WPBeginner v5 –新站点设计和下一步

If you’re loading up WPBeginner today, then you might have noticed that we have a new website design. Considering our last design was from 2012, a lot of you would say that it’s about time that we gave WPBeginner a refresh. I wanted to share with you some insights from our redesign process, what we learned, why it took so long, and most importantly what’s new in the new design.

如果您今天要加载WPBeginner,则您可能已经注意到我们有一个新的网站设计。 考虑到我们的上一个设计是2012年的,所以很多人会说是时候让WPBeginner刷新了。 我想与您分享我们重新设计过程中的一些见解,我们学到的知识,花了这么长时间的原因以及最重要的是新设计中的新功能。

一点背景 (A Little Background)

I started WPBeginner in 2009. In the first 3 years, WPBeginner went through 4 redesigns. That takes up a lot of resources which could have been better spent on our core mission:

我于2009年创立WPBeginner。在最初的三年中,WPBeginner经历了4次重新设计。 那会占用很多资源,本来可以更好地用于我们的核心任务的:

Help small businesses grow and compete with the big guys through our tools, team, and training.


After WPBv4, I made it a point to focus on our core mission and the results are astonishing.


In the last four years:


  • WPBeginner blog.WPBeginner博客上创建了上千个免费的WordPress教程。
  • YouTube Channel.YouTube频道上添加了500多个新的视频教程。
  • We added over 100 terms in our WordPress Glossary.
  • 我们在WordPress词汇表中添加了100多个术语
  • OptinMonster – a tool that converts abandoning website visitors into subscribers. Our optin forms are viewed several billion times a month.OptinMonster ,该工具可将放弃的网站访问者转化为订阅者。 我们的optin表格每月被浏览数十亿次。
  • Envira Gallery, the most powerful WordPress gallery solution, to help our users easily create photo & video galleries without slowing down their websites.Envira Gallery ,以帮助我们的用户轻松创建照片和视频画廊,而不会影响他们的网站。
  • Soliloquy an easy to use responsive WordPress slider plugin that makes performance and user experience it’s #1 priority.Soliloquy一个易于使用的响应式WordPress滑块插件,使性能和用户体验成为第一要务。
  • WPForms, the most beginner friendly WordPress form plugin based on your feedback and suggestions.WPForms ,这是对初学者最友好的WordPress表单插件。
  • MonsterInsights. We are in the process of rewriting the entire plugin to make Google Analytics easy for beginners.MonsterInsights 。 我们正在重写整个插件,以使初学者更容易使用Google Analytics(分析)。

Collectively our plugins have been downloaded over 13 million times and are actively being used on over 2 million websites.


While all of those are great accomplishments, we have a new set of challenges that need to be addressed if we want to continue to improve and serve our mission.


This brings me to WPBeginner v5.

这使我进入WPBeginner v5。

数据设计 (Design with Data)

In the last few years, the usage of mobile devices has gone up quite significantly for most websites. That’s why we always recommended everyone to choose a mobile-friendly responsive WordPress theme when starting a blog.

在过去的几年中,大多数网站上移动设备的使用量已大大增加。 这就是为什么我们始终建议每个人在创建博客时都选择适合移动设备的自适应WordPress主题。

This was a bit ironic because our own website was not responsive. We got a lot of criticism on social media from other WordPress designers and developers in the community.

有点讽刺意味,因为我们自己的网站没有响应。 在社区中,其他WordPress设计师和开发人员对社交媒体提出了很多批评。

Occasionally we would get comments from readers asking why WPBeginner was not responsive.


While I understand the importance of responsive design, it’s even more important that you make data-driven decisions when it comes prioritizing tasks in your business.


In 2012 when we launched WPBv4 design, less than 2% of our audience was on mobile.

2012年,当我们推出WPBv4设计时, 只有不到2%的受众使用移动设备。

Today in 2016, that number has increased to about 7%.


This is still very low compared to my other websites like List25 where over 50% of users are on mobile.


But it makes sense because most folks don’t install plugins on their WordPress websites via mobile device. Most folks don’t make code changes on mobile. Most folks don’t try to fix common WordPress errors on mobile.

但这是有道理的,因为大多数人不会通过移动设备在其WordPress网站上安装插件。 大多数人不会在移动设备上进行代码更改。 大多数人不会尝试在移动设备上修复常见的WordPress错误

That’s why making WPBeginner responsive wasn’t our top priority. However once the mobile usage passed 5%, we started planning for the redesign that addressed other challenges as well.

这就是为什么使WPBeginner响应能力不是我们的首要任务。 但是,一旦移动设备使用率超过5%,我们便开始计划进行重新设计,以应对其他挑战。

WPBeginnerv5 Responsive

Another challenge we faced was usability on site. As we added more content, it became harder for users to find what they were looking for. For example, we had 8 articles talking about speeding up WordPress, but no comprehensive step by step solution.

我们面临的另一个挑战是现场可用性。 随着我们添加更多内容,用户变得越来越难以找到他们想要的东西。 例如,我们有8篇文章讨论了如何加快WordPress的速度,但没有全面的分步解决方案。

We looked at the top typed search queries in WPBeginner search form to create comprehensive step by step tutorials that are now promptly highlighted in the design.


WPBv5 Comprehensive Guides

We also made searching WPBeginner easier with a full screen search overlay in the header and an additional search bar in the sidebar.


Going forward, we will be making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for by creating content portals that creatively leverage WordPress tags.


WPBv5的新增功能 (What’s New in WPBv5)

The core functionality of the site has stayed the same. Here are few notable changes on the website:

该网站的核心功能保持不变。 以下是网站上的一些值得注意的更改:

New Start Here Page


If you’re new to WPBeginner, then you would appreciate the new Start Here page

如果您是WPBeginner的新手,那么您将不胜感激新的Start Here页面

Responsive Website Design


WPBeginner website is now 100% responsive, so it looks great on all devices.


We’ve chosen to stick with the popular Genesis framework to build our custom child theme.


Comprehensive Guides


If you look in the sidebar of every page, you will see a new section “I need help with…” which highlights comprehensive guides like how to speed up WordPress, how to improve WordPress security, how to optimize WordPress SEO, and more.

如果您在每个页面的侧边栏中查看,您将看到一个新的部分“我需要帮助...”,其中突出显示了全面的指南,例如如何加快WordPress的速度如何提高WordPress的安全性如何优化WordPress SEO等。

Better Visibility for Our Products


In the WPBeginner census, one of the questions I asked was name a product that we own. It was quite surprising how many people didn’t know about our products. In the new design, we’re going to do a better job of highlighting the products we own.

在WPBeginner人口普查中,我提出的一个问题是命名我们拥有的产品。 令人惊讶的是,有多少人不了解我们的产品。 在新设计中,我们将更好地突出我们拥有的产品。

This starts with a new premium WordPress plugins page.


We will also be rotating the products in our sidebar as well as in our newsletter ads.


FontAwesome and New Font


You might notice the use of icon font in the new designer. It’s called FontAwesome, and I’m a huge fan of Dave Gandy’s work.

您可能会注意到新设计器中使用了图标字体。 它叫做FontAwesome ,我是Dave Gandy作品的忠实拥护者

We use his work on all of our products, and are proud supporters of FontAwesome.


Fun fact, you can actually add the WPBeginner logo as a font if you use FontAwesome as well as our other properties.


In the new design, we’re now using Proxima Nova font through Typekit.

在新设计中,我们现在通过Typekit使用Proxima Nova字体。

New Share Plugin


In the past, we used a variation of the Floating Social Bar plugin.

过去,我们使用了Floating Social Bar插件的变体。

After the changes from Twitter, Facebook, and others – I felt it was time to create a new sharing plugin for WPBeginner.


It accurately pulls the Twitter count, but more importantly it now has a total shares count.


New Share Plugin

I chose to stop the floating behavior and rather the share buttons are now added at the beginning and at the end of each post. This will help with a better user experience on smaller screen sizes.

我选择停止浮动行为,而是在每个帖子的开头和结尾处添加了共享按钮。 这将有助于在较小的屏幕尺寸上提供更好的用户体验。

New eBook and Optin Forms


At the bottom of each post, you will see a new optin form to download my WordPress toolkit. This eBook shares the exact tools that we use across our websites.

在每篇文章的底部,您将看到一个新的optin表格,用于下载我的WordPress工具包。 这本电子书分享了我们在整个网站上使用的确切工具。

It is different from the WPBeginner blueprint because that only shows you what we use on WPBeginner.


The toolkit eBook is more comprehensive.


I also replaced the sidebar optin form with MonsterLinks, a 2-step optin process. The sidebar optin form didn’t convert at a high enough rate to justify the real-estate. So now if you want to subscribe via email, you can do so by clicking on the email icon in the sidebar.

我还用2步选择流程MonsterLinks替换了侧边栏选择表单。 侧边栏optin表单的转换率不足以证明房地产的合理性。 因此,现在,如果您想通过电子邮件进行订阅,可以通过单击侧边栏中的电子邮件图标来进行订阅。

WPBv5 Sidebar Optin
下一步是什么 (What’s Next)

Aside from the front-end changes, we made a lot of back-end changes that will make it easy for the WPBeginner team to create more comprehensive guides in the coming months.


The WPBeginner videos membership site will be getting an overhaul. Currently it’s still using the old theme.

WPBeginner视频会员网站将得到全面修订 。 目前,它仍在使用旧主题。

We will be turning that into a LMS system that will bring together the beginner videos course and our 500+ YouTube videos in a centralized place.


The goal with that site would be to offer more organized courses to make it easy for users to learn WordPress fast.


I want to thank you all for your support and feedback.


Yours Truly,
Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

赛义德·巴尔基(Syed Balkhi)

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/wpbeginner-v5-new-site-design-and-whats-next/

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