
Disclaimer: I work for Yahoo! Search. But I speak for myself. All opinions on my blog, twitter... yada-yada... are not necessarily those of my employer. They could be, but they may not be. They might have been but may no longer be. They might have never been, but maybe, baby, someday they might become. So it goes.

免责声明:我为Yahoo!工作。 搜索。 但是我为自己说话。 我博客上的所有观点,推特... yada-yada ...不一定都是我雇主的观点。 他们可能是,但可能不是。 他们可能曾经但可能不再是。 他们也许从来没有过,但是也许,宝贝,有一天他们可能会变成。 这样吧。

If you're reading my blog, it's very likely that you're a front-end person, likely also with an interest in web performance, passionate about web technologies, cool UIs, JavaScript, CSS. If so, here's why I think you should send your resume to Yahoo! search right now.

如果您正在阅读我的博客,则很可能您是前端人员,也可能对Web性能感兴趣,并对Web技术,酷炫的UI,JavaScript,CSS充满热情。 如果是这样,这就是我认为您应该将简历发送给Yahoo!的原因。 立即搜索。

1.搜索 (1. It's search)

Search is hot. You probably know that a certain search engine is making tons of money. Many people want a piece of that. Once you've worked in the search industry, you suddenly become a pretty good catch.

搜索很热。 您可能知道某个搜索引擎正在赚很多钱。 许多人想要其中的一部分。 在搜索行业工作后,您突然变得很不错。

Search is hot as you can see in the news and financial articles. You'll be in the middle of a boiling industry that gets a lot of attention. You'll read in Wall Street Journal about the stuff you just shipped. You'll laugh, you'll cry. You'll see how many of the "expert" analysts are clueless, but people will read them and will comment. Stock will go up and down. It will be amusing, frustrating and then amusing again.

正如您在新闻和金融文章中看到的那样,搜索非常热门。 您将处在一个备受关注的沸腾行业中。 您将在《华尔街日报》上阅读有关您刚运送的东西的信息。 你会笑,你会哭。 您会看到有多少“专家”分析专家一无所知,但人们会读它们并发表评论。 库存会涨跌。 它会很有趣,令人沮丧,然后又很有趣。

2.是表演 (2. It's the performance)

Web performance is hot too. OK, maybe warm, but getting hotter by the minute. Reports keep coming in of people improving business because of improving site speed. Speed is also SEO now. And at Y!Search you'll compete with Google. They are always vocal of how they are all about speed. And search is their core and pretty much only business (95%+ of their money afaik). So stakes are high. You'll have to be as fast as Google, if not faster. On top of that you will try to differentiate with a ton more features on the page. More with less. The performance challenge is on.

Web性能也很热门。 好的,也许很温暖,但是一会儿变热。 由于网站速度提高,人们不断涌现报告,以改善业务。 现在速度也是SEO。 在Y!Search,您将与Google竞争。 他们一直在提倡自己如何处理速度。 搜索是他们的核心,并且几乎是唯一的业务(他们的资金的95%以上来自afaik)。 因此赌注很高。 您必须与Google一样快,如果不是更快的话。 最重要的是,您将尝试在页面上通过更多功能来区分。 少花钱多办事。 性能挑战仍在继续

BTW, it's fun to be the underdog. You can be more agile. Goliath cannot make a wrong turn, too much at stake. And yes, Google has such a big search share that they have nowhere else to go but down 😛 (At least in search, dunno much about business to comment on Google as a company)

顺便说一句,成为失败者很有趣。 您可以更加敏捷。 巨人不能转错,危在旦夕。 是的,Google拥有如此庞大的搜索份额,以至于他们无处可去(😛)(至少在搜索领域,对谷歌作为一家公司发表评论的业务并不多)

3.它是前端 (3. It's the front-end)

The big three search engines give more or less equal quality results in black-box testing. Long gone are the times when one engine was leaps and bounds better than the others. High-quality results are a given. It's the user-experience that counts. In other words, the front-end.

三大搜索引擎在黑盒测试中给出的质量结果差不多。 一个引擎比其他引擎跳得更好的时代早已一去不复返了。 给出了高质量的结果。 至关重要的是用户体验。 换句话说,前端。

Now with the Yahoo-Microsoft alliance, we'll even compete with the same search results. How about that? Same results (but as you know results are comparable anyway), exact same results, but competing for that precious market share with different user experience. How's that for a challenge for a front-end engineer?

现在有了Yahoo-Microsoft联盟,我们甚至可以与相同的搜索结果竞争。 那个怎么样? 相同的结果(但您知道结果仍然是可比的),完全相同的结果,但要争夺具有不同用户体验的宝贵市场份额。 这对前端工程师来说是一个挑战吗?

Just a note for those not familiar with YHOO/MSFT - we will depend on Bing for core web results but will have freedom to innovate in user experience and add to the mix the best-of-breed content from the Yahoo! Network (you know, movies, music, tv, omg!, news, finance...) and across the web.

对于那些不熟悉YHOO / MSFT的人来说,这只是个注意事项-我们将依靠Bing获得核心的网络结果,但可以自由地创新用户体验,并从Yahoo!中混合出最好的内容。 网络(您知道,电影音乐电视omg !新闻财经...)和整个网络。

4.是Yahoo! (4. It's Yahoo!)

Many companies brag about the smart people that work in said companies. Very few are like Yahoo! though. Think about Douglas Crockford, think about all the brain power in the YUI team, the YQL. There are real celebrities who are Yahoos or Yahoo ex-pats. But there are also countless others, incredible people you've never heard of. "Probably some people are not in it for the fame" is what I said during my first Yahoo Music interview and this great guy joked "some will settle for the fortune".

许多公司吹嘘在公司工作的聪明人。 很少有人喜欢雅虎! 虽然。 想想道格拉斯·克罗克福德(Douglas Crockford),想想YUI团队(YQL)的所有脑力。 有真正的名人是Yahoos或Yahoo ex-pats。 但也有无数其他人,您从未听说过的不可思议的人。 我在第一次雅虎音乐专访中说:“也许有些人不为名利”,这位伟人开玩笑说:“有些人会为自己赚钱”。

Yahoo! is open. That's what brought me to Yahoo actually. Back at the time when other people's APIs were giving me headache just by looking at their SOAP envelope, Yahoo! offered search results as PHP-serialized string, as JSON string. Easy, open, accessible. Looking at YDN, YUI and Steve/Tenni's performance blog posts I was thinking - that must be a great place to be. Turned out it's true.

雅虎! 开了。 那就是让我真正来到雅虎的原因。 当其他人的API只看他们的SOAP信封Yahoo!就让我头疼的时候。 以PHP序列化字符串和JSON字符串形式提供搜索结果。 简单,开放,易用。 看着YDN ,YUI和Steve / Tenni的性能博客帖子,我在想-那肯定是个好地方。 原来是真的。

About perks - I don't care much about them. If someone talks about perks, I think they just don't have other more interesting things to talk about. Like their work for example. And yes, I moved to US after living in two countries with free health care so I've grown to expect it. But my doctor and dentist are impressed by Yahoo's insurance plans. All I can say is - you'll be taken care of at Yahoo.

关于特权-我不太在乎它们。 如果有人谈论津贴,我想他们只是没有其他更有趣的事情要谈论。 例如他们的工作。 是的,我住在两个有免费医疗保健服务的国家后搬到了美国,因此我对此抱有很大的期望。 但是我的医生和牙医对雅虎的保险计划印象深刻。 我只能说-您将在Yahoo得到照顾。

5.是你 (5. It's You)

It's about you and your personal growth and even personal branding if you will. Times-are-a-changin' it's unthinkable to spend your whole working life in a quiet, safe place. Not in technology I don't think. You'll create, you'll research, you'll discover. And you'll share. If you're the kind of person to blog about your work, to speak at conferences, you'll have your platform at Yahoo. You can blog at YDN, you can blog at yuiblog.com, heck, you can even write a book for O'Reilly/Yahoo! Press. Some did. Want to be the next?

这与您和您的个人成长甚至个人品牌有关。 时代在改变,将您的整个工作生活都花在一个安静,安全的地方是不可想象的。 我不认为没有技术。 您将创建,研究,发现。 和你分享。 如果您是那种在工作上写博客,在会议上发表演讲的人,那么您将在Yahoo拥有自己的平台。 您可以在YDN上博客,也可以在yuiblog.com上博客,等等,甚至可以为O'Reilly / Yahoo写书! 按。 有些做到了。 想成为下一个吗?

谢谢阅读! (Thanks for reading!)

There's a party/mixer this week at the Yahoo! HQ, May 20th, here's the invite. If you're anywhere around the San Francisco bay area, you should go and see for yourself. If you're not, polish that resume, update with the cool stuff you've worked on lately and send it to Yahoo. Or to me, I'll forward it. My email is in the sidebar.

雅虎本周将举办派对/混音! 5月20日,总部,邀请函。 如果您在旧金山湾区附近,应该自己去看看。 如果不是,请完善该简历,使用您最近处理过的很棒的内容进行更新,然后将其发送给Yahoo 。 还是对我来说,我将其转发。 我的电子邮件在侧边栏中。

p.s. Oh and if you're more of a back-end guy, well, Y!Search wants you too.


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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/top-5-reasons-to-send-your-resume-to-yahoo-search-today/





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