

维持有效商业网站的5种方法 (5 Ways to Maintain an Effective Business Website)

Maintaining an effective business website is a complex task, seeing as how efficiency might be interpreted in different ways. Apart from this, the expectations of your audience and web design trends evolve over time, which means that something that’s currently deemed as efficient may not remain so in the future. 

维护有效的商业网站是一项复杂的任务,以不同的方式解释效率。 除此之外,您的观众的期望和网页设计趋势会随着时间的推移而发展,这意味着当前认为有效的某些功能在将来可能不会保持不变。

Overall, while the task of keeping your business website’s efficiency at its peak performance may seem quite daunting, it’s in no way an impossible thing to achieve. That being said, here are top five techniques and methods to maintain an effective business website.

总体而言,使企业网站的效率保持最佳状态的任务似乎很艰巨,但这绝不是不可能的事情。 话虽这么说,以下是维护有效商业网站的五种技巧和方法。


1.解决移动用户的问题 (    1. Resolving the issue for mobile users)

The first thing you need to learn when making your website effective is the way in which you are going to appeal to mobile users. This is particularly important because mobile users are currently the greatest demographic online and they are getting more and more financially potent by the hour. Moreover, the requirements of your audience have greatly shifted and the majority of internet users currently see no reason why a page should load differently across different devices. This leaves you with three options. You can either go with mobile first, adaptive or responsive website.

使网站有效时,您需要学习的第一件事是如何吸引移动用户。 这一点特别重要,因为移动用户目前是在线上最大的人群,并且他们每小时的财务能力越来越高。 此外,您的受众群体的要求已经发生了很大变化,并且大多数互联网用户目前没有理由认为页面在不同设备上的加载方式不同。 这给您留下了三个选择。 您可以使用移动优先,自适应或响应式网站。

Each of the three has its own benefits. For instance, adaptive gives more personalized experience for each device, whereas responsive makes the most of every situation (although it sometimes may appear a bit generic). Going mobile first, on the other hand, brings numerous advantages, however, leaves a sour taste when faced with the realization that most mobile users go through apps before browsers either way. In other words, it’s probably the most cost - effective to go with a responsive website and an app, instead of trying to resolve the issue of your online presence in the world of m-commerce in any other way.

这三个都有各自的优势。 例如,自适应为每种设备提供了更多的个性化体验,而自适应则充分利用了每种情况(尽管有时可能看起来有点通用)。 另一方面,首先移动到移动会带来许多优势,但是,当意识到大多数移动用户在使用浏览器之前都先通过应用程序时,这会让人感到厌烦。 换句话说,使用响应式网站和应用程序可能是最经济有效的方式,而不是试图以任何其他方式解决您在移动电子商务世界中的在线存在问题。

2.设定SMART目标 (    2. Set SMART goals)

The greatest problems with maintaining an effective business website lie in the definition of the word effective. Different businesses have different expectations, which means that you can’t measure your success by comparing your website’s statistics to those of others. In order to ensure your goals are adequate, you need to make sure they are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound). In this way, you are laying down metrics based on which you can estimate how your business is performing at any given moment. Without it, you won’t really be able to tell if you’re outperforming or underperforming, to begin with.

维持有效的商务网站的最大问题在于有效一词的定义。 不同的企业有不同的期望,这意味着您无法通过将网站的统计信息与其他网站的统计信息进行比较来衡量您的成功。 为了确保您的目标是适当的,您需要确保它们是SMART(特定的,可测量的,可实现的,相关的和有时间限制的)。 通过这种方式,您可以制定指标,据此可以估算您在任何给定时刻的业务表现。 没有它,您将一开始就无法真正判断出您的表现是否出色。

3.增加流量 (    3. Boost your traffic)

At the end of the day, the goal of your business is to push a certain agenda. Let’s say you want more people to buy your products or subscribe to your newsletter. The key here is creating as many conversions as possible. However, the number of conversions is not determined just by your conversion rate but also by your average traffic. A conversion rate of 10 percent from 10 visitors is the same number of conversions as 1 percent of 100 visitors. In other words, in order to make your website count (therefore, making it effective), you need to get both of these things.

归根结底,您的业务目标是推动某个议程。 假设您希望更多的人购买产品或订阅新闻通讯。 此处的关键是创建尽可能多的转化。 但是,转化次数不仅取决于转化率,还取决于平均点击量。 10位访问者的10%的转化率与100位访问者的1%的转化次数相同。 换句话说,为了使您的网站计数(因此,使其有效),您需要同时获得这两个方面。

The simplest way to boost your traffic organically is through the power of SEO. Off-site optimization, which is commonly considered as the more effort-intensive task, is something that a lot of people are familiar with and requires a lower level of expertise than the on-site optimization. For the latter, it would be much better if you were able to look for your local website optimization Brisbane experts to help you out.

通过SEO的强大功能,最简单地自然提高流量的方法。 非现场优化通常被认为是工作量较大的任务,它是很多人都熟悉的并且比现场优化所需的专业知识水平低。 对于后者,如果您能够寻找本地网站优化布里斯班的专家来帮助您,那就更好了。

4.分析 (    4. Analytics)

Another thing you need to learn how to employ as soon as possible is the help of analytical tools. Earlier on, we talked about goals, well, this is how you can keep track of them. First of all, by employing analytics, you get to see the number of visitors per page of your website, as well as the duration of visit for each page. This means that it doesn’t only help you make an estimate of your business as a whole but also inspect its elements completely independently. In this way, you get a unique opportunity to fix your website from within.

您需要学习尽快使用的另一件事是分析工具的帮助。 早些时候,我们谈到了目标,这就是您可以跟踪目标的方式。 首先,通过使用分析,您可以查看网站每页的访问者数量以及每一页的访问时间。 这意味着它不仅可以帮助您整体评估业务,还可以完全独立地检查其要素。 这样,您将获得一次从内部修复网站的独特机会。

Aside from this, you also get to see some basic information about your demographic. Whether your primary audience consists of predominantly male or female populace can make all the difference in the long run. Same goes for the age, education and average household income of your website’s visitors. Different groups require different outreach and have different expectations for your brand. By knowing who you’re addressing, you’ll have a much easier job of choosing the appropriate tone and voice.

除此之外,您还可以查看有关人口统计的一些基本信息。 从长远来看,无论您的主要受众群体是男性还是女性,都可以发挥作用。 网站访问者的年龄,教育程度和平均家庭收入也是如此。 不同的群体需要不同的服务范围,并且对您的品牌有不同的期望。 通过知道您要向谁讲话,您将可以更加轻松地选择合适的音调和声音。

5.不要急于报价 (    5. Don’t rush your offer)

The first thing you need to understand is that you should never be too eager to rush your offer. Start by making a formal introduction, offer a short visual story and present your audience with several statistics. Instead of expecting them to make a leap of fate by clicking on your CTA (call-to-action) button, ensure that they know exactly what you have to offer. Just by taking several seconds to send a clear message to your website’s average visitor, you can easily give your conversion rates a massive boost. 

您需要了解的第一件事是,您永远不要太急于提出报价。 首先进行正式介绍,提供简短的视觉故事,并向观众介绍一些统计数据。 不要期望他们通过单击您的CTA(号召性用语)按钮来实现命运的飞跃,而是要确保他们确切地知道您所提供的内容。 只需花费几秒钟向网站的普通访问者发送明确的消息,您就可以轻松地大大提高转化率。

Keep in mind that not every single one of your visitors is there with a clear purpose in mind. On the other hand, just because someone landed on your website by accident, it doesn’t mean that they stand no chance of becoming paying customers at one point.

请记住,并非每个访客都有明确的目的。 另一方面,仅因为某人偶然地登陆了您的网站,并不意味着他们没有机会一次成为付费客户。

结论 (In conclusion)

At the end of the day, in order to make an effective business website, you first need to understand what kind of an effect you want to achieve. A website with a primary function of gathering subscribers needs to be constructed differently than the one made to generate sales. In other words, you need to think about your long-term web presence and your businesses objectives long before you start making website-related decisions. In the end, your business website is not independent of your business and it needs to act as a part of a larger entity at all times.

归根结底,为了建立一个有效的商业网站,您首先需要了解想要实现什么样的效果。 一个主要功能是吸引订户的网站的结构与产生销售的网站的结构不同。 换句话说,在开始做出与网站相关的决定之前,您需要考虑长期的网络存在和业务目标。 最后,您的企业网站并非独立于您的企业,它需要始终充当更大实体的一部分。







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