

多阶段图问题 (Multistage graph problem)

  1. The multistage graph problem is to find a minimum cost from a source to a sink.


  2. A multistage graph is a directed graph having a number of multiple stages, where stages element should be connected consecutively.


  3. In this multiple stage graph, there is a vertex whose in degree is 0 that is known as the source. And the vertex with only one out degree is 0 is known as the destination vertex.

    在此多阶段图中,存在一个度为0的顶点(称为源)。 只有一个度数为0的顶点称为目标顶点。

  4. The one end of the multiple stage graphs is at i thus the other reaching end is on i+1 stage.

    多级图的一端在i上,因此另一端在i + 1级上。

  5. If we denote a graph G = (V, E) in which the vertices are partitioned into K >= 2 disjoints sets, Vi, 1 <= I <=K. So that, if there is an edge < u, v > from u to v in E, the u £Vi and v € v (i+1), for some I, 1 <= i <= K. And sets V1 and Vk are such that |V1| = |Vk| = 1.

    如果我们表示一个图G =(V,E) ,其中顶点被划分为K> = 2个不交集, Vi1 <= I <= K。 因此,如果在E中存在从uv的边<u,v> ,则对于某些Iu£Viv€v(i + 1)1 <= i <= K。 集合V1Vk使得| V1 | = | Vk | = 1

前向进近算法 (Algorithm for Forward Approach)

    1.	F graph (graph G, int K, int n, int p[])
    2.	{
    3.	Float cost [max size], int d [max size], r;
    4.	Cost [n] = 0.0
    5.	For (int j = n-1; j>= 1; j--)
    6.	{
    7.	Let r be a vertex such that 
     is an edge of G and C[j][r] + cost[r] is minimum;
    8.	Cost [j] = C[j][r] + Cost[r]
    9.	D [j] = r
    10.	}
    11.	P [1] = 1 ,  P[k] = n
    12.	For (j = 2 ; j <= K-1; j++)
    13.	P[j] = d[P(j-1)];
    14.	}


Input = input is a K stage graph G = (V, E) with n vertices indexed in order of stages.

输入=输入K个阶段图G =(V,E),其中n个顶点按阶段顺序索引。

E is a set of an edge.


C [i][j] is the cost or weight of the edge [i][j]

C [i] [j]是边缘[i] [j]的成本或权重

后退算法 (Algorithm for Backward Approach)

    1.	Algorithm BGraph (G, K, n, p)
    2.	// some function as FGraph
    3.	{
    4.	B cost [1] = 0.0;
    5.	For j = 2 to n do
    6.	{
    7.	// compute b cost [j].
    8.	Let r be such that 
     is an edge of 
    9.	G and b cost [r] + c [r, j];
    10.	D [j] = r;
    11.	}
    12.	// find a minimum cost path
    13.	P [1] = 1;              p [k] = n;
    14.	For j = k-1 to 2 do p[j] = d [p (j+1)];
    15.	}


If we consider s as the vertex in V1 and t as the vertex in Vk. The vertex s is supposed as the source and vertex t as the sink. The cost of a path from s to t is the sum of the costs of the edges on the path.

如果我们将s视为V1中的顶点,将t视为Vk中的顶点。 假定顶点s为源,顶点t为宿。 从st的路径成本是路径上边缘成本的总和。

Here, each set Vi defines a stage in the graph. Each path starts from stage 1 goes to stage 2 then to stage 3 and so on, because of constraints on E.

在此,每个集合Vi定义图中的一个阶段。 由于对E的限制,每个路径都从阶段1开始进入阶段2,然后到达阶段3,依此类推。

Multi stage graph

The minimum cost of s to t path is indicated by a dashed line. This method can be used for solving many problems such as allocating some resources to given number of projects with the intent to find the maximum profit.

st路径的最小成本用虚线表示。 此方法可用于解决许多问题,例如为找到最大的利润而将资源分配给给定数量的项目。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/algorithms/multistage-graph-problem-with-forward-approach-and-backward-approach.aspx


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多级反馈队列进程调度算法是一种常用的进程调度算法,它是根据进程的不同特征和优先级将进程划分为多个队列,并根据进程的行为调整其所在队列的优先级,从而实现高效的进程调度。 在多级反馈队列进程调度算法中,有三个关键要素:队列的划分、进程调度以及进程的调整。 首先,队列的划分是根据进程的特征和优先级确定的。通常会将进程划分为多个队列,每个队列具有不同的优先级。一般情况下,优先级高的队列会先得到调度的机会。 其次,进程调度是指当一个进程需要运行时,从合适的队列中选择一个进程进行调度。通常采用的策略是先从优先级高的队列中选择一个进程运行,当这个进程运行的时间超过一定时间或者发生某些特定事件时,会将其移动到下一级队列中。 最后,进程的调整是指根据进程的行为调整其所在队列的优先级,以实现进程运行时间的合理分配。当一个进程运行时间过长或者频繁发生输入输出操作时,会将其所在队列的优先级降低,以便给其他进程更多的运行机会。 总的来说,多级反馈队列进程调度算法通过合理划分队列、选择合适进程和调整进程优先级的方式,能够实现高效的进程调度,提高系统的运行效率和响应速度。同时,该算法还能够根据进程的行为动态调整队列的优先级,使得资源能够更加合理地分配,提高系统的整体性能。


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