

Yes, you heard it right! In this article, I am going to explain why it is so (in as many ways as possible). Now, if you are a IT Project Manager or a Technology Architect who has used the term 'building an intelligence in this software' with the client or in front of a developer, and you get pissed off easily when someone challenges your usage of IT terms, then you need to quit reading right now.

是的,您没听错! 在本文中,我将解释其原因(以尽可能多的方式)。 现在,如果您是与客户或在开发人员面前使用过“在此软件中构建智能”一词的IT项目经理或技术架构师,当有人质疑您对IT术语的使用提出质疑时,您很容易生气。 ,那么您需要立即退出阅读。

What is intelligence?


Intelligence is the ability to take a decision in the unseen, unfamiliar, and unvisited circumstances. How good/effective your decision is, decides how intelligent you are. For example, consider the situation of joining a new office at a new place. You haven't asked for the directions to the office and only know the address of the office. You need to make some decisions now which includes, from where to take the bus, how long to wait for the bus, which bus to take, how much cash/change to keep with yourself, should I be consulting someone for the information, from whom to check this information, etc. There will be tons of decision you will take when you will be in a new situation. Most likely your decisions will be based on not only HOW, but it will include WHY and WHAT too. Next time you will have fewer decisions to make, or may even some new ones like should I take taxi instead to save time, is there another bus that can take me to my destination in lesser time, etc.

智力是指在看不见,陌生和未访问的情况下做出决定的能力。 您的决定有多好/有效,就决定您有多聪明。 例如,考虑在新地方加入新办公室的情况。 您没有要求去办公室的方向,只知道办公室的地址。 您现在需要做出一些决定,包括从哪里坐公交车,等待多长时间,坐哪辆公交车,我应该咨询某人以获取更多信息的现金/零用钱,谁来检查此信息,等等。当您处于新情况时,您将做出很多决定。 您的决策很可能不仅基于HOW,而且还将包括WHY和WHAT。 下次您的决策较少,甚至可能有一些新的决策,例如我应该改乘出租车以节省时间,是否有另一辆可以在更短时间内将我带到目的地的公交车等。

How a software behaves?


Your application software is nothing but a bunch of instructions which gets executed by an engine. You can make your software simulate decision making by putting some if-else conditions to check for the data available to it, but that is all you can do with it. For checking a new KIND of situation/condition, you'll have to update the code/configuration. Software cannot take a decision on its own, it’s your hardwired logic programmed into the code that make your software do what it does. You can only make your application LOOK flexible in terms of different decisions it is making through a FINITE set of ifs-elses, but that also only to an extent.

您的应用程序软件不过是一堆由引擎执行的指令。 您可以通过放置一些if-else条件来检查可用数据来使您的软件模拟决策,但这就是您所能做的。 为了检查新的情况/条件,您必须更新代码/配置。 软件无法自行做出决定,这是您的硬编码逻辑被编程到代码中,从而使软件可以执行其工作。 您只能通过一组有限的ifs-elses来使应用程序LOOK灵活地做出不同的决定,但这只是在一定程度上。

Does software evolve?


A software represents implementation of logic. It is a logic of how a functionality will work in the system. By definition logic only represents HOW. Therefore, by looking at a software one can only make out how a certain logic is implemented, not WHY or WHAT. Which is why, in most cases you will need to know what functionality a code is implementing to understand the code. This is precisely the reason why you cannot make a generic software that debug the code on its own. Since you will have to tell that software first about what is the right functionality. No finite sets of configuration and if-elses can make it debug a code debug a WHY or WHAT error. It can at max debug only HOW errors. So, this myth of software evolving as per the situation is a terrible myth.

软件代表逻辑的实现。 这是功能在系统中如何工作的逻辑。 根据定义,逻辑仅表示HOW。 因此,通过查看软件,只能确定某种逻辑的实现方式,而不是为什么或什么。 这就是为什么在大多数情况下,您需要知道代码所实现的功能才能理解代码。 这就是为什么您不能制作用于​​自行调试代码的通用软件的原因。 因为您必须先告诉该软件什么是正确的功能。 没有有限的配置集,并且if-elses可以使其调试代码,以调试WHY或WHAT错误。 它最多只能调试HOW错误。 因此,根据情况演变的软件神话是一个可怕的神话。

Major Problem! How will you debug an intelligent software?

主要问题! 您将如何调试智能软件?

If you are still up for the challenge, then think about a software who actually have a mind of its own. It is taking decisions on its own. Now, you would have met a lot of misbehaving and uncontrollable teens who think that whatever they think and do is right. Imagine that your software too has a brain of its own, and now it is no longer functioning the way you want it to. In normal softwares, you can do the dry run of the logic and change what is not right. However, this intelligent software is more than a normal machine, it may be taking a decision that it think is the right one. It is no longer dependent on logic now and he can even question your decisions too since it can do the 'WHY' and 'WHAT' part also. Scary thing is - it may not let you debug itself.

如果您仍然要面对挑战,那么考虑一下一个真正有自己想法的软件。 它自己决定。 现在,您会遇到很多行为举止失控的青少年,他们认为他们的想法和行为是正确的。 想象一下,您的软件也拥有自己的大脑,现在它不再按照您希望的方式运行。 在常规软件中,您可以进行逻辑的空运行并更改不正确的内容。 但是,这种智能软件不只是普通的机器,它可能正在做出它认为正确的决定。 现在它不再依赖逻辑,他甚至可以质疑您的决定,因为它也可以做“为什么”和“什么”部分。 可怕的是-它可能无法让您调试自身。

Hopefully, this will clear you head and ease out various doubts and questions. I know that this word 'Intelligence' looks great on PPTs and works as a marketing gimmick. Please feel free to post your questions, doubts, concerns etc. on this controversial topic. If you have ever claimed to make something intelligent (not simulation of intelligence, which is still quite honest and reasonable), please feel free to post it here. I'll try to help you understand why it is not so.

希望这将使您头脑清醒,并消除各种疑问。 我知道,“智能”一词在PPT上看起来很好,并且可以作为营销手段。 请随时在这个有争议的主题上发表您的问题,疑问,疑虑等。 如果您曾经声称要使某些东西变得智能化(不是智能模拟,这仍然是很诚实和合理的),请随时在此处发布。 我会尽力帮助您了解为什么不是这样。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/10609/Why-a-software-cannot-be-intelligent.html






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