

Adding some sort of social proof to landing pages is a great way to encourage people to consider trying or purchasing your product. That social proof usually comes by way of reviews and testimonials, and if you have ever tried to ask people for these you’ll know it can be a slow process.

在目标网页上添加某种社交证明是鼓励人们考虑尝试或购买您的产品的好方法。 这种社会证明通常是通过评论和推荐来实现的,如果您曾经尝试向人们要求这些证明,您会知道这可能是一个缓慢的过程。

If your customers are active on Twitter however it is likely there are plenty of completely unsolicited reviews and comments being posted. Why not make use of these on your site, as proof of how people use your product and what they think about it?

如果您的客户在Twitter上很活跃,则可能会发布大量完全未经请求的评论和评论。 为什么不利用您网站上的这些内容来证明人们如何使用您的产品以及他们对此有何看法?

Back in 2010 I wrote about how we use our Twitter favorites over at Perch to add a randomly selected testimonial to the footer of the Perch website. This is something we still do, using our own Perch Twitter app to collect the tweets, cache them locally and display them. It’s got a little harder to do this than it used to be, however if you use Perch our Twitter App now allows you to authenticate with Twitter to grab the tweets and use them.

早在2010年,我就写过关于我们如何在Perch 上使用我们的Twitter收藏夹向Perch网站的页脚添加随机选择的推荐的文章。 这仍然是我们要做的事情,使用我们自己的Perch Twitter应用程序收集推文,在本地缓存并显示。 做到这一点比以前要难一些,但是,如果您使用Perch,我们的Twitter App现在允许您通过Twitter进行身份验证以获取并使用这些tweet。

I’ve also started using tweets on my presentation pages on this site – you can see them on the page for my Grid Layout presentation. I tend to do talks on a particular theme, then collect all of the resources for the different times I have spoken on that subject on a page on this site. I’ve started adding the tweets from the audience to those pages. They give a conference organizer who might be thinking of asking me to speak an idea of what attendees get out of my talk.

我也已经开始在此站点的演示文稿页面上使用推文-您可以在“ 网格布局”演示文稿的页面上看到它们。 我倾向于就特定主题进行讨论,然后在此站点的页面上收集我针对该主题讲过的不同时间的所有资源。 我已经开始将观众的推文添加到这些页面。 他们给会议组织者,他们可能正在想让我说出与会者从我的演讲中得到的想法。

Over on the Perch site I have some landing pages. We use these when we advertise Perch in order to create a landing page tailored to that audience. You can take a look at the one for the Unfinished Business podcast, where I’ve tried to pick out tweets that would interest the audience of freelance designers and developers who listen to that show.

在Perch网站上,我有一些登录页面。 我们在为Perch做广告时会使用这些广告,以创建适合该受众群体的目标网页。 您可以查看未完成业务播客中的那个,我在其中尝试挑选了一些推特,这些推特会吸引那些听过该节目的自由设计师和开发人员的关注。

I love using Twitter in this way as I feel that reviews that have been solicited, no matter how genuine they are, can look a bit like the answer to the question, “do you like my product/talk/book?” With tweets you can capture the thoughts of people as they use and have success with your product, right at the time they are using it. That’s a very powerful and genuine way to demonstrate that people find value in what you do.

我喜欢以这种方式使用Twitter,因为我认为被征求的评论,无论评论的真实性如何,都可能看起来像是对问题的答案,“您喜欢我的产品/讲座/书吗?” 借助推文,您可以在人们使用产品时捕捉他们使用产品时的想法并获得成功。 这是一种非常有力且真实的方法,可以证明人们从您的工作中发现价值。







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