aws hadoop_云+ Hadoop –蓬勃发展的云市场; 知道AWS和Azure有什么贡献

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 As indicated by


IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Cloud IT Infrastructure Tracker, published in the month of August, enterprise cloud spending increased about 15% over a year ago. Open cloud base makes up the largest share with the spending of around $23.3 billion. The amount nearly shows around 19% increment. IDC的《全球云IT基础设施季度季度报告》于8月发布,企业云支出比去年同期增长了约15%。 开放云计算基础设施占据最大份额,支出约为233亿美元。 该数量几乎显示出约19%的增量。

One of the fundamental purposes for the Cloud business sector exponential development is the Cloud relationship with Hadoop. In the technologically advanced market, there have been lionized discussions about Hadoop running in the cloud environs. Ergo, where Amazon's Elastic MapReduce proceeded with its base platform upgrades Azure too accompanied HDInsights' improvisations.

云业务部门指数式发展的基本目的之一是与Hadoop的云关系。 在技​​术先进的市场中,有关在云环境中运行Hadoop的讨论非常激烈。 Ergo, Amazon的Elastic MapReduce在其基础平台上进行了升级,Azure也伴随着HDInsights的即兴创作。

Why Cloud+Hadoop affiliation amazes the technology leaders & marketers?

为什么Cloud + Hadoop隶属关系使技术领导者和营销商感到惊讶?

Vendors with the cloud and Hadoop union fetch countless benefits to the clients who are taking the cloud services from them. Also these customer gets scalable storage as well as power processing. Furthermore, with savvy (pay-per-use) techniques, it brings down the innovation cost, so organizations can pay for the analytics or storage required without making the upfront investment. Or else when it is not being used to pay for maintaining a system. Hadoop additionally oversees circumstances that wrench out substantial information volumes, sufficiently enough to affect company's storage resources.

拥有云和Hadoop联盟的供应商为从中获取云服务的客户获取了无数的利益。 这些客户还可以获得可扩展的存储以及电源处理。 此外,借助精明的(按使用付费)技术,它降低了创新成本,因此组织无需支付前期投资即可为所需的分析或存储付费。 否则,当它不被用来支付维护系统的费用时。 Hadoop还负责监督会浪费大量信息量的情况,足以影响公司的存储资源。

Yelp that is an American multinational corporation, a local business directory service and review site along with AWS clients is employing Hadoop in-house. Addedly, sending RAID stockpiling resources to handle the expansion in their log document generation. As indicated by Yelp, they were releasing out around 100GB of log records each day.

Yelp是一家美国跨国公司,本地企业目录服务和审核站点以及AWS客户端,正在内部使用Hadoop。 另外,发送RAID库存资源以处理其日志文档生成中的扩展。 如Yelp所示 ,他们每天释放大约100GB的日志记录。

Amazon EMR & Azure HDInsight – COMPARISON

Amazon EMR和Azure HDInsight –比较

AWS and Azure via the cloud in its Elastic MapReduce and HDInsight separately made the Hadoop innovation/technology accessible. These web services to make it simple, cost viably and rapidly process the vast information.

AWS和Azure通过其Elastic MapReduce和HDInsight中的云分别使Hadoop创新/技术可​​访问。 这些Web服务使其变得简单,成本合理且可快速处理大量信息。

So, let's analyze the prime elements of both Amazon EMR and Azure HDInsight:

AWS EMR – Feature


  • Amazon EMR to improve big data handling offers an oversaw Hadoop framework.

    Amazon EMR为改善大数据处理提供了一个受监督的Hadoop框架。
  • Amazon EMR can also run popular frameworks such as Apache Spark and Presto.

    Amazon EMR还可以运行流行的框架,例如Apache Spark和Presto。
  • Amazon EMR pricing is straightforward and unsurprising: On hourly rate the payment can be done and for $0.15 per hour a 10-hub Hadoop can be launched. For Amazon EC2 Spot and Reserved Instances Amazon EMR has native support, thus on the hidden instances cost 50-80% can likewise be saved.

    Amazon EMR定价简单明了:按小时收费,可以完成付款,每小时10美元的Hadoop即可启动,价格为0.15美元。 对于Amazon EC2竞价型实例和预留实例,Amazon EMR具有本机支持,因此,在隐藏实例上的成本也可以节省50-80%。
  • Due to its simple utilization capacity, it is said to be in vogue. At the point when on Amazon EMR a cluster is launched the web service assigns the virtual server occasions and designs them with the required programming for the company. The company within minutes can have a cluster designed as well as Hadoop application ready to run.

    由于其简单的利用能力,据说它是流行的。 在Amazon EMR上启动集群时,Web服务会分配虚拟服务器场合,并使用公司所需的程序进行设计。 公司可以在几分钟之内就可以运行一个设计好的集群以及Hadoop应用程序。
  • It is reusable depending on the processing needs the number of virtual clusters can be effortlessly adjusted.

  • Amazon EMR incorporates with mainstream business intelligence tools such as Tableau, Datameer and MicroStrategy. For more data, Use BI tools with Amazon EMR.

    Amazon EMR集成了TableauDatameerMicroStrategy等主流商业智能工具。 有关更多数据,请结合使用BI工具和Amazon EMR。
  • The company can run an Amazon EMR in an Amazon VPC in which it can arrange systems administration and security rules. Amazon EMR likewise underpins IAM clients and roles which the company can use to control access to its cluster and consents that confine what others can do on the cluster. For more data, Configure Access to the Cluster.

    该公司可以在Amazon VPC中运行Amazon EMR,在其中可以安排系统管理和安全规则。 Amazon EMR同样为IAM客户端和角色奠定了基础,该公司可以使用这些角色和角色来控制对其集群的访问,并同意限制其他人可以在集群上执行的操作。 有关更多数据,请配置对群集的访问。

Azure HDInsight – Features

Azure HDInsight –功能

  • A service, Azure HDInsight provisions the Apache Hadoop in the Azure cloud offering a software framework intended to oversee, investigate and provide details regarding big data.

    Azure HDInsight是一项服务,在Azure云中预配置了Apache Hadoop,该软件提供了旨在监视,调查和提供有关大数据的详细信息的软件框架。
  • HDInsight clusters are arranged to store information specifically in Azure Blob storage, which gives low inertness and expanded flexibility in execution and cost decisions.

    HDInsight群集专门用于在Azure Blob存储中存储信息,从而降低了惰性,并在执行和成本决策方面提供了更大的灵活性。
  • Azure HDInsight now is conveyed on Linux as Hadoop ought to be, which implies access to HDP highlights. In the web browser the cluster can be accessed through Ambari or SSH.

    现在,Azure HDInsight在Hadoop上应在Linux上进行传送,这意味着可以访问HDP亮点。 在Web浏览器中,可以通过AmbariSSH访问群集
  • HDInsight an adaptable and elastic platform is used for processing the information. Now in a running cluster nodes can be included and expelled, but singular node size can also be controlled, which means the cluster can be profoundly improved to run the planned jobs.

    HDInsight使用适应性强的弹性平台来处理信息。 现在,可以在运行中的群集中包含和删除节点,但也可以控制单个节点的大小,这意味着可以大大改善群集以运行计划的作业。
  • There were numerous alternatives for creating HDInsight processing jobs in its underlying structure. In any case, today, there are choices accessible that empower engineers to create data processing apps. HDInsight has a rich plugin for Visual Studio for the Windows developers to support the making of Hive, Pig, and Storm apps. For the Linux or Windows developers HDInsight too has plugins for an open-source Java IDE platforms, IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse. HDInsight likewise underpins PowerShell, Bash, and Windows command inputs to take into account scripting of work process's job.

    在其基础结构中创建HDInsight处理作业有多种选择。 无论如何,今天,存在可供选择的选项,使工程师能够创建数据处理应用程序。 HDInsight为Windows开发人员提供了一个丰富的Visual Studio插件,以支持Hive,Pig和Storm应用程序的制作。 对于Linux或Windows开发人员,HDInsight也具有用于开源Java IDE平台( IntelliJ IDEAEclipse)的插件。 HDInsight同样是PowerShellBash和Windows命令输入的基础,以考虑工作流程作业的脚本编写。

Successful administration with best valuing dependably wins the arrangement, and AWS is driving the costly wars for the most recent couple of years with all contenders, not simply Microsoft. Logic for its success is a business app operation complementary plan, which incorporates EMR execution that from sign-up goes on for one year. It permits an enterprise to develop its application, comprehend its long haul scope, including spikes and plunges, and after that financial plan as needs be.

成功的管理和最有价值的评估可靠地赢得了安排,并且AWS在最近几年与所有竞争者(不仅仅是微软)一起推动了代价高昂的战争。 成功的逻辑是业务应用程序运营补充计划,该计划合并了从注册开始的EMR执行,有效期为一年。 它允许企业开发其应用程序,了解其长期范围,包括峰值和骤降,并根据需要制定财务计划。

The point where Azure HDInsight pulls ahead is the end-user tools. If an organization's Big Data analytics team is utilizing Excel as its front-end examination tool, then Azure conveys a Hive ODBC driver and an add-on for Excel. On Azure’s part it is an intelligent move, however with some front-end can be copied on EMR.

最终用户工具是Azure HDInsight领先的地方。 如果组织的大数据分析团队正在将Excel用作其前端检查工具,则Azure会提供Hive ODBC驱动程序和Excel的附件。 在Azure方面,这是明智之举,但是可以在EMR上复制一些前端。

Azure, SQL Server and Excel can contend in Business Intelligence against competition. Azure needs to substantiate itself at the administration level, not generally as the IaaS and cloud storage supplier.

Azure,SQL Server和Excel可以在商业智能中竞争。 Azure需要在管理级别上证明自己,而不是通常作为IaaS云存储供应商



Anything an enterprise selects will be dictated by its needs, and the kind of workloads it needs to oversee. Additionally, it might even be the situation in the organization that diverse services will suit the various division prerequisites. Ideally, this relative aide will help the market leaders, in settling on the right decision.

企业选择的任何内容都将取决于其需求以及需要监管的工作量类型。 此外,甚至可能是组织中的情况是,多样化的服务将满足各个部门的先决条件。 理想情况下,该相对助手将帮助市场领导者做出正确的决定。


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