

Another year flies by. Here are some of the things I’ve managed to pack into the last 12 months.

又过了一年。 这是我在过去12个月中成功整理的一些内容。

TripIt tells me that I was on the road for 160 days, travelling 284,347 km to 47 cities in 15 countries. Most of that was conference travel, along with CSS Working Group Meetings, and a couple of other events. I usually manage to combine trips to avoid too much long haul back and forth. I wrote up some of my travel tips for public speakers for the Notist blog, if you want to know how to cope with living in airplanes and hotels for half of the year.

TripIt告诉我,我旅行了160天,行驶284,347公里,到达15个国家/地区的47个城市。 其中大多数是会议旅行,CSS工作组会议以及其他一些活动。 我通常会合并旅行,以免来回往返时间太长。 如果您想知道半年来如何应对飞机和旅馆生活,我为Notist博客的公众演讲者写了一些旅行提示

I document my travels mostly on Instagram, you can follow me there if you like photos of airplanes and interesting landmarks photographed at 6am while I’m running.


请讲 (Speaking)

This year I spoke and ran workshops all over the world, you can find slides and assorted ephemera collected below. I also had the chance to be a mentor for Global Diversity CFP Day in February, encouraging more folk to submit proposals to speak at conferences, read my write up of the event. I always tell people I was terrified of public speaking, because it is absolutely true. Drew remembers when we used to run CSS Workshops - I wrote the workshop and he presented it. Now look at my life! If I can do it, anyone can and I am always happy to help and encourage anyone else who wants to do this.

今年,我在世界各地演讲并举办了讲习班,您可以在下面找到收集的幻灯片和各种临时植物。 我也有机会成为2月全球多样性CFP日的导师,鼓励更多的人提交建议在会议上发言, 阅读我对活动的报道 。 我总是告诉人们我对公开演讲感到恐惧,因为这是绝对正确的。 德鲁(Drew)记得我们以前举办CSS研讨会的时候-我写了这个研讨会,他介绍了这个研讨会。 现在看看我的生活! 如果我能做到,那么任何人都可以,我总是很乐意帮助和鼓励任何想要这样做的人。

CSS工作组 (The CSS Working Group)

This year CSS Working Group meetings were held in Berlin, Sydney and then at TPAC in Lyon. I wrote about the discussions held at TPAC for Smashing Magazine.

今年CSS工作组会议在柏林,悉尼举行,然后在里昂的TPAC举行。 我写了在TPAC上为Smashing Magazine进行的讨论

I’ve managed to progress the work on Multicol, and the test suite - reviewing the existing tests and inlining them into the specification. The work Tab Atkins has done to make that possible in Bikeshed is much appreciated, as was the help Greg Whitworth gave me earlier in the year to start the job of reviewing all the tests.

我已经成功地进行了Multicol和测试套件的工作-审查了现有的测试并将它们纳入规范。 Tab Atkins为使它在Bikeshed中实现这一目标所做的工作倍受赞赏,Greg Whitworth在今年早些时候为我提供了帮助,以开始审查所有测试的工作。

Towards the end of the year an idea came to fruition that will shape much of my 2019. The Fronteers organisation were considering becoming a W3C Member, and asked me if I would be interested in being their representative. At a meeting in Utrecht the vote was passed, and at the end of 2018 the Fronteers membership was approved.

到今年年底,一个构想得以实现,这个构想将影响我的2019年大部分时间。Fronteers组织正在考虑成为W3C成员,并问我是否有兴趣成为其代表。 在乌得勒支的一次会议上,投票获得通过,并在2018年底批准了Fronteers成员资格。

Notist&Perch (Notist & Perch)

We launched Notist this year, and the interest and uptake has been amazing. We have so many plans for the platform so thank you to everyone who has subscribed and is uploading their content. It is such a fun product to work on, given that I spend so much of the year speaking.

我们今年推出了Notist ,引起了人们的兴趣和关注。 我们对该平台有很多计划,因此感谢所有订阅并正在上传其内容的人。 鉴于我一年中的大部分时间都在演讲,因此它是一款非常有趣的产品。

Our CMS product Perch is now 9 years old and it, along with Perch Runway continues to be the CMS of choice for many developers. We continue to make improvements and additions based on user feedback. It is amazing to me that in 2019 the product will be ten years old, but then I think about how we launched it one evening after taking my daughter to visit a model village as a birthday treat, and how small she was at the time. Time passes quickly.

我们的CMS产品Perch已有9年历史了,它与Perch Runway一起仍然是许多开发人员的CMS选择。 我们会继续根据用户反馈进行改进和添加。 让我感到惊讶的是,2019年该产品将推出10年,但随后我想到了我们带着女儿到一个模范村庄做生日礼物后的一个晚上如何推出它,当时她还很小。 时间过得很快。

粉碎杂志 (Smashing Magazine)

I became Editor in Chief of Smashing Magazine in November 2017, so this has been my first full year in the role. In addition to reviewing a vast number of articles over the course of the year, I’ve also published a lot of my writing on CSS there too.

我于2017年11月成为《 粉碎杂志》Smashing Magazine)的总编辑,所以这是我担任该职位的第一年。 除了在这一年中回顾了大量文章之外,我还在那儿也发表了很多关于CSS的文章。

I’m very happy about the range and quality of content we have published this year, and of course the magazine is only one of the things that team achieves. It really is amazing what a small and motivated group of folk can do. Read our review of 2018 to find out about it all.

我对我们今年出版的内容的范围和质量感到非常高兴,当然,该杂志只是团队取得的成就之一。 一小群且积极进取的人能做的事真令人惊奇。 阅读我们对2018年的评论,以了解所有内容。


I work part time for MDN writing CSS content. It’s something I hugely enjoy. I like nothing better than to write detailed technical walkthroughs of CSS, to do that for MDN is a real honour.

我在兼职MDN编写CSS内容。 这是我非常喜欢的东西。 我最喜欢写CSS的详细技术演练,这对MDN确实是一种荣幸。

I was fortunate enough to get to attend the Mozilla All Hands in Orlando at the end of the year. For someone who has been independent since 2001, and never been part of a huge company as a full time employee it was a great and very different experience. The MDN team and Chris Mills have really made me feel part of the team despite my part time, contractor status, and they really are lovely folk to work with.

我很幸运能在年底参加奥兰多的Mozilla All Hands。 对于自2001年以来一直独立并从未作为一家全职员工加入大型公司的人来说,那是一次非常伟大的经历,而这次经历却截然不同。 尽管有兼职,承包商身份,但MDN团队和Chris Mills确实让我感到自己是团队的一员,他们确实是非常可爱的人。

CSS布局新闻 (CSS Layout News)

I have continued to publish a weekly roundup of CSS Layout News each Tuesday of 2018 - including Christmas Day as I can’t break the chain now! I am always looking for sponsors should you be reading this and have a product or service of interest to almost 10,000 web developing folk.

我继续在2018年的每个星期二每周发布一次CSS布局新闻摘要-包括圣诞节,因为我现在无法打破束缚! 如果您正在阅读本文,并拥有将近10,000名Web开发人员感兴趣的产品或服务,我将一直在寻找赞助商

这个网站 (This site)

In the last couple of days of 2018 I redesigned this site, in as much as I am able to design anything. The aim was to bring together the content I’m publishing elsewhere to make it easy for people to find what I’ve been publishing, wherever it is. I still have content to add, but this is a start.

在2018年的最后几天,我尽我所能设计了这个网站。 目的是将我在其他地方发布的内容汇总在一起,以使人们无论在哪里都可以轻松找到我正在发布的内容。 我仍然有要添加的内容,但这是一个开始

其他事情 (Other things)

I did some stuff other than sat in airplanes, announced stuff at people and wrote tens of thousands of words. I recorded a short course for Skillshare at their offices in New York. I contributed a chapter to the Smashing Book 6. I helped to rescue my daughter from an interesting work situation of her own, which resulted in us both being in Hong Kong at the same time for unrelated reasons! Big thanks to the folk of Webconf.asia who supported me and welcomed my daughter as we sorted things out.

除了坐在飞机上,我还做了一些其他的事情,向人们宣布了一些事情,并写了成千上万的单词。 我在纽约的办事处为Skillshare录制了短期课程 。 我为《 粉碎手册》 6贡献了一章。 我帮我的女儿从一个有趣的工作环境中解救出来,这导致我们俩出于无关的原因同时在香港! 非常感谢Webconf.asia的支持者,他们支持我并在我整理事情时欢迎我的女儿。

Mac不再 (Mac no more)

2018 was the year of finally throwing in the towel as a Mac user. The horrible Macbook Pro is no more, I’m writing this on a Surface Book. I imagine had I announced I was converting to a new religion it would have caused less fascination than my moving away from the sacred Macintosh. Guess what? It’s fine. I essentially edit text files. All I need is something that doesn’t crash or overheat while I edit those text files. The only real consideration was moving to PowerPoint from Keynote, which was more fine than you would imagine - in fact existing decks converted with minimal fuss. I actually prefer PowerPoint for creating slides, though I miss the configurable presenter view of Keynote. I also miss OmniFocus and haven’t quite got my GTD setup as I like it since the move, but I’m getting there. Other than that, I edit text files in VS Code and all is well with the world.

2018年是最终成为Mac用户的一年。 可怕的Macbook Pro不再存在 ,我是在Surface Book上写的。 我想如果我宣布要转换为一种新的宗教,那将引起比我离开神圣的Macintosh更少的迷恋。 你猜怎么了? 没关系。 我基本上是编辑文本文件。 我需要的是在编辑这些文本文件时不会崩溃或过热的东西。 唯一真正需要考虑的是从Keynote转到PowerPoint,这比您想像的要好得多-实际上,现有的套牌转换得很少。 我实际上更喜欢使用PowerPoint创建幻灯片,尽管我错过了Keynote的可配置演示者视图。 我也很想念OmniFocus,自从搬家以来,还没有完全喜欢我的GTD设置,但是我已经到了。 除此之外,我用VS Code编辑文本文件,一切都很好。

适合度 (Fitness)

I ran a marathon - then immediately got in the car as I was speaking the next day in Leeds - not a recommended recovery strategy. I also did my first big triathlon, I’ve done “Try-a-Tri” beginner events before, but going from that to the Chicago Triathlon was a little bit overwhelming. Chicago was also my first open water triathlon. I couldn’t really swim properly until a few years ago, and have always been somewhat nervous of water. Getting into the cold lake was just another fear I was saying nope to. As we were waiting to start I remember worrying about how deep it was, then laughing to myself that I’ve never sunk to the bottom of a pool so it doesn’t really matter, I was intending to stay on the top! Even when the thing I had dreaded happened and folk swam over me, it was fine, even fun, and I can’t wait to do my next one. This is fortunate because I’m already signed up for four in 2019!

我参加了马拉松比赛-第二天我在利兹讲话时立即上了车-不推荐使用这种康复方法。 我也参加了我的第一项大型铁人三项赛,之前我参加过“ Try-a-Tri”初学者比赛,但是从那次比赛到芝加哥铁人三项比赛有点让人不知所措。 芝加哥也是我第一次参加公开赛铁人三项。 直到几年前,我才能真正畅游,而且一直对水有些紧张。 进入冰冷的湖面只是我对不对的恐惧。 当我们等待开始时,我记得担心它有多深,然后对自己笑,我从来没有沉没到游泳池的底部,所以这并不重要,我打算留在顶部! 即使发生了我所恐惧的事情,并且民间游动着我,这很好,甚至很有趣,我迫不及待地想做下一个。 幸运的是,我已经在2019年注册了四个人!

Ive also been doing CrossFit all year with the help of the local CrossFit Box, who have been great at dealing with me and the wonky elbow. A lot of the repetitive running injuries I was getting haven’t been an issue, which I put down to increasing strength overall. I have had great chunks of time off running, but due to bad luck injuries - I tore my calf doing a trail race which then led to achillies issues. Those kind of things are less of a worry than the things that occur due to imbalance. CrossFit turns out to be really great at being adaptive for people with disabilities far worse than mine. My main issue is I’ll never be able to front rack a bar, I simply don’t have the ability to bend my right arm like that any more. However we have worked out adaptions and I am intending to do some CrossFit tourism in cities around the world now I feel confident with what I can and can’t do.

Ive还在当地的CrossFit Box的帮助下整年都在进行CrossFit,他们非常擅长与我和弯腰的人打交道。 我遭受的许多重复性跑步伤害不是问题,我将其归结为提高整体力量。 我本来有很多休息时间,但由于运气不好受伤,我的小牛参加越野跑时被撕裂,这导致了跟屁虫问题。 与由于不平衡而发生的事情相比,这类事情不必担心。 事实证明,CrossFit在适应残疾人方面确实很棒,远比我的差。 我的主要问题是,我永远无法在前架上撑杆,我简直再也无法弯曲右臂了。 但是,我们已经做出了调整,现在我打算在世界各地的城市做一些CrossFit旅游,我对自己能做和不能做的事情充满信心。

I’m also working with a trainer who is planning me a programme remotely, and coping with my constant timezone switches and ending up in hotels with gyms put together by someone who once had a gym described to them. I’m finding it helpful to have someone else advising me on what I should be doing.

我还与一位培训师合作,这位培训师正在为我远程计划一个程序,应付我不断的时区切换,最后在一家旅馆里安排了健身房,而健身房曾经由曾经向他们描述过的人集合在一起。 我发现让别人就我应该做的事向我提供建议很有帮助。

飞行 (Flying)

Balloons abq

Progress towards my PPL has been less successful due to the shocking weather than seems to arrive in the UK every time I do. I’ve not had a lesson in almost three months due to weather! It’s really frustrating, but par for the course given my schedule and the fact I live in the UK, and fly out of an airport that seems to exist under a layer of cloud stubbornly sitting at 800 foot.

由于天气恶劣,我的PPL取得的成功并不如我每次都到达英国。 由于天气原因,我已经近三个月没有上课了! 这真的很令人沮丧,但考虑到我的日程安排和我住在英国的事实,该课程的水准与之相当,然后飞出一个似乎位于800英尺高的云层下的机场。

We did however achieve an aviation related bucket list item and flew in a balloon at the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. I have been up in a balloon in Albuquerque before, when speaking at a conference, and had heard all about the Fiesta and the hundreds of balloons that fly at once. I love balloons, and travel worked out that Drew and I could head over there after I spoke at An Event Apart in Orlando. Everything aligned perfectly, the bad weather plaguing me in the UK didn’t follow me there, and we got our flight. It was one of the best things I’ve done, to fly with so many other balloons over the desert, with an lovely crew and fellow passengers was amazing.

但是,我们确实实现了与航空相关的遗愿清单项目,并在阿尔伯克基热气球嘉年华乘坐热气球飞行。 在一次会议上发言时,我曾坐过阿尔伯克基的热气球,并听到了有关嘉年华和一次飞行的数百个气球的全部信息。 我热爱气球,旅行得出的结论是,我在奥兰多的活动会上讲话后,Drew和我可以去那儿。 一切都安排得很好,在英国困扰我的恶劣天气并没有跟随我到那里,我们就出发了。 这是我做过的最好的事情之一,带着许多其他气球飞越沙漠,一个可爱的机组人员和同行的乘客真是太神奇了。

悲伤的告别和新的开始 (Sad goodbyes and new beginnings)

Widget and drew

2018 will always be remembered as the year we had to say goodbye to our lovely cat friend Widget. I think we thought he would be around forever. Then suddenly he was not. I wrote about him here, and am still very grateful to the folk of ScotlandCSS who let me dash back home to be with him and Drew.

2018年将永远被铭记为我们不得不与可爱的猫友Widget告别的一年。 我认为我们认为他会永远存在。 然后突然他不是。 我在这里写过关于他的文章 ,但我仍然非常感谢ScottishCSS的同事,让我冲回家与他和Drew在一起。

We had intended to wait a while before giving another cat a home, however Drew missed having a friend at home when I was travelling and so we found Pixel. He is a very different sort of cat, and we’ve never been through the kitten stage before! We love him so much and he is great fun, if a little keen on nibbling toes and snacking on the Christmas tree. We still all catch ourselves being sad about Widget, but Pixel has helped heal our hearts to some extent, and makes us laugh a lot with his kitten antics.

我们原本打算等一会儿再给另一只猫回家,但是当我旅行时,德鲁(Drew)错过了在家的朋友,因此我们找到了Pixel。 他是非常不同的猫,而且我们之前从未经历过小猫阶段! 我们非常爱他,如果他有点热衷于ni脚趾和在圣诞树上吃零食,他会很有趣。 我们仍然为Widget感到难过,但是Pixel在某种程度上帮助我们治愈了心灵,并使我们对他的小猫滑稽动作大笑。


所以到2019年 (So to 2019)

As ever, I have far more things that I want to do than is feasible for one person, unless I kick off the year by inventing teleportation or cloning.


I already have a nice line-up of events that I’ll be attending and speaking at, thanks to An Event Apart booking me for all of the events next year, and Smashing having me along to run my CSS Layout Workshop. I’ll be shaping additional travel around those and my CSS Working Group commitments, which means that if you want me to come speak or run a workshop now is a very good time to get in touch.

我已经准备参加一系列活动并发表演讲,这要归功于An Event Apart预定我明年的所有活动,以及Smashing的帮助我开展了CSS Layout Workshop。 我将围绕这些工作和我CSS工作组承诺来安排其他旅行,这意味着如果您希望我现在来演讲或举办研讨会,那么是联系的好时机。

At Smashing I hope to continue to improve the quality of content, building on the year we have had. I’m keen to encourage new authors to write for us as we are well placed to support people writing for the first time, with our great team of editors. We have our first print magazine coming out soon. In the very short term I’m finishing work on the CSS that will enable us to print from HTML and CSS.

我希望在Smashing的基础上继续提高内容质量。 我非常希望鼓励新的作者为我们写作,因为我们有强大的编辑团队,可以很好地支持人们首次写作。 我们即将发行第一本印刷杂志。 在短期内,我将完成CSS的工作,这将使我们能够从HTML和CSS进行打印。

As the New Year begins I’m working on the Learn CSS section of MDN, turning that into a really up to date place for beginners to CSS.


I’m looking forward to my involvement with Fronteers, and working out with them what being a representative in the W3C of a community organisation looks like.


I’d like to blog on this site more. I’ve been publishing my long form content over at Smashing, but I would like to use this site for shorter thoughts and less well formed ideas.

我想在这个网站上写更多博客。 我已经在Smashing上发布了我的长篇幅内容,但是我想将此站点用于较短的想法和格式较差的想法。

I hope that we can continue to develop Notist. We have so many plans, though we need the user base to support them, so I will be concentrating on marketing of the site in the first part of the year.

我希望我们可以继续发展Notist。 我们有很多计划,尽管我们需要用户群来支持他们,所以我将在今年上半年集中精力进行网站营销。

On a personal level, I’d like to get closer to my PPL but so much of that depends on the weather situation when I’m here. I also hope to build on this past year of working on strength and stability and be able to complete the triathlons and running races I’m signed up for without injuries creeping in.

就个人而言,我想更接近我的PPL,但这很大程度上取决于我在这里的天气情况。 我也希望在过去的一年中继续致力于力量和稳定性,并能够完成我所报名的三项铁人三项和跑步比赛而不会造成伤害。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/01/01/that-was-2018/


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