

下载并打开附件的“ CopyShapes.xlsm”工作簿后,您将在屏幕中间看到一个“复制形状”按钮,单击该按钮将看到类似的内容。 (After you download and open the attached "CopyShapes.xlsm" workbook you'll see a 'Copy Shapes' button in the middle of the screen, and when you click it you'll see something like this.)


什么是什么 (What's What)

工作簿(来源) (Workbook (Source))

The 'Workbook' list under 'Source' is automatically populated with all the open workbooks, and in this case there are two. CopyShapes.xlsm (or whatever you call it if you rename it) is not shown. Since the purpose of this tool is to simplify the moving of shapes there needs to be at least one workbook open and just one would be fine if you are planning to copy a shape or shapes from one sheet to another or even duplicate the shape on the same page. 

“源”下的“工作簿”列表会自动填充所有打开的工作簿,在这种情况下,有两个。 不显示CopyShapes.xlsm(或重命名后的名称)。 由于此工具的目的是简化形状的移动,因此至少需要打开一个工作簿,如果您打算将一个或多个形状从一张纸复制到另一张纸上,或者甚至将其复制到另一张纸上,则只需打开一个即可。同一页。

工作表(来源) (Worksheet (Source))

When one of the source workbooks is clicked, all the worksheets in that workbook show up.


形状标题 (Shape Captions)

I once thought that a shape was just a shape and that shapes were only the things that you can create when you click 'Shapes' from the 'Insert' tab, but I was wrong and actually there are a bunch of other objects that are considered shapes and they include comments, charts, and even data validation dropdowns among others. This tool lists only those inserted from  Insert->Shapes. If a shape doesn't have a caption then "<None>" will be displayed. 

我曾经以为形状只是一个形状,而形状只是您在“插入”选项卡中单击“形状”时可以创建的东西,但是我错了,实际上还有很多其他对象被认为是形状,其中包括注释,图表,甚至数据验证下拉列表。 该工具仅列出从“插入”->“形状”插入的那些。 如果形状没有标题,则会显示“ <None>”。

Please see my "Deleting Shapes - A Warning" article for a caution about deleting shapes.

请参阅我的“ 删除形状-警告 ”一文,以获取有关删除形状的警告。

宏名 (Macro Name)

This is a list of the macros assigned to a particular shape. If that shape doesn't have a macro assigned to it the entry will say "<None>".

这是分配给特定形状的宏的列表。 如果未为该形状分配宏,则该条目将显示“ <None>”。

复制代码? (Copy Code?)

When a shape is selected and it has an assigned macro, a "Yes" will appear for that shape which means that the macro will be copied to the destination workbook. If you don't want to copy the macro you can click on the "Yes" and it will change to "No". Copied macros will be placed in a code module named 'ShapeMacros' which will be created if it doesn't already exist.

选择形状并为其分配了宏后,该形状将显示“是”,这意味着该宏将被复制到目标工作簿中。 如果您不想复制宏,则可以单击“是”,它将更改为“否”。 复制的宏将放置在名为“ ShapeMacros”的代码模块中,如果该模块不存在,则会创建该模块。

工作簿(目的地) (Workbook (Destination))

This is automatically populated with the same workbooks as above.


工作表(目标) (Worksheet (Destination))

When one of the destination workbooks is clicked, all the worksheets in that workbook show up.


将形状复制到目标 (Copy Shapes to Destination)

The button will become enabled when a source workbook and worksheet, at least one macro, and a destination workbook and worksheet have been selected, and when it's clicked the selected macros and code will be copied to the destination workbook. 

该按钮将在以下时间启用   已选择一个源工作簿和工作表,至少一个宏以及一个目标工作簿和工作表,然后单击选定的宏和代码将它们复制到目标工作簿。

If during the process it is found that a shape with the same name already exists you will be given the chance to either change the name, leave it as is, or cancel the copying of that shape, Similarly if it is found that a macro with the same name already exists you will be given the chance to either change the name, leave it as is, or cancel the copying of the macro.


A copied shape will normally have the same position on the destination sheet as it has on the source sheet. I say normally because if you copy the same shape twice, the second one will be placed 25% of its width to the right of the first so that it is easier to find.

复制的形状通常在目标图纸上的位置与在源图纸上的位置相同。 我之所以说是正常的,是因为如果您复制相同的形状两次,则第二个形状将被放置在第一个形状右侧宽度的25%处,以便于查找。

准备好出发 (Ready to Go )

In this case, pictured below, I'm planning on copying shapes from the 'Button Source.xlsm' workbook to the 'DestWorkbook.xlsm' workbook and the picture shows the result of clicking 'Button Source.xlsm', clicking it's one worksheet, selecting the shapes I want to copy and selecting the destination workbook and one of its sheets. 

在这种情况下,如下图所示,我计划将形状从“ Button Source.xlsm”工作簿复制到“ DestWorkbook.xlsm”工作簿,并且该图显示单击“ Button Source.xlsm”的结果,单击该按钮是一个工作表,选择我要复制的形状,然后选择目标工作簿及其工作表之一。

完成了 (Done)

The only other thing you need to do is to click the 'Copy Shapes to Destination' button!


我的形状在哪里? (Where's My Shape?)

As mentioned above, the copied shapes are placed in the same position they were copied from, but if you can't find them then click Home->Find & Select->Selection Pane. In case you aren't familiar with the Selection Pane, here are some tips. 

如上所述,复制的形状放置在复制时所处的位置,但是如果找不到它们,则单击“主页”->“查找和选择”->“选择窗格”。 如果您不熟悉选择窗格,请参考以下提示。

  • Selecting one selects it on the page so you can locate it

  • It shows all the shapes on the page in a neat list

  • You can easily delete one by selecting one from the list and pressing the Delete key

  • Or rename it by double-clicking it and typing in the new name

  • Or hide it by clicking the "eye" icon at the right of the name (clicking it again makes it visible)


If you find that this article has been helpful, please click the “thumb’s up” button below. Doing so lets me know what is valuable for EE members and provides direction for future articles. It also provides me with positive feedback in the form of a few points. 

如果您发现本文对您有所帮助,请单击下面的“竖起大拇指”按钮。 这样做可以让我知道对EE成员有价值的内容,并为以后的文章提供指导。 它还以几点的形式为我提供了积极的反馈。

If you have any suggestions for improvement or if you encounter any bugs, please send me a message. Thanks!

如果您有任何改进建议或遇到任何错误,请给我发送一条消息 。 谢谢!



翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/31672/Quickly-and-Easily-Copy-Shapes-and-Their-Assigned-Macros-to-a-New-Location.html






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