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翻译 Python | 从另一个列表的指定开始到结束索引创建一个列表

Given a list, start and end index, we have to create a list from specified index of the list in Python. 给定一个列表,开始和结束索引,我们必须根据Python中列表的指定索引创建一个列表。 Example 1: 范例1: Input: list : [10, 20, 3...

2020-08-04 14:21:35 1495

翻译 vc++ 二进制文件的查找_在C ++中查找表示二进制数所需的总位数

vc++ 二进制文件的查找Problem statement: 问题陈述: Find total Number of bits required to represent a number in binary 查找以二进制表示数字所需的总位数 Example 1: 范例1: input : 10 output: 4Example 2: 范例2: in...

2020-08-04 14:02:07 1035

翻译 物联网系统和操作系统的差距_实时操作系统和分时操作系统之间的差异

物联网系统和操作系统的差距The types of operating systems are Time Sharing OS and Real-Time operating system. These can be differentiated in many ways. 操作系统类型为分时操作系统和实时操作系统 。 这些可以通过许多方式加以区分。 1)实时操作系统 (1) Real-T...

2020-08-04 13:22:34 1079

翻译 c语言scanf输入字符_在C语言中使用一个scanf()语句输入整数,浮点和字符值

c语言scanf输入字符We have to read tree values: integer, float and then character using only one scanf() function and then print all values in separate lines. 我们只需要使用一个scanf()函数读取树值:整数,浮点数和字符,然后将所有值打印在单独的行中...

2020-08-04 10:42:16 3545

翻译 python中字符串模块_使用Python中的re模块,从给定的字符串中删除所有辅音

python中字符串模块To solve this type of problem, we will use the re module or regular expression module in the Python. Here, we will assume a string given by the user from which we have to remove all conson...

2020-08-04 09:52:40 466

翻译 树型结构数据怎么查找_查找两棵树在结构上是否相同| 数据结构

树型结构数据怎么查找Solution: 解: Since we need to check only structural similarity we needn’t check their respective node values, rather we need to check whether both have the same structural organization or ...

2020-08-04 09:10:26 536

翻译 Python | 程序以升序和降序对给定列表的元素进行排序

Given a list of the elements and we have to sort the list in Ascending and the Descending order in Python. 给定一个元素列表,我们必须按Python的升序和降序对列表进行排序。 Python list.sort()方法 (Python list.sort() Method)sort()...

2020-08-04 06:40:35 6636

翻译 变异测试 系统输入输出_变异测试,系统测试和性能测试| 软件工程

变异测试 系统输入输出 1)变异测试 (1) Mutation Testing)Whenever a module is tested for the first time, it is most probably encountered with some errors and to resolve them, the developer makes some changes in the p...

2020-08-04 05:19:30 491

翻译 c#string转浮点数_C#| 使用String.Format()方法使用千位分隔符打印浮点数

c#string转浮点数To print a float number with thousand separators, we can use String.Format() method, here is the example. 要打印带有一千个分隔符的浮点数,我们可以使用String.Format()方法,这里是示例。 using System;namespace Consol...

2020-08-04 03:29:00 1069

翻译 年龄计算器Web应用程序| 将JavaScript函数与表单集成

Hi! In this article, we'll look at an application of JavaScript functions with forms to build a tiny web app that calculates the age of a user. 嗨! 在本文中,我们将研究带有表单JavaScript函数应用程序,以构建一个微型的Web应用程序来计算用户的...

2020-08-04 03:18:15 426

翻译 mcq 队列_基于人工智能的智能体能力倾向问答(MCQ) 套装2

mcq 队列1) Which of the following is a valid AI agent type?Simple based Reflex agentModel Based Reflex AgentGoal Based AgentAll of the aboveAnswer & Explanation Correct answer: 4All of the ab...

2020-08-04 02:40:18 226

翻译 python原始字符串r_“ u”和“ r”字符串标志的作用是什么?Python中的原始字符串文字是什么?...

python原始字符串rThe prefix of 'u' in a string denotes the value of type Unicode rather than str. However, the Unicode strings are no longer used in Python3.The prefix of 'u' in a string denotes the value...

2020-08-03 23:08:24 526

翻译 kotlin 字符串转数字_Kotlin程序,用于检查字符是字母,数字还是特殊字符

kotlin 字符串转数字Given a character, we have to check whether it’s an alphabet, a digit or a special character. 给定一个字符,我们必须检查它是字母,数字还是特殊字符。 Example: 例: Input: c = 'A' Output: Alpha...

2020-08-03 21:56:39 1937

翻译 汇编两数相减怎么判断进位_使用8086微处理器将两个16位数字相减而不带进位

汇编两数相减怎么判断进位Problem statement: 问题陈述: To perform subtraction operation between 2 16bit numbers without carry using 8086 Microprocessor. 使用8086微处理器在两个16位数字之间执行减法运算而无需进位。 Algorithm: 算法: Load the fi...

2020-08-03 19:55:28 974

翻译 线性代数 向量 物理向量_向量/矩阵的对数值打印(元素明智的操作) 使用Python的线性代数...

线性代数 向量 物理向量Prerequisite: 先决条件: Defining a Vector 定义向量 Defining a Matrix 定义矩阵 Numpy is the library of function that helps to construct or manipulate matrices and vectors. The function numpy.log(x) i...

2020-08-03 19:35:31 343

翻译 mcq 队列_人工智能密码算法问题能力问答(MCQ)

mcq 队列1) Which of the following types does the Cryptarithmetic problem belong to?Encryption ProblemConstraint Satisfactory ProblemNumber problemAll of the aboveAnswer & Explanation Correct ...

2020-08-03 15:47:17 428

翻译 c语言 整型数组排序库函数_使用C ++标准库函数在线性时间中查找未排序数组的中位数...

c语言 整型数组排序库函数Prerequisite: std::nth_element() in C++ 先决条件: C ++中的std :: nth_element() Problem statement: 问题陈述: Find the median of an unsorted array. 查找未排序数组的中位数。 What is median? 什么是中位数? A medi...

2020-08-03 15:07:22 614

翻译 求出数组中元素的总和_在数组中找到三个元素,使其总和等于给定元素K

求出数组中元素的总和Description: 描述: Given an array of n elements. Find three elements such that their sum is equal to given element K. 给定n个元素的数组。 找到三个元素,使其总和等于给定元素K。 Solutions: 解决方案: Brute force method: ...

2020-08-03 14:56:34 1072

翻译 构造函数参数默认值编译失败_在C ++中使用默认,参数化和复制构造函数设置数据成员的值...

构造函数参数默认值编译失败Create a class and set values to the private data members using a default, parameterized and copy constructor in C++. 使用C ++中的默认,参数化和复制构造函数创建一个类并为私有数据成员设置值 。 This is an example of C++ c...

2020-08-03 13:10:27 286

翻译 fcfs调度算法_使用C程序实现先到先服务(FCFS)CPU调度算法

fcfs调度算法CPU scheduling decides which of the available processes in the ready queue is to be allocated the CPU. There are different CPU scheduling algorithms available. In this tutorial, we will learn ...

2020-08-03 13:01:08 2024

翻译 JavaScript | 通过在函数中传递值来创建对象并显示在表中

JavaScript object example: Here, we are going to learn how to create an object by passing the values from the function and display its value in the table?Submitted by Pankaj Singh, on June 28, 2019...

2020-08-03 12:30:52 178

翻译 c ++ 打印char指针_C ++程序打印不同类型的指针的大小以及值和地址

c ++ 打印char指针Here, we will learn how we can print the size of different type of pointer variables in c++ programming language? 在这里,我们将学习如何在c ++编程语言中打印不同类型的指针变量的大小? We are using sizeof() operator to ...

2020-08-03 09:37:19 1439

翻译 基于web软件开发_基于社区的软件开发的好处,开放要求,免费软件

基于web软件开发 基于社区的软件开发的好处 (Benefits of Community based Software Development)Community-led development enables individuals to take part in and feel possession for their development. Communities see devel...

2020-08-03 09:07:43 231

翻译 带JavaScript中的示例的encodeURIComponent()和encodeURIComponent()函数

As we have discussed that escape(), unescape() and encodeURI(), decodeURI() are used to encode a decodes the data/URI, these functions do not encode some of the special characters like @+-/.*_. 正如我们已...

2020-08-03 08:05:25 147

翻译 C#| 使用String.Format()方法显示零和负浮点数的自定义格式

To display custom formatting for zero and negative numbers, we can use String.Format() in C#, here is the example. 要显示零和负数的自定义格式,我们可以在C#中使用String.Format(),这是示例。 using System;namespace ConsoleApp...

2020-08-03 06:03:58 1362

翻译 查找给定数组中的主元素_C程序从给定数组创建一个新数组,其元素可以被特定数字整除...

查找给定数组中的主元素Given an array arr1 and the number b, we have to create a new array arr2 by the elements of arr1 elements which are divisible by b. 给定一个数组arr1和数字b ,我们必须通过arr1元素的元素创建一个新数组arr2 ,这些元素可以被b整除。 ...

2020-08-03 05:25:55 277

翻译 python 数字整除_Python | 打印1到1000之间的所有数字,这些数字可以被7整除,并且不能被5整除...

python 数字整除Given a range (which is 1 to 1000) and we have print all numbers which are divisible bye 7 and not divisible by 5 in python. 给定一个范围(1到1000),我们打印了所有在python中可被7整除而不能被5整除的数字。 Example: 例: ...

2020-08-03 05:15:30 13286

翻译 Java File类静态文件createTempFile(String file_name,String file_extension)方法,带有示例...

File类静态文件createTempFile(String file_name,String file_extension) (File Class static File createTempFile(String file_name, String file_extension))This method is available in package java.io.File.creat...

2020-08-03 05:06:02 629

翻译 苹果模糊滤镜_通过使用用户定义的中值模糊滤镜执行模糊操作来平滑灰度图像...

苹果模糊滤镜Image Blurring refers to making the image less clear or distinct. The Median Filter often used to remove noise from an image or signal. Median filtering is very widely used in digital image proc...

2020-08-03 04:55:26 204

翻译 ruby_Ruby套装

ruby 设置为Ruby (Set in Ruby)In Ruby, the set is a class that is very similar to an array but it has some special attributes which make the processing faster. You must have observed that you can insert ...

2020-08-03 03:16:34 121

翻译 ruby语法_Ruby语法

ruby语法 Ruby语法 (Ruby syntax)The syntax of Ruby is widely similar to that of Python and Perl. Keywords and braces are used to define the blocks for the code. We have got various keywords to define clas...

2020-08-03 01:35:56 333

翻译 ruby 块_Ruby块

ruby 块 Ruby块 (Ruby blocks)A block works just like a method but it doesn't have a name. It does not belong to any object. Blocks can also be considered as unspecified chunks of code which can consume ...

2020-08-03 01:25:29 140

翻译 Ruby中的Procs

Ruby Procs (Ruby Procs)We have gone through many traditional and conventional things in Ruby but procs is a new thing you will come across. We have seen how we can return value inside the Ruby metho...

2020-08-03 01:05:31 176

翻译 r语言中的循环_R语言中的循环

r语言中的循环Sometimes the programmers need to encounter a situation where they need to execute a particular block of code many times. Everyone is acquainted with the fact that usually whenever there is a b...

2020-08-02 23:03:35 6757

翻译 什么是网络位,什么是主机位_什么是位?

什么是网络位,什么是主机位 位:二进制数字 (Bit: Binary Digit)A Bit is an abbreviation of "Binary Digit". 位是“二进制数字”的缩写 。 It is the smallest basic unit of information, which is used to measure data of system in computin...

2020-08-02 22:04:18 7851

翻译 灰度切割和位图切割的区别_杆切割

灰度切割和位图切割的区别Description: 描述: In this article we are going to see how to maximize profit by cutting rod with dynamic programming? This is a classic DP problem featured in many interview rounds of Ama...

2020-08-02 21:54:45 287

翻译 html块的for块标签_HTML块

html块的for块标签In HTML, the elements have some default displays and according to their values. The display of the element also depends on what type of element it is. 在HTML中,元素根据其值具有一些默认显示。 元素的显示还取决于元素的类...

2020-08-02 20:03:30 262

翻译 java awt_Java AWT框架

java awtCreating a frame is one of the most elementary steps in designing any GUI application. Almost in all cases we will place components in a frame. There are two ways to create a frame. 创建框架是设计任...

2020-08-02 19:53:46 439

翻译 python元组里嵌套元组_Python中的元组

python元组里嵌套元组 Python元组 (Python Tuples)Tuples in Python are a collection of elements in a round bracket() or not but separated by commas. Tuples are similar to list in some operations like indexing, c...

2020-08-02 18:06:23 9467

翻译 Scala中的Varargs

Scala varargs (Scala varargs)Varargs is the concept of providing a variable-length argument to a function. Scala programming language also provides this functionality in its programs. Varargs是为函数提供...

2020-08-02 17:56:32 214



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