Shortest path in multistage graphs

1.  Shortest path in multistage graphs. Find the shortest path from 0 to 15 for the following graph.

A multistage graph is a graph (1) G=(V,E) with V partitioned into K >= 2 disjoint subsets such that if (a,b) is in E, then a is in Vi , and b is in Vi+1 for some subsets in the partition; and (2) | V1 | = | VK | = 1.

#include < iostream >
< sstream >
< string >
< fstream >
using   namespace  std;

#define  MAX 128
#define  HUGE 9999

struct  Item {
int i,j;
int v;

Item A[MAX];
// 三元组元素

void  print( int *  s, int  end)
if(s[end] == 0)
<< end << "->";

<< end << "->";

void  PrintPath( int *  s, int  length)
<< s[0<< "->";
<< "Shortest path!" << endl;

int  main()
string str;
int i,j,v;
int Alen = 0;
    ifstream cin(
        istringstream stream(str);
= i;
= j;
= v;

int size = A[Alen-1].j + 1;
int* B = new int[size];//B[i]表示节点0到节点i的权值
    int* S = new int[size]; //S[i]表示节点i的前驱
//    memset(B,HUGE,size);
//    memset(S,0,size);
    for(int p = 0; p < size;p++)
= 0;

0= 0;

for(int index = 0; index < Alen;index++)
if(A[index].v + B[ A[index].i ] < B[ A[index].j ])
            B[ A[index].j ] 
= A[index].v + B[ A[index].i ];
            S[ A[index].j ] 
= A[index].i;


for( p = 0; p < size;p++)
<< S[p] << "  ";

for(p = 0; p < size;p++)
<< B[p] << "  ";
<< endl;

return 0;
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