brandon公司_与高级前端开发人员Brandon Lyon的问答


Since the release of the first smartphone in 1992 (yes, the first smartphone was released that long ago) consumer habits and expectations of the—now—everyday device has dramatically shifted. The novelty was originally to use the phone for email access and text messaging, then on to internet searching, and the creation of apps of all shapes and sizes. Now, we’re able to do all of the above simultaneously. (Excuse us while we talk on the phone and surf the web.) Needless to say, consumer expectations for agile apps with a positive user interface remain high.

自1992年首款智能手机发布以来(是的,很早就发布了第一款智能手机 ),消费者对现在(如今)日常设备的习惯和期望发生了巨大变化。 新颖性最初是使用手机进行电子邮件访问和短信,然后进行互联网搜索以及创建各种形状和大小的应用程序。 现在,我们可以同时完成以上所有操作。 (请打扰我们在电话上交谈和上网时。)不用说,消费者对带有积极用户界面的敏捷应用程序的期望仍然很高。

These expectations have forced many companies to hire developers and designers who are well-versed in mobile app development and deployment skills. In order to stay competitive, companies need their apps to meet users’ needs and they need to be able to quickly iterate as new software is released and as consumer expectations shift. 

这些期望迫使许多公司雇用了精通移动应用程序开发和部署技能的开发人员和设计师。 为了保持竞争力,公司需要他们的应用程序来满足用户的需求,并且他们需要能够随着新软件的发布和消费者期望的变化而快速迭代。

Some developers and designers have been fortunate enough to learn these skills on the job. Others who may have focused strongly in other areas of development and design may be unsure where to get started with app development and how to make sure they’re learning the right techniques. Either way, app development skills are an important factor in career advancement as a developer and designer. Imagine your current employer begins to explore mobile app development. If you step up as someone with a thorough working knowledge of best practices and processes, you can gain an advantage and play an integral role in the project. The same applies for future opportunities. Armed with these skills, your resume gets a boost and your job pool widens. 

一些开发人员和设计师很幸运地在工作中学习了这些技能。 其他可能专注于其他开发和设计领域的人可能不确定如何开始应用程序开发以及如何确保他们正在学习正确的技术。 无论哪种方式,应用程序开发技能都是作为开发人员和设计师的职业发展的重要因素。 想象一下,您现在的老板开始探索移动应用程序的开发。 如果您以对最佳实践和流程有透彻的工作知识的态度站起来,那么您将获得优势并在项目中扮演不可或缺的角色。 未来的机会也是如此。 掌握了这些技能,您的简历就会得到提升,工作范围也会扩大。

To explore this further, we spoke with Experts Exchange senior frontend developer Brandon Lyon to discuss these expectations and gather some tips on useful training for developers and designers looking to break into the mobile app world.

为了进一步探讨这一问题,我们与Experts Exchange高级前端开发人员Brandon Lyon进行了交流,讨论了这些期望,并收集了一些有用的培训技巧,以帮助希望进入移动应用程序世界的开发人员和设计师。

Experts Exchange: How long have you been a developer?


Brandon Lyon: I've been developing websites for about 22 years and mobile apps for about 4 years. Since then, I've diversified into wearables, voice apps, mixed reality, and desktop apps. It's important to diversify your development skills.

布兰登·里昂(Brandon Lyon):我从事网站开发已有22年之久,移动应用程序开发已有4年之久。 从那时起,我开始涉足可穿戴设备,语音应用程序,混合现实和桌面应用程序。 使您的开发技能多样化很重要。

EE: What was your role in the initial development of the Experts Exchange app? (Development began in October 2014. App was released in 2015.)

EE:您在Experts Exchange应用程序的最初开发中扮演什么角色? (开发工作于2014年10月开始。应用程序于2015年发布。)

BL: In general as the frontend developer, it is my job to put all of the parts together. I take into account the concerns of the end-users, the developers, the designers, and the business goals. In the case of mobile apps, I also have to ensure that an app follows all rules published by multiple app stores as well as design best-practices.

BL:一般来说,作为前端开发人员,我的工作是将所有部分放在一起。 我考虑了最终用户,开发人员,设计人员和业务目标的顾虑。 对于移动应用程序,我还必须确保一个应用程序遵循多个应用程序商店发布的所有规则以及设计最佳实践。

EE: What challenges did you come across during the process?


BL: There were obvious concerns with complex applications and limited screen size. At the time we started mobile app development, documentation was very limited and there there were few people with experience developing apps. Beyond that, mobile apps have their own special rules dictated by publishers, such as APIs, toolkits, and target hardware that change much more frequently than typical computers. We also had limited resources [for this project] and had to plan our development accordingly.

BL:复杂的应用程序和有限的屏幕尺寸令人担忧。 当我们开始移动应用程序开发时,文档非常有限,很少有人具有开发应用程序的经验。 除此之外,移动应用程序还具有由发布者规定的特殊规则,例如API,工具包和目标硬件,它们比典型计算机更频繁地更改。 我们(用于该项目)的资源也很有限,因此必须相应地计划我们的发展。

EE: Was this your first experience developing a mobile app?


BL: Yes and no. It's technically accurate to say it was my first mobile app, but I have been developing websites targeted at mobile devices for significantly longer than that.

BL:是的,不是。 从技术上讲,这是我的第一个移动应用程序,但是从技术上讲,我开发针对移动设备的网站的时间要长得多。

EE: Please describe the process of developing the app for Android devices versus the iPhone. Were there major differences?

EE:请描述为Android设备(而非iPhone)开发应用程序的过程。 是否存在重大差异?

BL: The software for those two platforms are more similar than most people think. We used a native development toolkit which abstracted major platform differences. We also preferred to use design patterns which exist on both platforms. When it came to physical hardware—in my opinion—Apple devices and their development certificates are hell to work with. The iOS emulator is way better than the Android one, though.

BL:这两个平台的软件比大多数人想象的要相似。 我们使用了本机开发工具包,该工具包抽象了主要平台差异。 我们也更喜欢使用两个平台上都存在的设计模式。 我认为,当涉及到物理硬件时,Apple设备及其开发证书实在难以应对。 不过,iOS模拟器比Android模拟器好得多。

As a side note, we did plan to support Windows Phone and got to the research and design phase. Due to limited resources, toolkit trouble, limited user base, and very different interfaces, we didn't get a chance to develop it before Microsoft killed the platform.

附带说明,我们确实计划支持Windows Phone并进入研究和设计阶段。 由于资源有限,工具包出现问题,用户群有限以及界面非常不同,在Microsoft终止该平台之前,我们没有机会进行开发。

EE: What are some skills you wish you had under your belt before this inaugural mobile app project?


BL: From a design perspective, I wish I had more experience with microinteractions and animations. From a development perspective, I would have liked more practice developing applications where an internet connection may be lost at any moment.

BL:从设计的角度来看,我希望我对微交互和动画有更多的经验。 从开发的角度来看,我希望有更多的实践来开发可能随时失去Internet连接的应用程序。

EE: Did you learn or acquire these skills afterward?


BL: Eventually yes.


EE: What are some training opportunities developers should explore if they’re looking to learn mobile app development or expand on existing knowledge?

EE: 如果开发人员想学习移动应用程序开发或扩展现有知识,开发人员应该探索 哪些 培训机会

BL: I'm not really big on certifications, especially considering how quickly our industry changes. The best advice I can give is to read documentation and build something. "Learn by doing" was an important motto at the university I attended.

BL:我并不是很擅长认证,尤其是考虑到我们行业变化的速度。 我能提供的最佳建议是阅读文档并进行构建。 “边干边学”是我参加的大学的一个重要座右铭。

EE: In your opinion as a frontend developer, how vital are the skills and knowledge for app development in today’s business climate?


BL: Few companies have the user base and resources required to develop a mobile app. The necessity for a mobile app also depends on the nature of your user base and the type of activity your app is trying to accomplish. That said, it's always a good idea to diversify your programming and design skill sets.

BL:很少有公司拥有开发移动应用程序所需的用户群和资源。 移动应用程序的必要性还取决于用户群的性质以及应用程序试图完成的活动类型。 话虽如此,使您的编程和设计技能集多样化总是一个好主意。

EE: How can these skills and qualifications prove useful in career advancement?


BL: I received several unsolicited job offers due to my experience developing mobile apps. Building this app taught me things which I use in other types of development. For example, the nature of touchscreen devices precludes certain types of interaction. Touchscreens also require knowledge of human hands (thumb sizes, swipe gesture distances, multi-touch, etc).

BL:由于我开发移动应用程序的经验,我收到了一些主动提供的工作机会。 构建此应用程序可以教会我在其他类型的开发中使用的东西。 例如,触摸屏设备的性质排除了某些类型的交互。 触摸屏还需要了解人的手(拇指大小,滑动手势距离,多点触摸等)。

EE: What do you foresee as the next big need-to-know skill in mobile app development?


BL: Mobile app development is becoming less reliant on touchscreen interfaces. More is being done with wearables, voice assistants, and mixed reality (AR and VR). After learning the basics of mobile app development you should have fun learning advanced interfaces.

BL:移动应用程序开发不再依赖于触摸屏界面。 可穿戴设备,语音助手和混合现实(AR和VR)正在做更多工作。 在学习了移动应用程序开发的基础知识之后,您应该有一个有趣的学习高级界面的知识。

If you’re looking to break into the mobile app development world and want to follow Lyon's advice to “learn by doing”, our January Course of the Month teaches you how to build an Android app, from concept to deployment on Google Play. Register today for in-depth lessons and hands-on learning built to improve your design and development skills.

如果您想进入移动应用程序开发领域,并希望遵循里昂的建议“边做边学”,我们的本月一月课程将教您如何构建Android应用程序,从概念到在Google Play上的部署。 立即注册,以获取旨在提高您的设计和开发技能的深入课程和动手学习。







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