程序员工作计划 工作周报_程序员的工作范围

程序员工作计划 工作周报

程序员工作计划 工作周报

I'm not the one who philosophizes often in public, but indulge me this thought on the types of work we do as programmers and feel free to add your own dimensions.


I've thought about how sometimes I like to work on user-facing products and sometimes on developer-facing ones. Real products that my mom can see vs libraries and tools to empower other programmers. Spend too much time on a general user-facing website and (if you're lucky that it does well) inevitably the stakes get higher, the product starts moving slower, you spend more time in meetings, more product-manager type of folk show up and less you have a say in the direction. The romance starts to disappear and I decide - let me build something of my own where I can move fast and make decisions quickly. Then, if I spend too much time building libraries and tools, the more it feels like programming for the sake of programming, not for solving real-world problems. As Vonnegut puts it when talking about writers who have only studied literature "Literature should not disappear up its own asshole, so to speak." s/literature/programming/

我考虑过有时候我喜欢在面向用户的产品上工作,有时又在面向开发人员的产品上工作。 我妈妈可以看到的真实产品与支持其他程序员的库和工具。 在面向用户的一般网站上花费太多时间,并且(如果幸运的话,它做得很好)不可避免地会增加赌注,产品开始变慢,您花费更多的时间参加会议,更多的产品经理类型的民间表演越来越少,您在方向上有发言权。 这段浪漫开始消失,我决定-让我建立自己的东西,让我快速行动并Swift做出决定。 然后,如果我花太多时间在构建库和工具上,那么感觉更多是为了编程而不是解决实际问题。 正如冯内古特(Vonnegut)在谈到只研究文学的作家时所说的那样,“文学不应该消失在自己的混蛋之中。” s/literature/programming/

And so the pendulum swings in the other direction.


I was thinking about this recently and it occurred to me that, when talking about the type of work that makes me happy, general-public vs developer-public is not the only dimension where the pendulum swings and balance can be sought. I came up with a few more.

我最近在考虑这个问题,突然想到,当让我感到高兴的工作类型时,普通公众与开发者公众并不是寻求摆动和平衡的唯一维度。 我想出了一些。

And another overall trend of risk-taking vs comfort zone can be spotted in the dimensions. Of course, all of this is approximate and I'm sure you can think of your own dimensions. But indulge me.

风险舒适区之间的另一个总体趋势可以在维度上找到。 当然,所有这些都是近似值,我相信您可以考虑自己的尺寸。 但是放纵我吧。

A programmer's job dimensions

Another dimension I find myself swinging back and forth is productizing the code you're hacking on. Is it a prototype that you can iterate quickly? Or something in production that needs to be performant and stable and scalable and bug-free and analytics-ladden. Prototyping is fun. But spending all the time prototyping and never seeing anything bear fruit can become boring soon. Productizing can be a "death march" but can also be a challenge worthy of the quest.

我发现自己来回摆动的另一个维度是使您正在使用的代码更加具体。 您可以快速迭代的原型吗? 或生产中需要高性能,稳定,可扩展,无错误且分析繁琐的产品。 原型制作很有趣。 但是,将所有时间花在原型设计上,却从未见过任何成果会很快变得无聊。 生产可能是一场“死亡大游行”,但也可能是一项值得追求的挑战。

And how about using the skills you already have mastered vs learning new things. Being comfortable and fast and productive and on top of your game is exciting. But venturing into unknown territory is rewarding too. A version of this dimension is also being a specialist in a certain part of a stack or technology (say JavaScript) vs being a more general jack-of-all-trades, full-stack kind of person.

以及如何使用已经掌握的技能与学习新事物。 舒适,快速,高效并且在您的游戏之上是令人兴奋的。 但是冒险进入未知领域也是有益的。 这个维度的一个版本也是堆栈或技术(例如JavaScript)的某个部分的专家,而不是更一般的千篇一律的全栈人。

Then speaking of career and development do you want to focus more on your company's particular tech, processes and ways of doing things and grow there? After all, at a certain level you need to be deep in your company's machinery to grow, promotion-wise. Or would you rather be involved with the larger industry out there, do something open-source, get involved in web standards, blog, etc and grow your career jumping from between companies a little quicker?

在谈到职业和发展时,您是否想更专注于公司的特定技术,流程和做事方式并在那里发展? 毕竟,在某种程度上,您需要深入了解公司的发展机制,以促进发展。 还是您想加入更大的行业,做一些开源的事情,加入Web标准,博客等等,并从公司之间更快地发展自己的职业?

所以呢? (So what?)

Is there a perfect balance of dimensions that make you happy? (Maybe.) Should you be chasing this balance? (Hmm...) Is it a static balance? (Unlikely.)

是否有尺寸上的完美平衡让您快乐? (也许。)您是否应该追求这种平衡? (嗯...)这是静态平衡吗? (不太可能)

Anyway, I'll stop here, just wanted to share something to think about next time you need to think about moves worthy of thinking about 😉


Oh, and what other dimensions do you see for yourself?


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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/a-programmers-job-dimensions/

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