that by either displaying ads on your website, limiting your website traffic, locking you in their platform, and/or upselling their other services. Some of the ads displayed may not represent your brand well, and it can even be your competitor’s advertisement.

他们通过在您的网站上展示广告,限制您的网站访问量,将您锁定在他们的平台中和/或向上销售他们的其他服务来做到这一点。 显示的某些广告可能无法很好地代表您的品牌,甚至可能是竞争对手的广告。

Except for a test website, it’s almost always a bad idea to use free website hosting. We have 36 reasons why free websites are bad idea, specially for businesses.

除了测试网站,使用免费网站托管几乎总是一个坏主意。 我们有36个为什么免费网站不好的主意 ,尤其是对于企业而言。

But what if you’re on a small budget?


Maybe you’re a non-profit who is looking for free WordPress hosting or maybe you want free website hosting for students. Don’t worry, we have a solution for you in this article.

也许您是正在寻找免费的WordPress托管的非营利组织,或者您想为学生提供免费的网站托管。 不用担心,本文将为您提供解决方案。

As the largest free WordPress resource site for beginners, it is our job to highlight the fine-prints, so you’re making the RIGHT decision.


Every free website hosting company in our list guarantees that you can keep your website for free as long as you want. However we recommend anyone who is serious about their website to strongly consider using a low-cost full-featured website hosting provider.

我们列表中的每个免费网站托管公司都保证,您可以随时免费保留自己的网站。 但是,我们建议任何认真对待其网站的人强烈考虑使用低成本的全功能网站托管提供商。

Majority of these shared hosting companies will give you a free domain, free emails, free SSL, eCommerce functionality, and a lot more for $2.75 – $5 per month.

这些共享托管公司多数将为您提供免费域名,免费电子邮件,免费SSL,电子商务功能以及更多其他功能,每月只需$ 2.75-$ 5。

That’s basically “almost free” considering you will make a lot more money from your website.


Paying this small amount gives you access to expert support and overall better service. Most importantly, it gives you complete control and ownership of your website.

支付这少量费用即可获得专家支持和更好的整体服务。 最重要的是,它为您提供了对网站的完全控制和所有权。

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the best almost-free website hosting companies first. After that, we will look at the best free website hosting companies.

话虽这么说,让我们先来看看一些最好的几乎免费的网站托管公司。 之后,我们将寻找最好的免费网站托管公司。

最有价值的“几乎免费”的网站托管 (Best Value “Almost-Free” Website Hosting)

These providers are highly-reputed and are a great place for small businesses to start their website.


Some of them are even officially recommended by WordPress, WPBeginner, and other large organizations because they have demonstrated high level of quality and service.


If you are serious about your website, then we recommend you to start your website with one of these 5 providers.


1. Bluehost (1. Bluehost)


Bluehost is one of the largest hosting companies in the world. They are an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

Bluehost是世界上最大的托管公司之一。 他们是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商。

They have agreed to offer WPBeginner users a free domain name, free SSL certificate, and 63% discount on web hosting. Basically, you can get started for $2.75 per month.

他们已经同意为WPBeginner用户提供免费域名,免费SSL证书以及Web主机折扣63%。 基本上,您每月只需支付2.75美元即可开始使用。

Their hosting plans include free branded email addresses, unlimited disk space, free SSL certificate, 1-click WordPress install, and more.

他们的托管计划包括免费的品牌电子邮件地址 ,无限的磁盘空间,免费的SSL证书,一键式WordPress安装等。

To learn more about Bluehost, see our complete Bluehost review where we evaluated their hosting performance, features, and services.

要了解有关Bluehost的更多信息,请参阅我们完整的Bluehost评估 ,其中我们评估了它们的托管性能,功能和服务。

2. SiteGround (2. SiteGround)


Siteground is another great alternative to free website hosting. They are known for their awesome support and blazingly fast performance. SiteGround is also an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

Siteground是免费网站托管的另一个绝佳选择。 他们以出色的支持和出色的性能而著称。 SiteGround还是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商。

They are offering WPBeginner users 60% discount on hosting. Basically, you’ll be able to get started for $3.95 per month.

他们为WPBeginner用户提供了60%的托管折扣。 基本上,您每月只需支付3.95美元即可上手。

SiteGround’s hosting plans come with a website builder, 1-click installer for WordPress and Joomla, unlimited email addresses, and more.


SiteGround have a special offer for Teachers and Students. You can get Student Web Hosting for only $1.99 per month.

SiteGround为教师和学生提供特别优惠。 您可以获得每月仅1.99美元的Student Web Hosting

Teachers can use SiteGround to enroll in a free hosting plan for educators.


For more details, see our thorough SiteGround review where we ran actual tests to measure their performance and uptime.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅我们的SiteGround全面审查 ,在其中运行实际测试以衡量其性能和正常运行时间。

3. HostGator (3. HostGator)


HostGator is one of the top hosting service providers in the market. They have been around since 2002 and gradually grew to become one of the largest hosting companies in the world.

HostGator是市场上顶级的托管服务提供商之一。 他们自2002年以来一直存在,并逐渐成长为全球最大的托管公司之一。

Their incredible growth can be credited to their low-price, reliable web hosting, and quality customer service.


Their hatchling plan starts from $2.64 / month. Each plan includes unlimited email addresses, free HTTPS / SSL, unmetered bandwidth and diskspace.

他们的孵化计划起价为每月2.64美元。 每个计划都包括无限的电子邮件地址, 免费的HTTPS / SSL ,未计量的带宽和磁盘空间。

Our founder and CEO, Syed Balkhi, is a HostGator customer since 2007. WPBeginner itself is hosted with HostGator’s dedicated server and we are very happy with their performance.

我们的创始人兼首席执行官Syed Balkhi自2007年以来一直是HostGator的客户。WPBeginner本身由HostGator的专用服务器托管,我们对其性能感到非常满意。

For more details, see our HostGator review with pros and cons, and detailed performance tests.


4. DreamHost (4. DreamHost)


DreamHost is one of the oldest web hosting companies, started in 1997. They currently host more than 1.5 million websites.


Their starter plan costs $2.59 per month. It includes a free domain name, free domain privacy, free SSL, unlimited emails, 1-click installers for popular website builders, and more.

他们的入门计划每月收费2.59美元。 它包括免费域名,免费域隐私,免费SSL,无限制电子邮件, 流行网站建设者的一键式安装程序等。

To learn more, see our complete DreamHost review where we evaluated their services, support, and performance.

要了解更多信息,请参阅我们完整的DreamHost评估 ,其中我们评估了他们的服务,支持和性能。

5.主持人 (5. Just Host)

Just Host

Just Host is another low-cost alternative to the free website hosting companies. They offer shared hosting plans perfect for creating a starter website.

Just Host是免费网站托管公司的另一种低成本替代方案。 他们提供了共享托管计划,非常适合创建入门网站。

You can basically get started for $3.95 per month. Each plan comes with a free domain name, unlimited email addresses, multiple websites, and 1-click install for to CMS software like WordPress.

您基本上可以每月3.95美元开始使用。 每个计划都附带一个免费域名,无限的电子邮件地址,多个网站,以及一键安装到WordPress等CMS软件的功能

To learn more, take a look at our complete Just Host review with pros and cons.

要了解更多信息,请查看我们完整的《 Just Host》评论 ,各有其优缺点。

最好的免费托管网站 (Best Free Hosting Sites)

While free is tempting, it’s always limited when it comes to website hosting. With that in mind, we have hand-picked the best free website hosting sites that you can use to get started.

尽管免费是诱人的,但在网站托管方面始终受到限制。 考虑到这一点,我们精心挑选了最好的免费网站托管站点,您可以使用它来入门。

These hosting sites are 100% free for you to use.


If you’re a serious about your website, we strongly recommend you to read our comprehensive guide on how to choose the best WordPress hosting before making your final decision.


With that said, here are the best free hosting companies in the world.


6. WordPress.com (6. WordPress.com)


WordPress.com is a popular free hosting platform that offers a unique flavor of WordPress. Not to be confused with the WordPress.org, which is home of the well-known self-hosted website builder, WordPress.

WordPress.com是一个流行的免费托管平台,提供了独特的WordPress风格。 不要与WordPress.org混淆,它是著名的自托管网站构建器WordPress的所在地。

WordPress.com offer a free website hosting plan which gives you a WordPress.com subdomain (i.e. yourwebsite.wordpress.com ), 3 GB storage, and access to free templates for your website.

WordPress.com提供了一个免费的网站托管计划,该计划为您提供WordPress.com子域(即yourwebsite.wordpress.com),3 GB的存储空间,并可以访问网站的免费模板。

This free plan displays ads on your website. You can upgrade to their paid plans to get rid of ads, use a custom domain name, and access additional features. At which point any of the “almost free hosting” services we mentioned above are the better option.

这项免费计划可在您的网站上显示广告。 您可以升级到他们的付费计划,以摆脱广告,使用自定义域名并访问其他功能。 在这一点上,我们上面提到的任何“几乎免费的托管”服务都是更好的选择。

To learn more, see our comparison of WordPress.com vs WordPress.org with pros and cons of both platforms.


7.蜡 (7. Wix)


Wix is another fully-hosted website builder that offers free website hosting.


Like most free hosting services, it is supported by displaying ads and Wix.com branding on your free website. You can get rid of it by upgrading to their paid plans.

与大多数免费托管服务一样,在您的免费网站上展示广告和Wix.com品牌也可以支持它。 您可以通过升级到他们的付费计划来摆脱它。

The free plan will give you a Wix.com subdomain, access to website templates, 500 MB of storage and 500 MB of bandwidth.

免费计划将为您提供Wix.com子域,访问网站模板,500 MB的存储空间和500 MB的带宽。

For more details, see our comparison of Wix vs WordPress where we break down the pros and cons of both platforms.


8.健壮 (8. Weebly)


Weebly is another popular free website builder that you can use. It comes with an intuitive drag and drop builder and ready-made templates to create a website.

Weebly是您可以使用的另一种流行的免费网站构建器。 它带有直观的拖放生成器和现成的模板来创建网站。

Their free plan includes a Weebly subdomain, 500 MB of storage, and displays Weebly ads. You can upgrade to their paid plans to get rid of ads, get more storage, and unlock features.

他们的免费计划包括Weebly子域,500 MB的存储空间并显示Weebly广告。 您可以升级到他们的付费计划,以摆脱广告,获得更多存储空间并解锁功能。

You may want to see our detailed comparison of Weebly vs WordPress which shows the advantages and disadvantages of both website platforms.


9. GoDaddy网站构建器 (9. GoDaddy Website Builder)

GoDaddy Website Builder

GoDaddy is the world’s largest domain name registrar and a popular hosting company.


They offer GoDaddy website builder which is a drag and drop website builder with ready-made templates. It is available as a 30-day free trial after which you can upgrade to one of their paid plans starting from $5.99 per month.

他们提供GoDaddy网站构建器,它是带有现成模板的拖放式网站构建器。 它是30天免费试用版,之后您可以升级到他们的付费计划之一,每月$ 5.99起。

It is cheap and very easy to use. However, once your website grows you may find GoDaddy Website Builder to be quite limited in features. It is also difficult to move GoDaddy Website Builder to WordPress or any other website platform.

它便宜且非常易于使用。 但是,一旦您的网站发展壮大,您可能会发现GoDaddy网站构建器的功能非常有限。 将GoDaddy网站构建器移至WordPress或任何其他网站平台也很困难。

Also see our list of the best GoDaddy website builder alternative.


10.平方空间 (10. Squarespace)


Squarespace is a popular website builder platform that requires no technical skills. It offers beautiful professional templates and an intuitive drag and drop interface.

Squarespace是一个受欢迎的网站构建器平台,不需要任何技术技能。 它提供了精美的专业模板和直观的拖放界面。

They offer a restricted 14-day free website hosting trial. This gives you access to their website builder so you can try its features. Your website will not be public unless you subscribe to a paid plan.

他们提供受限制的14天免费网站托管试用。 这使您可以访问其网站生成器,以便您可以尝试其功​​能。 除非您订阅付费计划,否则您的网站将不会公开。

Paid plans start at $12 per month. Each plan comes with a free custom domain, unlimited bandwidth, storage, and ready-made website templates.

付费计划每月起价为12美元。 每个计划都带有一个免费的自定义域,无限带宽,存储空间和现成的网站模板。

To learn more, see our article on Squarespace vs WordPress with pros and cons and feature comparisons.


11. Google Cloud Hosting (11. Google Cloud Hosting)

Google Cloud Logo

Google offers a wide variety of free website hosting solutions for small businesses and students. It comes with all the powerful features that you can expect from a top-class company like Google.

Google为小型企业和学生提供了多种免费的网站托管解决方案。 它具有Google等顶级公司可以提供的所有强大功能。

Since their plans are based on pay-per-use, it’s an easy place for students to get started. Google offers $300 free credit for new customers which is sufficient to last you for a whole year, if you’re just looking for a free website hosting for test sites.

由于他们的计划基于按使用量付费,因此这是学生入门的便捷之地。 Google为新客户提供$ 300的免费信用额度,如果您只是在寻找一个免费的托管测试网站的网站,这笔信用额度足以让您使用一年。

You can use Google Cloud to host any type of website, and they even offer WordPress on Google Compute Engine.

您可以使用Google Cloud托管任何类型的网站,甚至它们可以在Google Compute Engine上提供WordPress。

12.亚马逊网络服务(AWS) (12. Amazon Web Services (AWS))

AWS Logo

Amazon Web Services also known as AWS powers some of the most popular websites in the world. While it’s not easy to use for small businesses, it’s a great platform for students and developers who’re just getting started.

Amazon Web Services(也称为AWS)为世界上一些最受欢迎的网站提供支持。 对于小型企业而言,它不容易使用,但对于刚刚起步的学生和开发人员来说,这是一个很好的平台。

Amazon offers 12 months free and always free products on their AWS Free Tier which is by far one of the best free website hosting for testing sites.

亚马逊在其AWS Free Tier上提供12个月免费且始终免费的产品,这是迄今为止测试站点最好的免费网站托管之一。

Students can use Amazon’s powerful platform to learn and master their development skills.


We hope this article helped you find the best free website hosting service for your next project. You may also want to checkout our guide on how to create a free business email address in 5 minutes.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到下一个项目的最佳免费网站托管服务。 您可能还想查看有关如何在5分钟内创建免费公司电子邮件地址的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-free-website-hosting-compared/


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