棉花糖多少钱_将我的Android手机升级到Google即时启动器(Android 6 /棉花糖的标准配置)


I like to keep on the bleeding edge when it comes to the tech I own.  It is not only more interesting, but it is also the nature of my job.  Many times people come to me with devices they just purchased and need set up.  If I am unfamiliar with the operating system because I haven't kept up to date, that looks bad.  So when I saw that Android Marshmallow (6.0) was not likely to get pushed to my device, a Samsung Galaxy S5 from Verizon, I was a little upset.  But when I saw that I could at least download the new Google Now launcher that is standard with most Marshmallow installs, I decided to go ahead and try it out.

当我拥有自己的技术时,我喜欢保持领先优势。 这不仅更有趣,而且也是我工作的本质。 很多时候人们用他们刚购买并需要设置的设备来找我。 如果我由于未及时更新而对操作系统不熟悉,那看起来就很糟糕。 因此,当我看到不太可能将Android Marshmallow(6.0)推送到我的设备(Verizon的Samsung Galaxy S5)上时,我有点不高兴。 但是,当我看到我至少可以下载大多数棉花糖安装所标配的新Google Now启动器时,我决定继续尝试一下。

I downloaded the launcher from the Play store and followed the instructions on the screen.  I didn't really read what the information had to say, I was too anxious to get started.  It probably said that it was about to get rid of all the customizations I had made to the Touch Wiz launcher.  If it didn't say that, it should have, because that is what happened.  Suddenly, I had a very clean home screen!  I would now have to reorganize the few hundred applications I had on the device. This exercise had a silver lining, it made me learn more about the launcher very quickly.

我从Play商店下载了启动器,并按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。 我没有真正阅读信息的内容,我太着急而无法上手。 它可能说它将要摆脱我对Touch Wiz启动器所做的所有自定义设置。 如果没有这样说,它应该有,因为那是发生了什么。 突然,我的主屏幕非常干净! 现在,我将不得不重新整理我在设备上拥有的数百个应用程序。 这项练习有一线希望,它使我很快了解了有关发射器的更多信息。

In the title picture above you can see the two launchers side by side (after some customizations on each).  Google Now has some interesting features.  The most obvious one is the grouping.  Not only does GN group in circles instead of using folders, instead of having to create the folder by dragging an application shortcut over to the create folder link, one merely has to drop one icon onto another and a group (unnamed) is created.  This is a better way to implement the group feature.  iOS has done it this way for ages, it is about time Google did the same (the first time I tried to create a group on an android phone I thought I could simply drop one icon onto another and it would work, so I am happy it finally does). 

在上面的标题图片中,您可以并排看到两个启动器(在每个启动器上进行一些自定义之后)。 Google即时具有一些有趣的功能。 最明显的是分组。 GN不仅可以圈子分组而不是使用文件夹,而且不必通过将应用程序快捷方式拖到“创建文件夹”链接来创建文件夹,一个人只需将一个图标拖放到另一个图标上,就可以创建一个组(未命名)。 这是实现组功能的更好方法。 iOS多年来一直以这种方式做到这一点,大约是Google这样做的时候(我第一次尝试在android手机上创建群组,我以为我可以简单地将一个图标放到另一个图标上就可以了,所以我很高兴终于做到了)。

Another change I like is the way widgets are displayed before putting them on screen.  With the Touch Wiz launcher each app had a folder of widgets and you would need to open the folder in order to see what widgets were inside (beyond seeing just some very small thumbnails), while the Google Now launcher displays each widget under the name of the app.  In other words you don't need to open a folder of thumbnails in order to see the widgets within, they are already all displayed.  If there is not enough room to display them all they scroll off the screen to the right (you can see a separator bar if there are more widgets than are displayed).

我喜欢的另一个更改是在将小部件显示在屏幕上之前其显示方式。 使用Touch Wiz启动器,每个应用程序都有一个小部件文件夹,您需要打开该文件夹才能查看其中的小部件(除了看到一些很小的缩略图外),而Google即时启动器会以的名称显示每个小部件。该应用程序。 换句话说,您无需打开缩略图文件夹即可查看其中的小部件,因为它们已全部显示。 如果没有足够的空间来显示所有内容,则它们会在屏幕上向右滚动(如果显示的小部件多,则可以看到分隔栏)。

I am not yet comfortable with the icon for all applications (changed from the square to the circle) being in the middle instead of on the side, but that remains a "getting use to it" thing.  I am a little disturbed that, at least so far, I have been unable to get rid of the Google Now screen that is one swipe to the left of the home screen (which you can no longer change - apparently the home screen has to be the one next to the unchangeable Google screen).  The google search bar is located at the top of every screen, and I haven't figured out a way to get rid of that either.

我对所有应用程序的图标(从正方形更改为圆形)都位于中间而不是侧面感到不满意,但这仍然是“开始使用”的事情。 至少到目前为止,我一直无法摆脱Google即时屏幕,该屏幕向主屏幕左侧滑动即可(您无法再更改-显然必须将主屏幕不可更改的Google屏幕旁边的一个)。 谷歌搜索栏位于每个屏幕的顶部,我也没有想办法摆脱它。

So far I have been able to create as many home screens as I need, which is great.  Although I still can't change the home screen from any but the one to the right of the Google Now screen.  I have been able to move any home screen I want to that spot though.

到目前为止,我已经能够创建所需数量的主屏幕,这很棒。 尽管除了Google即时屏幕右侧的主屏幕外,我仍然无法更改主屏幕。 我已经能够将任何我想要的主屏幕移动到该位置。


翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/21739/Upgrading-my-Android-phone-to-the-Google-Now-launcher-standard-with-Android-6-Marshmallow.html






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