

I am sure that all of us building businesses do this from time to time. We read some article about an individual who made half a million dollars on some small app, or a company who launched their product and six months later sold it at a huge profit, and our minds start racing. That could be me! All I need to do is find the secret sauce, follow their example, find the perfect version of my landing page and we’ll have overnight success!

我敢肯定,我们所有人的建筑业务都会不时这样做。 我们读了一篇有关某人的文章,该人在某个小型应用程序上赚了半百万美元,或者是一家公司推出了他们的产品,并在六个月后以巨额利润出售了该产品,然后我们开始思考。 可能是我! 我要做的就是找到秘密的调味料,按照他们的例子,找到我的目标网页的完美版本,我们将在一夜之间取得成功!

Even if we manage to stay away from multi-million dollar flights of fancy, it is easy to do some quick math and work out what we could be earning if we just had 1,000 customers, or maybe 5,000. Surely it won’t take too long to get to that point?

即使我们设法避免花费数百万美元的花销,也可以轻松地做一些快速数学运算,弄清楚如果我们只有1000个客户,或者可能是5,000个客户,我们可以赚取什么。 肯定会花太长时间到达这一点吗?

In reality building a profitable product business takes a long time. It might be a few years before your business reaches a point where you can say no to client work, or quit your job. Is that a reality that you are prepared for and expecting?

实际上,建立有利可图的产品业务需要很长时间。 您的业​​务可能要过几年才可以拒绝客户工作或辞职。 您是否已准备好并期待着这个现实?

If not, then it might be that your definition of success has been shaped by these outliers, these exceptional stories where luck often has as big a part to play as the product itself.


These stories are only news because they are unusual. In addition the “growth hacking” trend seems to add to the noise as these stories of great success are used as a way to drive traffic to the business or individual concerned. If you dig a little deeper however, there are plenty of stories of business success that speak of the long game that most of us are playing. I’ve listed some of them here.

这些故事仅是新闻, 因为它们与众不同。 此外,“增长骇客”趋势似乎增加了噪音,因为这些成功的故事被用作将流量吸引到相关企业或个人的一种方式。 但是,如果您进行更深入的研究,则有许多关于企业成功的故事,这些故事讲述了我们大多数人都在玩的漫长的游戏。 我在这里列出了其中一些。

The podcast that prompted this post was episode 14 of Chasing Product.


This episode is full of great advice from Joanna. As a writer she can see how companies and entrepreneurs are using their success to drive traffic by implying “and you can do it too” with their headlines.

这一集充满了乔安娜的伟大建议。 作为作家,她可以看到公司和企业家如何通过其标题暗示“您也可以做到”来利用其成功来吸引流量。

LessAccounting is a simple accounting application for small business bootstrapped by development firm Less Everything. Cofounder Allan Branch wrote,

LessAccounting是由开发公司Less Everything引导的小型企业的简单会计应用程序。 联合创始人艾伦·布兰奇(Allan Branch)写道:

“It takes years to get a “noticeable” amount of revenue from a SAAS app. You’ll work for years to get your first 100 paying customers. Some products never even get to 100 paying customers before it’s game over. The truth is patience sometimes wins. Numerous applications that compete with LessAccounting have blown through millions of dollars in funding while we’re still here and profitable. We’re the cockroach of the accounting software industry.” – There’s no myth, only years of hard work

“从SAAS应用程序中获得“可观的”收入需要数年时间。 您将工作数年才能获得您的前100个付费客户。 在游戏结束之前,有些产品甚至无法赢得100个付费客户。 事实是,耐心有时会赢得胜利。 与LessAccounting竞争的众多应用程序已经筹集了数百万美元的资金,而我们仍在这里并盈利。 我们是会计软件行业的蟑螂。” – 没有神话,只有多年的努力

Tower is a Git client for the Mac. In a post on their blog about bootstrapping the product Tobias Günther wrote,

Tower是Mac的Git客户端。 在他们的博客中有关引导产品TobiasGünther的帖子中,

“When bootstrapping, you can only grow as fast as your revenue permits. You can’t just hire 5 more people out of your piggy bank. You can only hire new people / open that extra office / buy those new super-fast machines / etc. if you have enough revenue to cover the additional costs.” – Bootstrapping a Company: Lessons Learned

“启动时,您只能在收入允许的范围内增长。 您不能只从存钱罐中再雇5个人。 如果您有足够的收入来支付额外费用,则只能雇用新员工/开设额外的办公室/购买这些新的超高速机器/等。” – 引导公司:经验教训

Amy Hoy notes that to succeed in bootstrapped business you need to be willing to “do the same thing for years”,

艾米·霍伊(Amy Hoy)指出,要想成功开展自负盈亏的业务,您需要愿意“多年做同样的事情”,

“Building a real business takes endurance […] Endurance isn’t about working extra hard, or extra long, it’s about incremental progress.” – Lessons Learned from 5 Years of SaaS … and 1 million in revenue

“建立一个真正的企业需要耐力[...]耐力不是要加倍努力或加长时间,而是要逐步取得进步。” – 从5年的SaaS中学到的经验教训…收入达100万

Ruben Gamez wrote about how he nearly gave up on his app,

鲁本·加姆斯(Ruben Gamez)写道,他几乎放弃了自己的应用,

“I was trying everything I could think of and not getting results. Couldn’t get more people to sign up to a paid trial, or get them to upgrade.” – Failing to Get Traction and (Almost) Giving up on the Road to My First $1,000 in Revenue

“我正在尽我所能想到的一切,但没有得到结果。 无法让更多的人注册付费试用或升级。” – 无法获得牵引力,(几乎)放弃了我的第一个$ 1,000收入之路

建立业务的辅助项目方法 (The side project approach to building a business)

It is because of this long game that I believe launching real businesses as side projects can be genuinely successful as an approach. My product Perch was profitable in terms of cash outlay within 24 hours, however it took over three years before we could stop taking on client work and replace our services business completely with a product.

正是由于这场漫长的比赛,我认为将真正的业务作为副项目开展可以真正成功。 我的产品Perch在24小时内就现金支出而言是有利可图的,但是花了三年多的时间我们才能停止承担客户工作,并用一种​​产品完全取代我们的服务业务。

If you start out with a side project there is no panic to achieve profitability. If the product can pay it’s way as a tiny part of your business, and grow from that point, there is little risk. Make it a serious and important part of your business and life, but accept the long game for what it is. By accepting progress may be slow, and that your story is unlikely to make the news, you can create benchmarks for success without comparing yourself to stories that are far from normal reality.

如果您从一个附带项目开始,就不会有惊慌地实现盈利。 如果该产品能够付钱,这只是您业务的一小部分,并且从那时起就可以发展,那么风险就很小。 使其成为您的业务和生活中的重要组成部分,但要接受漫长的竞争。 通过接受进度可能很慢,并且您的故事不太可能成为新闻,因此您可以创建成功基准,而无需将自己与与正常现实相去甚远的故事进行比较。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2014/03/04/dont-benchmark-your-success-against-outliers/


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