

It is believed that blockchain will radically change the economy of the country and the way trades are conducted on daily basis. We can clearly delve the difference in how trade was carried and how it is done if we check-in to the past when the internet was the latest phenomena. The rise in the blockchain technology is seen as the greatest invention after its introduction on the internet. And it is expected to enrich the online business.

据信,区块链将从根本上改变该国的经济和日常交易方式。 如果我们回顾一下互联网是最新现象的过去,就可以清楚地探究贸易方式和交易方式的差异。 互联网上引入区块链技术后,它被视为最大的发明。 并有望丰富在线业务。

The decentralized network is an old concept. Something which dates 50 years back. The internet is on a decentralized network. But there is a difference in the decentralized network and decentralized software. Until this decade, the decentralized software was hard to implement. 

分散网络是一个古老的概念。 可以追溯到50年前的东西。 互联网位于去中心化网络上。 但是去中心化网络和去中心化软件有所不同。 在此十年之前,分散式软件一直难以实施。

The centralized software could easily carry a various form of transactions but to think about a decentralized distributed network is a job of Satoshi Nakamoto. If it is that difficult to implement, why would you want a decentralized software? You do it because of stability, scalability, and innovation. If there is nobody in the middle, everybody stays happy.

集中式软件可以轻松进行各种形式的交易,但是考虑分散式分布式网络是中本聪的工作。 如果实施起来很困难,为什么要使用分散式软件? 您之所以这样做是因为稳定性,可伸缩性和创新性。 如果中间没有人,每个人都会保持快乐。

Also Read: How Blockchain is reinventing the Digital Industry?

另请阅读: 区块链如何重塑数字产业?

Blockchain expert Melanie Swan expresses “We should think about the blockchain as another class of thing like the Internet—a comprehensive information technology with tiered technical levels and multiple classes of applications for any form of asset registry, inventory, and exchange, including every area of finance, economics, and money; hard assets (physical property, homes, cars); and intangible assets (votes, ideas, reputation, intention, health data, information, etc.). But the blockchain concept is even more; it is a new organizing paradigm for the discovery, valuation, and transfer of all quanta (discrete units) of anything, and potentially for the coordination of all human activity at a much larger scale than has been possible before.

区块链专家梅拉妮·斯旺(Melanie Swan)表示:“ 我们应该将区块链视为互联网之类的另一种事物,这是一种全面的信息技术,具有分层的技术水平和适用于任何形式的资产注册,库存和交易的多种类别的应用程序,其中包括金融,经济学和金钱; 硬资产(有形财产,房屋,汽车); 和无形资产(投票,想法,声誉,意图,健康数据,信息等)。 但是区块链的概念更多。 它是一种新的组织范式,用于发现,估价和转移任何事物的所有量子(离散单位),并有可能以比以往更大的规模协调所有人类活动。

Since the blockchain connoisseurs are in the positive connotation of the technology, many companies have started to use the blockchain as their base technology. Although the success of blockchain is credited to the cryptocurrency giant, i.e., Bitcoin, the constant modification and late realization have let the people understand its actual use. And trust me, it is much more than just the cryptocurrencies - thanks to its avant-garde reach.

由于区块链行家对技术具有积极的内涵,因此许多公司已开始使用区块链作为其基础技术。 尽管区块链的成功应归功于加密货币巨头,即比特币,但不断的修改和后期实现让人们了解了其实际用途。 相信我,它不仅限于加密货币-得益于其前卫的触角。

Let’s go through some of the use cases where blockchain can be proved as a remarkable crutch to the businesses:


  • Blockchain Banks The Unbank


Some people are in a belief that blockchain will do to banking what internet has done to the media. There are several countries which have a poor banking sector. The blockchain technology changes the Financial Industry by promising to give financial services to those who don’t have access to the bank accounts including those who in the third-world country don’t have bank accounts. Applications like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies empower the people to send and receive the money on the network without the need of central operator or approver.

有些人相信区块链将对互联网对媒体所做的事情发挥作用。 有几个国家的银行业状况不佳。 区块链技术通过承诺向那些无法访问银行账户的人(包括那些在第三世界国家中没有银行账户的人)提供金融服务,从而改变了金融业 。 诸如比特币和其他加密货币之类的应用程序使人们无需中央运营商或批准者就可以在网络上收发钱。

  • Cryptocurrency-Based Remittance Applications


One of the advantages of the blockchain technology lets cross-border transactions to be carried out instantly with a very low fee. ABRA is one of the startups which make the remittance a piece of cake. Here, blockchain is used as the underlying technology which to stash cash deposits and facilitate cash transfers between any two smartphones. Users can execute this process where they can withdraw and deposit cash at "Abra Tellers" which can be individuals or businesses. The company does not ever actually keep the user or teller's money unlike other digital payment services like Paypal.

区块链技术的优势之一是可以非常低的费用立即进行跨境交易。 ABRA是使汇款成为小菜一碟的创业公司之一。 在这里,区块链被用作底层技术,用于存储现金存款并促进任何两部智能手机之间的现金转移。 用户可以执行此过程,在此过程中,他们可以在“ Abra Tellers”(可以是个人或企业)中提取现金并进行存款。 与Paypal等其他数字支付服务不同,该公司从未实际保留用户或柜员的钱。

  • Banks Are Using Blockchain


Although many say that banks will be affected by the introduction of the distributed ledger, what if banks start using the software based on blockchain technology? What if they promise for providing the same services like those of the decentralized network? Banks like Barclay are already using this technology to have faster transactions and make their business more secure. Banks are also investing in the startup projects of the blockchain. It is estimated that 30% of the banks will use the blockchain by the end of 2018.

尽管许多人说银行将受到分布式账本的影响,但是如果银行开始使用基于区块链技术的软件会怎样? 如果他们承诺提供与分散网络相同的服务怎么办? 像巴克莱这样的银行已经在使用这项技术来提高交易速度,使他们的业务更加安全。 银行也正在投资区块链的启动项目。 预计到2018年底,将有30%的银行使用区块链。

  • Blockchain In A Supply Chain Management System


With the blockchain technology, transactions are recorded in a permanent decentralized ledger and are monitored securely and transparently. All the actions can easily be checked through this ledger which stores the data forever. This can greatly reduce time delay and human mistakes. It can also be used to monitor the costs and labor. Basically, it can be a detector at every point of the supply chain.

借助区块链技术,交易记录在永久的分散账本中,并受到安全透明的监控。 通过永久存储数据的分类帐,可以轻松检查所有动作。 这样可以大大减少时间延迟和人为错误。 它也可以用来监视成本和人工。 基本上,它可以成为供应链每个环节的检测器。

There are companies which are using the blockchain to drive the supply chain management. Walmart is using the blockchain technology to track the roots of their products. The technology could make it easier for customers to know about where their food comes from and could guide them in making decisions. Similarly, companies like FedEx (shipping giant) has already given a nod to a blockchain-powered program to help resolve their customer disputes.

有些公司正在使用区块链来推动供应链管理。 沃尔玛正在使用区块链技术来追踪其产品的根源。 该技术可以使客户更容易了解他们的食物来自何处,并可以指导他们做出决策。 同样,诸如FedEx(货运业巨头)之类的公司已经对由区块链支持的计划表示了赞赏,以帮助解决其客户纠纷。

  • Understanding The Impact Of Products On Environment


With the in-depth detail which the eternal distributed ledger gives, it will be easier for companies to detect whether their product is having an environmental impact. As it records all the data at every point of the supply chain, even about waste and emissions, it can be of a great advantage.

借助永恒的分布式分类帐提供的详细信息,公司可以更轻松地检测其产品是否对环境产生影响。 由于它记录了供应链各个环节的所有数据,甚至包括废物和排放,因此它具有很大的优势。

Even waste management industry acknowledged the significance of the blockchain network. A waste management initiative started by Recereum has developed a blockchain-powered platform which promises to reward the cryptocurrencies to the “planet saver”. Now, this is historic. Right?

甚至废物管理行业也承认区块链网络的重要性。 由Recereum发起的废物管理计划开发了一个由区块链驱动的平台,该平台有望将加密货币奖励给“节约行星的人”。 现在,这是历史性的。 对?

  • Blockchain, Research, And Forecasting


Blockchain will change how we do research, consulting, analysis, and forecasting. Online platforms like Augur are looking to create a global decentralized prediction market.

区块链将改变我们的研究,咨询,分析和预测方式。 像Augur这样的在线平台正在寻求创建一个全球去中心化的预测市场。

Here is one of its instructions “You make your predictions by trading virtual shares in the outcome of events happening in the real world. If you buy shares in the correct outcomes, you'll win real money profits.”

这是它的指示之一:“您可以通过在真实世界中发生的事件的结果中交易虚拟股票来做出预测。 如果您以正确的结果购买股票,您将获得真实的金钱利润。”

This technology can also be used to monitor or place bets on any sports or event or elections in a decentralized way.


  • Networking And IoT


Companies like Samsung and IBM want to create a decentralized network of IoT devices using the blockchain. What would it do? The devices would communicate directly, update software, manage bugs, and monitor energy usage.

三星和IBM等公司希望使用区块链创建去中心化的物联网设备网络。 会怎么办? 这些设备将直接通信,更新软件,管理错误并监视能源使用情况。

  • Blockchain Implications On Insurance Industry


The blockchain and the smart contracts are revolutionizing the insurance industry. The global insurance market is strictly based on the trust management. The blockchain is a new way of managing trust and it can be used to verify many types of data in an insurance contract. Like the insured person identity. Database systems like Oracles can be integrated to real-world data with smart contracts. This can be useful for any type of insurance that relies on the real-world data.

区块链和智能合约正在彻底改变保险业。 全球保险市场严格基于信任管理。 区块链是一种管理信任的新方法,可用于验证保险合同中的多种类型的数据。 喜欢被保险人的身份。 可以使用智能合约将Oracle之类的数据库系统集成到实际数据中。 这对于依赖于真实数据的任何类型的保险都是有用的。

A few things that blockchain technology can influence include:


  1. Minimizing the paperwork.

  2. A system can be developed where claims can be verified in seconds and handled very quickly.

  3. Minimising the cheat.

  4. Providing a quality data for underwriting.


Every ledger utilizes the blockchain technology which provides insurance companies, traders, consumers, financiers, nominees, and law enforcers with the details of the item, their authenticity, their ownership, and existence.


The blockchain technology can be utilized for automatic payment for parking, tolls, and fuel. UBS is already investing its brain in creating such a transport related wallets.

区块链技术可用于停车,收费和加油的自动付款。 瑞银已经在投资开发这种与运输相关的钱包方面投入了精力。

The Final Call


To ask about the advantages of the blockchain technology is similar to asking what can internet do in a particular field. The reason why blockchain implementation will be successful in all the fields is that most of the fields need data and ledger. The field which has “value transaction” will need a distributed ledger. But it is advisable to not use the blockchain technology if there is a better and simpler way of solving the problems by using conventional technologies. Before implementing it, one should make sure that do you really need your system to be distributed?

询问区块链技术的优势类似于询问互联网在特定领域可以做什么。 区块链在所有领域都能成功实施的原因是,大多数领域都需要数据和分类帐。 具有“价值交易”的字段将需要一个分布式分类帐。 但是,如果有使用传统技术解决问题的更好,更简单的方法,建议不要使用区块链技术。 在实施它之前,应该确保您确实需要分发系统?

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/31960/How-to-Enrich-your-Online-Business-with-Blockchain-Technology.html


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