

As people have started to work with CSS Grid Layout I’ve been getting more questions. Most of these could be easily answered by taking a look at the spec. I’m also seeing several popular articles and blog posts that quite obviously have not been based on a solid understanding of the spec, as they misinterpret features or make assumptions that don’t relate to the explanations there.

当人们开始使用CSS Grid Layout时,我遇到了更多问题。 通过查看规格,可以很容易地回答这些问题。 我还看到一些很受欢迎的文章和博客文章,这些文章和博客文章显然不是基于对规范的扎实理解,因为它们会误解功能或做出与此处的解释无关的假设。

Why are we not referring to the spec? The whole point of browsers adopting “web standards” was that they would be following a standard specification which we, as web developers, could also follow when building sites. If we all work from the same document, the idea is that we build to spec, they render to spec and we all get to go home early. I’m aware that real-life doesn’t always match up to this utopia, but ask an old web developer, things are far better than they were even ten years ago.

为什么我们不参考规范? 浏览器采用“ Web标准”的全部要点是,它们将遵循一个标准规范,我们作为Web开发人员在构建站点时也可以遵循。 如果我们都使用同一个文档,那么我们的想法就是按照规范进行构建,按照规范进行渲染,然后我们就早日回家了。 我知道现实生活并不总是能与这种乌托邦相匹配的,但是问一个老的Web开发人员,情况要比十年前好得多。

I get that CSS Specifications are not the easiest thing to read. They are always going to be long and academic as they serve the purpose of describing to browser engineers how their engine should render a particular feature, in addition to explaining how we as web developers should use that feature. However this fact is why learning to read specifications is so useful. If something is behaving in a way other than you expected, you can take a look at the spec and see what instructions the browser engineers were following when implementing that feature. It’s something you need to be able to do if you want to start reporting browser bugs, as unless you know how something is supposed to work you can’t know if it is not working correctly.

我知道CSS规范不是最容易阅读的东西。 它们总是冗长而学术,因为它们的目的是向浏览器工程师描述他们的引擎应如何呈现特定功能,以及解释我们作为Web开发人员应如何使用该功能。 但是,这就是为什么学习阅读规范如此有用的原因。 如果某些行为以您未预期的方式发生,您可以查看一下规范,并了解浏览器工程师在实现该功能时遵循的指示。 它的东西,如果你想开始报告浏览器的bug,因为除非你知道的东西是如何工作的,你可以不知道,如果它不能正常工作,你需要能够做到。

Learning to read specifications also means you won’t always have your information filtered by “experts” - and I say this as a person who is often cited as one of those experts, who has taught CSS for years. If you completely rely on learning from tutorials written by other people then you always get your knowledge second hand, filtered through what they felt was important you know. This is obviously useful and time-saving, however being able to hop into the spec and check something that seems off or that seems to have left out some information is a great next step.

学习阅读规范还意味着您将不会总是被“专家”过滤掉您的信息-我说的这是一个经常被列为教授CSS多年的专家之一的人。 如果您完全依靠从其他人撰写的教程中学习,那么您总是会二手的,并且通过他们认为重要的知识进行过滤。 这显然是有用且节省时间的,但是能够跳入规范并检查似乎有问题或似乎遗漏了一些信息的内容是下一步的重要工作。

So, in the interest of showing you how to read specifications and because I’m tired of fact-checking other people, I’m going to start a series of blog posts working right through the grid specification. I’ll explain what the specific terminology means, and I’ll link to resources that demonstrate each part of the spec. Follow along and you’ll not only get a great understanding of the grid spec, but you’ll become one of those people who can refer to the spec, and your life as a CSS developer will get much easier.

因此,为了向您展示如何阅读规范,并且因为我厌倦了对其他人的事实核对,我将开始撰写一系列贯穿网格规范的博客文章。 我将解释特定术语的含义,并链接到演示规范各部分的资源。 继续学习,您不仅会很好地了解网格规范,而且会成为可以参考该规范的人之一 ,而您作为CSS开发人员的生活将会变得更加轻松。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2017/04/11/refer-to-the-spec/






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