

Creating regular WordPress backups is the best thing you can do for your website security. Backups give you peace of mind and can save you in catastrophic situations such as when your site gets hacked or you accidentally lock yourself out.

创建常规的WordPress备份是您为网站安全所做的最好的事情。 备份使您高枕无忧,并可以在灾难性情况下(例如,当您的网站被黑客入侵或不小心将自己拒之门外时)救您。

There are several free and paid WordPress backup plugins and most of them are fairly easy to use. In this article, we will share the 7 best backup plugins for WordPress.

有几个免费的和付费的WordPress备份插件,其中大多数都很容易使用。 在本文中,我们将分享WordPress的7个最佳备份插件。

Best WordPress Backup Plugins

Important: While many WordPress hosting providers offer limited backup services, we always recommend our users to not rely solely on them. At the end of the day, it is your responsibility to keep regular backups of your website.

重要提示:尽管许多WordPress托管提供商都提供有限的备份服务,但我们始终建议我们的用户不要完全依赖它们。 归根结底,您有责任定期备份网站。

If you are not already backing up your WordPress website, then you should pick one of these 7 best WordPress backup plugins and start using it right away.

如果您尚未备份WordPress网站 ,则应选择以下7个最佳WordPress备份插件之一,并立即开始使用它。

1. UpdraftPlus (1. UpdraftPlus)

UpdraftPlus best WordPress backup plugin

UpdraftPlus is the most popular free WordPress backup plugin available on the internet. It is used by more than 2 million websites.

UpdraftPlus是互联网上最受欢迎的免费WordPress备份插件。 有超过200万个网站使用它。

UpdraftPlus allows you to create a complete backup of your WordPress site and store it on the cloud or download to your computer.


The plugin supports scheduled backups as well as on-demand backups. You also have the option to choose which files you want to backup.

该插件支持计划备份以及按需备份。 您还可以选择要备份的文件。

It can automatically upload your backups to Dropbox, Google Drive, S3, Rackspace, FTP, SFTP, email, and several other cloud storage services (see our step by step guide on how to backup & restore your WordPress site with UpdraftPlus).

它可以自动将您的备份上传到Dropbox,Google Drive,S3,Rackspace,FTP,SFTP,电子邮件和其他几个云存储服务(请参阅有关如何使用UpdraftPlus备份和还原WordPress网站的分步指南)。

Besides backing up each WordPress website, UpdraftPlus also allows you to easily restore backups directly from your WordPress admin panel.


UpdraftPlus also has a premium version with add-ons to migrate or clone websites, database search and replace, multisite support, and several other features. The premium version also gets you access to priority support.

UpdraftPlus还具有一个高级版本,带有用于迁移或克隆网站的附加组件,数据库搜索和替换,多站点支持以及其他一些功能。 高级版本还使您能够获得优先支持。

Pricing: Free (UpdraftPremium Personal for $70)

定价:免费(UpdraftPremium Personal仅售$ 70)

Review: UpdratPlus is the most loved WordPress backup plugin in the market. It has over 2 million active installs and 4.9 out of 5 star rating average. While the free version has a lot of features, we recommend upgrading to UpdraftPlus premium to unlock all powerful backup features.

评论: UpdratPlus是市场上最受欢迎的WordPress备份插件。 它拥有超过200万活跃安装量,平均5星评价为4.9。 免费版具有许多功能,但我们建议升级到UpdraftPlus Premium,以解锁所有强大的备份功能。

2. VaultPress(Jetpack备份) (2. VaultPress (Jetpack Backup))

VaultPress - Jetpack Backup Plugin

At WPBeginner, we use VaultPress to back up our website. VaultPress was founded by Matt Mullenweg (WordPress co-founder) and his team at Automattic.

在WPBeginner, 我们使用VaultPress备份我们的网站。 VaultPress是由Matt共同创始人WordPress(Matt Mullenweg)和他在Automattic的团队创立的。

Although it started as an independent plugin, VaultPress is now a part of Automattic’s another product called JetPack. You will need a JetPack subscription plan to use VaultPress. There are multiple pricing plans with different set of features.

尽管VaultPress最初是一个独立的插件,但现在已成为Automattic另一个名为JetPack的产品的一部分。 您将需要一个JetPack订阅计划才能使用VaultPress。 有多个具有不同功能集的定价计划。

VaultPress plugin offers automated real-time cloud backup solution starting at $3.50 per month. You can easily setup VaultPress backups and restore from backups within few clicks.

VaultPress插件提供了自动实时云备份解决方案,每月起价$ 3.50。 您只需单击几下,即可轻松设置VaultPress备份并从备份还原。

The higher plans of Jetpack also offer security scans and several other powerful features.


There are a few downsides of using VaultPress.


First, it is a recurring expense that can add up if you have multiple WordPress sites because you pay per site.


Second, you will have to subscribe to JetPack, get a WordPress.com account, and install the Jetpack plugin on your site.


Lastly, backups are stored for only 30-days on the lower plans. If you want an unlimited backup archive, then you would have to pay the $29 per month per website which is significantly more expensive for beginners when compared to other solutions listed here.

最后,在较低的计划中,备份仅存储30天。 如果您需要无限的备份存档,则每个网站每月必须支付29美元,与此处列出的其他解决方案相比,对于初学者而言,这要贵得多。

We are still using VaultPress because we got grandfathered in at their older pricing which was a lot more favorable.


Even at the higher price, VaultPress is completely worth it due to the stellar reputation of Automattic.


Pricing: From $39 per year for JetPack Personal plan

定价: JetPack Personal计划每年39美元起

Review: VaultPress as part of the popular JetPack plugin gives good value for money. If you’re already using JetPack for other features like JetPack CDN for photos, social media promotion, etc, then it’s an easy pick for you.

点评: VaultPress作为流行的JetPack插件的一部分,物有所值。 如果您已经将JetPack用于其他功能(例如用于照片的JetPack CDN,社交媒体促销等),那么这对您来说很容易。

3. BackupBuddy (3. BackupBuddy)

BackupBuddy WordPress Backup Plugin

BackupBuddy is one of the most popular premium WordPress backup plugins used by over half a million WordPress sites. It allows you to easily schedule daily, weekly, and monthly backups.

BackupBuddy是超过一半的WordPress网站使用的最受欢迎的高级WordPress备份插件之一。 它使您可以轻松地安排每日,每周和每月备份。

With BackupBuddy, you can automatically store your backups in cloud storage services like Dropbox, Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud, FTP, Stash (their cloud service), and even email it to yourself.

使用BackupBuddy ,您可以自动将备份存储在Dropbox,Amazon S3,Rackspace Cloud,FTP,Stash(其云服务)等云存储服务中,甚至可以通过电子邮件将其发送给自己。

If you use their Stash service, then you also have the ability to do real-time backups.


The biggest advantage of using BackupBuddy is that it is not a subscription-based service, so there is no monthly fee. You can use the plugin on the number of websites mentioned in your plan.

使用BackupBuddy的最大优点是它不是基于订阅的服务,因此没有月租费。 您可以在计划中提到的许多网站上使用该插件。

You also get access to premium support forums, regular updates, and 1GB of BackupBuddy Stash storage to store your backups. In addition, their iThemes Sync feature lets you manage up to 10 WordPress site from a single dashboard.

您还可以访问高级支持论坛,定期更新以及1GB的BackupBuddy Stash存储空间来存储备份。 此外,它们的iThemes同步功能可让您从一个仪表板管理多达10个WordPress网站。

You can even use BackupBuddy to duplicate, migrate and restore websites.


Pricing: $80 for Blogger Plan (1 Site License)

定价: $ 80的Blogger计划(1个网站许可)

Review: BackupBuddy is a cost-effective premium WordPress backup solution for you. It has full set of features you’ll need to backup, restore and move a WordPress site. In the nutshell, it’s a powerful UpdraftPlus and VaultPress alternative that you can use.

点评: BackupBuddy是一款经济实惠的高级WordPress备份解决方案。 它具有您需要备份,还原和移动WordPress网站的全套功能。 简而言之,它是您可以使用的功能强大的UpdraftPlus和VaultPress的替代产品。

4. BoldGrid备份 (4. BoldGrid Backup)

BoldGrid Backup WordPress plugin

BoldGrid Backup is an automated WordPress backup solution by BoldGrid, which is a website builder powered by WordPress.

BoldGrid BackupBoldGrid的自动WordPress备份解决方案,BoldGrid是由WordPress支持的网站构建器

It allows you to easily create your website backups, restore your site after it crashes, and you can even use it to move your site when switching hosts. You can set up automated backups or manually create backups with one-click.

它使您可以轻松创建网站备份,在网站崩溃后还原网站,甚至在切换主机时甚至可以使用它来移动网站。 您可以设置自动备份或一键手动创建备份。

BoldGrid Backup comes with an automated fault protection feature which automatically creates a backup of your site before it updates. If an update fails, it automatically rolls back your WordPress site to the last backup. It’s a great feature which protects you against update errors.

BoldGrid Backup带有自动故障保护功能,该功能会在网站更新之前自动为其创建备份。 如果更新失败,它将自动将WordPress网站回滚到上一次备份。 这是一项很棒的功能,可以保护您免受更新错误的影响。

With BoldGrid Backup, you can store up to 10 backup archives on your dashboard and more in a remote storage locations like Amazon S3, FTP or SFTP.

使用BoldGrid Backup,您可以在仪表板上最多存储10个备份档案,并在Amazon S3,FTP或SFTP等远程存储位置存储更多备份档案。

Pricing: $60 per year (Includes all of BoldGrid Premium tools & Services)

定价:每年60美元(包括所有BoldGrid Premium工具和服务)

Review: BoldGrid Backup is a simple WordPress backup plugin that you can use to create your website backups. The advantage of using this plugin is the bundle of other powerful tools you’ll get with the purchase of this plugin.

点评: BoldGrid Backup是一个简单的WordPress备份插件,可用于创建网站备份。 使用此插件的好处是可以通过购买此插件获得捆绑的其他强大工具。

5. BlogVault (5. BlogVault)

BlogVault Best Backup Service for WordPress

BlogVault is another popular WordPress backup service for WordPress. It’s a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution rather than just a WordPress plugin. It creates offsite backups independently on BlogVault servers, so there will be a zero load on your server.

BlogVault是另一种流行的WordPress WordPress备份服务。 它是一种软件即服务(SaaS)解决方案,而不仅仅是WordPress插件。 它在BlogVault服务器上独立创建异地备份,因此服务器上的负载为零。

BlogVault creates automatic backup of your website on a daily basis and also allows you to manually create unlimited on-demand backups. It features smart incremental backups that sync only incremental changes for minimal server load. This ensures optimal performance for your site.

BlogVault每天都会创建网站的自动备份,还允许您手动创建无限制的按需备份。 它具有智能增量备份,该备份仅同步增量更改以最小化服务器负载。 这样可以确保您的网站获得最佳性能。

Besides backups, it helps you to recover your website easily. You can store 90 days backup archive, so you can recover your site from any mishap.

除了备份,它还可以帮助您轻松恢复网站。 您可以存储90天的备份存档,因此可以从任何灾难中恢复您的网站。

It also has a built-in staging site feature to let you test your website easily. Plus, it provides an easy option to migrate your website to another host.

它还具有内置的登台站点功能,可让您轻松测试您的网站。 另外,它提供了一个轻松的选项,可将您的网站迁移到另一个主机

BlogVault features seem promising however pricing seems a bit expensive when compared to other plugins above. You’ll need to pay $89 for the basic plan which offers a 1 site license.

BlogVault功能似乎很有希望,但是与上述其他插件相比,价格似乎有些昂贵。 您需要为提供1个站点许可证的基本计划支付89美元。

Pricing: $89 per year for Personal Plan (1 Site License)


Review: BlogVault is an easy to use WordPress backup solution. It creates offsite backups, so your website server will not be loaded with your backups. The pricing seems a bit high for small businesses.

点评: BlogVault是一个易于使用的WordPress备份解决方案。 它会创建异地备份,因此您的网站服务器将不会加载备份。 对于小型企业来说,价格似乎有点高。

6. BackWPup (6. BackWPup)

BackWPup free WordPress backup plugin

BackWPup is a free plugin that allows you to create complete WordPress backups for free and store it on the cloud (Dropbox, Amazon S3, Rackspace, etc), FTP, email, or on your computer.

BackWPup是一个免费插件,可让您免费创建完整的WordPress备份并将其存储在云(Dropbox,Amazon S3,Rackspace等),FTP,电子邮件或计算机上。

It is extremely easy to use and allows you to schedule automatic backups according to your site’s update frequency.


Restoring a WordPress site from backup is also very simple. The BackWPup Pro version comes with priority support, ability to store backups on Google Drive, and some other cool features.

从备份还原WordPress网站也非常简单。 BackWPup Pro版本具有优先支持,能够将备份存储在Google云端硬盘中以及其他一些很酷的功能。

Pricing: Free (Premium plan is also available)


Review: Used by over 600,000 websites, BackWPup is a great alternative to other backup plugins in the list. The premium version of the plugin adds more powerful features including easy and quick website restoration from the backend with a standalone app.

评论: BackWPup已被超过600,000个网站使用,是列表中其他备份插件的理想选择。 该插件的高级版本增加了更强大的功能,包括使用独立应用程序从后端轻松快速地恢复网站。

7.复印机 (7. Duplicator)

Duplicator WordPress plugin

As the name suggests, Duplicator is a popular WordPress plugin used to migrate WordPress sites. However it also has backup features.

顾名思义, Duplicator是一个流行的WordPress插件,用于迁移WordPress网站 。 但是,它也具有备份功能。

It does not allow you to create automated scheduled backups which makes it less than ideal primary WordPress backup solution for a regularly maintained site.


Pricing: Free


Review: Duplicator lets you create manual backups of your WordPress site easily. If your web host creates regular backups, you can use this plugin to create backups to use on staging environment. It’s a great site migration plugin.

点评: Duplicator使您可以轻松地为WordPress网站创建手动备份。 如果您的Web主机创建常规备份,则可以使用此插件来创建要在暂存环境中使用的备份。 这是一个很棒的网站迁移插件。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

Each WordPress backup plugin in our list has their pros and cons, but all of them offer complete WordPress file backup as well as full database backup features.


We use VaultPress for two main reasons. It is extremely easy to use, and it offers real-time incremental backups.

我们使用VaultPress的主要原因有两个。 它非常易于使用,并且提供实时增量备份。

What this means is that instead of backing up all of your files every day or every hour, it only creates a backup of what has been updated literally within minutes of the update. This is ideal for a large website like ours because it allows us to use our server resources efficiently.

这意味着,它不是每天或每小时备份所有文件,而是仅在更新后几分钟内创建实际上已更新内容的备份。 这对于像我们这样的大型网站是理想的,因为它使我们可以有效地使用服务器资源。

However, if you run a small to medium size website and hate paying monthly fees, then we recommend the popular UpdraftPlus plugin. It comes with all the powerful features like backup encryption, encrypted backup transport, and tons of cloud storage options.

但是,如果您经营的是中小型网站,又不想每月支付费用,那么我们建议您使用流行的UpdraftPlus插件。 它具有所有强大的功能,例如备份加密,加密的备份传输以及大量的云存储选项。

Whichever WordPress backup plugin you end up choosing, please do NOT store your backups on the same server as your website.


By doing that, you are putting all of your eggs in one basket. If your server’s hardware fails or worst you get hacked, then you don’t have a backup which defeats the purpose of setting up regular backups.

这样,您将所有鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里。 如果服务器的硬件出现故障或最坏的情况是您被黑了,那么您将没有备份来破坏设置常规备份的目的。

This is why we highly recommend storing your backups on a third-party storage service like Dropbox, Amazon S3, Google Drive, etc.

因此,我们强烈建议您将备份存储在第三方存储服务(例如Dropbox,Amazon S3,Google云端硬盘等)上。

That’s all. We hope that this list helped you pick the best WordPress backup plugin for your site. You may also want to see our step by step WordPress security guide for beginners.

就这样。 我们希望此列表可以帮助您为您的站点选择最佳的WordPress备份插件。 您可能还希望查看针对初学者的逐步WordPress安全指南

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/7-best-wordpress-backup-plugins-compared-pros-and-cons/


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WP-DBManager插件介绍: WP-DBManager是wordpress的数据备份插件,目前最新版本为2.40,其主要用途是对WordPress数据库进行管理,从而省去了用户必须使用类似PhpMyadmin登录数据库进行备份、修复、导入等操作,并且可以前台执行 SQL 语句。 该备份插件功能强大,能自动备份数据库文件,只要你设置了自动备份时间,到时间后该系统会自动备份你的wordpress数据;备份数据库的下载、删除、恢复,包括把数据库发送到指定的邮箱;优化、修复、清空、删除数据库表;执行SQL查询等,总之该有的功能应该都有了。 WP-DBManager插件安装: 下载WP-DBManager插件,将文件解压缩,上传到/wp-content/plugins/目录。 登录wordpress后台控制面板激活该插件,这是后台左侧栏或多出个DataBase标签,点击标签会出现下拉列表,可以对其进行相应的设置,页面中主要有: Database 用户 WP 数据库以及数据表的基本信息 Backup DB 备份数据库操作 Manage Backup DB 可以选择对已备份数据库文件进行下载、恢复、删除等操作 Optimize DB 优化数据库 Repair DB 修复数据表 Empty/Drop Tables 清空/删除某个数据表 Run SQL Query 执行 SQL 命令语句 DB Options 设置数据库的路径(可向空间商询问)以及自动备份的时间 Uninstall WP-DBManager 卸载该插件插件界面虽然是英文界面,但是都很简单 首先备份旧站数据库,然后在新空间安装 WordPress 以及该插件并激活 将备份旧站所得数据库文件上传到新站的 /wp-content/backup-db 目录 登录新站后台去 Database –> Manage Backup DB -> Restore 中恢复刚才的数据库文件 使用 PhpMyadmin或其他登录到数据库中,将 wp_options 表中的 siteurl 修改为新站地址 登录新站后台,将 Options 中的 Blog address (URL) 修改为新站地址


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